woensdag 9 maart 2022

'He has to go': Douglas Murray argues Trudeau's government has 'massively overreached'

Sky News Australia

2,26 mln. Abonnees

1.171.009 weergaven

14 feb. 2022


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau must go and his government "should fall" amid a list of "absolutely criminal" things the government is doing, says author Douglas Murray.

 It comes as a state of emergency has been declared in Ontario, the province which includes Ottawa, after protests entered their third week in the capital.

 Protesters have been warned they face large fines or even prison time for their continued demonstrations.

 Mr Murray condemned Mr Trudeau for his treatment of the protesters, saying he called them "racists, misogynists and homophobes".

 "He and his appalling supporting paper, the Toronto Star, pump out the most vicious propaganda against these truckers."

"The Canadian government has put pressure on some of the Canadian banks to freeze the accounts of truckers – this is just unbelievable banana republic behaviour."

Some of the 11.443 Comments:

nice rides

3 weken geleden

Not only Trudeau has to go. Everyone that has promoted covidism has to go.

Robert Arnold

2 weken geleden

Not only does Trudeau have to go, he also needs to be held accountable for what he has done.

Mark E.

2 weken geleden

"Banana republic behavior." Well put, Mr. Murray.

Stephen Crocker

2 weken geleden

The lack of reaction from other world leaders is disgusting - they condemn Russia for its pre-supposed actions, yet cannot condemn Canada for its human rights abuse actions there?


2 weken geleden

The GoFundMe scandal is the most despicable thing in the whole affair. And frankly probably the most disgusting thing I've ever heard of


2 weken geleden

This woman interviewer is top notch. She let him talk and get his message out with no interuption. Great job.

Stephen Yarnell

3 weken geleden

Trudeau walked out of parliment in the middle of a debate. they should consider that his resignation 

Lighthouse in the Storm

2 weken geleden

“When a government starts trying to cancel dissent or avoid dissent is when it’s rapidly losing its moral authority to govern.”  - Stephen Harper in 2005


2 weken geleden

As a 4th generation Canadian, it feels like certain Canadians are very naïve to where this leads over time. They've never felt the pain of dictatorship and socialism that so many people from eastern Europe, China and some South American countries have felt. Those people who fled those places to Canada to feel free and autonomous, while adding to the economy and culture of Canada, can feel it happening again. They can smell it. They've seen this story before. It seems naive Canadians don't know what they've got, 'till it's gone.

Cinema Cinema

2 weken geleden

It’s been years since Trudeau has answered a question. He just says some memorized talking points which are always irrelevant and deflects.

Birgitta Birgersdatter

3 weken geleden

The truckers situation should be a loud and clear warning to those people who want to end the use of cash. Without cash we are at the mercy of politics.

David Mcdermott jr

2 weken geleden

Crimes against humanity should be the charge.

Rick corona

2 weken geleden

Trudeau's next move is to anoint himself as the "Queen of Canada".

Minky Fran

3 weken geleden

There needs to now be calls for Trudeau to resign , He’s made a total fool of himself


2 weken geleden

When ever I listen and watch Trudeau speak I'm always baffled by how he's convinced anyone of anything ever.. He's so genuinely fake, that it's like watching an extremely bad actor who's also a compulsive liar, try to be as forcefully convincing as possible. It's impossible to take seriously, let alone stomach to watch.


3 weken geleden

Jordan Peterson was just quoted as saying that “Justin Trudeau is incapable of saying a honest word. When he speaks all I hear and see is acting”


 and so on .....


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