maandag 4 juli 2022

Arts Pierre Kory over sterfte onder jonge mensen: dit is een grote horrorshow, ze vegen het onder het tapijt

Donderdag verzorgde de Amerikaanse arts Pierre Kory de openingsspeech van een congres in Brazilië. Hij sprak onder meer over zijn reis, censuur en de ijzeren greep van Big Pharma op de geneeskunde.

In de laatste twee minuten van zijn speech ging hij in op de tragedie die zich momenteel voltrekt. “Mensen vallen dood neer. Jonge mensen die niet wakker worden. Gezonde, mooie, jonge mensen, ze worden niet wakker,” sprak Kory.

Dit moet stoppen

“Ze worden gevonden in auto’s, ze worden gevonden op parkeerplaatsen, op hun favoriete plekken, namelijk de atletiekbanen, overal ter wereld. Ze sterven. Jonge mensen vallen dood neer en ze vegen het onder het tapijt,” verzuchtte hij.

Kory voegde toe dat hij woest wordt als hij dergelijke verhalen in de krant leest. “Dit moet stoppen. We moeten deze kinderen beschermen.”


Deze tragedie treft niet alleen jonge mensen, maar alle leeftijdsgroepen.

“Het zijn niet alleen de kinderen. Het zijn jonge vaders en moeders en alle baby’s die het niet redden als gevolg van dit vaccin,” zei Kory, die sprak van een grote ‘horrorshow’. “Dit is extreem moeilijk, vooral als je weet wat er speelt en hier elke dag mee geconfronteerd wordt.”

“Maar we blijven de waarheid vertellen, we blijven objectief en open-minded. We komen hier doorheen,” benadrukte de arts.

Hungary: Most Vaccinated Counties Have Worst Birth Rate Drops!

 Budapest is the new Taiwan -- Birth Rate Drop of -22.2%!

Igor Chudov  

Juyl 3th 2022

Interesting news on the birth rate drop front! It turns out that the most vaccinated counties of Hungary have the worst drop in birth rates in 2022! This is a within-country comparison, comparing Hungarians to Hungarians, for the same time period.

Thanks to my incredible reader “handyman” and Twitter user @overcatbe, I came across two pieces of data:

I took my time to prepare a map of Hungary with vaccination data as of Jul 13, 2021, with birth rate changes overlaid and listed as BLUE (for declines) or RED (for increases).

Unfortunately, this data is noisy, as it presents only a single-moment snapshot of vaccination rates, and they are not super dissimilar. To make the comparison less noisy, I decided to pick five MOST vaccinated counties, and five LEAST vaccinated counties. The idea is to compare changes in birth rates among the most divergent counties, eliminating some amount of noise, driven by little-different counties.

Before I go further, I have to remind my readers: birth rates are always seasonal! Most parents prefer to make a “spring baby”, which often ends up with them making a “summer baby” because conception takes more time than expected. So, never compare adjacent quarters as they are guaranteed to have dramatic changes that are simply seasonality-driven, with differences very repeatable over the years. Only compare quarters of one year with same quarters of another year, please.

My own birth rate comparison compares Q1 of 2022, against Q1 of 2021. Since they are within-country comparisons, we can be more confident that they are driven by vaccination rates, as opposed to political, economic, or ethnic differences. These people are all Hungarians.

So, here are the 5 most vaccinated counties, contrasted with the 5 least vaccinated counties.

You can see that the five least vaccinated counties experienced only a 4.66% drop in birth rates between Q1 of 2021 and Q1 of 2022. At the same time, five most vaccinated countries experienced a 15.2% drop in birth rates! (NOTE: birth rate decline numbers are averaged without weighing by population. Feel free to weigh them by population)

This is a tremendous 10.5% difference between birth rate outcomes! Put in other words, the birth rate decline in most heavily vaccinated Hungarian counties was THREE TIMES greater than the decline in least-vaccinated counties!

This is an apples-to-apples, Hungarians-to-Hungarians, same time period comparison! Pretty much the only variable is the extent to which those counties vaccinated their citizens by July 2021, including young people likely to make babies. Again, to remind you: the vaccination rates are a snapshot for July 13, 2021. You can add 9 months to July 2021, which gives you April 2022. Thus, you can see why birth rates in Q1 2022 changed: because of Covid vaccination.

The result? The more vaccination, the greater the declines in the birth rates.


For more interesting news regarding drops in birth rates this year, see my series:

Will Fertility Come Back?

It is becoming fairly apparent that the 2022 fertility drops are the true “black swans” of demographics, unprecedented in the breadth of countries involved, very large, extremely statistically significant, and very worrying.

A big question of the day is: is this a temporary situation or will the declines be permanent? If they are permanent, it may lead to depopulation of affected countries!

The answer is UNKNOWN to me and is also unknown to anyone else. Beware of vaccine advocates saying “birth rate declines are a temporary no big deal, the vaccine is working as expected”. Beware of vaccine skeptics jumping the gun and proclaiming that we will for sure be depopulated. We genuinely do NOT know, yet. The time has not passed yet, for us to know.

Despite not knowing, we can start worrying right now.

From other articles, we know that

  • Disruptions in female periods after vaccination seem to be mostly temporary (please correct me if I am mistaken)
  • The decline in sperm quality seems to be permanent, with a minor rebound around 6 months, and that did not even consider booster doses
  • Further vaccination past July or so was extremely extensive, including booster vaccination of young fertile people, possibly further damaging their fertility.

Dear readers: do you think that we are dealing with a temporary decline, or a permanent decline? Please comment and explain your opinion.


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