dinsdag 17 september 2024

Uit onderzoek blijkt dat elektrische voertuigen het milieu 1.850 keer meer vervuilen dan auto's op gas

 03/12/2024 // Ava Grace // 9,4K Weergaven

Tags: badpollutionbadscienceClimatediscoveriesEcologyelectric carselectric vehiclesenvironmentEVsflying carsfuture techgreen livingGreen New Dealgreen tyrannyinventionsmicroplasticsplastic pollutionreal investigationsresearchrobo carstire emissionstruth

Uit een onderzoek is gebleken dat elektrische voertuigen vervuil het milieu minstens 1.850 keer meer dan hun tegenhangers op basis van fossiele brandstoffen.

Uit de studie uit 2022 van het in het Verenigd Koninkrijk gevestigde onafhankelijke wereldwijde emissietest- en onderzoeksbureau Emissions Analytics bleek dat EV's tijdens een reis van 1000 mijl 1.850 keer meer verontreinigende stoffen in het milieu afgeven dan hun gasaangedreven tegenhangers vanwege het zwaardere gewicht dat eet door de banden van EV's.

Bij het bespreken van emissies zouden de meesten alleen rekening houden met de rook en andere verontreinigende stoffen die door auto's uit hun uitlaat worden gelokt. Maar bandenslijtage speelt ook een belangrijke rol bij het uitstoten van verontreinigende stoffen. Het synthetische rubber dat wordt gebruikt om banden te maken, bevat bepaalde chemicaliën die in de lucht vrijkomen en EV's zijn aanzienlijk zwaarder dan conventionele auto's vanwege hun enorme lithiumbatterijen.  

(Related: EV COLLAPSE: Car dealerships are now rejecting EV deliveries due to low sales.)

Over het algemeen wegen EV's ongeveer 30 procent meer dan voertuigen op gas en kosten ze duizenden meer om te maken en te kopen. Deze problemen komen bovenop het feit dat ze niet geschikt zijn voor koudere klimaten zoals Canada en de noordelijke Verenigde Staten. Ze bieden ook een slecht bereik en lange oplaadtijden, vooral bij koud weer, en hebben batterijen die enorme middelen nodig hebben om te maken en die moeilijk te recyclen zijn.

Deze openbaring komt wanneer steeds meer lokale en nationale overheden over de hele wereld de verkoop van nieuwe benzineauto's de komende tien jaar gaan verbieden of ernstig beperken, ondanks de zeer duidelijke technologische tekortkomingen van elektrische auto's.

Canada is al van plan te verplichten dat alle nieuwe auto's en vrachtwagens die in het land worden verkocht tegen 2035 elektrisch zijn. Californië werkt aan een soortgelijk grondig verbod op de verkoop van alle nieuwe gasvoertuigen in de staat tegen 2035.

Zwaardere auto's stoten meer microplastics uit in de omgeving

Hesham Rakha, professor aan Virginia Tech, merkte op dat de banden van EV's, vanwege hun extra gewicht, ook meer microplastics in de lucht zullen uitstoten. Maar dit geldt ook voor zwaardere auto's met fossiele brandstoffen zoals SUV's.

Dit sluit aan bij een eerder rapport van Emissions Analytics uit 2022 waarin consumenten werden gewaarschuwd dat grotere en zwaardere auto's, zowel fossiele brandstof als elektriciteit, grotere bijdragen leveren "aan microplastische verontreiniging van de zee, evenals luchtverontreiniging door fijnere deeltjes".

Rakha en een team van onderzoekers bij Virginia Tech zijn bezig de resultaten van het onderzoek van Emissions Analytics te bevestigen. Hij verwacht te ontdekken dat EV's ongeveer 20 procent meer microplastics in de lucht uitstoten dan voertuigen op gas.

Hoewel Rakha opmerkte dat het erg uitdagend is om het verschil te bepalen tussen de hoeveelheid microplastics die wordt uitgestoten door EV-banden en gasaangedreven voertuigen vanwege de noodzaak om de microplastics die al in de lucht zijn te scheiden van andere bronnen met wat er van de banden.

Rakha merkte verder op dat mensen die overwegen een EV te kopen, moeten onthouden dat "het ook veel kooldioxide genereert bij het opladen van uw voertuig".

EV-batterijen wegen ongeveer 1.000 pond en kunnen resulteren in banden-emissies die bijna 400 keer meer zijn dan uitlaat-emissies.

Deeltjesverontreiniging door EV's kan ook het risico op gezondheidsproblemen verhogen, waaronder hartaandoeningen, astma, longziekte en, in extreme gevallen, zelfs leiden tot ziekenhuisopname, kanker en vroegtijdig overlijden.

Dankzij uw genereuze steun bouwen we aan de menselijke infrastructuur vrijheid en actief doneren onze technologie naar onafhankelijk uitgevers, auteurs en thuisonderwijsorganisaties. Lees meer over ons baanbrekende niet-commerciële AI-project hier. Steun onze voortdurende inspanningen naar behouden en menselijke kennis verbeteren door te winkelen bij HealthRangerStore.com.

Bekijk deze clip van Fox Business als Canadese zakenman Kevin "Mr. Wonderful" bespreekt O'Leary hoe Biden's elektrische voertuigdruk veel te duur is.

Deze video is van de NewsClips-kanaal aan Brighteon.com.

More related stories:

Automaker bigwigs admit EV sales are in jeopardy.

EV COLLAPSE: Electric vehicle manufacturer Lordstown Motors files for bankruptcy.

Apple bails out of EV market and shifts focus to AI.

Transportation Secretary Buttigieg admits finding reliable EV charging stations is DIFFICULT.

Ford loses billions on electric vehicles, reduces its EV production target.

Bronnen zijn onder meer:





Upcoming VAXXED 3 documentary exposes widespread injuries and deaths caused by vaccines and hospital protocols

 09/13/2024 // Lance D Johnson // 4,2K Views

Tags: badhealthbadmedicinebig governmentCensored ScienceDangerous Medicineexcess deathfraudulent testinggovernment lieshospital homicidehospital protocolshuman rightsiatrogenic errorlockdownsMedical Tyrannymyocarditispatient advocatesPOTSreal investigationsremdesivirsedationsufferingSuppressedvaccine damageVaccine deathsvaccine failurevaccine warsvaccinesventilatorswrongful death

Photo Credit : https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/sept-18-vaxxed-3-widespread-injuries-deaths-covid-shots-hospital-protocols/

On September 18, 2024, Children’s Health Defense will be releasing “Vaxxed 3: Authorized to Kill.” This jarring documentary exposes widespread injuries and deaths caused by vaccines and hospital protocols that were mandated during the covid-19 scandal.

The documentary includes serious testimony from over a thousand interviews with everyday people, including medical professionals, whistleblowers and family members whose lives were shattered by the hospital protocols and mandatory vaccines.

The documentary is a culmination of testimonies gathered over a period of nine months, during which the Children’s Health Defense team traveled across the United States in a bus, documenting stories of vaccine injury, medical error and wrongful death.

“These were fundamental violations of human rights,” said Kim Mack Rosenberg, CHD general counsel. These human rights abuses led to medical atrocities at scale.

The reality of widespread iatrogenic error and vaccine holocaust cannot be censored

From the documentary, these realities become imperative to understand during this government-mandated crisis*:

1.    The hospital protocols mandated by Dr. Anthony Fauci during the COVID-19 emergency declaration were systematically destructive to people’s lives. Widespread use of faulty covid-19 tests caused mass hysteria, leading to further isolation procedures that were harmful and/or unnecessary.

2.    The isolation procedures separated family members from one another, putting patients in a vulnerable position, with no one to speak on their behalf. These isolation procedures often denied patients the right to advocates and nurses who are instrumental in speaking up for patients and reporting medical malpractice. Many hospital patients also need faith leaders by their side to navigate the stark reality of suffering and dying, but isolation procedures created a faithless environment where many were left hopeless and alone in their final hours.

3.    In the isolation, mandatory government and hospital protocols did not address individual patient needs and failed to provide timely treatments and a variety of individualized treatments that could help the patient survive the infection or lessen its duration and severity.

4.    Due to all infections being labeled COVID-19 with a positive PCR test result, many underlying health issues and pathologies went unaddressed, and the wrong treatments were prescribed. This led to worse outcomes and suffering.

5.    Many immune-modulating therapies and efficacious treatments for infection were suppressed throughout the scandal, and things like remdesivir, ventilators and sedation were used by default, with deleterious results.

6.    Widespread use of ventilators perpetuated nosocomial pneumonia, which took the lives of unsuspecting individuals.

7.    Hospitals that used remdesivir were awarded $3,000 per patient, despite evidence that it was destroying patients' kidney function. Hospitals also received financial incentives for swabbing patients at their door and getting a positive test result, despite there being no symptom specific diagnostic criteria.

8.    The censorship of hydroxychloroquine, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D, ivermectin and herbal antivirals caused viral load to worsen for many patients, and healthcare professionals often prescribed heavy drug protocols that did more damage to their organs.

9.    The censorship of early treatment was a calculated plan that paved the way for emergency use authorization of COVID-19 “vaccines” that caused even more health problems and hospitalizations.

10. The vaccines were drastically unsafe and caused typical vaccine adverse events like Guillain Barr Syndrome, seizures and anaphylaxis, along with new cases of heart inflammation (myocarditis and pericarditis), enhanced respiratory disease, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and other neurological conditions, and organ failure.

11. The vaccines have also destroyed human immune function, suppressing facets of the immune system that are designed to protect against cancer, while activating oncogenes and aggressive forms of turbo cancer.

12. COVID-19 vaccines were NOT safe and effective, as was claimed by the media, the government and the medical community from the beginning. They did not stop transmission and oftentimes made people sick.

13. The vaccines did not prevent severe disease -- a narrative that was perpetrated after medical authorities realized that the vaccines failed to stop transmission. Many people got severely ill from the vaccine and got severe infections in the weeks, months and years after being vaccinated.

14. The unvaccinated were NOT responsible for the vaccines’ failures, as healthy immune response and recovery to infectious disease always confers a level of natural immunity that protects the individual, and therefore protects others who are immune-compromised.

15. Patients were readily discriminated against by their vaccination status. Unvaccinated individuals were demonized to such a degree that they weren’t afforded the same level of care as those who complied with the hospital’s vaccine mandates.

16. The COVID-19 vaccine, lockdowns and hospital protocols are linked with excess death worldwide.

17. Military service members were persecuted, threatened with court martial and discharged for not going along with the vaccine mandates and lies. Some were injured and barred from speaking out. Some courageously found ways to stay in the military and remain unvaccinated.

18. Individuals injured by vaccines were censored from public discourse online and were often dismissed by the medical community, leaving them voiceless and alone.

19. Some individuals got the vaccine to comply with unlawful mandates, were injured by the vaccine and then were forced to continue getting boosters as a condition for continued employment. Many individuals were left injured and fired from their job, unable to work, and broke.

20. Some vaccine injured individuals are in such pain that they have considered suicide.

21. Healthcare professionals who resisted the government narratives were terminated, discriminated against/blacklisted and mocked, but many of these brave healthcare professionals are now giving a voice to those injured by mandatory hospital protocols and vaccines.

Children's Health Defense and the growing health freedom community are uniting the people, as they fight for healing, liberty and justice.

*These observations are confirmed by the author, who traveled during the height of the mandates and listened to thousands of people's stories.

Sources include:














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