zaterdag 16 oktober 2021

 You ARE what you eat, and canola oil makes you FAT and DUMB

(canola oil = koolzaadolie/ Colza/ Raapzaadolie )

Friday, October 15, 2021 by: S.D. Wells
Tags: Alzheimer'scancercanolacanola oildementiagroceryingredientsRapeseed oilseed oilsvaccine damagevaccine dementiavaccine injury


(Natural News) All dementia cases have a concurring theme, where the specialized cells in the brain that process and transmit information using chemical and electrical signals are disrupted and dying. Entire networks break down as their connections are clotting and clogged up with plaques, leading to brain cell suicide, also known as brain atrophy. Once this becomes widespread, brain volume is significantly decreased, and what follows is massive memory loss. That’s where evil canola oil comes in.

All canola oil, whether conventional, organic, or cold-pressed, coagulates over time, causing weight gain and memory loss, and here’s how. Canola oil causes plaques, clumps and build-ups between neurons, creating neurofibrillary tangles in the brain, leading to memory loss and early onset dementia, not to mention rapid weight gain, according to an in-depth study published by NIH.

Yet, most people eat canola oil every day, nearly every meal. They don’t realize it’s in NEARLY ALL processed food, restaurant food and those self-serve, prepared food counters (think egg salad, chicken salad, potato salad, macaroni salad, etc.)

If you don’t stop eating canola oil, even the organic kind, when will your brain function reach a tipping point, where the plaques spread like wildfire throughout the brain and you can no longer remember your relatives’ names?


Covid vaccines and canola oil are the FASTEST ways to clog your blood and suffer soon from spike protein syndrome and early onset dementia

Your vascular system plays a key role in delivering oxygen and nutrients to the brain, making the Covid vaccines a big NO-NO, since those injections introduce billions of microscopic spike particles that stick together in blood vesselsclogging the blood and thus limiting the flow of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, including to the brain. Then imagine what happens when you add in canola oil that wrecks brain and blood function, leading to obesity and dementia.

It is common for the human brain to shrink a little with healthy aging, but it’s not normal for neurons to die off in mass. Dementia destroys vital neuron networking, such as metabolism, communication and repair, and damages the cerebral cortex (reasoning, language and social behavior hub) and the hippocampus (the memory hub). Eventually, the disease is fatal.

Did you know mice can suffer Alzheimer’s disease, just like humans? That’s why they are key to studies that help find the cure. The cure, so far, lives only in prevention. In the Temple University study done in 2017 on canola oil, researchers watched the mice get fat and dumb, quick. They published the study in Scientific Reports and after feeding the mice just two tablespoons of canola oil daily, it took only six months for the mice to put on significant weight, compared to the control group, which got a standard diet with zero canola.

The cognitive tests run on the mice found that the canola oil deeply affected short-term memory, working memory and learning ability. The canola oil was also eating away the protein that protects the brain from the plaques of Alzheimer’s from building up. In other words, the canola oil isn’t just causing ‘road blocks’ and ‘accidents’ in the brain, it’s removing all the safety mechanisms (red lights and stop signs) your brain has in place to protect itself. Here’s a very short and informative video about early onset dementia.

More than 80% of PROCESSED ORGANIC products contain blood-clogging, mind-numbing canola oil

There’s a reason canola oil is in so many products – it’s the cheapest preservative that also causes weight gain and dementia. This is proven by science. It makes corporations money while shortening human life and the quality of that life. Mix it with food and the food becomes “food stuff” that even cockroaches and ants won’t eat. Mold and fungus are staved off to prolong the shelf life of products, while the same chemicals from that rapeseed oil rip apart your brain cells and clog up the neuron networks. Plus, 90 percent of canola oil is GMO, adding deadly pesticides to the brain function decimation equation.

Walk into even healthier food stores like Trader Joes and Whole Foods, and you will find canola oil in eight out of every ten processed food products you pick up, maybe all ten, and it doesn’t matter if the product is organic and the canola oil is organic, because the end result is the same – an obese consumer who can’t even take care of themselves or remember their relatives.

Tips: No processed oils are good for the body, despite the reviews, but if you must cook with some, switch to organic grapeseed, sunflower or avocado oil (they have higher smoke points also), but avoid cooking olive oil. Remember, canola oil makes you fat and dumb, so avoid it at all costs. Read the ingredients on everything you buy, because sometimes they sneak it into the middle of the ingredients list.

Tune your truth news dial to to stay informed of the engineered pitfalls of the Covid scamdemic. It doesn’t take a scientist or doctor to see that Covid vaccinesRemdesivir and ventilators are compounding the problems of the pandemic, creating a pandemic of their own, thanks to “Western Medicine” and the scam artists who are perpetrating the entire nightmare of bad medical care.

Sources for this article include:



Canola Oil: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Posted 7 years ago under  Uncategorized



Corn oil comes from corn:

sunflower oil from sunflowers,

sesame oil from sesame seeds,

peanut oil from peanuts,

olive oil from olives,


Canola oil from…Canolas? 

What is a Canola? And why is the word “Canola” capitalized?
Canola is an engineered plant developed in Canada.

The oil is derived from the rapeseed plant (an excellent insect repellent, by the way.) The rapeseed is a member of the mustard family.

Rapeseed oil has been used extensively in many parts of the world, namely India, Japan, and China. Before the rapeseed was genetically engineered, about two-thirds of the monounsaturated fatty acids were erucic acid.


Erucic acid was associated with Keshan’s disease, a condition which is characterized by fibrous lesions of the heart. In the late 1970s, Canadian plant breeders were able to create a variety of rapeseed which produced a monounsaturated oil which was much lower in erucic acid. This “new” oil was originally called LEAR oil (Low Erucic Acid Rapeseed.) Neither “rape” nor “lear” created an appealing image: hence, Canola …(“Canada” and “oil.”)



The good:
Canola oil is marketed as an oil very low in saturated fat and high in monounsaturated fat. Diets high in saturated fats have been blamed for the incidence of higher levels of heart disease (although recent research is supporting the value of select saturated fats such as grass-fed beef and organic butter.) Studies involving a traditional Mediterranean diet which is naturally high in monounsaturated fats are pointing to lower rates of both cancer and heart disease.
Canola oil also possesses a beneficial omega-3 fatty acid profile. Recent research touts the myriad benefits of omega-3’s.
Polyunsaturated oils have recently come under increased scrutiny.

Yet, studies involving olive oil, a monounsaturated oil, point to positive health benefits and disease prevention. Being that Canola oil is a monounsaturated oil, this may make Canola oil superior to other polyunsaturated oils such as sunflower, corn, and safflower oil.
Canola oil is, for the most part, tasteless, — making it a good choice for baked goods.


The bad:
Canola oil took the market by storm, as it is relatively inexpensive to produce, especially compared to olive oil. Olive oil has a long history of scientifically documented health benefits. The problem with olive oil is that there is not enough olive oil in the world to meet the industry’s needs. In addition, olive oil is too expensive to use in most processed foods. Canola oil has filled this need for a mass-produced, publicly acceptable form of a monounsaturated oil.


Olive oil is the gold standard, documented with extensive research. Quality olive oil (Extra Virgin, Cold-pressed) is manufactured by this simple process: The olives are pressed, the oil collected. The food oil industry is promoting Canola oil as an equally healthy twin to olive oil. This is deceptive, as there are few studies involving Canola oil and human health. (Numerous animal studies point to serious and deleterious effects of canola oil on rats and pigs.)
In addition to the genetic modification, the process of making Canola oil is troubling. The procedure involves a combination of high-temperature mechanical pressing and solvent extract, usually using hexane. Hexane! Even after considerable refining, traces of the solvent remain. Like most vegetable oils, Canola oil also goes through the process of bleaching, degumming, deodorizing, and caustic refining, at very high temperatures. This process can alter the omega-3 content in the oil, and in certain conditions bring the trans fat level as high as 40 percent.


The Ugly:
It is becoming increasingly difficult to find products that do not contain Canola oil.

A popular “crafty” mayonnaise brand boasts the phrase “With Olive Oil,” along with a picture of an olive and olive leaves on the front label. Upon reading the fine print in the ingredients on the back label, you discover that Canola oil is listed at the top of the long paragraph, olive oil near the end. Even worse are products promoting that they are made with olive oil, yet listed in the ingredients, the manufacturers state:

“May include olive, Canola, or sunflower oil.” The consumer thinks they are buying salad dressing made with olive oil, yet it could be Canola or sunflower oil. This is insulting to the health conscious population.


Canola oil is victim to both hype and hoax. To view both the hype and the hoax, visit and type in: “Canola Oil.”
The only way to prove either hype or hoax is to do more human studies evaluating the safety of this mass-produced and consumed human-engineered oil. The FDA claims that genetically altered/engineered foods are perfectly safe. (They made this same claim with Thalidomide and Vioxx.)
At least the FDA has taken a stance to protect babies from the unknown risks of Canola oil. The FDA prohibits Canola oil from being used in infant formula. Shouldn’t we know why?
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (2009, February 13)
MG Enig, Trans Fatty Acids in the Food Supply: A Comprehensive Report Covering 60 Years of Research, 2nd Edition, Enig Associates, Inc., Silver Spring, MD, 1995
Wall Street Journal, June 7, 1995, p. B6


About the author
Cindie Leonard has a Master’s degree in Psychology and specializes in research (namely psychoneuroimmunology), enjoys savoring time with family and friends, spoiling her pets, travel, beaches, cavorting around San Diego, volunteering at Torrey Pines State Reserve, and working on perfecting the art of “il dolce far niente.”




 Amazon just launched a new robot that roams around your home, SPYING on you and uploading audio and video to company servers

Friday, October 15, 2021 by: JD Heyes
Tags: AmazonAmazon EchoAstroAWSCongressConstitutioncyber warFourth AmendmentGlitchJustice Departmentlistening deviceMarketingOrwellianprivacyprivacy invasionrobotroboticsrobotssurveillance


(Natural News) Most internet users aren’t aware of this, but practically everywhere they go online they are taken to destination sites that use Amazon Web Services (AWS).

While most people focus on the awesome, and outsized, economic power of the multibillion dollar e-tailer, Amazon’s influence is largely unknown; after all, the vast majority of internet users don’t care who is hosting a website’s domain or what interconnectivity path they take to get to their online destination.

In addition, AWS provides an incredible amount of cloud computing services as well; the company’s storage capacity and computing power is almost immeasurable. Consider that, for a time, the Pentagon was considering Amazon Web Services, as well as Microsoft, to host its JEDI cloud project. (Update: Both companies will likely make out.) So the point is, Amazon, besides being the world’s most dominant e-tailer, is also one of the world’s most dominant internet cloud players.

Which brings us to why that is a problem for Mr. and Mrs. Ordinary Citizen.

In addition to being all of this, Amazon also markets ‘home convenience’ products that present major problems for personal privacy, but which the company gets away with because its products are bought and brought into homes voluntarily (who cares if you didn’t know that your data was being collected — for ‘marketing purposes’?).

CNBC reports on a new ‘home robot’ the tech and e-tail giant is now marketing:

Amazon announced a home robot called Astro. 

Astro is equipped with a rotating screen that’s mounted onto a base with wheels. Amazon designed the robot to appear animated and friendly, with eyes and expressive body movements that respond to user interaction.

The robot can move on its own from room to room and is capable of navigating around objects on the floor or braking to avoid colliding with obstacles such as a pet that moves into its path. A periscope camera attached to the base of the device can be raised or lowered to view objects that are high up.

“I’ve had this robot in my home for about a year, and it does wonderful things,” says Amazon Senior Vice President David Limp.

Okay, cool, right? Not so fast.

“Astro is equipped with Amazon’s Alexa voice assistant. It can set and deliver reminders, serve up entertainment such as TV shows or podcasts and control smart home devices, among other tasks. The robot also responds to commands; so if users say, ‘Astro, beatbox,’ the robot will make musical noises,” CNBC reported.

Astro’s ‘voice commands’ mean that the robot is always listening (otherwise how can it respond?). That’s a problem because the device is also WiFi-enabled (which is how it can call up information, songs, entertainment you ‘request’ with a voice command).

We already know from the testimony of industry insiders and experts that these companies like Amazon and Google are information sponges; they absorb every ounce of data on every person possible in order to market to us. That requires constant input of data and storage of that data for later recall, which is a gigantic privacy invasion Congress should have dealt with years ago. Or the Justice Department.

And speaking of Congress and the Justice Department, in exchange for the government being able to access that vast amount of personal data on a whim, Amazon and other big tech companies ‘provide’ the access in exchange for being left alone by pesky government regulators. This is the ultimate “1984” scenario about which author George Orwell prophesied in his dystopian classic novel.

Around the time Donald Trump was about to become president, Amazon introduced another ‘home convenience device’ that is always listening: Amazon Echo. And we warned then, as well, that getting one was a huge voluntary risk of your privacy.

Sources include:



What Data About You Can the Government Get From Big Tech?

  4 months ago   (today 16/10/2021)


The revelations of a leak investigation started in the Trump administration are a reminder that Big Tech companies often hand over information about their users.

The Justice Department used a court order to seek email logs from Google for four New York Times reporters.Credit...Damon Winter/The New York Times

 Jack Nicas

June 14, 2021, 6:57 p.m. ET

The Justice Department, starting in the early days of the Trump administration, secretly sought data from some of the biggest tech companies about journalistsDemocratic lawmakers and White House officials as part of wide-ranging investigations into leaks and other matters, The New York Times reported last week.

The revelations, which put the companies in the middle of a clash over the Trump administration’s efforts to find the sources of news coverage, raised questions about what sorts of data tech companies collect on their users, and how much of it is accessible to law enforcement authorities.

Here’s a rundown:

What data do the big tech companies collect and store about their users?

All sorts. Beyond basic data like users’ names, addresses and contact information, tech companies like Google, Apple, Microsoft and Facebook also often have access to the contents of their users’ emails, text messages, call logs, photos, videos, documents, contact lists and calendars.

Is all of that data available to law enforcement?

Most of it is. But which data law enforcement can get depends on the sort of request they make.

Perhaps the most common and basic request is a subpoena. U.S. government agencies and prosecutors can often issue subpoenas without approval from a judge, and lawyers can issue them as part of open court cases. Subpoenas are often used to cast a wide net for basic information that can help build a case and provide evidence needed to issue more powerful requests.

With subpoenas, the authorities typically can get basic user data from tech companies, such as when an account was opened; the account holder’s name, address, email address and billing information; and a user’s internet-protocol or IP address. That can show their approximate location when the address was recorded.

The Justice Department subpoenas sought phone records. What about that sort of data?

Investigators often also seek logs of calls, text messages and emails. Such logs include details on who sent and received a call or message and when. Obtaining such data sometimes requires a higher-level request, such as a court order, which is issued by a judge.

The Justice Department used a court order to seek email logs from Google for four New York Times reporters as part of its investigation into leaks of classified information several years ago. The Times successfully resisted the order after Google informed it of the request.

In late 2017 and early 2018, the Justice Department also requested call records, as well as other basic information, from Apple and Microsoft related to people who work in Congress.

Apple and Microsoft complied with those subpoenas in part, but the companies did not send any call records to the Justice Department, according to two people familiar with the companies’ responses.

Apple said that it turned over call records only when the authorities have a warrant and that in 2019 it stopped collecting call logs.

Law enforcement officials are more likely to obtain call logs from telecommunications companies like Verizon and AT&T.

What can the authorities get with a warrant?

A warrant is a much more powerful investigative tool and can yield all sorts of sensitive, private data about tech companies’ users.

Investigators can get a warrant by submitting an application to a judge that lays out evidence suggesting the subject of the warrant committed a crime. The judge can then issue the warrant for specific information.

With a warrant, officials can get access to far more data than with a subpoena, including the contents of emails, text messages, photos, documents, calendars and contact lists.

Apple, Google and Microsoft store such data on their servers as part of their cloud services for consumers. Those cloud services are frequently used by customers to retrieve information if a phone needs to be replaced.

Facebook also turns over similar private information to authorities with warrants, including messages, photos, videos, posts and location data, it said.

Law enforcement authorities can also use warrants in other ways. Police have issued warrants to Google for any devices that were near where a crime was committed.

The companies say they sometimes work with law enforcement officials to narrow their requests so the companies turn over only information that is relevant to a case.

How often do the authorities obtain such data from the tech companies?

Apple said that in the first half of 2020, the latest period available, it received more than 5,850 requests from U.S. authorities for data related to 18,600 accounts. It turned over basic data in 43 percent of those requests and actual content data, such as emails or photos, in 44 percent of requests.

Microsoft said that it received 5,500 requests from U.S. law enforcement over the same period, covering 17,700 accounts, and that it turned over basic data to 54 percent of requests and content to 15 percent of requests.

Google said that it received 39,500 requests in the United States over that period, covering nearly 84,700 accounts, and that it turned over some data in 83 percent of the cases. Google did not break down the percentage of requests in which it turned over basic data versus content, but it said that 39 percent of the requests were subpoenas while half were search warrants.

Facebook said that it received 61,500 requests in the United States over the period, covering 106,100 accounts, and that it turned over some data to 88 percent of the requests. The company said it received 38,850 warrants and complied with 89 percent of them over the period, and 10,250 subpoenas and complied with 85 percent.

In these cases, U.S. authorities include any federal, state or local law enforcement office.

Do the companies ever resist these requests?

Yes. The companies say they sometimes push back on subpoenas, court orders and warrants if they believe the officials lack appropriate legal authority or if the requests are too broad.

In response to requests from U.S. authorities in the first half of 2020, Apple said it challenged 4 percent of requests and Microsoft said it rejected 15 percent. Google and Facebook did not disclose how often they challenged requests.

Is any data off-limits?

Yes. Tech companies — and law enforcement officials — can’t access data that is end-to-end encrypted. Such encryption means that only the account owner, or the sender and receiver of a message, can see the contents of the information.

For Apple, iMessages, which are text messages sent between two iPhones, as well as FaceTime calls are end-to-end encrypted. Still, if a user backs up their text messages to Apple’s iCloud service, iMessages then become accessible to Apple and can be turned over to the authorities with a warrant.

Apple’s iPhones and some Android smartphones are also encrypted, which has at times led to fights with the F.B.I. over access to criminals’ devices. But law enforcement authorities across the country also regularly use tools that can effectively hack into phones and extract their data.

If we continue to let Big Pharma control “science” and public policy, we will never be free from spike protein injections

10/12/2021 / By Ethan Huff

Albert Bourla, the creepy CEO of drug giant Pfizertold George Stephanopoulos the other day that Americans will never be able to return to “normal life” unless they agree to get continually injected at regular intervals with Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.”

Things could return to something like normal “within a year,” Bourla says, but only if people are willing to roll up their sleeves and take injection after injection until the end of time – and even beyond, if Big Pharma could actually get away with it.

“I don’t think that this means that variants will not be continuing coming [sic],” Bourla told the ABC This Week host. “And I don’t think that this means that we should be able to live our lives without having vaccinations, basically.”

Since Bourla’s multi-billion-dollar enterprise was built upon forcing people to get injected with all kinds of poison for profit, it is only natural for him to expect that the global population be subjected to endless jabs from Donald “father of the vaccine” Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” arsenal.

If Bourla gets his way, the “most likely scenario” moving forward is that people will need to be continually re-vaccinated due to the emergence of “new variants” – and because that is how Pfizer will continue to rake in the cash.

Bourla is a bit upset that only elderly people and “high risk individuals” are being subjected to the Biden Booster shots that have been unveiled. If it were up to him, people of all ages would be getting injected with Pfizer needles over and over again until his personal bank account reached more zeros than he can count.

If you refuse to get injected with Big Pharma chemicals, pharmaceutical CEOs want you banished from society

Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel feels similarly, of course, because his large bank account depends upon people being forced to take his company’s genetic modification (GMO) cocktails.

Bancel says that even younger people need to get Biden Booster shots at least once every three years in order to keep the profits flowing into Moderna’s coffers, and to boost its stock price.

In his personal fantasy, Bancel envisions a world in which only people who take all of the “required” Moderna injections should be allowed to live a first-tier life. Everyone else would then become a second-class citizen for failing to funnel cash to Big Pharma.

Bancel would like to see a world in which the “unvaccinated” are barred from traveling, maintaining employment and even engaging in ordinary leisure activities like everybody else.

Think permanent lockdown for those who refuse to be marked with a Big Pharma injection from Operation Warp Speed. This is what Bancel and Bourla hope to achieve while making themselves even more filthy rich than they already are.

“He needs some real mental health help,” wrote one Infowars commenter, referring to either Bancel or Bourla – or both.

“He needs a relaxing vacation, maybe to Cuba. A perfect place to relax. It’s a resort town called Gitmo. The resort manager will definitely make your vacation worthwhile.”

Another questioned how either of these two pharmaceutical cartel kingpins could possibly know what public policy will be a year from now unless they were directly involved in creating it.

“Does anyone wonder why a CEO is so knowledgeable about what our government policy will be a year from now?” this commenter wrote. “They can’t have it all planned out beforehand, can they?”

“Weekly COVID boosters aren’t enough, we need daily pills, too!” joked another about something that really is no laughing matter.

The latest news about Big Pharma’s endless-injections-for-profit scheme can be found at

Sources for this article include:

Tagged Under: Albert BourlaBig PharmaCOVIDfascismgenocideModernapandemicPfizerPlandemicriggedspike proteinspike protein injectionsStephane Bancelvaccinationvaccines


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