dinsdag 31 mei 2022



Why Are Dozens Of Processing Facilities Burning Down?

  HAF   May 18, 2022

With each passing day inflation rates soar to sky-high levels. Prices of groceries, fuel, and housing are rising astronomically every week. As Americans struggle to afford basic necessities, the United States government is hemorrhaging billions of dollars overseas. Simultaneously, domestic supply chain issues have left shelves increasingly barren, and rampant shortages are impacting the lives of millions. Unfortunately, citizens must now brace for yet another unexpected blow.

Countless food manufacturing facilities nationwide are being destroyed by a mysterious surge in fires. Could these bizarre blazes be mere coincidence or is something insidious unfolding behind the scenes?

“Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.” — Henry Kissinger

While Billy Boy is accumulating vast amounts of farmland and Department of Agriculture representatives move towards edible nanotechnology, a series of peculiar structural fires have swept across the country. Beginning in late 2021, major production plants are burning down at an alarming rate.

One can’t help but wonder: what is the statistical probability of such catastrophic instances repeatedly taking place at critical locations? Take a look at this chronological list that documents targeted sites and decide for yourself.

Modern warfare has evolved into a covert operation targeting the very foundation of human survival. Increasing food costs combined with manufactured scarcity could have horrific consequences on society. Desperate people may turn to the state for help. Dependence creates subservience and those who do not obey will go hungry.

Independence is the greatest act of rebellion. Now is the time to make preparations for you and your loved ones. Stock up on nonperishables or grow a garden. Get to know your neighbors and build communities with like-minded individuals. In an era where the powers-that-be seek to divide us, true revolution can only occur through unity.

Source: DownTheChupacabraHole.com


SEVERAL Very Large Food Processing & Distribution Plants Have Recently Exploded Or Burned Down

  HAF April 22, 2022

As food uncertainly lingers on the horizon thanks to US sanctions and government decimation of the economy during the past two years, there is another factor contributing to the problem. Since the beginning of the year, there have been several very large food processing facilities that have exploded or burned to the ground across the U.S..

This week, a vegetable and nut processing facility in Dufur, Oregon became engulfed in flames for unknown reasons.

“Lights flickered; They heard a pop and went up there to check it out and there was a fire,” according to a report made to Wasco County 911 records listed in the Wasco County Sheriff’s log.

The independent distributor of natural, organic an non-GMO foods which employees around 150 people, burned to the ground.

One week before that fire in Oregon, a massive fire brought down a meat processing plant in Conway, New Hampshire. After burning for 16 hours, multiple fire crews finally put out the fire at East Conway Beef and Pork but the facility is completely destroyed.

That same week, in Salinas, California, a massive fire at the Taylor Farms Processing Facility led to the evacuation of residents as it burned for over 17 hours. Taylor Farms is a major agriculture company that processes and delivers many of the salad kits seen in grocery stores. The cause of this fire is currently under investigation.

         LINK: https://twitter.com/i/status/1514482227144495108

Just weeks before that, a massive fire engulfed a Walmart distribution center in Plainfield, Indiana where over 1,000 employees shipped food and other supplies all over the region. The fire destroyed the massive 1 million square foot operation.

That same week, one of the largest food facilities of its kind in South Texas caught fire and burned to the ground. Prior to burning down, the Rio Fresh facility in San Juan, Texas, grew, packed and shipped a variety of Texas-grown items including Texas 1015 Sweet Onions, melons, greens, cabbage, and kale. The cause of the fire is currently unknown.

In Hermiston, Oregon, in February, a massive food processing facility suddenly exploded, injuring 7 of the nearly 400 employees who work at the Shearer’s Foods plant. According to reports, the cause of the explosion which originated near a boiler is still under investigation.

      LINK:   https://twitter.com/i/status/1496306786869334016

It’s not only food production and distribution plants either. In Maricopa, Arizona, in March, a massive fire wiped out the Maricopa Food Pantry which distributes food to the less fortunate. More than 50,000 lbs of food was destroyed in the blaze that lasted for 24 hours. That fire is also under investigation.

The fact is that since last year, more than a dozen of these fires and explosions have taken place at food processing and distribution centers.

 To be clear, general warehouse fires are quite common. In fact, fire departments respond to more than 1,000 a year. However, the main cause of these fires is arson. What’s more, fires in food processing facilities are not that common and occur far less often.

To claim that all of these incidents are related would be pure speculation. But given the current supply chain situation and looming food shortages, the very idea of critical infrastructure burning to the ground for any reason, is unsettling to say the least.

Source: TheFreeThoughtProject.com


France Introduces Digital ID Just Days After Macron’s Re-Election



 HAF  May 2, 2022

Just days after winning the federal election, President Emmanuel Macron authorized the creation of a digital ID for France.

The “Digital ID Guarantee Service” (SGIN) was signed into decree following his victory over Marine Le Pen, which will allow France to be ‘compliant’ with the European Union’s digital ID.

The backlash from the ‘Les Patriots’ group, which seeks independence from the EU, was immediate.

“Just after the election, the government announces the launch of ‘a digital identity application’!” said leader Florian Philippot.

“The goal: to put social credit in the Chinese way. Control and surveillance company!” [translated from French]

“Let’s totally reject this app and fight by any means!”

Macron’s election victory has set off massive protests, wherein Macron has been pelted with tomatoes:

France’s move towards a centralized digital ID, and the corresponding resistance from people concerned with a Chinese-style social credit system, is a conflict that’s intensifying in many countries throughout the world.

Recently, for example, Nigeria blocked 73 million residents from making phone calls for not linking their cell phones to their national digital ID.

In Italy, a municipal government just announced it’s rolling out a soft social credit score in the Fall, the first of its kind in Europe.

Domestically, Canada hasn’t issued coercive tactics to this level, and provinces are torn on implementing a digital ID.

While Alberta and Ontario have already rolled theirs out, Saskatchewan recently scrapped its plan to launch one after polling citizens who wanted nothing to do with it.

Instead, the provincial government now says they’ll monitor uptake and feedback from colleagues in other jurisdictions.

“We will be watching very closely to observe how their digital ID programs progress,” a Ministry of SaskBuilds official stated.

Moreover, certain opposition parties and candidates are beginning to voice their concerns against centralized digital ID and currency.

The Ontario Party, led by Derek Sloan, has presented a petition to the Ontario Legislature that proposes a ban on digital IDs.

CPC candidate Pierre Poilievre also recently proposed that he would ban centralized digital currency that the Liberal government snuck in their budget if elected.

Source: TheCounterSignal.com


blckbx today: Is de Great Reset al merkbaar?


blckbx today: https://www.blckbx.tv/livestreams/blckbx-today-2022-05-30

Is de Great Reset al merkbaar?

De Jonge & woningtekort  

Verdeeldheid EU sancties Rusland

BLCKBX Published May 31, 2022


   Video Link: https://rumble.com/v16qkx7-20220530-blckbx-today.html

In deze uitzending van maandag 30 mei 2022 onder andere:

- De gevolgen van het klimaat- en coronabeleid worden door velen gevreesd.

Is de 'Great Reset' echter al niet langer gaande? Verslaggever Erwin Taams ging op zoek naar antwoorden.

- Minister voor Volkshuisvesting en Ruimtelijke Ordening Hugo de Jonge is zeer ambitieus over het terugdringen van het woningtekort. Is dit realistisch als het kabinetsbeleid het woningtekort juist zelf in stand houdt?

- De Europese Raad komt deze week bij elkaar om o.a. de sancties tegen Rusland te bespreken. Hongarije en Italiƫ zijn een andere mening toegedaan dan de andere EU-leden. Respecteert de EU het vetorecht of wordt hier toch van afgeweken?

- Aan de desk staan verslaggever Erwin Taams, redacteur David Boerstra en onderzoeksjournalist Daan de Wit.
- Presentatie: Sanae Orchi

Relevante achtergrondinformatie
Voor alle relevante achtergrondinformatie en bronnen m.b.t. de uitzending, zie https://www.blckbx.tv/livestreams/blckbx-today-2022-05-30 (na afloop van de uitzending):

Meer over Daan de Wit: https://www.daan-dewit.nl/

Iedere maandag, woensdag en vrijdag LIVE om 19:00 uur.                                                
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      De huidige vogelgriepstam is afkomstig uit het Amerikaanse Biolabo –-onderzoek 2. Januari 2025 von  Dr Peter F. Mayer 4 minuten leesti...