donderdag 16 september 2021


3 maanden na vonnis Klimaatzaak is in België niets gebeurd. Niets. Rien. Nichts

De 11 oprichters van vzw Klimaatzaak. Beeld RV
De 11 oprichters van vzw Klimaatzaak.Beeld RV

Namens 58.000 Belgische burgers: Serge de Gheldere, Ignace Schops, Dirk de Clippeleir, Francesca Vanthielen, Nic Balthazar, Lambert Schoenmaekers, Johan Van Den Bosch, Tom Lenaerts, Tom Brookes, Koen Vanmechelen en Stijn Meuris: de oprichters van VZW Klimaatzaak.

Beste premier,

Uw land gaat schandalig om met zijn inwoners. Onze mensenrechten worden massaal geschonden. Dat staat nu zwart op wit. De Brusselse rechtbank oordeelde in de Klimaatzaak dat het Belgische klimaatbeleid het recht op leven van 58.000 burgers schendt. Zij preciseerde dat dit gebeurt “in een context waarin u zich ten volle bewust bent van het zekere risico van gevaarlijke klimaatverandering voor de bevolking”. 58.000 burgers zaten mee in de juridische procedure van Klimaatzaak, maar de mensenrechtenschending geldt voor alle inwoners van dit land. Waar België vaak als eerste klaarstaat om mensenrechtenschendingen in andere landen te veroordelen, blijft het nu, 3 maanden na het vonnis, ondraaglijk stil.

Welke toekomst kiest u voor onze kinderen en kleinkinderen? De allesverwoestende overstromingen in het zuiden van ons land staan nog vers en pijnlijk in ons geheugen. Van over de hele wereld worden we via het nieuws dagelijks overstelpt met apocalyptische beelden. Die waren perfect vermijdbaar geweest als er eerder was ingegrepen. Het gaat hier niet om noodlottige natuurrampen maar wel over “man-made” klimaatrampen. De stortvloed aan klimaatellende die ons nu in pijlsnel tempo overvalt, voorspelde de wetenschap al meer dan 30 jaar geleden en brengt ons recht op leven, op gezondheid, op een gezinsleven, op een veilige haven in gevaar. De toekomst hebben we wel nog enigszins in de hand. Alles hangt af van de keuzes die wij – jullie– nú maken. Welke keuzes maakt u vandaag voor onze kinderen en kleinkinderen?

Neem een voorbeeld aan Merkel. België is niet het eerste land dat wegens nalatig klimaatbeleid op de vingers werd getikt. In april oordeelde het Duitse Grondwettelijke Hof dat het Duitse Klimaatbeleid de mensenrechten van de Duitse burgers schond. De regering Merkel greep prompt in. Nog geen week later gaf ze aan haar ambities fors op te voeren, en het Duitse reductiepad via - 65 procent in 2030 naar netto nul uitstoot in 2045 te brengen. Dat is volgens de klimaatwetenschap het absoluut minimale traject om rampscenario’s te voorkomen. In België, 3 maanden na het vonnis: niets van dat alles. Niets. Rien. Nichts.

Straks start het nieuwe parlementaire jaar opnieuw. Wij gaan ervan uit dat klimaat hoog, zeer hoog, op de agenda zal staan en dat dit hét speerpunt wordt voor de komende jaren. Wij rekenen op u en uw regering om een nationaal crisisplan te ontwikkelen en voortvarend uit te voeren. We gaan ervan uit dat er grote beslissingen worden genomen, in actie wordt getreden, leiderschap wordt getoond om ervoor te zorgen dat België zijn verantwoordelijkheid neemt voor zijn aandeel in deze wereldwijde crisis. Wat we als land kunnen in de covid-crisis, kunnen we ook voor het klimaat. Daar zijn we zeker van.

De inwoners van uw land rekenen op u. Neem deze rechterlijke veroordeling en onze mensenrechten ernstig en kies voor moedige maatregelen tegen deze almaar uitdijende klimaatramp. Verbreek die stilte en toon met uw beleid dat u deze immense problematiek ernstig neemt. Begin nu, onmiddellijk, met een drastische verlaging van de Belgische broeikasgasuitstoot naar minimaal -65% in 2030. Er is geen tussenweg. Een zoveelste Belgisch compromis is geen optie. De wetten van de fysica zijn meedogenloos voor compromissen. Laat geen dag meer verloren gaan, want we hebben minder dan 10 jaar om het tij te keren. Maak een einde aan deze beschamende mensenrechtenschending.

Beste premier, u bent aan zet.

 Suddenly the “science” claims that VACCINATED people need to be protected from unvaccinated… how is this possible if vaccines work?

Tuesday, September 14, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: Apartheidbadhealthbadmedicinebadsciencedeceptionfascismgenocideimmunizationnatural immunitypandemicPlandemicpseudoscienceriggedscamspike proteinunvaccinatedvaccinatedvaccine warsvaccines


(Natural News) The “vaccines” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are so “safe and effective” that the Branch Covidians pushing them now insist that people who refuse the shots are an existential health threat to those who took them.

You read that right: Unless all unvaccinated people also agree to get vaccinated, the already vaccinated are somehow still at risk of getting sick and dying, supposedly because of the unvaccinated.

“Never before in history has there been a need to ‘protect the vaccinated,'” says Karl Denninger. “There isn’t one now unless the jabs not only don’t work, [but] in some percentage of people who took them they make infection worse – and they know it.”

As has always been the case until very recently, the purpose of vaccination is to provide personal protection against disease. People who take vaccines, we are told, obtain special “immunity” that the unvaccinated supposedly never get because their natural immune systems did not receive the vaccine “upgrade.”

This was the crux of the overall vaccine narrative until 2020 came around. Donald Trump, who calls himself the “father of the vaccine,” introduced covid shots at “warp speed” and now, suddenly, vaccines are a collective effort.

They only work, we are now told, if everybody takes one. If even just one person skips the shot, then all the people who took the shot can still get sick and maybe even die from “covid” even if they are considered to be “fully vaccinated.”

It makes absolutely no sense, of course, but the world is apparently so dumbed down at this point that this train of thought is generally accepted as “scientific” in the “new normal.”

REALITY CHECK: The unvaccinated need protection against the vaccinated

Even if everyone did agree to roll up their sleeves for a Chinese Virus jab, the best that would happen, according to the “authorities,” is that there might be fewer hospitalizations or something.

At no point in time has the government or Big Pharma ever claimed that getting injected for Chinese Germs would “cure” the plandemic, even if everyone complied. At most, there could, maybe, in some alternate universe, be more “mild” cases of the disease as opposed to more serious ones.

Even this measly claim, as worthless as it is, has been debunked as nothing more than wishful thinking by members of the Church of Covid who wish it was true so they could convince more people to get vaccinated.

The truth is that the injections do nothing whatsoever to keep people healthy, and actually appear to make people sicker and more prone to death. Had these shots never been introduced in the first place, “covid” as we currently know it would already be in the history books.

If anything, the biggest public health threat right now are vaccinated people who have become walking spike protein factories, potentially infecting every person they come into contact with. It is the unvaccinated that need protection from the vaccinated, in other words.

Unless Pope Fauci tells his minions the truth, though, they will likely never listen to the actual science. So many of these people are so invested into the Cult of Covidism at this point that their pride alone will forever stop them from admitting that they were duped into believing a lie.

“… they know the vaccines not only have failed but are actually potentiating infections instead of protecting against them,” Denninger says about the establishment.

“Why else would you ‘protect the vaccinated?'” he adds, pointing to perhaps the biggest logical flaw with the current plandemic narrative.

More news about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) clown circus can be found at

Sources for this article include:


woensdag 15 september 2021

VAXSSASSINATION: How globalists convinced BILLIONS of people to exterminate themselves with biological weapons presented as “vaccines”

Tuesday, September 14, 2021 by: Mike Adams
Tags: badhealthbadmedicinebadsciencebiowarbioweaponsdepopulationeugenicsgenocidehoaxmass executionsnanoparticlespandemicPlandemicsuicidetoxinsvaccine warsvaccines


(Natural News) It’s all now incredibly clear. Everything we’ve been watching over the last 20 months has been a globalist-led effort to convince billions of people to exterminate themselves without them knowing it.

See, waging an open kinetic war on humanity would meet instant resistance. People tend to fight back when they’re being attacked and slaughtered with bullets and bombs. So globalists had to figure out a way to carry out mass slaughter on a planetary scale without alerting the masses to what they were doing.

It’s a very difficult challenge, but they figured out how to achieve it in a few simple steps:

  1. First, build a toxic nanoparticle weapon system (the spike protein) and mass produce it in labs run by the Chinese and US military.
  2. Fake an outbreak in China along with “leaked” scary videos of Chinese people falling over dead in mere seconds after breathing in the “virus.” Cue media frenzy.
  3. Drop the toxic nanoparticles on NYC (and Northern Italy) to simulate a “viral outbreak,” while diagnosing people with “covid” via PCR tests that merely detect the presence of the toxic nanoparticles.
  4. Unleash mass media propaganda, claiming everybody will die unless they take vaccines.
  5. Fill the vaccines with the exact same toxic nanoparticles you dropped on New York City in the first place.
  6. Unleash mass injections of the population with the spike protein bioweapons, fraudulently labeled “vaccines.”
  7. As people get injected with the bioweapons, they start shedding the toxic nanoparticles, making others sick around them. Frame this as a “worsening pandemic” to spread more fear and drive more people into the spike protein injections.
  8. Censor anyone talking about vaccine injuries or deaths. Pay off hospital administrators to wildly exaggerate covid numbers to keep the scamdemic going.

In a nutshell, that’s how they did it. Notice there is no virus required to pull it off. All they needed was a spike protein nanoparticle weapon system combined with media collusion and Big Tech censorship.

From the globalist point of view, the real genius in all this is how they’ve managed to get people to beg for their own vaccine death shots. Never before in human history have the masses been manipulated into lining up and demanding their own deaths. The vaccine holocaust is a stealth operation, requiring no bullets, bombs or missiles. It only needs censorship, journo-terrorism and a toxic nanoparticle bioweapon combined with a fraudulent PCR protocol authorized by the criminal CDC.

It’s now completely obvious that the real goal is mass extermination of the human race

In a sane world where globalists weren’t trying to exterminate the human race, ivermectin would be celebrated as a safe, effective, low-cost medical intervention. Vitamin D would be recommended for nearly everyone. Fauci and the other bioweapons criminals would be indicted and charged with crimes against humanity. And the science journals wouldn’t be run by communist China.

But our world is not sane. It is ruled by a completely insane globalist death cult that seeks the total destruction of the human race. That’s why everything you’re seeing unfold makes no sense unless you realize the goal really is depopulation / genocide against humanity. In that context, suddenly it all makes sense: The gain-of-function research, the media’s psychological operations, the hospitals faking covid numbers to “scare” the public, the science journals scheming to attack ivermectin and hide the origins of the spike protein, the incessant pushing of covid vaccine mandates, the economic lockdowns that destroy lives, etc. Once you understand that the goal is total death and destruction, suddenly it all makes sense.

In Scotland, 80% of the covid deaths are now occurring among the vaccinated. And in high vaccination rate countries like Israel and Singapore, hospitalizations and deaths are skyrocketing. It shouldn’t be any surprise, of course, because when you inject lots of people with biological weapons, many of them get sick and die. 1 + 1 = 2. It’s straight up cause and effect.

The globalists are aware of something much bigger that’s approaching our world… something on a COSMIC scale

As I’ve revealed previously, the total panic of the globalists in their mad rush to exterminate the human race reveals something truly astonishing: They themselves fear what’s coming… something cosmic, something bigger than any pandemic or any war. There’s an approaching threat they know about, and they believe this event will collapse human civilization as we know it… hence their need to rapidly cleanse the planet of humans so that the chaos can be somewhat controlled. (They don’t want billions of people realizing what’s happening and then panicking in the streets, going after all the resources that globalists themselves need to survive.)

It’s almost as if these anti-human globalists know for certain that there’s an approaching supervolcano event, or an asteroid that’s going to collide with the planet, or an alien invasion (or perhaps a faked one) or some other similar world-ending event that’s imminent. So they’re in a mad rush to exterminate as many as possible before that event approaches. (Could it be Planet X?)

We can therefore take an informed guess that since the vaccine death agenda is being aggressively, desperately accelerated right now, this approaching event is probably expected to emerge sometime in 2022. The coming winter is likely to be the target window for globalists to release the second half of their binary bioweapon, causing mass casualties among the vaccinated, via hyperinflammation reactions to the newly-released pathogens or particles. This could theoretically kill off billions of humans by the time mid-2022 arrives.

See my recent video interview with Steve Quayle for more details on what this could be, as he warns our world won’t make it to the 2022 mid-term elections without some major collapse unfolding:

It’s also nearly certain that globalists will unleash other engineered collapse events in the coming months in order to accentuate the deaths from vaccine reactions. We can therefore expect engineered food shortages, debt bomb implosions, large-scale deep state terrorism (false flag events) and even deliberate initiations of geopolitical warfare to occur, all as layers of destruction and chaos to maximize the fatalities across the globe.

The governments of the world have become murderous regimes

Without question, the governments of the world are now murderous regimes. Hospitals are murder factories and doctors are serial killers. Perhaps that’s why Randi Pinkerton rages at, “I will never trust another doctor.”

I have no doubt he isn’t alone in that conclusion. No mainstream doctor or health care worker can ever be trusted again. And just to prove the point, Project Veritas just released new whistleblower videos showing how nursing homes are using chemical restraints to trick the elderly into taking covid shots by lying to them, claiming they’re “flu jabs.”

Face the reality. You are now living in a world where doctors are murderers. Hospital administrators are caught on Zoom videos openly admitting they’re fudging the covid numbers to terrorize the public. Governments are scheming up ways to maximize the deaths of their own people. “Science” journals are scheming against the pillars of science, and media propagandists function as full-blown psychological terrorists, reveling in their power to spread fear as a means of political control.

The oblivious masses won’t remain oblivious for much longer. The mass awakening is right around the corner, and when it gains traction, God help those in government, science and medicine who tried to exterminate humanity through this cosmic-scale deception. They may kill a billion people (or even more) but unless they manage to kill us all, humanity is coming for them… and it won’t be pretty.

I’ve got more details on all this in today’s hard-hitting Situation Update podcast, which also gives you practical information on how to deal with friends and family members who have become mindless vaccine zealots:

Discover a new podcast (and interviews) each day at:



Over 100 Youths in Ontario End Up in Hospital After COVID Vax

September 07, 2021

A slew of younger persons in Canada are experiencing heart problems following their mRNA vaccinations, with 106 reports of myocarditis / pericarditis under the age of 25 so far, according to the Toronto Sun. In total, 202 persons showed up in emergency rooms with heart complaints after vaccination; 146 were hospitalized, with three of those ending up in an ICU.

The report was “quietly” released by Public Health Ontario, the Sun said, and covers administration of the mRNA vaccines from December 13, 2020, to August 7, 2021. It also advises public health practitioners to be on the lookout for cardiac side effects.

Compared with Pfizer’s jab, reports of heart inflammation were seven times higher for Moderna’s jab when administered to those aged 18 to 24.



Toronto Sun September 3, 2021

Public Health Ontario



Physicians, Medical Professionals ‘Crucify’ COVID Vaccines in Public Commentaries

September 07, 2021

 Nearly 2,000 — and counting — comments on a Medscape page asking for medical professionals’ concerns on the COVID vaccines indicate that a substantial number of doctors are not quite as supportive of the jabs as lay persons might think.

From physicians calling the vaccine a “poison called graphene oxide” to others who say “there is a more than preponderance of the evidence that justifies the immediate halt of administering the jab,” the professionals had logged 1,782 comments by 9 a.m., Tuesday, September 7, 2021, with hundreds questioning the vaccines or relating personal experiences with adverse effects from them.

One doctor said the vaccine is “intentionally dangerous, disabling and deadly.” Another said she refuses to even call them “vaccines” because “As most people and health care providers know by now, the shots are non-sterilizing and do not confer immunity, thus the mandates and the push to inject every human arm on the face of the earth do not make sense to me.”

“Certainly, at any other time in my career when a vaccine had so many problems (RSV, H1N1, dengue, HIV, rotavirus, killed measles and several others) the vaccines were pulled,” another doctor said. “Considering that more than 99% of people who get COVID, survive — the current situation with enforcing vaccinations with products that produce side-effects that can be career-ending or life-ending is more than concerning.”



Twitter August 18, 2021

Medscape September 7, 2021


 The ‘New Normal’: Totalitarianism Disguised as Public Health Protection

September 09, 2021

In a continuation of a long essay on what the world defines as the “new normal” sprouting from the pandemic, CJ Hopkins warns that the New Normal is nothing but a “globalized, pathologized, depoliticized form” that is being “systematically implemented under the guise of ‘protecting the public health.’”

This “Covidian Cult,” as he calls it, “is not Nazism or Stalinism. It is global-capitalist totalitarianism, and global capitalism doesn’t have an ideology, technically, or, rather, its ideology is ‘reality.’”

The New Normals, aka Covidian Cult, need a reawakening with a different approach than you normally would use to decondition a cult. The way to do this is to push the globalists to complete their goals, so they’re forced to show their hand.

“This is how you take down a cult from within. You do not try to thwart its progress; you push it toward its logical conclusion. You make it manifest its full expression, because that it when it implodes, and dies. You do not do that by being polite, conciliatory, or avoiding conflict. You do that by generating as much internal conflict within the cult as you can,” Hopkins says.


SOURCE: ZeroHedge September 3, 2021


Skin Condition Is Among the Latest mRNA Vaccine Side Effects

·         September 11, 2021

Europe's drugs regulators say three new side effects of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines a skin rash and two kidney disorders — are being studied by the safety committee of the European Medicines Agency (EMA). They include allergic skin reaction erythema multiforme, a form of allergic skin reaction; and glomerulonephritis or kidney inflammation; and nephrotic syndrome, a renal disorder characterized by heavy urinary protein losses.

Slightly more than 43.5 million doses of Moderna's vaccine, Spikevax, have been administered in the European Economic Area as of July 29, compared to more than 330 million doses of the Pfizer shot, Comirnaty, according to the EMA.

According to the report, in recent weeks the EMA also found a possible link between a very rare type of heart inflammation and the mRNA vaccines. The studies are ongoing and WHO, along with the European regulator, continue to stress that the benefits from the COVID vaccines outweigh any risks.


SOURCE: Reuters, August 11, 2021

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