zaterdag 11 september 2021


“We moeten de dood zijn plaats teruggeven”, vindt klinisch psycholoog Prof. dr. Mattias Desmet…


10 Sept. 2021 



“We moeten de dood zijn plaats teruggeven”, vindt klinisch psycholoog Prof. dr. Mattias Desmet…

In deel twee van de 6-delige docureeks van Tegenwind, is het de beurt aan klinisch psycholoog Prof. Dr. Mattias Desmet. Hij werd beroemd in Nederland na zijn indrukwekkende interview bij “De Nieuwe Wereld” waar Marlies Dekkers en Ab Verbrugge hem spraken over het thema “Massavorming”.

De video ging viraal en scheen een nieuw licht op de corona-crisis en de eenduidige stellingname van burgers, wetenschappers en politici. Desmet ondervond - net als de andere geportretteerden in deze reeks - problemen in de werksfeer vanwege zijn uitlatingen en beleefde een warm bad in Andalusië waar hij zonder blad voor zijn mond kon praten over gevoelige zaken.

Desmet: “Het was heel aangenaam dat we met een groep wetenschappers samen waren die heel menselijk waren. Elkaar een hand even, echt luisteren en elkaar serieus nemen. Ik zou het zo weer doen”.

Indrukwekkende cast

De serie kent een indrukwekkende cast met Nederlandse en Belgische wetenschappers die allen minstens Drs. en de meesten Prof. Dr. voor hun naam hebben staan. Ze kregen  allemaal een eigen aflevering van om en nabij een uur. Dit zijn de namen:

1) Lector gezondheidswetenschappen Drs. Sam Brokken

2) Klinisch psycholoog Prof. dr. Mattias Desmet

3) Vaccinoloog Prof. dr. Theo Schetters

4) Sociaal geograaf, statisticus en opiniepeiler Drs. Maurice de Hond

5) Privacyspecialist Prof. dr. Paul De Hert

6) Gezondheids- en welzijnseconoom Prof. dr. Lieven Annemans

7) Rondetafelgesprek


Angst en massavorming in de coronacrisis. 

Een gesprek met Mattias Desmet en Ad Verbrugge

198.054 weergaven  -  52,9K abonnees

11 okt. 2020   De Nieuwe Wereld


Marlies Dekkers in gesprek met professor klinische psychologie Mattias Desmet en filosoof Ad Verbrugge over de coronacrisis. (Nederlands gesproken / Engels ondertiteld)

"Angst is niet alleen een gevolg van de coronacrisis, het is ook een oorzaak.”

Tijdens de coronacrisis worden ingrijpende maatregelen genomen. Desmet vertelt dat het hem verbaast dat de discussie over de slachtoffers van die maatregelen nauwelijks wordt gevoerd. “De meest elementaire afweging – hoe verhoudt de remedie zich tot de kwaal? – werd eigenlijk nooit gemaakt.” Dat heeft er ook mee te maken dat de politiek haar taken grotendeels uitbesteedt. Dat gebeurde al aan het begint, zo vult Verbrugge aan. “De politiek heeft alles heel snel losgelaten.” Dat gebeurde onder druk van de bevolking, het buitenland en de medische wetenschap. 

Volgens Desmet hangt dat samen met massavorming als gevolg van angst. Om dat te begrijpen spreekt hij over de crisis die al gaande was vóór de coronapandemie. Hij wijst op de vele depressies, burn-outs en een breed gedeelde ervaring dat het eigen leven er niet toe doet. “Het toont de mate waarin onze maatschappij beheerst werd door een gevoel van zinloosheid en psychisch onbehagen.” In dat klimaat kon de massavorming rondom corona wortel schieten. Verbrugge: “Er lijkt wel een sluimerend onbehagen of woede waarin we op zoek zijn naar iemand of iets die het gedaan heeft.” We hebben met het coronavirus een nieuwe vijand gevonden en dat biedt een zin-perspectief.

Tegelijkertijd impliceert die massavorming rondom een verhaal dat gaat over angst een blikvernauwing. Desmet: “De verhalen die tot massavorming leiden, richten de aandacht op één aspect van de werkelijkheid.” Men kan, zoals iemand die gehypnotiseerd is, nog slechts met een beperkt deel van de werkelijkheid rekening houden. “Dat verklaart waarom zelfs zeer intelligentie mensen niet de eenvoudige afweging maken: er vallen zoveel coronaslachtoffer, en zoveel vanwege de maatregelen.” Volgens Verbrugge is dat zeer frustrerend: “Op een of andere manier lijkt het heel moeilijk breed te trekken.” Men heeft behoefte aan eenheid en een sterke leider die de weg wijst.

In zekere zin is de huidige reactie de logische consequentie van een mechanisch, biologisch en technologisch mens- en wereldbeeld. Desmet: “Die gaat gepaard met de waan dat de mens alles kan herleiden en beheersen.” Volgens Verbrugge dreigt dat ons af te snijden van fundamentele vragen, zoals: wat is het leven, wat is ziekte en gezondheid, wat vinden we waardevol? Bovendien laten experimenten zien dat psychische stress en angst zelf ook schadelijke effecten hebben. Verbrugge: “Dat geeft eens te meer aan dat je op je woorden moet letten. [..] Verhalen gaan een eigen effect sorteren. Door een teveel aan angst gaan wij onszelf ziek maken.” Desmet: “Absoluut. Angst is niet alleen een gevolg van de coronacrisis, het is ook een oorzaak.”


1:28 Wat kun je vanuit de psychologie zeggen over dat mensen zo gemakkelijk van alles hebben opgegeven?

6:31 Ad, jij hebt je ook uitgelaten over de vraag: waarom wordt er geen politiek gevoerd?

8:51 Over het onderzoek van Solomon Asch over de invloed van massavorming 10:08 In welke crisis zaten we voor de coronacrisis?

15:26 Welke andere aspecten hebben nog te maken met het gevoel van zinloosheid, schaalgrootte etc?

19:46 Over angst, de roes en de overgang naar de hypnose en de blikvernauwing

26:20 Kun je het experiment van Solomon Asch beschrijven?

30:26 Jij zegt: ook de experts zijn onderdeel van de blikvernauwing en de groepsdruk?

38:43 Het virus moet ons pakken eigenlijk? “Ja, en daar zit een enorm gevaar in”

41:02 Hoe kijk jij naar het perspectief en als de verwachting van het verhaal (een vaccin) niet wordt ingelost?

48:50 Jij zegt: een mens kan sterven van angst?



De Nieuwe Wereld TV is een platform dat mensen uit verschillende disciplines bij elkaar brengt om na te denken over grote veranderingen die op komst zijn door een combinatie van snelle technologische ontwikkelingen en globalisering. Het is een initiatief van journalist Paul van Liempt, filosoof Ad Verbrugge en David van Overbeek De Nieuwe Wereld TV wordt gemaakt in samenwerking met de VU, Centrum Ethos en Filosofische School Nederland.

Volg ons!




A New Perspective on Preventing and Curing COVID-19 Patients (CDS)


A New Perspective on Preventing and Curing COVID-19 Patients: Encouraging Medical Teams to Contact Cured People Treated with Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS)

Mediterranean BioMedical Journals Integrative Journal of Medical Sciences 2020, Volume 7, 229 DOI: 10.15342 / ijms.7.229

Enrique A. Martínez Catholic University of the North, Coquimbo, Chile

SUMMARY This article is written to encourage medical teams around the world to contact COVID-19 patients already treated with Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS), a water soluble gas. To also contact the medical teams that accompany the study cases in order to verify the real health conditions of the patients. Finally, the question is asked whether CDS should be tested in their respective local healthcare settings, as it is low cost, appears highly effective against all viral infections and has almost no side effects. KEY WORDS: CDS; Chlorine Dioxide Solution; COVID-19; Declaration of Helsinki. Correspondence: Dr Martinez Enrique, Foyer de Charité de Provence, BP63, Lambesc, 13410, France. Email: © Copyright 2020

Martinez EA. This is an open access article distributed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International, which allows unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. As of June 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused more than 4,3 million confirmed cases and more than 290.000 deaths worldwide. The pandemic has changed the world forever. Social, economic, environmental and health changes [1] have strongly questioned how humanity can respond to this and other invasive threats so rapidly. This article aims to encourage medical teams to follow what has been done in some countries where COVID19 patients have been successfully treated with CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution). bags against viruses such as HIV and other pathogens [3], why not try it in patients with COVID-19 having then so few treatment alternatives. These trials resulted in the recovery of all patents treated in just four days of treatment [2]. Taking into account the declaration of the Helsinki World Medical Association - section No. 37, which states that "Every doctor is authorized to use new or unproven preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures", and the fact that thousands of patients who suffered from this COVI-19 infection were dying, in May 2020, Ecuadorian doctors decided to test chlorine dioxide in solution to treat 104 patients. These patients signed, under notarial verification, an authorization and discharge to receive this treatment [2]. 

They used the CDS recognizing that, on the one hand, viruses are known to be absolutely sensitive to oxidation and, on the other hand, if it works in human blood

What is the CDS? This gas molecule (ClO2) is highly soluble in water. Once in solution, the gas gives a yellowish color, by physical refraction. To date, it has not been introduced in the conventional pharmacopoeia as an active ingredient, although since 1994 it has been used on a mandatory basis to disinfect and preserve blood bags for transfusions, following its patented use as an antiviral agent in 1991 [3]. It is also used in most of the bottled waters suitable for consumption, as it does not leave toxic residues. Furthermore, the gas evaporates at temperatures above 11ºC.

How does CDS work on viruses (and bacteria)? The small size of viruses (and bacteria) allows oxygen to oxidize them very quickly, without affecting the larger cells of living organisms infected by viruses or bacteria [4]. The precise action is on nucleic acids. Nucleic acids, DNARNA, are made up of a chain of purine and pyrimidine bases, guanine (G), cytosine (C), adenine (A), and thymine / uracil. 2020; 7: 2 p 1 Integr J Med SciMartinez EA Perspective for preventing and curing COVID-19 (T / U) patients. Guanine bases, found in both RNA and DNA, are very sensitive to oxidation, forming 8oxoguanine as a by-product of it. Therefore, when the ClO2 molecule comes into contact with guanine and oxidizes it, leading to the formation of 8-oxoguanine, it then blocks the replication of the viral nucleic acid by base pairing. Although the replication of the protein capsid may continue, the formation of the fully functional virus is blocked by oxidation thanks to ClO2.

The oxygen in ClO2 seems to move faster in the bloodstream as it does not need hemoglobin to be transported. This hypothesis would explain, according to the recorded data, why patients treated with CDS and suffering from COVID-19, recovered their oxygen saturation levels so quickly [2]. In the past, this gas and related molecules have been tested against various viruses, bacteria but also other larger parasites such as fungi and yeast [5]. Furthermore, CDS has extremely low toxicity against humans in the short and long term (5,6,7,8,9,10). These studies did not show harmful effects on physiological characteristics such as pulse, respiratory rate and temperature, or on biochemical parameters such as glucose, urea nitrogen, phosphates, alkaline phosphatase, transaminases or thyroid excretions. Neither hemolysis nor anemia were detected at doses of 24 ppm per day for two weeks. Chlorine dioxide was safe even for drinking water, as demonstrated in a study of 198 people for 115 days [11]. The global overreaction applied on people such as social blockade seems to cause more problems than the virus itself [12]. The few treatments still available, the high costs



[1] Nicola M, Alsafi Z, Sohrabi C, Kerwan A, Al-Jabir A, Iosifidis C, Agha M, Agha R. The socio-economic implications of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19): A review. Int J Surg. 2020; 78: 185-193. Available at: (visited on September 17th, 2020).

[2] Over 100 [people] Recovered from Covid-19 with CDS by Physicians of the Ecuadorian Association of Integrated Medicine, AEMEMI (Asociación Ecuatoriana de Médicos Expertos en Medicina Integrativa, according to the Spanish acronym). Available at: 7 / 100Recovered-Aememi-1: 7 and (visited on September 17th, 2020). The data of this study on 104 patients is on the journal website and also available upon author request. [3] Kross RD, Scheer DI. Composition and procedure for disinfecting blood and blood components. Available at:  1991 (visited on September 17th, 2020).

[4] Noszticzius Z, Wittmann M, Kály-Kullai K, Beregvári Z, Kiss I, Rosivall L, et al. Chlorine Dioxide Is a SizeSelective Antimicrobial Agent. 2013. PLoS ONE 8 (11): e79157. Available at:  (visited on September 17th, 2020).

[5] Barry Wintner B, Contino A, O'Neill G. Chlorine Dioxide, Part 1: A Versatile, High-Value Sterilant for the Biopharmaceutical Industry. BioProcess International Technical December 2005. Pp. 42-46. Available at: rt_1_A_Versatile_High_Value_Sterilant_for_the_Biophar maceutical_Industry (visited on September 17th, 2020). and low speed of vaccines development all seems to indicate that alternative treatments and even nutrition factors 

[6] Patel Y, Wong D. Toxicological review of chlorine dioxide and chlorite. EPA / 635 / R-00/007. 2000. Available at: toxreviews / 0648tr.pdf (visited on September 17th, 2020).

[7] Lubbers, JR; Chauhan, S; Bianchine, JR. Controlled clinical evaluations of chlorine dioxide, chlorite and chlorate in man. Fundam Appl Toxicol 1: 334-338. (1981)

[8] Lubbers, JR; Chauhan, S; Bianchine, JR. Controlled clinical evaluations of chlorine dioxide, chlorite and chlorate in man. Environ Health Perspect 46: 57-62. (1982) [9] Lubbers, JR; Chauhan, S; Miller, JK, Bianchine, JR The effects of chronic administration of chlorine dioxide, chlorite and chlorate to normal healthy adult male volunteers. J Environ Pathol Toxicol Oncol 5: 229-238. (1984a).

[10] Lubbers, JR; Chauhan, S; Miller, JK; Bianchine, JR. The effects of chronic administration of chlorite to glucose-6phosphate dehydrogenase deficient healthy adult male volunteers. J Environ Pathol Toxicol Oncol 5: 239-242. (1984b).

[11] Michael, GE, Miday, RK, Bercz, JP, Miller, RG, Greathouse, DG, Kraemer, DF, & Lucas, JB. Chlorine Dioxide Water Disinfection: A Praspective Epidemiology Study, Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal, 36: 1, 20-27, DOI: 10.1080 / 00039896.1981.10667601 (1981)

[12] Boretti, A. Sustainable Post Covid19 Lockdown Strategy Through Evidence-Based Policy: Analysis of Covid19 Fatalities Across Europe. Integr J Med Sci 2020, Volume 7, ID 172 DOI: 10.15342 / ijms.7.172 [13] Zhang Y., Chen, G. Nutritional Considerations in COVID19 Pandemic. Integrative Journal of Medical Sciences 2020, Volume 7, ID 198. DOI: 10.15342 / ijms.7.198.

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New study proves that chlorine dioxide (MMS) blocks SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins from binding with human receptors

Eindelijk nog eens goed nieuws ......

New study proves that chlorine dioxide (MMS) blocks SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins from binding with human receptors

Friday, September 10, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: biological weaponsblockedchlorine dioxideCOVIDgoodhealthgoodmedicinegoodscienceMiracle Mineral SolutionMMSpandemicpreventionreceptorsSARS-CoV-2spike proteinspike proteinstreatment



(Natural News) Japanese researchers have confirmed that chlorine dioxide, also known as Miracle Mineral Solution or MMS, is a safe and effective remedy for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

A paper published in the journal Annals of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutics explains how MMS blocks the spike proteins associated with SARS-CoV-2 that are said to bind with human receptors such as Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2), allowing disease to form.

“Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) is a powerful disinfectant that is known to inactivate both viruses and bacteria,” the study’s abstract reveals.

The stated purpose of the study was to see if chlorine dioxide directly inhibits the binding of the Chinese Virus Spike protein (S protein) to ACE2 receptors. The team conducted in vitro experiments with the British and South African “variants” of the Fauci Flu.

“Spike protein coated onto a microtiter plate was treated with chlorine dioxide aqueous solution or chlorine dioxide spray solution,” the study explains.

In the end, what they found is that MMS does, in fact, inactivate the binding of covid variant spike proteins to the human ACE2 receptor protein, “indicating that this strategy may be useful in blocking the transmission of variant SARS-CoV-2 viruses.”

Can chlorine dioxide protect your cells against a spike protein invasion?

Since we now know that the variants are being spread by the “vaccines,” and thus also by the “vaccinated,” chlorine dioxide could help the “unvaccinated” to protect themselves against infection.

It may also be useful in helping the vaccinated and those who test “positive” for the China Virus to rid themselves of spike proteins by preventing them from attaching to ACE2 receptors.

Much more study is likely needed to determine whether or not this applies to people who took the mRNA injections (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna), as these shots program human cells to continue producing spike proteins constantly.

For everyone else, taking MMS could provide a shield of protection against the type of spike protein damage that is causing some people to suffer cardiovascular events or worse.

“The powerful disinfection action of CD (chlorine dioxide) against microbes is due to its strong oxidizing activity against proteins,” the study explains. “Moreover, safe and permissible concentrations of CD have been well documented.”

Covid spike proteins do not like chlorine dioxide, which blocks them from damaging the body

For their experiments, the team sprayed a 50 ?L aliquot of chlorine dioxide or chlorine dioxide spray solution diluted to the appropriate concentration onto microtiter plates containing purified Receptor-Binding Domain (RBD) spike proteins. The solutions were then incubated at 25ºC for 5 minutes.

Next, a 20 ?L aliquot of 10 mmol/L sodium thiosulfate in Blocking Buffer 2 was added to terminate the reaction of chlorine dioxide with the spike proteins. This rapidly converted the chlorine dioxide to ClO2-, causing it to become unreactive.

Then, a 35 ?L aliquot of biotin-labeled ACE2 diluted to 1.5 ?g/mL by Blocking Buffer 2 was added to the solution, while a biotin-labeled ACE2 was bound to streptavidin-labeled horseradish peroxidase and detected using a substrate of horseradish peroxidase.

After one minute, a luminometer was used to measure the chemiluminescence signal emitted from the solution, which was assayed in four different wells due to the intensity fluctuation of the chemiluminescence.

Upon analysis, it was determined that the intensity of the binding of human ACE2 protein to covid spike RBD decreased as a result of chlorine dioxide. The higher the concentration of chlorine dioxide, the fewer spike protein binding events were observed.

Put more simply, coronavirus spike proteins do not like chlorine dioxide. And since chlorine dioxide has been proven to be a safe and effective remedy for a variety of ailments, there is no reason why it should not at least be considered as a potential option in the fight against covid.

Just like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, the government does not want you using chlorine dioxide to protect yourself against covid

Dr. Manuel Aparicio told The New American in an interview back in the summer all about chlorine dioxide and its potential use as a treatment for the Chinese Virus.

Back during the early days of the plandemic, the Sacramento Regional Transit District was using chlorine dioxide to clean its buses, further demonstrating its external use as a weapon against the Wuhan Flu.

For many years, chlorine dioxide has also been used as a treatment for autism. Kerri Rivera, a homeopathic doctor, has seen noteworthy success using it as a biomedical protocol to help autistic children regain normalcy in their lives.

“I started researching and [found that] it destroys viruses, bacteria, candida, parasites, reduces overall body inflammation, and neutralizes heavy metals, so I’m all in, [because] that’s what autism is,” Rivera told the Health Ranger in an interview.

There are so many beneficial uses for MMS that it would be a crime not to allow people to have access to it. Thankfully, it is not a prescription-only drug like hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ivermectin, so it remains easily accessible as a dietary supplement.

Check it out for yourself to see if chlorine dioxide might be a helpful addition to your health arsenal. And be sure to tell others about it so they, too, can keep themselves protected against covid spike proteins, especially now that the “fully vaccinated” spike protein “factories” are potentially spreading them all around us.

For more helpful information about how to keep you and your loved ones safe and protected against Chinese Germs, be sure to visit

Sources for this article include:


 Know someone who caught a covid “variant?” Blame the vaccinated

Monday, August 30, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: Albert BourlabadhealthCOVIDDeltagenocidePfizerPlandemicsheddingspreadVaccine deathsVaccine injuriesvaccine warsvaccinesvariants



(Natural News) As people continue to get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), more new “variants” are emerging for which Big Pharma is already planning to unleash new “vaccines” as the “cure.”

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla told Fox News the other day that his company has a system in place that is capable of turning around a new variant-specific jab every 45 days, generating an endless profit stream for the pharmaceutical giant.

“Every time a variant appears in the world, our scientists are getting their hands around it,” Bourla boasted. “And they are researching to see if this variant can escape the protection of our vaccine.”

According to Bourla, none of the existing known variants, including “delta,” are capable of escaping the Pfizer vaccine (note: this claim is not backed by any science).

Meanwhile, experts are warning that a constant churn of new injections for every new variant that pops up will only continue to create more and more variants.

This is great for making Big Pharma money, of course, but terrible for public health, which is being systematically destroyed in the name of “science.”

Every time a person gets jabbed with one of Donald “father of the vaccine” Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” injections, the likelihood of a mutation forming increases. This is why we are now seeing another “wave” of infections, particularly in the most highly vaccinated countries.

“There are clearly sources of information to suggest that once we start vaccination and we get more than 25 percent of the population vaccinated, we will allow one of the variants that’s in the background to emerge because it’s resistant to the vaccine,” warns Dr. Peter McCullough, who is board certified in internal medicine, cardiovascular diseases and clinical lipidology.

“That [theory] makes sense. Just like an antibiotic, once we get to a certain percentage of coverage with an antibiotic, we’ll allow a resistant bacteria to move forward.”

Getting “vaccinated” for covid puts everyone else in society at risk

McCullough continues to warn that the real “superspreaders” are those who have been jabbed and who are now walking disease factories shedding Chinese Germs onto everyone with whom they come into contact – including the unvaccinated.

Vaccinated people are a serious public health threat, in other words, and one that deserves much more attention amid growing calls for vaccine mandates. Getting vaccinated for covid, it turns out, is one of the most selfish and irresponsible things a person can do, based on the latest science.

Because the jabs cause antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), they are fueling the mutation of new variants that are quickly filling up hospitals with sick and dying people. Were there no vaccines at all, the plandemic would have been long over by now.

“If we were to go back in time six months ago, we had about 14 strains or more in the United States – all relatively small proportions,” McCullough says.

“We had U.K., Brazilian and there was always some Delta, by the way – it was always in the background. And there was a paper by Niessen and colleagues from Boston and Rochester Minnesota, a great paper – over a million sequenced samples. They looked at vaccination rates all over, and the variant proportions, and they concluded that with more than 25% of the population vaccinated, you’ll encourage a dominant strain to move forward.”

Mass vaccination has essentially created a super-dominant strain of the Chinese Virus, and those who took the vaccines are even more susceptible to it than those who left their bodies and immune systems alone.

To learn more about how vaccinated people are spreading disease to others, visit

Sources for this article include:


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