woensdag 22 juni 2022

Boerenprotest legt Nederlandse snelwegen stil: “We zijn niet opgewassen tegen deze machines”



Boerenprotest legt Nederlandse snelwegen stil: “We zijn niet opgewassen tegen deze machines”

Het Nederlands dorp Stroe krijgt vandaag maar liefst 20.000 tot 30.000 tractoren over de vloer. Landbouwers uit heel het land komen er protesteren tegen de stikstofambities van de regering.

Dario Van Fleteren

V22/06/2022 om 14:41

“Ik kan niet naar de boerendemo. De NCTV (de Nationale Coördinator Terrorismebestrijding en Veiligheid, red.) geeft mij een negatief advies.” Een parlementslid van regeringspartij D66 werd afgeraden om naar de boeren in Stroe te gaan luisteren. Zijn veiligheid kan niet worden gegarandeerd. Even later kreeg VVD-Kamerlid Thom Van Campen dezelfde boodschap. Het toont aan hoe gespannen de situatie is.

Uit alle hoeken van het land trekken boeren richting Stroe. Vandaag wordt het dorpje met 1.500 inwoners overspoeld door zo’n 20.000 tot 30.000 tractoren. Daarvoor kiezen de landbouwers de kortste weg: de snelweg. Boze boeren negeren massaal het verbod om die op te rijden. Op zeker zes snelwegen rijden hordes landbouwvoertuigen richting Stroe. “We zijn niet opgewassen tegen deze machines”, reageert de politie machteloos bij de publieke omroep NOS.


De inzet van de protesten is de Nederlandse stikstofaanpak. De boeren vrezen dat ze hun activiteiten zullen moeten staken door ambitieuze plannen om stikstofvervuiling terug te dringen. Voor jonge boeren is het een kwestie van overleven, maken ze duidelijk in de Nederlandse media. “Het is de vierde keer in twee jaar tijd dat ik protesteer”, zegt een jonge landbouwer aan NOS. “Onze toekomst gaat naar de kloten”, merkt een andere op.

De Nederlandse minister van Natuur en Stikstof heeft begrip voor het protest, al staat de doelstelling van 50 procent stikstofreductie in 2030 voor haar buiten kijf. Het gros van de Nederlandse bevolking steunt de oproep van de landbouwers. Ook de VVD, de partij van minister-president Mark Rutte die de minister voor Natuur en Stikstof levert, is verdeeld over de kwestie.

In Vlaanderen hebben boeren dezelfde kopzorgen. Vlaams minister van Leefmilieu Zuhal Demir (N-VA) wil absoluut het stikstofprobleem aanpakken, maar krijgt felle tegenstand van de landbouwsector. Veel boeren vrezen dat ze hun activiteiten zullen moeten staken en dat recente investeringen een maat voor niets waren.

Bron: https://www.gva.be/cnt/dmf20220622_94570220

‘Schwabinet’ zet leger in tegen protesterende boeren: ‘Bang dat ze zijn hier’

Vanuit het hele land trekken boeren naar het Gelderse Stroe om te demonstreren tegen de stikstofplannen van het kabinet. De organisatoren willen ‘Den Haag de rug toekeren’. Ze vinden de plannen ‘onhaalbaar, onuitvoerbaar, onnodig en ongewenst’.

Aanleiding voor de demonstratie is een omstreden plan dat stikstofminister Christianne van der Wal onlangs naar de Kamer stuurde over het terugdringen van de stikstofuitstoot.

Er was woensdagochtend ook een boerenprotest op het Malieveld in Den Haag. Kamerleden Wybren van Haga, Pepijn van Houwelingen en Gideon van Meijeren waren daarbij aanwezig.

Ze sluiten gewoon de hele stad weer af

In Den Haag is het leger ingezet. “Het militair materieel dat nog niet naar Oekraïne is gestuurd, zet het Schwabinet nu in om onze boeren te onderdrukken,” twittert Van Houwelingen.

Dowie jr., eigenaar van broodjeszaak Broodje van Dootje, deelt op social media foto’s van blokkades die zijn klaargezet. “Ze sluiten gewoon de hele stad weer af,” klaagt hij. “Bang dat ze zijn hier. Dit heeft weinig met Veteranendag te maken.” Die wordt aanstaande zaterdag gehouden.

Het leger wordt weer gebruikt tegen de eigen bevolking

Sandrine Thelosen, politiek redacteur van De Nieuws BV, schrijft: “Den Haag houdt rekening met bezoek. Zowel op de Herengracht als hier op het Korte Voorhout staan politie en leger.” Lokale media melden dat er containerwagens van het leger klaarstaan om de stad af te sluiten als dat nodig is.

Militairen die containers bij het Malieveld plaatsten, zeiden dat ze bezig waren met een ander project, maar tussendoor dit project moesten doen, bedoeld om de boeren tegen te houden. “Dus het leger wordt weer gebruikt tegen de eigen bevolking.”

(Video verwijderd? Klik hier...)

‘Onthutsende’ podcast: stikstofprofessor legt uit hoe we gemanipuleerd worden door RIVM en politiek

Het stikstofmodel van het RIVM klopt niet. Dat stelt professor Han Lindeboom van de Wageningen Universiteit. Hij is gepromoveerd op stikstof en richtte als D66-lid de focusgroep Stikstof op.

D66-Kamerlid Tjeerd de Groot probeerde de publicatie van de focusgroep tegen te houden en zei over hun bevindingen: “Dat moet je niet verder vertellen, want dat is koren op de molen van Thierry Baudet.”

Toen de D66-focusgroep Stikstof het rapport op eigen houtje naar alle Kamerleden in de Commissie Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit stuurde, mochten ze niet langer de naam D66 voeren.

(Video verwijderd? Klik hier...)

RIVM weigert het aan te passen

In het radioprogramma Op z’n Kop! zegt Lindeboom tegen Marianne Zwagerman en Rick van Velthuysen dat het RIVM al meer dan een jaar op de hoogte is van fouten in het stikstofmodel en die ook toegeeft. Op basis van de wél kloppende gegevens kleurt het Waddengebied bijvoorbeeld groen in plaats van rood, aldus de professor. Het RIVM weigert het aan te passen.

“Fijn dat er nog normale wetenschappers zijn,” reageert Telegraaf-verslaggever Wierd Duk. “Gelukkig zijn er ook nog wetenschappers/journalisten die wel hun mond open durven te doen,” voegt artiest en ex-verpleegkundige Marga Bult toe.


FVD-voorman Thierry Baudet zegt: “Explosief.” Schrijver Leon de Winter stelt: “Deze podcast […] is informatief en compleet onthutsend: stikstofprofessor legt uit dat we gemanipuleerd worden door RIVM en de politiek. Het doel is om via stikstof een politieke keuze te legitimeren: die voor ‘circulaire landbouw’.”

“Bizar. Professor en stikstofdeskundige mocht binnen de D66-werkgroep niet het echte verhaal naar buiten brengen en werd gecensureerd door Tjeerd de Groot. Leve de vrije wetenschap? Zolang ze maar wel zeggen wat D66 wil. Bah!” twittert raadslid Ralf Sluijs.

Voice for Sciense & Solidarity Scientific Updates During Pandemic Times #25

 June 19, 2022


1.    Severe COVID-19 ‘Rare’ In Unvaccinated People

“An analysis revealed that compared to those who got jabbed, unvaccinated people reported fewer hospitalizations.”


2.    BA.5 Omicron is Winning the Covid Variant Battle in the U.S.

“BA.2.12.1 is only modestly (1.8-fold) more resistant to sera from vaccinated and boosted individuals than BA.2. On the other hand, BA.4/5 is substantially (4.2-fold) more resistant and thus more likely to lead to vaccine breakthrough infections.”


3.    Media Wonders Why Boosted Americans are Testing Positive for COVID More Than Those Without Extra Shot

“Since late February, Americans who have gotten a booster shot appear to be testing positive for COVID-19 more often than those vaccinated without the extra shot, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data.”


4.    Unvaxxed ‘Control group’: First Release of Survey Data

“An international survey of a health-aware, ‘Control Group’ that includes over 300,000 people who have chosen to avoid COVID-19 vaccination, shows participants place minimal burden on health systems through their strong reliance on natural immunity, self-care and the use of natural health supplements to help prevent or even treat COVID-19.”


5.    Israel Contemplating Fifth COVID Vaccine as Number of Infections Rises

The country’s Corona Supervisor, Professor Salman Zarqa, stated on Wednesday at the 2042 Medicine Conference in Tel Aviv that “unfortunately, it seems that we are starting a new corona wave in Israel, the BA.5 wave, we are considering giving a fifth vaccine.”


6.    New Study Links COVID Vaccines to 25% Increase in Cardiac Arrest

“Study based on data from emergency services. COVID infection itself not linked to significant increase in cardiovascular complications.”


7.    WHO Says COVID-19 ‘Lab Leak’ Theory Needs Further Investigation

“There are key pieces of data that are not yet available for a complete understanding of how the COVID-19 pandemic began,” the expert said in their report, stressing that further studies are needed “to follow up on several gaps in our knowledge,” according to Agence France-Presse.


8.    High Viral Loads: What Drives Fatal Cases of COVID-19 in Vaccinees?

“However, vaccinated cases also showed high viral loads, reaching Ct-values below 10, especially in the upper airways and lungs. This was accompanied by high rates of pulmonal bacterial or mycotic superinfections and the occurrence of immunocompromising factors, such as malignancies, immunosuppressive drug intake, or decreased immunoglobulin levels. All these findings were particularly accentuated in partially vaccinated patients compared to fully vaccinated individuals.”


9.    Heavily Vaccinated Taiwan Experiences Record COVID-19 Infections, Hospitalizations & Deaths

“While Taiwan is 80.3% fully vaccinated, with one of the highest boost rates worldwide at about 65%, an unprecedented number of SARS-CoV-2 infections surge alongside record fatalities.”


10.    Children Infected With up to Three Viruses at a Time Because of COVID Measures, Experts Warn

“Children are being infected with up to THREE viruses at a time because COVID measures have worn down their immune systems and made them vulnerable to illnesses usually only caught in winter, experts warn.”


11.    COVID-19 Deaths Remain Extremely Rare in Children and Young People

“Of the COVID-19 deaths, 61 (75.3%) had an underlying condition, especially severe neurodisability (n=27) and immunocompromising conditions (n=12). Over the 22-month surveillance period, SARS-CoV-2 was responsible for 1.2% (81/6,790) of all deaths, with an infection fatality rate of 0.70/100,000 SARS-CoV-2 infections in CYP aged <20 years estimated through real-time, nowcasting modelling and a mortality rate of 0.61/100,000.”


12.    Research Must Do No Harm: New Guidance Addresses All Studies Relating to People

“Specifically, it means at least three things: first, that the research community should consider potentially harmful implications of research as applied to groups; second, that the community should strive to minimize the potential for misuse and the risks of harm to these groups; and third, that authors should use respectful, non-stigmatizing language in their manuscripts.”



Geert Vanden Bossche received his DVM from the University of Ghent, Belgium, and his PhD degree in Virology from the University of Hohenheim, Germany. He held adjunct faculty appointments at universities in Belgium and Germany. After his career in Academia, Geert joined several vaccine companies (GSK Biologicals, Novartis Vaccines, Solvay Biologicals) to serve various roles in vaccine R&D as well as in late vaccine development.

Geert then moved on to join the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Health Discovery team in Seattle (USA) as Senior Program Officer; he then worked with the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) in Geneva as Senior Ebola Program Manager. At GAVI he tracked efforts to develop an Ebola vaccine. He also represented GAVI in fora with other partners, including WHO, to review progress on the fight against Ebola and to build plans for global pandemic preparedness.

Back in 2015, Geert scrutinized and questioned the safety of the Ebola vaccine that was used in ring vaccination trials conducted by WHO in Guinea. His critical scientific analysis and report on the data published by WHO in the Lancet in 2015 was sent to all international health and regulatory authorities involved in the Ebola vaccination program. After working for GAVI, Geert joined the German Center for Infection Research in Cologne as Head of the Vaccine Development Office. He is at present primarily serving as a Biotech / Vaccine consultant while also conducting his own research on Natural Killer cell-based vaccines.

Email: info@voiceforscienceandsolidarity.org



Second call to WHO: Please, don't vaccinate against Omicron.


Video Link: https://www.voiceforscienceandsolidarity.org/videos-and-interviews/second-call-to-who-please-dont-vaccinate-against-omicron

 December 24, 2021

Second call to WHO: Please, don't vaccinate against Omicron.


Dear colleagues at the WHO, I think the time has come to admit that the mass vaccination program that you have been proposing in an attempt to put an end to the COVID-19 pandemic has been a complete failure. At the beginning of this year, I've been urging you to open a scientific debate on the potential risks of mass vaccination with these vaccines -  in the midst of a pandemic. I've never received a response to that request. But shortly thereafter one of the most renowned vaccinologists on this planet wrote me an email saying; ‘vaccinating with these vaccines would only breed new variants. But that it wouldn’t make sense for me to go against the mainstream because nobody would listen to me anyway, and hopefully that second-generation vaccines would solve the problem.’

So, I wanted to let you know that it is not because you are the WHO, that you can afford to ignore the opinion of people who have long-standing expertise - in all of the different disciplines involved in this pandemic: virology, immunology, vaccinology, evolutionary biology, epidemiology, zoonoses, etc. Whereas, some of us have been predicting that mass vaccination with these vaccines in the midst of a pandemic would inevitably lead to the expansion of more infectious variants, your leading scientists have been preaching the simplistic mantra that the more we vaccinate the less the virus will replicate, and the lower the likelihood that new variants will emerge. Now, the consequences of these simplistic and erroneous viewpoints is that today we are dealing with dominant circulation of Omicron, the most infectious SARS-CoV-2 variant that we have seen so far, and probably the most infectious virus that we have seen so far.

So, given the fact that we are now dealing with a number of variants that are circulating and a multitude, of course, of sub-variants, and that infection rates are going through the roof, and that also we are already most likely having a number of animal populations that are serving as a reservoir for the virus, the likelihood that viral variants are now recombining and building reassortments within one and the same host is becoming increasingly likely. So, what that means is that it will become increasingly difficult to trace the origin of new variants, and that it will be even more challenging to predict the characteristics of those new variants in terms of infectiousness, in terms of virulence, pathogenicity, and also in terms of resistance to vaccinal antibodies or to vaccines in general.

But what is very clear is that if those new variants are to survive on a background of high population-level immune pressure, then those variants will need to be more infectious – like, for example, the Omicron variant. The Omicron variant, however, is offering a very nice opportunity, because Omicron has acquired a substantial level of resistance to the vaccinal antibodies, and that means that the vaccinal antibodies are less likely to outcompete the innate antibodies, which is very good news, because we know that innate antibodies can protect against SARS-CoV-2. This has been repeatedly reported in the literature. We also know that innate antibodies can be trained, and therefore they can even improve their recognition and protection against the virus. Innate antibodies can be trained just like other innate immune effectors can be trained, by repeated exposure to what we call pathogen-associated molecular patterns. This is, in fact, nicely shown by the data published by the UK Health Security Agency, previously Public Health England - where they have shown that basically with aging and also with more exposure to the pathogen, the number of cases in the unvaccinated people was dramatically reduced, and even to an extent such that vaccine efficacy, or we should say, in the population, vaccine effectiveness, would become negative. There is also increased evidence, or increasing evidence, that training of innate antibodies as a result of natural infection can enhance the abrogation of the infection, and that training of adaptive immunity – particularly the induction of T-cell memory, also as a result of natural infection – can enhance the abrogation of disease.

Thanks to the increased resistance of Omicron to vaccinal antibodies, the innate antibodies are set free and can now enable the vaccinees to eliminate the virus, to control viral transmission, and to lead to a dramatic decrease in the viral infection rate, just like healthy unvaccinated people are doing. So, in other words, the resistance to Omicron means, in fact, that we are freeing up a huge capacity of sterilizing immunity in vaccinees because the vaccinees are, in fact, regaining full functionality of their innate immune antibodies. That, of course, will lead to herd immunity because herd immunity requires that you induce a type of immunity that can sterilize the virus, that can dramatically diminish transmission. This would also mean: by freeing up this huge capacity of sterilizing immunity in the vaccinees – after certainly a very important incline of infectious cases – we would have a rapid decline of this wave. And we would also have a rapid decline of disease cases, and even more importantly and more dramatically, of severe disease. Now we know with (moderate) disease, when you recover from disease, you develop acquired immunity, which is long-lived and will protect you. And the few cases of severe disease, we have, of course, to treat – that is what we’ve always said.

It is important to realize that, in fact, Omicron is more or less serving, indeed, as a live attenuated vaccine, and that this is a unique opportunity. The fact that we free up the sterilizing capacity in the vaccinees, thanks to the increased level of resistance of Omicron to the vaccinal antibodies – those are no longer capable of outcompeting the innate antibodies – we may have a unique opportunity to achieve herd immunity, or to start building herd immunity. And so, it is very, very important that we leave people alone, and that we leave the children alone, and that we let the virus spread. And so, we shouldn't have any vaccination against this Omicron variant, and we shouldn't have lockdowns.

If we are now going to vaccinate against Omicron, we are going to take away this window of opportunity for the population to generate herd immunity, thanks to freeing up our innate antibodies. And what we are going to do is in fact we would build against antibodies, against the spike protein of Omicron, and particularly against the receptor-binding domain of this Omicron spike protein.

We know that this receptor-binding domain has already undergone a number, or several, important mutations. So, if we put again full pressure on this domain, there is a high likelihood that we are now going to promote variants that will be able to use a receptor that is different from ACE-2 to enter into the cell. And we know that SARS-CoV-2 can do that because it has already been described that SARS-CoV-2 can use receptors other than ACE-2 to enter into the cell. But so far this way of entering - this alternative way of entry into the cell - has not been the preferred way for the virus for entering the cells. But it would only take probably one or two mutations for the virus to make these alternative receptors the preferred receptors for viral entry.

By doing mass vaccination against Omicron, we may be putting enough immune pressure on viral infectiousness to give variants that are capable of entering into the cell through an alternative receptor - to give them a competitive advantage, and so, to provide them with a fitness advantage so that they can now become dominant in the population. What this means is pretty catastrophic, because this would mean that basically we end up with a situation where we have antibodies that still strongly bind to the virus, to the receptor binding domain, but that can no longer neutralize the virus because the virus is now using another domain to enter into the cell, a domain which is different from the domain that is blocked by the antibodies.

Such a situation is in fact, a textbook example, for how you provoke antibody-dependent enhancement of the disease. So, this would mean that such a situation, the virus covered with strongly binding antibodies but not being able to neutralize the virus, would basically lead, or would be similar, to a situation where the virus has acquired a higher level of virulence. This would be - this situation would really, really, really be at risk of provoking the kind of disastrous consequences that I have been warning against at the beginning of this year. And we know that industry is already gearing up for mass vaccination against Omicron. And, as this, according to my humble opinion, could potentially be - with a high likelihood - a real disaster.  We must prevent such a thing from happening.

So in order to - or I would say unless - unless immediate action is taken to prevent this, it is clear that decision-makers in your organization, the WHO, will be held responsible, accountable, and liable for the dramatic consequences that this biological experiment on human beings could possibly entail. So I hope that this time you will take my warning very seriously into consideration.

Thank you. 


“Boosters verergeren de zaak” legt Viroloog & Vaccinoloog Dr. Geert VandenBossche uit...


Flavio Pasquino




Afgelopen week reisde programmamaker Flavio Pasquino samen met een cameraploeg af naar België om een tweeluik op te nemen met de roemruchte viroloog & vaccinoloog Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche. 9 maanden geleden luidde hij de noodklok bij de WHO en intussen zijn al zijn beweringen uitgekomen. “Massavaccinatie heeft de pandemie niet bedwongen maar dominante varianten hebben de zaak keer op keer verergerd waardoor we feitelijk de pandemie in stand houden met terugkerende golven”, aldus Dr. Geert Vanden Bosche, die alles minutieus toelicht.

 Vanden Bossche werkte in het verleden voor de Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, voor Gavi The Vaccine Alliance en voor vele commerciële partijen waar hij “hands on” aan de ontwikkeling van vaccins mocht sleutelen en daardoor veel multidisciplinaire kennis opdeed.

De discipline die in deze pandemie het meest verwaarloost is geworden, is de immunologie” vertelt de Belgische wetenschapper. Immers, ik ken veel specialisten die alles weten van 1 vakgebied bijvoorbeeld virologie. Echter, ze weten vervolgens weinig of niets van immunologie of vaccinologie. Als iemand al deze drie zaken niet beheerst, kan hij/zij onmogelijk de complexiteit van de problematiek rondom deze pandemie overzien. Ik ben op alle drie deze gebieden bekwaam en zie dat met immunologie en met name de natuurlijke immuniteit en de interactie met het virus en het huidige vaccin, nauwelijks of geen aandacht krijgt”.

Tijdens Deel 1 van het tweeluik, wordt Dr. Geert Vanden Bosche onder andere geconfronteerd met twee video fragmenten van de VRT (Belgische publieke omroep) waarin twee collegae kritiek uiten op zijn eerdere stellingen. Vanden Bosche weerlegt de kritiek met verve en deelt zelfs rake klappen uit aan het adres van vaccinoloog Dr. Corinne Vandermeulen en vaccinoloog Prof. Isabel Leroux-Roels.


Boosters verergeren de zaak

Op de vraag “wat moeten mensen doen die al dubbel gevaccineerd zijn, nu ze een booster krijgen aangeboden?” is Vanden Bosche resoluut:

Boosters verergeren de zaak en zijn uit den boze! Ten eerste ga je de kwaliteit van je antistoffen niet verbeteren. Ten tweede lopen mensen opnieuw gevaar op bijwerkingen. Ten derde wordt er wederom een nieuwe variant gestimuleerd om te gaan domineren. We houden daarmee de pandemie in stand!”.

In Deel 2 gaan we in op het vraagstuk, vaccinatie bij kinderen. Ook hierover was Vanden Bosche resoluut: “Het is een onvergefelijke zonde en eigenlijk moet ik zeggen…een doodzonde. En ik kan ook uitleggen waarom…

Wil je meer weten over Geert Vanden Bossche, kijk dan op zijn website:



Lokaal personeel: Duitse overheid wil 157.500 Afghanen invliegen

  20/12/2024 De federale regering blijft duizenden Afghanen naar Duitsland halen. Het aantal explodeert omdat lokale werknemers bijna vier f...