woensdag 11 augustus 2021

 "Van Ranst gedraagt zich als een roddeltante en moet psychiatrisch onderzocht worden"


                   © Aangeboden door Belga

 Voor de correctionele rechtbank van Mechelen heeft de advocaat van Willem Engel gevraagd om viroloog Marc Van Ranst te willen onderwerpen aan een psychiatrisch onderzoek. Hij deed deze uitspraak in het kader van een dossier dat de Nederlandse coronascepticus Willem Engel tegen Van Ranst was opgestart wegens laster en eerroof.

De advocaat van Engel, Michael Verstraeten, is zelf de oprichter van Viruswaanzin.be. Hij noemt Van Ranst een roddeltante. "Van Ranst heeft een bereik van minstens 130.000 mensen op Twitter en gebruikt die om mijn cliënt zwart te maken. Hij wil dat die stopt met mensen te informeren en geld in te zamelen.

De vrijheid van meningsuiting wordt gelimiteerd wanneer je een ander belasterd, en dat is een misdrijf. De 'bewijsstukken' die Van Ranst gebruikt om de stellingen van mijn cliënt tegen te spreken, zijn onvolledig, waardoor ze een vertekend beeld geven over de realiteit. Mijn cliënt wordt door hem extremist, virusontkenner en oplichter genoemd, maar dat is hij helemaal niet. Een extremist wordt geconoteerd met sommige sympathieën uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog, maar daar heeft mijn cliënt niets mee te maken.

Daarnaast is hij geen virusontkenner, hij gelooft echt wel dat dit virus bestaat. Hij heeft alleen twijfels bij de manier waarop de overheid ons verplicht ermee om te gaan. Tot slot wordt hij oplichter genoemd, maar ook daarvan levert Van Ranst geen bewijzen."

                  © Aangeboden door Belga

Het parket had de onontvankelijkheid van het dossier gevorderd omdat het volgens hen gaat over een drukpersmisdrijf dat voor een hof van assisen moet worden behandeld. "Hier is geen sprake van een drukpersmisdrijf", zegt Verstraeten. "Het gaat om een publieke verklaring, in de media, over een tweet die hij verstuurde."

Volgens Verstraeten moet Van Ranst psychiatrisch onderzocht worden. "Die man is antisociaal, voegt onwaarheden toe aan zijn uitspraken om zijn woorden bij te staan, weet niet wat goed en wat kwaad is en is zeer impulsief: hij tweet onmiddellijk, zonder nadenken, alles wat in zijn hoofd omgaat."

Na zijn advocaat nam Engel zelf kort het woord: "Ik geniet er echt niet van om dit soort aantijgingen te horen, ik ben geen antivaxer maar stel me wel vragen bij de huidige 'coronavaccins'. 

Dat zijn geen vaccins, maar het gaat om gentherapie en dat is niet hetzelfde."

Engel vraagt een provisionele schadevergoeding van 1.000 euro om zijn reputatieschade recht te trekken. Daarnaast vraagt hij ook een rechtsplegingsvergoeding van 1.440 euro.


 VIDEO: Reinette Senum and Dr. Sherry Tenpenny - Important Update



Reinette Senum and Dr. Sherry Tenpenny - Important Update

March 11 2021 - Updates and clarification on how this shot will kill you



Why isn’t anyone being held responsible for the vax deaths?

08/09/2021 / By News Editors

The reason no one and no organization is being held responsible for the vax deaths of thousands of citizens is simple; the US government along with the corporations they are aligned with are running a “Structured Criminal Enterprise”.

(Article by George Eaton republished from RumorMillNews.com)

The system is set up to eliminate responsibility so that from the top down every one is not held responsible. This is why they get away with starting wars and sending our soldiers back in boxes. This is why they can solicit the help from the liberal news media to promote a death vax that has killed thousands and no one is responsible. This is why lives are being uprooted, diminished and families broken apart because of the invasion of foreigners to take our jobs away and lower wages.

Every government entity including the police, the military, the courts, the education system, the corporations, the social media, the medical professions, the hospitals and the religious system all work hand in glove to bully the public into doing what ever the leaders at the top tell them to do.

This is a massive brainwashing program that is set up in a structured and engineered system to control the population into doing exactly what they want, even unto death. And if free thinking individuals complain, they are considered the bad guys and the rebellious ones, labelled by the zombie citizens, that deserve to be rounded up and put in concentration camps.

Free thinking people, the conservatives and independent thinkers, are now classified as “Enemy Number 1” that must be sent away or eradicated from society so the rest of the compliant slaves can live in their communist utopia.
What we are seeing is the total break down of society and the overthrow of this American system by communist change agents – that have their minions to do violence in our cities and have no qualms of killing any number of people that get in their way.

We are being constantly attacked and our freedoms and rights taken away by steady increments. But they still haven’t made a major attack that would wake up the sleeping giant of Americans that would finally see the danger and be ready to defend this nation. If the government made a decree that an inoculation was mandatory, that would be the red line that would make the patriots go into action against anyone that would try to enforce such an unconstitutional action.

Unfortunately, since that may be well known as a red line, the politicians and their devious social planners, may create a chaotic event like a war or a terrorist event that would bypass the issue for the moment and place the nation under a war footing or martial law. They don’t come at the people head on every time, they come at us sideways when our guard is down. Chaos is their weapon of choice to exploit so they can maneuver the masses like so much cattle and manipulate them into accepting their “final solution”. George Eaton

Read more at: RumorMillNews.com and VaccineDeaths.com.


© Photo News

HLN ONDERZOEK. Overheid blokkeert al maanden verplichte CO2-meters in scholen met bizar argument: “Kinderen zullen bang zijn”

Wie in België een kapsalon, restaurant, café of fitness uitbaat, is verplicht om een CO2-meter te plaatsen. Dat helpt uitbaters hun zaak voldoende te ventileren en doet de kans op een coronabesmetting voor personeel en klanten dalen. Het onderwijs ontsnapt al maanden aan zo’n verplichting. Hoe komt dat? Wij vroegen bij de overheid interne nota’s op en ontdekten dat het dossier bewust geblokkeerd wordt. Soms met opmerkelijke argumenten.

Jeroen Bossaert 11-08-21, 06:00 Laatste update: 06:20



Dr. David Martin discusses the patents surrounding C-19

8850 views  11/08/2021


Health Ranger Report
Published Yesterday | Comments

In this video Dr. David Martin discusses all of the patents that have been filed over the last 20 years that proves that not only is this a man-made virus that came from the Wuhan lab, but also the sinister plot behind it.

LINK: https://www.brighteon.com/8c3da5c2-2cb7-4dc6-8bd0-3e7dca024f69

(Some) Comments:

·         rachel469  4 hours ago  edited

These people are utterly despicable in every sense of the word. I am sick of this and hope that the army will arrest these bastard now for military tribunal because these court cases are taking too long and people are still being played to queue up for this vaccine. It has killed over a million people so far and disabled many more millions.
The way the government has protected the vaccine industry only; and taken absolutely no responsibility for the safety of the people what so ever by taking away the usual checks and balances of allowing the vaccine companies to be sued for when it all goes wrong; which is the very way to expose the level of deaths and injuries; this is how dangerous vaccines get taken off the market. That has been removed why? Ask yourself why and it is obvious they had bad intent towards the people. They are pushing this when there was no pandemic in reality. The Trojan vaccine is the bioweapon; and they have schemed using the media and other psychological programmes to trick and deceive the people into taking this harmful product.
Then there are also the contracts the governments have put pen to that make it a never ending contract of sales for these dangerous to human health vaccines no matter what; with a no way out of the sales or contract ever. They signed that! This should be showing people that the government is entirely complicit in this pre-planned racket for profit before we even start on the damage they have done to health life and commerce not to mention the mental health of the nation = treason genocide collusion racketeering and so on . These people have given themselves too much power this is no democracy don't kid yourself and all the MP's who have went along with this are the worst kind of lowlight scum and none of them give a straight answer they just pass you on for a dose of Government BS propaganda and lie and lie and keep on lying to save their own asses they are not worth their wage. It is about money and hatred these people always make money and kill people at the same time. The lack of effective and fast action being taken on these people is becoming unbearable to me. it is about time we fired all them from their jobs seized their assets and marched them to a military court for trial.



TGO  4 hours ago  edited

This is a complex presentation and a lot of people probably got lost early in the video, but this is absolute proof that we are experiencing a scamdemic. This video needs to be the number one viewed video, and sent URGENTLY to Rand Paul!


aj54  8 hours ago

I hope that some group(s) will file for an emergency injunction to stop any Biden EO on a new lockdown. Only governors can control health directives, and I hope they stop the Dem governors. The next lockdown order is supposed to include language on 'shielding' the 'high risk' by putting them into camps.



daid frankel  9 hours ago

its amazing what i heard the sad part majority of people wont listen at all



Jerome Brown  10 hours ago

Brilliantly spoken. A complicated discussion spelt out. The Sars cov 2 was patemted in 2002. Since when many more patents for derivatives? of the virus have been taken out. This proves to me that the corona virus was man made. The quotes mentioned suggest that some people visualised the whole pandemic , and what is fact, the vaccine for the virus was patented before the outbreak. Very damning indeed.



crystalcarrie  11 hours ago

Doctor Martin gives pure quality information.
I love his calm style of oration.He is so awesome!




Demitris Gregoriadis  12 hours ago

Please make these videos downloadable so people can share it.


Licensed drug (fenofibrate) could reduce SARS-CoV-2 infection by up to 70 per cent, reveals study

Peer-Reviewed Publication



A licensed drug normally used to treat abnormal levels of fatty substances in the blood could reduce infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus by up to 70 per cent, reveals a study in the laboratory by an international collaboration of researchers.

The research team, led by the University of Birmingham and Keele University in the UK and the San Raffaele Scientific Institute in Italy, has demonstrated that fenofibrate and its active form (fenofibric acid) can significantly reduce SARS-COV-2 infection in human cells in the laboratory.  Importantly, reduction of infection was obtained using concentrations of the drug which are safe and achievable using the standard clinical dose of fenofibrate.  Fenofibrate, which is approved for use by most countries in the world including the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the UK's National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), is an oral drug currently used to treat conditions such as high levels of cholesterol and  lipids (fatty substances) in the blood.

The team is now calling for clinical trials to test the drug in hospitalised COVID-19 patients, to be carried out in addition to two clinical trials also currently underway in such patients in research being led by the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania in the US and Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel.

SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, infects the host through an interaction between the Spike protein on the surface of the virus and the ACE2 receptor protein on host cells.  In this study, responding to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the team tested a panel of already licensed drugs – including fenofibrate - to identify candidates that disrupt ACE2 and Spike interactions.   Having identified fenofibrate as a candidate, they then tested the efficacy of the drug in reducing infection in cells in the laboratory using the original strains of the SARS-CoV-2 virus isolated in 2020.  They found fenofibrate reduced infection by up to 70%.  Additional unpublished data also indicates that fenofibrate is equally effective against the newer variants of SARS-CoV-2 including the alpha and beta variants and research is ongoing into its efficacy in the delta variant.

Corresponding author Dr Farhat Khanim, of the University of Birmingham in the UK, explained: “The development of new more infectious SARS-CoV-2 variants has resulted in a rapid expansion in infection rates and deaths in several countries around the world, especially the UK, US and Europe. Whilst vaccine programmes will hopefully reduce infection rates and virus spread in the longer term, there is still an urgent need to expand our arsenal of drugs to treat SARS-CoV-2-positive patients.”

Co-corresponding author Dr Alan Richardson, of Keele University in the UK, added: “Whilst in some countries vaccination programmes are progressing at speed, vaccine uptake rates are variable and for most low middle income countries, significant proportions of the population are unlikely to be vaccinated until 2022. Furthermore, whilst vaccination has been shown to reduce infection rates and severity of disease, we are as yet unsure of the strength and duration of the response. Therapies are still urgently needed to manage COVID-19 patients who develop symptoms or require hospitalisation.”

Co-author Dr Elisa Vicenzi, of the San Raffaele Scientific Institute in Milan, Italy, said: “Our data indicates that fenofibrate may have the potential to reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms and also virus spread. Given that fenofibrate is an oral drug which is very cheap and available worldwide, together with its extensive history of clinical use and its good safety profile, our data has global implications - especially in low-middle income countries and in those individuals for whom vaccines are not recommended or suitable such as children, those with hyper-immune disorders and those using immune-suppressants.”

First author Dr Scott Davies, also of the University of Birmingham, concluded: “We now urgently need further clinical studies to establish whether fenofibrate is a potential therapeutic agent to treat SARS-CoV-2 infection.”

The research, published today (Aug 6) in Frontiers in Pharmacology, was also carried out in collaboration with the University of Copenhagen in Denmark and the University of Liverpool in the UK.


To arrange media interviews with Dr Frahat Khanim or Dr Scott Davies please contact Emma McKinney, Media Relations Manager (Health Sciences), University of Birmingham, via e.j.mckinney@bham.ac.uk or Tel: +44 7815607157

To arrange interviews with Dr Alan Richardson, contact Andrew Cain, media relations manager, Keele University, email: a.i.cain@keele.ac.uk

Notes for Editors

  • Davies et al. ‘The hyperlipidaemic drug fenofibrate significantly reduces infection by SARS-1 CoV-2 in cell culture models’. Frontiers in Pharmacology.
  • The University of Birmingham is ranked amongst the world’s top 100 institutions, and its work brings people from across the world to Birmingham, including researchers and teachers and more than 6,500 international students from nearly 150 countries.
  • Keele University is ranked among the Top 10 universities in England for overall student satisfaction (NSS 2021), and is world-renowned for its breadth of teaching and research that tackles the world's most urgent problems, with 97% of its research being deemed to be world-leading, or of international importance (REF 2014).


Frontiers in Pharmacology




Experimental study




The hyperlipidaemic drug fenofibrate significantly reduces infection by SARS-1 CoV-2 in cell culture models



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Vaccine pushers suppress existing, approved, cheap medication that can reduce COVID infections by 70%

Monday, August 09, 2021 by: JD Heyes
Tags: Anthony FaucibadhealthbadmedicinebadscienceBig Pharmacholesterol drugconspiracycorruptioncovid-19deceptionfenofibratemedical censorshippandemicresearchTyranny


(Natural News) Vaccine pushers led by ‘experts’ like Dr. Anthony Fauci and NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins are continuing to suppress information about existing medications that have long been approved and are extremely effective at treating COVID-19 infections all because they’re obviously in bed with the Big Pharma CEOs who have become billionaires thanks to the emergency approval of their coronavirus shots.

One of those drugs is called fenofibrate, and British researchers have just published a peer-reviewed paper touting its effectiveness. The questions are, will the information get past the social media facists and will ‘experts’ like Fauci and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky tell the American people about it?

“A licensed drug normally used to treat abnormal levels of fatty substances in the blood could reduce infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus by up to 70 percent, reveals a study in the laboratory by an international collaboration of researchers,” a press release published last week noted.

“The research team, led by the University of Birmingham and Keele University in the UK and the San Raffaele Scientific Institute in Italy, has demonstrated that fenofibrate and its active form (fenofibric acid) can significantly reduce SARS-COV-2 infection in human cells in the laboratory,” the release continued.

“Importantly, reduction of infection was obtained using concentrations of the drug which are safe and achievable using the standard clinical dose of fenofibrate,” it added.

The drug has already been approved for use in most countries and that includes the United States; the Food and Drug Administration, as well as the UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), has approved it for oral use for treatment of conditions that include high cholesterol levels and to reduce lipids (fatty substances) in the bloodstream, thus lowering the risk for heart attacks and strokes.

Research proves drug’s effectiveness

“The team is now calling for clinical trials to test the drug in hospitalized COVID-19 patients, to be carried out in addition to two clinical trials also currently underway in such patients in research being led by the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania in the US and Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel,” the press release stated.

The research team explained how fenofibrate works to prevent COVID from seriously infecting people:

SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, infects the host through an interaction between the Spike protein on the surface of the virus and the ACE2 receptor protein on host cells. In this study, responding to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the team tested a panel of already licensed drugs – including fenofibrate – to identify candidates that disrupt ACE2 and Spike interactions.  

Having identified fenofibrate as a candidate, they then tested the efficacy of the drug in reducing infection in cells in the laboratory using the original strains of the SARS-CoV-2 virus isolated in 2020. They found fenofibrate reduced infection by up to 70%. 

Additional unpublished data also indicates that fenofibrate is equally effective against the newer variants of SARS-CoV-2 including the alpha and beta variants and research is ongoing into its efficacy in the delta variant.

“The development of new more infectious SARS-CoV-2 variants has resulted in a rapid expansion in infection rates and deaths in several countries around the world, especially the UK, US and Europe,” said one of the researchers, Dr. Farhat Khanim, of the University of Birmingham in the UK.

“Whilst vaccine programs will hopefully reduce infection rates and virus spread in the longer term, there is still an urgent need to expand our arsenal of drugs to treat SARS-CoV-2-positive patients,” Khanim added.

Dr. Alan Richardson, of Keele University in the UK, added, “Therapies are still urgently needed to manage COVID-19 patients who develop symptoms or require hospitalization.”

Additionally, Dr. Elisa Vicenzi, of the San Raffaele Scientific Institute in Milan, Italy, added, “Our data indicates that fenofibrate may have the potential to reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms and also virus spread.”

She went on to say that the drug is cheap, widely available in most countries, and would benefit low-to-middle-income persons the most — another reason why Big Pharma hates it as a COVID treatment.

Sources include:




Ambulancebroeder: ik heb talloze afschuwelijke dingen gezien die het gevolg zijn van de experimentele prikken

Harry Fisher is een Amerikaanse ambulancebroeder die mensen probeert te waarschuwen voor de dingen die hij heeft gezien. Hij probeerde ieman...