woensdag 28 december 2022

'S Werelds grootste CO2-belastingregeling die zojuist door de EU is opgelegd; meer inflatie en minder handel volgen

 Woensdag 21 december 2022 door: Ethan Huff

Tags : grote regeringkooldioxideCO2-belastingklimaatalarmismeklimaatveranderingIneenstortingsamenzweringdeïndustrialiseringeconomieomgevingEUfinanciële relopwarming van de aardegroene tirannieImporteertInflatiewaanzingeldhoeveelheidproductentoeleveringsketen



(Natural newsNieuwe klimaatregels opgelegd door het Europees Parlement om "koolstoflekkage" te bestrijden, dreigt de Derde Wereld verder te verarmen door de armste landen ter wereld extra koolstofbelastingen in rekening te brengen voor hun export.

Het koolstofgrensaanpassingsmechanisme, of CBAM, zoals het wordt genoemd, creëert een nieuw systeem van "verevening" van koolstofbelasting voor producten van de Europese Unie die werken binnen het kader voor emissiehandel (ETS) voor geïmporteerde goederen.

Bedrijven die in de EU importeren, moeten nu zogenaamde CBAM-certificaten kopen om het verschil te betalen tussen de koolstofprijs die in het land van productie wordt betaald en de prijs van koolstofrechten binnen het EU-ETS

“CBAM zal betrekking hebben op ijzer en staal, cement, aluminium, kunstmest en elektriciteit, zoals voorgesteld door de Commissie, en uitgebreid tot waterstof, indirecte emissies onder bepaalde voorwaarden, bepaalde precursoren en ook tot sommige downstreamproducten zoals schroeven en bouten en soortgelijke artikelen van ijzer of staal', leggen rapporten uit.

"Voor het einde van de overgangsperiode beoordeelt de Commissie of het toepassingsgebied moet worden uitgebreid tot andere goederen die het risico lopen op koolstoflekkage, met inbegrip van organische chemicaliën en polymeren, met als doel om tegen 2030 alle goederen op te nemen die onder de ETS vallen." (Gerelateerd: het doel van de globalisten is om Europa tegen 2050 volledig te deïndustrialiseren [te depopuleren] om "koolstof neutraal" te bereiken.)

CBAM benadeelt ook Amerikaanse kleine bedrijven en fabrikanten die ook gebonden zijn aan de Clean Air Act-voorschriften

CBAM maakt trouwens deel uit van het EU-pakket "Fit for 55 in 2030", dat tot doel heeft de uitstoot van broeikasgassen in het hele blok tegen 2030 met ten minste 55 procent te verminderen, in overeenstemming met de Europese klimaatwet.

Het resultaat van deze veranderingen zal zijn dat er minder wereldhandel plaatsvindt. En het resultaat hiervan zal nog meer inflatie zijn, wat het laatste is waar de wereld op dit moment behoefte aan heeft te midden van de aanhoudende economische crisis.

Faten Aggad, een senior adviseur bij de African Climate Foundation (ACF), tweette dat de Afrikaanse landen die het meest worden blootgesteld aan deze nieuwe EU-regeling “zowel midden- als lage-inkomenslanden zijn”.

Ze voegde eraan toe dat Mozambique, dat goed is voor 7 procent van alle EU-import van aluminium, maar waarvan de EU-export 25 procent van zijn exportopbrengsten bedraagt, "tot 1% van zijn bbp kan verliezen", aldus het Centre for Global Development ( CGD).

“#Egypte en #Algeri, die respectievelijk 21 en 20% van de invoer van kunstmest in de EU vertegenwoordigen, zullen ook zwaar worden getroffen”, legde Aggad verder uit in een andere tweet.

“Algerije (6% van de totale EU-import), Marokko (5%) en Tunesië (3%) exporteren ook cement. Zuid-Afrika zal ook zwaar worden getroffen. Nigeria, Kameroen, Congo en Ghana ook.”

Het is onduidelijk of de armste ontwikkelingslanden enige vorm van ontheffingen of vrijstellingen van de regeling zullen krijgen, maar Aggad vermoedt van niet, omdat de EU al suggereerde dat dit onverenigbaar zou zijn met de richtlijnen van de Wereldhandelsorganisatie (WTO).

Dit is "twijfelachtig gezien het feit dat soortgelijke ontheffingen eerder werden verkregen", zei Aggad. "Ze voerden ook aan dat een vrijstelling de verplaatsing van vuile industrie naar Afrika zou aanmoedigen."

"Ook twijfelachtig (vanwege studies zoals hierboven vermeld) maar dat zal aantoonbaar afhangen van beleid in landen dat dat ook voorkomt (met de juiste incentive kan dit worden overwonnen)."

Ook de Verenigde Staten kampen met grote economische nadelen van CBAM in zijn huidige vorm. Binnenlandse kleine bedrijven en fabrikanten zijn al gebonden aan wettelijke beperkingen van de Clean Air Act waarmee geen rekening wordt gehouden in het CBAM-schema.

"Het voorstel van de EU houdt geen rekening met de kosten van binnenlandse regulering wanneer de grensbelasting wordt toegepast", meldde The Wall Street Journal.  Het niet erkennen van de impliciete kosten van Amerikaanse regelgeving zou onvermijdelijk leiden tot dubbele emissiebelasting voor exporteurs.".

"Het voorstel van de EU houdt geen rekening met de kosten van binnenlandse regulering wanneer de grensbelasting wordt toegepast", meldde The Wall Street Journal.

Het bestrijden van klimaatverandering is het dekmantelverhaal van de globalisten voor massale genocide. Ga voor meer informatie naar Genocide.news.

Bronnen voor dit artikel zijn onder meer:





Scary Videos of What the Vaccine Does To Blood

If you have been vaccinated, you will not like this and it will upset you. The truth is the truth. I don't want to stress you out, but the results are what they are. 

    Video Link: https://www.brighteon.com/4a8159fd-9f09-430b-859f-656e2fc02a77

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Ben Armstrong Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.

Video Clips

  1. InfoWars.com - Dr. Cole and Dell Big Tree look at what the vaccine does to the blood. https://archives.infowars.com/watch/?video=63a4b0059d512a03f05d86f4

        2. SpeedTheShift.org -  Shocking!! Blood Samples Of Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Under A Microscope… “This Is NOT Normal”!! https://speedtheshift.org/2022/12/22/shocking-blood-samples-of-vaccinated-and-unvaccinated-under-a-microscope-compared-this-is-not-normal/

        3. AmericasVoice.news - The Water Cooler - Miranda Khan is Joined By Dr. Richard Fleming https://americasvoice.news/video/JWCTyzeGFEOnvv4/

For more great content, visit www.TheNewAmerican.com


dinsdag 27 december 2022

Many people fully vaccinated for covid are now going BLIND

 Thursday, April 28, 2022 by: Ethan Huff

Tags: AstraZenecabadhealthbadmedicineBig Pharmabiological weaponblindnessCOVIDDangerous Medicineeye disorderseye healthMHRApandemicPfizerpharmaceutical fraudspike proteinUnited Kingdomvaccinatedvaccine damagevaccine injuryvaccinesvisual impairment

This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author



(Natural News) We have heard all about the many cases of myocarditis and pericarditis post-injection, as well as recipients repeatedly testing “positive” for the virus even after doing the deed. But there is another concerning side effect occurring in the “fully vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) that is rarely mentioned: blindness.

The latest data out of the United Kingdom suggests that a growing number of fully jabbed people are losing their eyesight. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) Yellow Card system currently shows 163 cases of total blindness among people who got jabbed with the Pfizer-BioNTech needle, along with an additional six cases of central vision loss and four cases of sudden visual loss.

Twenty-one people also reportedly now suffer from “blindness transient” specifically caused by the Pfizer injection. This adverse reaction involves visual disturbance or loss of sight in one eye for a few seconds or even minutes at a time.

Another 20 people beyond that are reported to have suffered from a reaction called “unilateral blindness,” which is when a person got blind or blurred vision in just one eye (Related: Roman Abramovich recently suffered temporary blindness while attempting to broker peace talks between Russia and Ukraine; was he recently vaccinated?)

“In total, there have been 8,016 eye disorders reported as adverse reactions to the Pfizer jab as of 6th April 2022,” reported the Daily Exposé.

Is it worth possibly going blind just to feel “protected” against a cold?

The AstraZeneca injection, which is one of the COVID jabs currently available in the U.K., is also linked to cases of blindness.

As of April 6, the MHRA has received 324 reports of blindness, three reports of central vision loss, five reports of sudden visual loss, and 29 reports of blindness transient among 14,895 eye disorders, all specifically linked to the AstraZeneca needle.

Moderna also jabs people in the UK, though at a much smaller rate than the aforementioned companies. Still, many people who take the Moderna needle are now blind as well.

The MHRA shows that in conjunction with the Moderna injection, there have been 34 reports of blindness and 56 reports of visual impairment. In total, there have been 1,519 eye disorders reported as adverse reactions to the Moderna jab.

“In all, when including adverse reactions reported where the brand of vaccine was not specified, there have been 24,516 eye disorders reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 injections, with 525 of these reactions being complete blindness,” the Exposé reported.

“‘Fact-checkers’ alongside authorities have been on the case to sweep this data under the carpet and have labelled it as unreliable. Their reasoning is that ‘just because someone reports the event after having the vaccine, it doesn’t necessarily mean it is due to the vaccine.'”

One person who goes by the name of Louis documented on Twitter the story of his wife, who in the weeks and months following her AstraZeneca jab went completely blind in her left eye and between 30-60 percent blind in her right eye.

The neurologist who treated the woman warned her not to get the second dose of the shot.

“As you can see the misery which the fact checkers are disregarding as ‘not necessarily the fault of the vaccine’ is very real for the people who are reporting them,” the Exposé added.

But why are the COVID vaccines causing people to go blind?”

The answer could have to do with the fact that COVID vaccines also cause major cardiovascular problems, including stroke. Visual loss often accompanies stroke, so it is all starting to make sense.

The latest news about the COVID-19 “vaccine” damage can be found at ChemicalViolence.com.

Sources include:




Vaxicarditis, Vaccidents, and Vaccimentia all to INCREASE thanks to Wuhan (Cov-19) spike protein “boosters” and toxic seasonal flu shots

Saturday, December 24, 2022 by: S.D. Wells

Tags: autopsy clotsbrain damagebrain healthclot shotsDangerous Medicinedementiafauci fluFlu shotsImmunizationspharmaceutical fraudrubbery clotsscience deceptionside effectsvaccine deathVaccine injuriesvaccine injuryvaccine warsvaccinesvax clots

This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author



(Natural News) Clots are clumps that occur when a liquid hardens or coagulates into a solid. The mRNA Covid vaccines give instructions to human cells to create millions, if not billions, of microscopic spike proteins or ‘prions’ that are now realized by scientists to have the ability to attract heavy metals and coagulate or clot in the vascular system. Most people think of blood clots when they hear the word “clot,” but coroners and embalmers are finding strange, white, rubbery clots in Covid-vaccinated bodies, and these fibrous clots are just as deadly, if not more so, than blood clots.

These vaccine-induced clots are driving massive inflammation in the body, collecting in cleansing organs, invading ovaries, and even spreading into the heart and brain. What happens when a few billion sheeple start getting Covid boosters loaded with more spike proteins, and influenza “flu” shots, some of which contain mercury (listed as thimerosal on multi-dose jabs)?

Heart attacks, strokes, seizures, and dementia can’t all be blamed on “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” forever, as the truth is ‘clotting up’ and rearing its ugly head

Nearly every chronic health issue that anyone suffers seems to be exacerbated by the spike protein invasion that comes from incessant prions created by the mRNA jabs. People who already have certain cancers, such as T-cell lymphoma, are experiencing “turbo cancer” where tumors suddenly grow at exponential rates. Even people who are perfectly healthy (like military members and professional athletes) are suffering suddenly from myocarditis, pericarditis, irregular heartbeats, and heart attacks.

Many folks are experiencing clots in their vascular system that don’t even resemble blood clots. Who can explain this horrific phenomenon that’s happening to healthy people who get the Fauci Flu clot shots? This are not blood clots, but rather clots that are compounded with long, stringy, white, elastic structures that contain heavy metals somehow collected from the body and blood.

seasoned embalmer who ran autopsies on bodies that were Covid-vaccinated distinguish these vaccine-induced clots as being very different from blood clots, saying, “Typically a blood clot is smooth. It is blood that’s coagulated together but when you squeeze it, or touch it, or try to pick it up, it generally falls apart. You can almost squeeze between your fingers and almost get it back to blood again. But this white fibrous stuff is pretty strong, it’s not weak at all.”

Are these clots inside most of the Covid-vaccinated masses, and growing slowly? How many people will drop dead, or have heart attacks, or strokes, or seizures soon from these, and will the cases increase rapidly this winter when all these vax-crazed folks get boosters and toxic flu shots?

Vaxicarditis, Vaccidents and Vaccimentia

Problems with the heart that are related to the spike protein injections are now being referred to as vaxicarditis. When people have a sudden ‘episode’ and faint or pass out while driving a vehicle because the spike proteins clot their blood and oxygen flow to the brain, those incidents are being named vaccidents. People who were perfectly healthy before they got any Covid gene therapy stabs, and now are experiencing severe brain fog, memory loss, and drastic change of personality, are being referred to as having vaccimentia (like vaccine-induced dementia).

At least two dozen coroners and embalmers have reported finding these white, rubbery clots inside of bodies that have received at least one Covid clot shot. They are reporting that some bodies are “flooded” with these stringy structures, including in their organs and ovaries, and this is in over 70 PERCENT of the bodies being embalmed.

Bookmark Vaccines.news to your favorite independent websites for updates on the Vaccine Holocaust that’s sweeping the nation and the world as you read this.

Sources for this article include:





De huidige vogelgriepstam is afkomstig uit het Amerikaanse Biolabo –-onderzoek

      De huidige vogelgriepstam is afkomstig uit het Amerikaanse Biolabo –-onderzoek 2. Januari 2025 von  Dr Peter F. Mayer 4 minuten leesti...