vrijdag 22 april 2022

For anyone under 80, COVID “vaccines” are deadlier than COVID itself

 Wednesday, April 20, 2022 by: Ethan Huff

Tags: badhealthbadmedicinebadscienceBell's palsyCOVIDDeadlyDeltagenocidemyocarditisomicronPlandemicunder 80vaccinationVaccine deathsvaccine injuryvaccinesyoung people

This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author


(Natural News) If you are not already on death’s door, then getting “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is a really bad bet.

It turns out that the risks associated with getting injected if you are under the age of 80 far outweigh any alleged benefits, new research has found.

“All age groups under 50 years old are at greater risk of dying after receiving a COVID jab than an unvaccinated person is at risk of dying from COVID-19,” reported Dr. Joseph Mercola.

“For those under 18, the COVID jab increases their risk of dying from COVID-19. They’re also 51 times more likely to die from the jab than they are to die from COVID if not vaccinated.”

As to when a person breaches the age of 60 is there even the remotest chance that a Fauci Flu shot will do anything other than potentially cause blood clots or a heart attack, the evidence shows. COVID “vaccines” also cause AIDS.

“The shot will kill one person for every person it saves from dying of COVID,” Mercola warned about the best-case scenario based on the official data. “So it’s a tossup as to whether it might be worth it for any given person.”

COVID “vaccines” offer ZERO benefits

Dr. Stephanie Seneff, along with independent researcher Kathy Dopp put together new research on the subject. It shows that the cost-benefit analysis of getting jabbed is not favorable to a positive outcome.

“This analysis is conservative,” the two authors noted about their findings, “because it ignores the fact that inoculation-induced adverse events such as thrombosis, myocarditis, Bell’s palsy, and other vaccine-induced injuries can lead to shortened life span.”

“All age groups under 50 years old are at greater risk of fatality after receiving a COVID-19 inoculation than an unvaccinated person is at risk of a COVID-19 death,” their research concludes.

For younger adults and children, there is actually no benefit to getting injected, and only risk.

Recognizing that early treatment (i.e., with ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine) stops COVID in its track around 90 percent of the time, there is simply no reason for the injections at all (except to pad the pockets of politicians and Big Pharma executives, of course).

“Considering the emergence of antibody-resistant variants like delta and omicron, for most age groups COVID-19 vaccine inoculations result in higher death rates than COVID-19 does for the unvaccinated,” the study further revealed.

At this point with the Fauci Flu no longer even being a thing, it is preposterous for anyone to still be suggesting more injections. Those who already fell for the sham can try to detox perhaps some of the chemical pollutions that invaded their bodies.

Everyone else would do best to stick to their guns and never comply with getting jabbed under any circumstances. Your health and life more than likely depend on it.

“Common sense tells us that COVID-19 vaccination policy ought to be rooted in a rational evaluation of the true costs and benefits, and to do that, we need to assess whether the jabs are beneficial or harmful, and to what extent,” Mercola said.

“So far, governments have completely ignored the cost of this mass injection campaign, focusing solely on perceived or imagined (not proven) benefit.”

It turns out that not only was there never a proper cost-benefit analysis conducted, let alone taken into consideration before the authorizations, approvals, and mandates, but there is not even credible evidence to show that the jabs work as claimed.

The whole thing has always been a lie.

The latest news about Fauci Flu shots can be found at ChemicalViolence.com.

Sources include:




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