woensdag 11 augustus 2021

Dr. David Martin discusses the patents surrounding C-19

8850 views  11/08/2021


Health Ranger Report
Published Yesterday | Comments

In this video Dr. David Martin discusses all of the patents that have been filed over the last 20 years that proves that not only is this a man-made virus that came from the Wuhan lab, but also the sinister plot behind it.

LINK: https://www.brighteon.com/8c3da5c2-2cb7-4dc6-8bd0-3e7dca024f69

(Some) Comments:

·         rachel469  4 hours ago  edited

These people are utterly despicable in every sense of the word. I am sick of this and hope that the army will arrest these bastard now for military tribunal because these court cases are taking too long and people are still being played to queue up for this vaccine. It has killed over a million people so far and disabled many more millions.
The way the government has protected the vaccine industry only; and taken absolutely no responsibility for the safety of the people what so ever by taking away the usual checks and balances of allowing the vaccine companies to be sued for when it all goes wrong; which is the very way to expose the level of deaths and injuries; this is how dangerous vaccines get taken off the market. That has been removed why? Ask yourself why and it is obvious they had bad intent towards the people. They are pushing this when there was no pandemic in reality. The Trojan vaccine is the bioweapon; and they have schemed using the media and other psychological programmes to trick and deceive the people into taking this harmful product.
Then there are also the contracts the governments have put pen to that make it a never ending contract of sales for these dangerous to human health vaccines no matter what; with a no way out of the sales or contract ever. They signed that! This should be showing people that the government is entirely complicit in this pre-planned racket for profit before we even start on the damage they have done to health life and commerce not to mention the mental health of the nation = treason genocide collusion racketeering and so on . These people have given themselves too much power this is no democracy don't kid yourself and all the MP's who have went along with this are the worst kind of lowlight scum and none of them give a straight answer they just pass you on for a dose of Government BS propaganda and lie and lie and keep on lying to save their own asses they are not worth their wage. It is about money and hatred these people always make money and kill people at the same time. The lack of effective and fast action being taken on these people is becoming unbearable to me. it is about time we fired all them from their jobs seized their assets and marched them to a military court for trial.



TGO  4 hours ago  edited

This is a complex presentation and a lot of people probably got lost early in the video, but this is absolute proof that we are experiencing a scamdemic. This video needs to be the number one viewed video, and sent URGENTLY to Rand Paul!


aj54  8 hours ago

I hope that some group(s) will file for an emergency injunction to stop any Biden EO on a new lockdown. Only governors can control health directives, and I hope they stop the Dem governors. The next lockdown order is supposed to include language on 'shielding' the 'high risk' by putting them into camps.



daid frankel  9 hours ago

its amazing what i heard the sad part majority of people wont listen at all



Jerome Brown  10 hours ago

Brilliantly spoken. A complicated discussion spelt out. The Sars cov 2 was patemted in 2002. Since when many more patents for derivatives? of the virus have been taken out. This proves to me that the corona virus was man made. The quotes mentioned suggest that some people visualised the whole pandemic , and what is fact, the vaccine for the virus was patented before the outbreak. Very damning indeed.



crystalcarrie  11 hours ago

Doctor Martin gives pure quality information.
I love his calm style of oration.He is so awesome!




Demitris Gregoriadis  12 hours ago

Please make these videos downloadable so people can share it.


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