februari 15, 2023 8640 58
Er zijn veel te veel nutteloze mensen in de wereld volgens Yusuke Narita,
een 37-jarige professor economie aan Yale, wiens oplossing voor het zogenaamde
probleem bestaat uit gedwongen “massa zelfmoord” van ouderen, bericht Newspunch.
Narita sprak over
gedwongen euthanasie van ouderen om de wereld te ontvolken en zei dat de “mogelijkheid om het in de toekomst verplicht te stellen zal ter sprake
De retoriek van de
hoogleraar economie sluit nauw aan bij de extremistische retoriek van
het World Economic Forum van Klaus Schwab, waar diverse “deskundigen” de
laatste tijd de wens
hebben geuit om de aarde te ontvolken.
De zelfbenoemde
wereldgezondheidstsaar Bill
Gates heeft ook “doodjury’s” ondersteund die gewone,
gezagsgetrouwe mensen ter dood veroordelen voor de misdaad dat ze niet van nut
zijn voor de elite. Kijk:
Verslag van
Wat is de oplossing
van deze Yale professor voor dit probleem? Hoe dan ook, oude mensen moeten
sterven. Of de ouderen zullen het juiste doen en massaal zelfmoord gaan plegen,
of *ahem* de “mogelijkheid om het in de toekomst verplicht te stellen zal ter
sprake komen.”
China voelt
dezelfde bevolkingsdruk als
de Verenigde Staten. Een deel van het probleem is cultureel. De Amerikaanse
cultuur is zo welvarend geworden dat je de puberteit kunt uitstellen tot je
Bovendien voelen
mensen niet meer de maatschappelijke druk om een gezin te stichten. In feite
gebeurt het tegenovergestelde.
Linkse feministen
beschrijven het opvoeden van kinderen in feite als slavernij, en de
leugenachtige milieuactivisten beweren dat overbevolking (wat geen probleem is)
de planeet uitroeit.
Copyright © 2022 vertaling door Frontnieuws.
Bill Gates vertelt G20-wereldleiders dat binnenkort
“Doodjury’s” nodig zullen zijn
ongekozen wereldgezondheidstsaar Bill Gates heeft zijn optreden op de G20-top
in Bali, Indonesiƫ gebruikt om een discussie op gang te brengen over
“Doodjury’s” (death panels), schrijft Baxter Dmitry. Volgens Gates zullen in de
nabije toekomst “death panels” nodig zijn om het leven van zieke en onwel
geworden mensen te beĆ«indigen vanwege “zeer, zeer hoge … Meer lezen overBill Gates vertelt
G20-wereldleiders dat binnenkort “Doodjury’s” nodig zullen zijn
Nolte: ‘Mass Suicide… of the Elderly’ Is Being Proposed and Accepted
JOHN NOLTE 14 Feb 20231,126
Yusuke Narita, a
37-year-old economics professor at Yale, says the solution for Japan’s population problem
is “mass suicide and mass ‘seppuku” of the elderly.
He has also said of euthanasia that the “possibility of making it mandatory in the future [will] come up in discussion.”
Japan’s population problem is what Breitbart’s John Hayward described as a “demographic death spiral:”
[Japanese Prime Minister
Kishida Fumio] noted on Monday that births
in Japan fell below 800,000 in 2022, reaching that landmark of decline
fully eight years ahead of projections. As with other wealthy
nations, this will result in a shortage of workers, and a shortage of young
taxpayers to cover the cost of retirement and medical care for the elderly.
“Our nation is on the cusp of whether it can
maintain its societal functions. It is now or never when it comes to policies
regarding births and child-rearing – it is an issue that simply cannot wait any
longer,” Kishida said.
So what’s this Yale
professor’s solution to this problem? One way or another, old people have to
die. Either the elderly will do the right thing and start committing mass
suicide, or *ahem* the “possibility of making it mandatory in the future
[will] come up in discussion.”
China is feeling the same
population strain as is the United States. Part of the problem is cultural. The
American culture has transformed into something so prosperous that you can
delay adolescence until you die. Additionally, people do not feel the societal
pressure to have a family anymore. In fact, the opposite is happening.
Left-wing feminists basically describe child-rearing as slavery, and the lying
environmentalists claim overpopulation (which is not a problem) is killing the
Video Link: https://t.co/nysHgg1Mxe
Then there’s idiotic
programs like Social Security and Medicare. Instead of making every American
responsible for ensuring their own retirement, the government ensures—which
means the taxpayers ensure it. Between the population decrease and people
living longer, there just aren’t enough young people paying taxes to sustain
these programs. Worse still, these programs are insanely popular, so even basic
reforms are out of the question.
So what do monsters like
this Yale professor suggest? Does he suggest we incentivize having children?
Nope. Does he suggest we reform entitlements? Nope. Instead, he goes right to
the mass slaughter of the elderly.
Welcome to the leftist
utopia. Soylent Green meets Logan’s Run, where
what were cautionary tales are blueprints for the future.
Naturally, butchering the
inconvenient elderly is catching on among the godless:
While he is virtually unknown even in academic
circles in the United States, his extreme positions have helped him
gain hundreds of thousands of followers on social media in Japan
among frustrated youths who believe their economic progress has been held back
by a gerontocratic society.
People are embracing and
accepting this idea:
Appearing frequently on Japanese online shows in
T-shirts, hoodies or casual jackets, and wearing signature eyeglasses with one
round and one square lens, Dr. Narita leans into his Ivy League pedigree as he
fosters a nerdy shock jock impression. He is among a few Japanese provocateurs
who have found an eager audience by gleefully breaching social taboos.
His Twitter bio: “The things you’re told you’re not allowed to say are
usually true.”
Dr. Narita, 37, said that his statements had
been “taken out of context,” and that he was mainly addressing a growing
effort to push the most senior people out of leadership positions in
business and politics — to make room for younger generations. Nevertheless,
with his comments on euthanasia and social security, he has pushed
the hottest button in Japan.
But they always say that,
don’t they? It’s like Critical Race Theory. The left claims no one is teaching
it and then howls when something no one is teaching is banned.
As our culture becomes more
and more prosperous, as we become a Western Civilization where the Holy Trinity
perverts into 1) internet porn, 2) nerd culture, and 3) marijuana, as we become
a civilization where you can work at a grocery store, rent a small apartment,
hook up to the Internet, get high, and confuse distraction with fulfillment,
old people feel less necessary–like they are in the way instead of what they
are: a font of wisdom and knowledge, those who have paid their dues, made their
mistakes, and have something to pass along. Additionally, we become better
human beings, more empathetic, patient, and compassionate, caring for our
elderly friends and relatives. In every way, the elderly are good for society
and for our own souls.
Dr. Narita now says, “I
should have been more careful about their potential negative connotations.
After some self-reflection, I stopped using the words [“mass suicide” and “mass
seppuku”] last year.”
Yeah, for now.
Here in America, nearly ten
years ago, one of the architects of Obamacare said it was selfish for people to live past the
age of 75. The economic burden was just too much of a strain on the healthcare
Canada has already
red-lined their demonic euthanasia machine.
These are the same people
pushing trans-mutilations and drag queens on our kids. Do you honestly believe
they aren’t heart attack-serious about slaughtering the elderly in the name of “compassion”
and “equity?”
Follow John Nolte on
Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.