zaterdag 20 november 2021

"Vandenbroucke, u bent een haatzaaiende populist"

"Vandenbroucke, u bent een haatzaaiende populist"

© Belga

Weinig politici die tegenwoordig nog hard durven uithalen naar collega's. Kamerlid Jean-Marie Dedecker doet dat wel. Tijdens een verhitte discussie over de nieuwe coronamaatregelen zei Dedecker dat Frank Vandenbroucke een "haatzaaiende populist is". Dat gebeurde nadat de minister van Volksgezondheid hem er van verweet een te felle aanhanger van de immuniteit te zijn.

Tijdens de plenaire zitting van de Kamer van Volksvertegenwoordigers zei Dedecker het schandalig te vinden dat het CovidSafe ticket nu op bepaalde plaatsen niet meer voldoende is om binnen te mogen. Ook het meer dragen van een mondmasker vindt hij schandalig. Dedecker roept dan ook op om het virus te laten circuleren bij de kinderen, ter bevordering van de immuniteit. Toen Frank Vandenbroucke dat hoorde, verweet de minister hem ervan voorstander te zijn van het "Darwinisme". "Ja, meneer Dedecker: daar bent u voorstander van hé. De strategie die u voorstelt is er één van duizenden extra doden.", zei Vandebroucke.

Dat laat Dedecker zich geen twee keer zeggen. "Meneer de minister, u bent een haatzaaiende populist. Als je kijkt naar Zweden, waar de scholen nooit gesloten zijn en de cijfers helemaal niet zo slecht zijn. De tegenstelling mondmaskers en scholen sluiten is dus onzin. Waarom kan dat hier niet? Ik weet het antwoord al: u heeft nog nooit gehoord van immuniteit, maar enkel van inenten en repressie. Dus ja, liever Darwin dan Stalin!", besloot Dedecker. (Skwadra by Tagtik/Source: PAL NWS)

 Dr. Judy Mikovits warns spike protein "vaccine" injections may kill 50 million Americans


Health Ranger Report
Published 6 months ago 


Dr. Judy Mikovits warns spike protein “vaccine” injections may kill millions

Interviewed by Mike Adams, Dr. Judy Mikovits talked about how Anthony Fauci lied to people so many times since he became the director of NIAID. She recounted how Fauci lied to people about HIV in the 1980s to create fear and noted that the game plan is         still 
the same.

Adams and Mikovits also discussed how the mainstream media backtracked from their    initial stance that the lab-leak theory was a conspiracy theory. Adams noted that the Washington Post and New York Times had to go back and retroactively edit their old articles as they embraced the possibility that the virus might have originated from a lab.              Mikovits said they can now backtrack all they want because they have already injected millions of people around the world with a synthetic deadly virus. They’ve injected the  poison, she said. They can back off now, Mikovits said, because they’ve accomplished    their endgame – which is to kill millions of people.

Mikovits, co-author of a new book titled “Ending Plague,” urged people to never ever    get another dose of vaccine. She said Fauci and his cohorts are murdering people to        cover up their crime of creating past and present diseases.


Some of the 228 Comments



Noemi6 months ago

Its unbelievable how people have totally lost their brain. Everyone is so brainwashed and doesn't even see that the vaccine has no official long term testing! Im just shaking my head ! I have warned so many not to take the vaccine and they all went and took it! It really makes me cry!


Sharon Believer Noemi 5 months ago

Agree! My sister and her husband, comfortably retired, decided to be vaccinated so that they could hang out with their golfing buddies...I tried to convince my sister to "Just say NO" but she felt the vaccine was the right thing to do. I asked her why? and all she could say is she didn't feel comfortable around friends who were "inoculated" if she wasn't. I told her how deadly the (toxin) vaccine is but she ignored me. Immediately following the toxin, she admitted to losing her energy as she has always had the energy of the "energizer rabbit" and now she feels fatigued. People are so STUPID.


Kenneth Malone Hood Sharon Believer 5 months ago



Purko Sharon Believer 5 months ago

So sad Sharon... But I guess some people need direct experience, you did what you could. Hopefully she can now look into how to undo the damages, and most of all, not to get another shot.


disqus_42T2YNtggt Sharon Believer 3 months ago

My youngest sister also got it. Her husband had had heart surgery and I can put money on it, that it was their doctor and he that convinced her to do it. I shared videos, spoke to them about everything and then I find out she went ahead and got it. So angry!!!


Carol Thompson Noemi 5 months ago

I feel the same. I've been trying to warn friends and family all along, and they don't listen. They think I'm crazy. Most have already taken the jab, and every time someone tells me they've been vaccinated it makes me so upset.


mary allen Carol Thompson 5 months ago

Once you realize that some folks are determined to oppose the truth about everything. There is nothing you can do but for pray for them. Maybe we should be focusing more of our time and energy on prayer. I think those that live long enough will stop listening to liars and learn of and use medical treatments that will improve their health and save their lives.


Sandygirl Carol Thompson 5 months ago

I know how you feel. My daughter and 2 granddaughters got the vaccine I'm totally against it. Very scared of what may happen. It would kill me to lose any of them. Concerned mom and grandma


Sharon Iriarte Sandygirl 5 months ago

Oh no im so sorry. Prayer is all we can do.. just pray their natural immune system takes over and ends the spike protein instructions.


Teresa McKirgan Carol Thompson 5 months ago

Also, I learned that those whom have had the vaccine is a real danger now to those of us whom have not taken it. The stuff they shoot you up with will be shed and become dangerous to us. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. They actually say you need to wear your masks around those whom have been vaccinated to protect yourself from them!!


pc Teresa McKirgan 5 months ago

Same as before. Mask will not help as using your electromagnetic field to communicate


Ren0911 Noemi 6 months agoedited

Or any real benefits according to those selling it.
It doesn't prevent infection. It doesn't prevent deaths.
It only suppresses a few symptoms. Lots of better ways to do that.


Evilerich3 Ren0911 5 months ago

I had covid-19. I would never have even known I had it, but I had upcoming throat cancer surgery, so had to have test. I had sniffles and plugged nose for two days or so. That's it. Nothing else. Close down the world for that? No. We closed the world so the left could steal an election, which we allowed them to do.


Laurie Miller Evilerich3 5 months ago

Except that the test is meaningless. PCR is a manufacturing tool, not a test. The inventor said diagnosis "is a misuse"


Wake Up Laurie Miller 5 months ago

I believe Judy Mikovits said that the PCR test gave 80% false Positives. Just raises the Numerator. An Antibody test would be far more accurate and could even be done at home cheaply.


Noemi Wake Up 5 months ago

Only 25% of people develop antibodies others get t-cell immunity. Anti bodies also eventually convert to t-cell immunity


Byron Wake Up 3 months ago

RT-PCR is a valid diagnostic test for RNA sequences of SARS-CoV-2. Forward and reverse oligonucleotide primers flank specific RNA sequences, preventing false positives. False negative rates are actually higher than false positives, which are around 1% at Ct over 35.


Ricko Livzear Byron a month ago

Incorrect again. The inventor of the PCR test Kary Mullis wqs forever protesting its use to detect viruses. he won the Nobel Prize too as if you didn't know. I hope they pay you Very well because if you know what you are actually doing and still doing it, there will be a Very heavy price to pay the ferryman.


docd777 Byron 2 months ago

That's incorrect. Polymerase Chain R eaction is a nucleic acid amplification technique that is more sensitive than it is specific..False positives are higher at the higher cycle threshold you referred to ,with 28 being ideal.The rapid Antigen test has more false negatives. Nonetheless the PCR is scheduled to be abandoned after December.PCR picks up the dead virus and can show false- positives by picking up RNA fragments for weeks after a patient has recovered proving weaker specificity and higher sensitivity.


mehitable Evilerich3 5 months ago

My husband and I both allegedly had COVID (per the PCR test, which you can't trust anyway) and it was just a bad flu. I've actually had WORSE flus.


Teresa McKirgan Evilerich3 5 months ago

They say that so many false positives come out of those crooked covid tests. You probably didn't even have covid. This is all so 😔 sad!!


Byron Evilerich3 3 months ago

Anecdotal evidence fallacy. Over 5,000,000 unvaccinated people with natural immune systems died from COVID-19


down Byron 3 months ago

Wrong, only 6% was covid, that's 300,000.


Cleve Blakemore Noemi 5 months ago

If you are telling your loved ones and neighbors they are getting a MODIFIED FORM OF HIV that will permanently change their RNA to create bizarro spike proteins that never existed in their original makeup and they just shrug and announce they are still going to get the vaccine tomorrow afternoon then you are dealing with people who are not playing with a full deck of cards. They know what it is and that all liability has been waivered by an emergency act of Congress and are still getting it? They have no faith in God. They worship the State. They will receive the wages they have earned.


Am Pat Cleve Blakemore 5 months ago

Years of being propagandized to by the fake news media, government, mega corporations, Hollyweird will brainwash a mind to such an extent that is not able to hear the truth when it is presented to them. They will have to suffer the consequences of their ignorance. Sorry, such is life.



Steve Tony Allen a month ago

According to Dr. Judy, the past vaccines you've received over the decades ALL contain 1 or more of an animal virus because the animal tissue was used for the manufacturing lab PROCESS to make the vaccine. During that process, the animal virus was picked up and mixed into the solution, many unknowingly in the early years ! After that time Big Pharma KNEW the vaccine was CONTAMINATED and DIDN'T CARE ! Corporate profit was the ONLY MOTIVE and the NEW GAME was CONCEALING the TRUTH ! Dr. Judy's 2nd book with the opening by Robert Kennedy Jr. , he lists Drs, specialists, computer programmers , etc. of how the warned their bosses of Contamination and were told , " NOT to TALK ABOUT IT "! when these folks did talk about it, they were condemned and ridiculed , lost their jobs, and worse ! The fate of any WHISTLE BLOWER is a Death Sentence to your career ! Dr. Judy is the latest of many to go BROKE defending herself against a FEDERALand State led attack on her without a chance to prove she's innocent !


Wake Up Noemi 5 months ago

Same here. I have talked every day till I am exhausted just trying to share the facts and they still took the poison. Brain washing is a polished science. People are used to watching Big Pharma telling them that this drug might kill them. I heard that 40% of the alphabet TV stations budget is from Big Pharma, so they will not speak out with any truth that will harm that revenue. As a culture and Nation we have allowed Big Pharma to promote Poison every day and every hour. They think they are doing it for their family also just like Big Pharma's ads promote. Anyone have a better idea why we are so unsuccessful in promoting the truth?


Sanjay Rampershad Noemi 5 months ago

"Its unbelievable how people have totally lost their brain. Everyone is so brainwashed and doesn't even see that the vaccine has no official long term testing!"

It is because people look UP to the medical profession. A wise man once told me: "Never look up at someone, never look down at someone, rather look at a person. If you look up to a person you will never see the wrong they do, if you look down at a person you will never see the good they do."

As long as people look UP to the medical profession and big pharma they will gladly stand in line to swallow the poison handed out to them and then thank the doctors for doing so.


Darlene Dixon Sanjay Rampershad 5 months ago

Star anise (shicimic Acid) and CDS (chlorine dioxide)  may provide protection from flu and the shedding of the vaxxed


Hollie Noemi 5 months ago

Have to remember its a "Shot" not a vaccine :) My husband got covid pneumonia and none of my doctors wanted to help. Went to urgent care and the Doc. said. Sorry we can't do anything cause its Covid. That's bull-crap! Gave the Front line doc. a call and they sent meds the next day. It was very scary to see my husband in his condition and no doctors wanted to help him. He had no underlying conditions that would have cause him to be so bad... So glad I have been doing my research to find the right doctors and not to get the shot! Now his work won't cover his 3 weeks of sick time because he didn't get the "shot" talk about discrimination.


spud Noemi 5 months ago

it is intentional. Their control is complete.


Cenepk10 Noemi 5 months ago

I've had 2 young ( 35 and 45 yrs old ) cousins die from stroke and heart attack after the jab


Tom Ryder Noemi 2 months agoedited

I am in the same boat...I warned numerous people not to have the jab but they went ahead anyway...their feeling was, the government wouldn't do that to the people of the UK.

A very good link discussing this is


disqus_42T2YNtggt Noemi 3 months ago

My daughter just graduated from Med school. She is now a doctor and she has been brainwashed into this whole shit show! She keeps at us to get the jab. She has taken both, which I begged her not to. Please pray for my child. She is our only child and she really has been indoctrinated by this institution. I really worry for her safety.


Down to Earth Thinking6 months ago

Judy is laying it all out for all of you in very plain english just how sick all these agencies are ! Judy just tells the truth of it all and yes she worked in this hellish insane system and saw it all up front and close. Most people here in USA went right along with it all like fools.

Judy is a real hero and a very courageous woman !


TexasCoyote1 Down to Earth Thinking 4 months ago

“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it." Matthew 7:13


Sandy P6 months ago

Mike, wonderful interview. I learned so much and what more I can do to take care of myself and loved ones. Thank you, Judy, for telling it like it is.


Kywampuscat07696 months ago

Thank u to my favorite Doctor! I have watched u from the very beggining of this bs that they are trying to kill us with. Also my favorite and only Natural News food scientist. Thanks for all yall do.


Down to Earth Thinking edited

I knew it was a sham over a year ago and published it all ! Thank you Judy M. you are a true hero and patriot



#31 USA Today's bestverkochte lopende boeken


Van de auteurs van de bestseller Plague of Corruption van de New York Times komt het recept over hoe een einde te maken aan de plaag die onze medische gemeenschap infecteert. Ending Plague zet het bestsellerteam van de New York Times van Dr. Judy A. Mikovits en Kent Hecken Lively voort met de legendarische wetenschapper Dr. Francis W. Ruscetti die deelneemt aan het gesprek. Dr. Ruscetti wordt gezien als een van de grondleggers van de menselijke retrovirologie.

In 1980 isoleerde het team van Dr. Ruscetti het eerste pathogene menselijke retrovirus, HTLV-1. Ruscetti zou uiteindelijk achtendertig jaar bij het National Cancer Institute gaan werken.

Dr. Ruscetti was nauw betrokken bij het uitvoeren van enkele van de meest kritische hiv-aids-onderzoeken in de jaren tachtig, pionierde ontdekkingen in het begrijpen van de werking van het menselijk immuunsysteem in de jaren negentig, en het isoleren van een nieuwe familie van muizenleukemievirussen die verband houden met chronische ziekten in 2009 , en biedt zijn inzichten in de recente COVID-19-pandemie. In 1991 ontving Ruscetti de Distinguished Service Award van de National Institutes of Health.

Dr. Ruscetti biedt een waar insidersportret van bijna vier decennia in het centrum van de volksgezondheid. Zijn inzichten in de successen en mislukkingen van overheidswetenschap zullen een eyeopener zijn voor het grote publiek. Je leest nooit eerder onthulde informatie over de persoonlijkheden en argumenten die achter het ijzeren gordijn van de volksgezondheid aan het zicht zijn gehouden. Kunnen we zeggen dat onze wetenschappers ons beschermen, of is er een andere agenda aan het werk? Gedurende de meeste van zijn decennia bij het National Cancer Institute heeft Dr. Ruscetti bijna dagelijks contact gehad met zijn oude medewerker, Dr. Mikovits, en hun rijke intellectuele discussies zullen een grote bijdrage leveren aan onze nationale discussie. Wetenschap omvat een rigoureuze zoektocht naar de waarheid, en je zult gaan begrijpen hoe wetenschapswetenschappers meedogenloos zijn in hun zoektocht naar antwoorden.


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