vrijdag 24 september 2021

 Google Docs censors sharing by COVID-19 doctor linked to Trump

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko

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2 June, 2021 (NewsBusters) – Google has opened a new front in the online censorship fight — restricting access to documents created in Google Docs. 

Google Docs restricted Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, the first doctor to advocate for alternative COVID-19 treatments, from sharing six different documents. Users received a terms of service note when the doctor tried to share the documents with them. “We're sorry. You can't access this item because it is in violation of our Terms of Service,” went the Google alert. It was unclear what rule was broken.

He wasn’t surprised by the restriction, noting, “I called out the globalist elite” for how they handled the pandemic. The six documents that Google is censoring include an op-ed he wrote and a letter he sent to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo about the pandemic.

The restrictions appear to be geared toward Zelenko and not necessarily the content, which was shareable on other accounts. The documents discussed his policy of “early intervention” as a way of preventing hospitalizations, which he said resulted in an “84 percent reduction in hospitalizations” for COVID-19 patients. 

Zelenko is used to social media censorship. He’s been restricted by Facebook and YouTube and also had his Twitter account suspended. He added that Google search has also limited access to his own site, https://vladimirzelenkomd.com. A Google Incognito search lists the doctor’s site 39 or the fourth page of results. The search engine DuckDuckGo lists the site No. 1.

Correspondence from Dr Vladimir Zelenko on Treatment of 
COVID-19 in New York:

Dr. Vladimir (Zev) Zelenko

Board Certified Family Practitioner

501 Rt 208, Monroe, NY 10950



March 23, 2020


To all medical professionals around the world:


My name is Dr. Zev Zelenko and I practice medicine in Monroe, NY. For the last 16 years, I have cared for approximately 75% of the adult population of Kiryas Joel, which is a very close knit community of approximately 35,000 people in which the infection spread rapidly and unchecked prior to the imposition of social distancing.


As of today my team has tested approximately 200 people from this community for Covid-19, and 65% of the results have been positive. If extrapolated to the entire community, that means more than 20,000 people are infected at the present time. Of this group, I estimate that there are 1500 patients who are in the high-risk category (i.e. >60, immunocompromised, comorbidities, etc).


Given the urgency of the situation, I developed the following treatment protocol in the pre-hospital setting and have seen only positive results:


1.  Any patient with shortness of breath regardless of age is treated.

2.  Any patient in the high-risk category even with just mild symptoms is treated.

3.  Young, healthy and low risk patients even with symptoms are not treated (unless their circumstances change and they fall into category 1 or 2).


My out-patient treatment regimen is as follows:


1.  Hydroxychloroquine 200mg twice a day for 5 days

2.  Azithromycin 500mg once a day for 5 days

3.  Zinc sulfate 220mg once a day for 5 days

The rationale for my treatment plan is as follows. I combined the data available from China and South Korea with the recent study published from France (sites available on request). We know that hydroxychloroquine helps Zinc enter the cell. We know that Zinc slows viral replication within the cell. Regarding the use of azithromycin, I postulate it prevents secondary bacterial infections. These three drugs are well known and usually well tolerated, hence the risk to the patient is low.


Since last Thursday, my team has treated approximately 350 patients in Kiryas Joel and another 150 patients in other areas of New York with the above regimen.


Of this group and the information provided to me by affiliated medical teams, we have had ZERO deaths, ZERO hospitalizations, and ZERO intubations. In addition, I have not heard of any negative side effects other than approximately 10% of patients with temporary nausea and diarrhea.


In sum, my urgent recommendation is to initiate treatment in the outpatient setting as soon as possible in accordance with the above. Based on my direct experience, it prevents acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), prevents the need for hospitalization and saves lives.


With much respect,


Dr. Zev Zelenko


cc: President Donald J. Trump; Mr. Mark Meadows, Chief of Staff

Fundamentele principes

Behandel patiënten op basis van klinische verdenking zo snel mogelijk, bij voorkeur binnen de eerste 5 dagen van symptomen. Voer PCR-tests uit, maar wacht de behandeling niet af in afwachting van de resultaten.

Risicostratificatie van patiënten

  • Patiënt met laag risico - jonger dan 45 jaar, geen comorbiditeiten en klinisch stabiel
  • Hoogrisicopatiënt - Ouder dan 45 jaar, jonger dan 45 jaar met comorbiditeiten of klinisch instabiel


Patiënten met een laag risico
  • Ondersteunende zorg met vocht, koortscontrole en rust
  • Elementair Zink 50 mg 1 keer per dag gedurende 7 dagen
  • Vitamine C 1000 mg 1 keer per dag gedurende 7 dagen
  • Vitamine D3 5000iu 1 keer per dag gedurende 7 dagen
Optionele vrij verkrijgbare opties
  • Quercetine 500 mg 2 keer per dag gedurende 7 dagen of
  • Epigallocatechin-gallaat (EGCG) 400 mg 1 keer per dag gedurende 7 dagen
Patiënten met matig/hoog risico
  • Elementair Zink 50-100 mg eenmaal daags gedurende 7 dagen
  • Vitamine C 1000 mg 1 keer per dag gedurende 7 dagen
  • Vitamine D3 10000iu eenmaal per dag gedurende 7 dagen of 50000iu eenmaal per dag gedurende 1-2 dagen
  • Azithromycine 500 mg 1 keer per dag gedurende 5 dagen of
  • Doxycycline 100 mg 2 keer per dag gedurende 7 dagen
  • Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) 200 mg 2 keer per dag gedurende 5-7 dagen en/of
  • Ivermectine 0,4-0,5 mg/kg/dag gedurende 5-7 dagen Een of beide HCQ en IVM kunnen worden gebruikt, en als er slechts één is, kan het tweede middel worden toegevoegd na ongeveer 2 dagen behandeling als er nog geen duidelijk herstel is waargenomen enz. .
  • Dexamethason 6-12 mg 1 keer per dag gedurende 7 dagen of
  • Prednison 20 mg tweemaal daags gedurende 7 dagen, indien nodig afbouwen
  • Budesonide 1 mg/2 cc oplossing via vernevelaar tweemaal per dag gedurende 7 dagen
  • Bloedverdunners (oa Lovenox, Eliquis, Xarelto, Pradaxa, Aspirine)
  • Colchicine 0,6 mg 2-3 keer per dag gedurende 5-7 dagen
  • Monoklonale antilichamen
  • Home IV vloeistoffen en zuurstof


Doctor: Late medical freedom activist was a victim of ‘medical tyranny’

‘This is medical tyranny. It is overriding all of the legal and medical ethical principles that have been operative for my entire career, or my knowledge of the history of medicine in this country,’ said Dr. Vliet   


Tue Sep 21, 2021 - 7:47 am EDT

CHICAGO, IL (LifeSiteNews) — A medical freedom activist died after doctors denied her the treatment she sought.

In the wake of the recent COVID-19-related death of a medical freedom activist, her power-of-attorney-advocate (POA), along with an interceding physician, have alleged medical malfeasance on the part of the hospital and broader medical system, the policies and protocols of which repeatedly denied Veronica Wolski known successful treatments, (https://www.lifesitenews.com/tags/tag/hydroxychloroquine/ ) and even the ability to be transferred out of their hospital, though she begged for it continuously. 

“[We] were stymied at every turn,” said Dr. Lee Vliet, President and CEO of the Truth for Health Foundation, in a video interview on the John-Henry Weston Show last Thursday. 

Vliet was joined by Wolski’s Power of Attorney (POA), Ms. Nancy Ross, who explained the extraordinary efforts she had made, with Vliet’s help, in her attempt to save the woman’s life. Wolski died early on September 13 at the age of 64. 

Wolski was best known for hanging banners from a bridge over the Kennedy expressway in Chicago encouraging drivers to reject compliance with mask and dangerous gene-based “vaccine” mandates. Her hospital stay, along with her death, inspired tremendous support by medical freedom advocates, who called for her to be given suitable treatments for recovery, but also mockery by those who charged her with “anti-vaccine disinformation.”   

In providing insight into what was happening behind the scenes of this story, Ross began explaining how Wolski had been admitted to the Catholic AMITA Health Resurrection Medical Center somewhere around August 24 and diagnosed with “’COVID pneumonia,although her x-ray showed it was possible chest congestion.” 

Very soon after, Ross, a native of Chicago who now lives in South Carolina, explained, “I started receiving [text] messages” from Veronica begging for help to be moved from this hospital: ‘Get me out, get me oxygen, get me medical transport, get security here if you have to, get me out.’”  

In addition, after investigating the treatments Wolski was receiving, Ross observed 

even something as simple as IV vitamins… were denied to her

She wanted her Ivermectin. That was denied to her

She wanted so many things that were not part of the hospital’s protocol. 

So, we began this fight [and] this advocacy [on her behalf].”  

Catholic hospital ‘ethics committee’ revokes prescription for Ivermectin, bars Ross from premises 

Illustrating the resistance hospitals across the nation are exercising to prevent the use of successful treatments like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, Ross mentioned a recent court case in nearby Elmhurst, IL, where the “court ordered a hospital to allow a COVID patient to have Ivermectin. She ended up coming out of a coma, as is my understanding, [and] is now home playing with her grandkids.” 

Striving for a similar outcome for her friend Veronica, Ross was “thrilled” to secure a prescription for Ivermectin from Wolski’s infectious diseases doctor, considering it a “breakthrough,” only to soon discover that 

this physician was overruled by the AMITA hospital system, by their ethics committee. 

Bovenkant formulier

Onderkant formulier

“We demanded a conference with the ethics committee,” she said.

“They met without us. They did not give us a chance to present what we felt was some solid case study on ivermectin and other medicines.” 

Puzzled by this process, Ross explained how despite being within standard patient rights, as even stipulated in the AMITA admission forms, Wolski’s right to refuse the treatment being given, and to try the Ivermectin protocol prescribed to her by two different doctors, was not being recognized. 

“We understand if we had informed consent on their position, we could refuse kindly, and say ‘Ok, but we still demand to try this. This is what she wants,’ but this right was somehow not recognized,” she said.

Having lost her appeal, Ross explained, “I left the hospital and they called to tell me I was not to come back in, that they would deal directly with Veronica, that she was of sound mind and could make her own decisions, and that they would talk to me on the phone. After that, I was not allowed back in the hospital.” 

Attempt to transfer Wolski out of hospital impeded 

Beginning her comments, Dr. Vliet explained how she and her team are all “very experienced at treating COVID at all levels from critical care to outpatient,” and that, as a team, they reviewed Wolski’s records after being requested to do so by Ross and an attorney. 

“The consensus to the entire medical team reviewing [the case] was that there were so many options to improve Veronica’s clinical condition that had been totally ignored and refused,” Vliet said.

Further, after assessing the situation, the team concluded that they had the capacity to fulfill Wolski’s demand to be transferred out of this hospital and into an outpatient setting, where she could receive the treatment protocols she wanted, and to which she had a right. 

Yet having prepared for such a transfer, mobilizing everything needed, including an ambulance with high-flow oxygen capacity, Ross attempted to arrange for Wolski’s removal from AMITA, but was met with resistance and indifference from hospital staff. “’Call back Monday morning when their hospice team gets in,’” Ross reports being told. “I couldn’t understand why there was no sense of urgency to at least let her go in peace.” 

Distraught about this situation, she then called the police who told her there was nothing they could do about the situation, as it was a “civil matter.”  


Onderkant formulier

Hospitals across nation using the ‘same playbook’ to block patient rights, ‘losing people every day’ 

In reflecting on their efforts to save Wolski’s life, Vliet said, “what was shocking to me as a physician, knowing what the legal and medical ethics are, is that the most astounding interference was the interference and refusal to honor the patient’s request… and not only that but to refuse the patient’s power-of-attorney, who has a legal duty as the agent, to carry out the patient’s wishes and to see that that is done.” 

“I have not, ever in my career … seen patient’s power of attorney legal rights overridden so flagrantly and abusively as we witnessed over this four days with Veronica’s situation,” she said. 

In hospitals across the United States, there appears to be “exactly the same pattern of abuse of patient rights [in these COVID situations]. This is medical tyranny,” Vliet continued.

“It is overriding all of the legal and medical ethical principles that have been operative for my entire career, or my knowledge of the history of medicine in this country.” 

These hospitals “are using the same tactics and the same playbook, and the same blocking of the patient’s rights and the power of attorney access to the patient,” she said. “This is a much bigger issue than simply denying Ivermectin as one medicine.” 

Furthermore, in her assessment, Vliet said, “basics are being denied: adequate IV fluids, adequate caloric intake, vitamins, comfort care with allowing private duty nurses if that is what the patient wants, allowing the patient to be discharged to home hospice, which is a legal right of the patient… That is supposed to be honored. It’s always been in my experience in medicine.” 

“And so, I think that the very, very serious and very chilling development is the consistency of the pattern hospitals are using: the fact that the patient’s legal rights as a patient are being overridden, the fact that power of attorney, legal documents are being thrown out and ignored. And if we don’t stand up to this medical tyranny then we are literally losing people every day because their wishes are not being followed and basic treatments are being ignored,” she said. 


Hospitals paid many thousands of extra dollars per each patient on a ventilator, causing ‘unnecessary deaths’ 

When asked about the interests of hospitals in insisting COVID patients take ventilators, Vliet said, “There’s a tragic and very simple answer [to that question]: They are paid thousands of dollars more for every patient on a ventilator. And this is happening in every hospital.” 

The enormous amount of extra dollars hospitals are paid for prescribing “Remdesivir, ventilators, and COVID diagnoses,” has all been documented, she said. 

Since emergency COVID-19 legislation was signed into law last year, establishing government COVID-19 “relief funding,” the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has been providing what some have called “perverse incentives” awarding significantly more compensation to hospitals 

if patients areclassifiedas COVID-19 positive ($13,000

or put on a ventilator ($39,000). 

According to the testimony of one whistleblower, such incentives, along with the policies of keeping family advocates out of the hospital, can lead to a “perfect storm,” involving a “complete and absolute disregard for human life” and many “unnecessary deaths.” 

Corporate interference with doctors’ ‘ability to practice independent medical judgment’ 

When asked to explain how so many doctors could forgo prescribing treatments that work against COVID-19 and instead pressure patients to accept a ventilator, Vliet said that:

“the majority of primary care doctors in the United States now … are employees of large, primary care, outpatient practice groups. Most of the large groups are actually owned by the hospital systems” which may tie the hands of physicians regarding the prescribing of medications “off label” though it has been a common practice in medicine immemorial. 

As was the case with a friend of hers, who is a doctor in one of these groups, the physicians have all been forbidden in many places by their employers from prescribing hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19. 

“So, all of the proper off-label uses for hydroxychloroquine, for many things, that many of us have done for years, was forbidden to this group of doctors by corporate interference with their ability to practice independent medical judgment,” Vliet explained. 

Thus, “the large health systems are actually controlling the outpatient practices and directing them not to do the outpatient care, and that drives everybody into the box canyon of the hospital,

-   where the diagnosis of COVID increases the revenue.

-   The use of Remdesivir … increases the revenue, and where,  

-   as soon as they can get them on the ventilator, it increases the revenue,” Vliet explained. 

“The public needs to understand that … patients are prisoners of protocols. They are not being treated as individual patients for this situation,” she concluded. 

Ross honored Wolski for her courage, boldness, and wisdom.

“She stood strong in this incredible battle that we’re seeing across the country, where our constitutional rights are being violated,” Ross said.

“[Wolski] loved all people, she loved America, she loved her faith, and in the end she fought till her death for medical freedom,” she continued. 

“She is an American hero, and her work will continue.” 



Medical ‘prisoner’: Woman dies in Catholic hospital after being denied her rights 

Georgia hospital refuses to honor pleas from gravely ill couple to be treated with effective COVID protocols 

Ohio judge orders hospital to treat COVID patient ‘on death’s doorstep’ with ivermectin 

COVID nurse explains becoming a whistleblower: ‘I recorded them murdering patients’ 

Distraught wife fighting hospital’s refusal to administer Ivermectin to Covid-stricken husband 

The biggest crime committed during the vaccine heist is the censorship of Ivermectin 



STUDY: Ivermectin is a “broad spectrum antiviral of interest” for humans

Thursday, September 09, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: antiviralbig governmentBig PharmaconspiracycoronavirusCOVIDdeceptiongoodhealthgoodmedicinegoodscienceivermectinliesmainstream mediamedia collusionmedical censorshipPlandemicresearch



(Natural News) In May 2020, Australian researchers published a little-known study in the journal Antiviral Research that presents ivermectin, an FDA-approved drug for humans, as a “broad spectrum antiviral of interest.”

RNA viruses such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1, influenza and dengue fever, the paper suggests, could be mitigated through the use of ivermectin, which blocks viral components from taking hold inside the body.

“Although RNA viruses replicate in the infected host cell cytoplasm, the nucleus is central to key stages of the infectious cycle of HIV-1 and influenza, and an important target of DENV nonstructural protein 5 (NS5) in limiting the host antiviral response,” the paper explains.

“We previously identified the small molecule ivermectin as an inhibitor of HIV-1 integrase nuclear entry, subsequently showing ivermectin could inhibit DENV NS5 nuclear import, as well as limit infection by viruses such as HIV-1 and DENV.”

Ivermectin’s broad spectrum functionality includes its ability to target the host importin (IMP) ?/?1 nuclear transport proteins that are responsible for nuclear entry of cargoes such as integrase and NS5, the paper goes on to reveal.

“We establish for the first time that ivermectin can dissociate the preformed IMP?/?1 heterodimer, as well as prevent its formation, through binding to the IMP? armadillo (ARM) repeat domain to impact IMP? thermal stability and ?-helicity.”

It is a bit complicated for the layperson to understand, but suffice it to say that ivermectin, which was developed in Japan from a natural soil organism, inhibits the attachment of viral components to human cells, effectively blocking infection without the need for masks or “vaccines.”

“Since it is FDA approved for parasitic indications, ivermectin merits closer consideration as a broad spectrum antiviral of interest,” the paper concludes.

If the government really cared about saving lives, it would get ivermectin into the hands of every American

This is critical information that needs to get out there, especially as the mainstream media continues to lie about ivermectin by calling it a “horse de-wormer.” While ivermectin is, in fact, also used in animals, it was also approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in humans.

The drug shows considerable promise in fighting the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), and is widely used in India, as one example, to treat the disease. There, citizens are being cured of their infections without the need for novel Big Pharma therapeutics and mystery injections.

This explains why ivermectin is so aggressively opposed here in the United States that it is now almost impossible to get, except for the animal variety which is easily accessible online and in feed stores, though those varieties are getting a lot more expensive.

The lying corporate media wants everyone to believe that ivermectin is nothing more than “horse paste” that should never be consumed by humans. Fake news reports continue to circulate about people “overdosing” on ivermectin, though several of them have been debunked as made-up nonsense.

While it may not be an absolute panacea against the Wuhan Flu, ivermectin deserves greater attention than it is currently getting. At the very least, it needs to stop being vilified by the medical fascists who refuse to look at the science showing its safety and efficacy.

“Acknowledging that any alternative is in any way effective against covid would automatically mean that all EUAs for the ‘vaccines’ are illegal and in direct violation of the FDA’s own rules,” wrote one commenter at Natural News.

“The ‘vaccines’ were just one of the many goals of the plandemic, and there is no way they were going to not have them as soon as possible, regardless of how many tens of thousands of people had to die. This is what crimes against humanity also look like.”

More of the latest news about Chinese Virus deception and the witch hunt against ivermectin can be found at Pandemic.news.

Sources for this article include:




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