dinsdag 5 april 2022

Australia: Deadly Hong Kong Covid Variant Taking Over


Heavily Vaccinated Country Facing a Double Trouble

Igor Chudov   

3th April 2022

My March 5 article “Bad News from Hong Kong”, mysteriously, became popular and garnered 97,949 views.

Igor’s Newsletter

Bad News from Hong Kong

Something very strange is happening in Hong Kong. I am not the first to write about it, but I wanted to do a good job compiling the information and informing my readers so this post is somewhat complete. I will include additional reading below. Hong Kong’s stringent “Zero Covid” policy, stopped to work in mid-February and a “wall of cases” curve exploded…

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a month ago · 224 likes · 230 comments · Igor Chudov

Well, now another heavily vaccinated country — Australia — is facing a double trouble. Australia is facing a new powerful wave of Covid, and on top of it, the deadly Hong Kong Variant Ba2.2 that killed about 1 in 100 ill persons in Hong Kong, is rapidly on the way to becoming dominant.

What is happening?

Just two months ago, Omicron was seen as an “accidental vaccine” and a very lucky occurrence of a “harmless” virus that will create “hybrid immunity”. Even a completely uneducated college dropout Bill Gates, who is arrogantly using his vast wealth to direct nations’ health care efforts, said that “Omicron is a better vaccine”.

   Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhXQvLqoh5M

The reality turned out to be different. Far from being harmless, Covid killed four thousand people in Australia so far this year. Instead of petering off due to much-hoped-for “hybrid immunity” and near-total “vaccine immunity”, Covid is rising ominously again. The so called “vaccine immunity” no longer helps prevent instances of Covid.

Australia is NOT unique in this. Much of Europe is having a resurgence of Covid that left every 16th Brit having Covid at this very moment.

Ba2.2 Variant

What is unique for Australia is something else that is concerning:

On the backdrop of rapidly rising Covid cases, Australia is also facing a new variant that completely took over Hong Kong and caused so many deaths. It is called “BA2.2” or “BA.2 + S:I1221T”, or “B.1.1.529.2”.

Ba2.2 is rapidly rising in Australia, outcompeting all other Covid variants. At this rate of growth, it will dominate major population centers in perhaps 8-10 weeks. Ba2.2 caused an extreme spike of death in Hong Kong that was incomparable to ANY wave EVER seen in ANY country before:

The reason for this crazy wave of deaths is extreme contagiousness and deadliness of BA2.2 in Hong Kong. According to my simple calculations (just look at cumulative cases and cumulative deaths and add 20% to deaths to account for the lag of death curve), the Case Fatality Rate (CFR) is about 1%. It is not clear if the same CFR will repeat itself in Australia, which had more Covid exposure than Hong Kong, but certainly this variant is very concerning.

Reinfections in Australia

Contrary to the expectations, stoked by the authorities fearful of responsibility, Omicron did NOT confer lasting herd immunity on Australians, or on any other nation. Instead, Omicron-to-Omicron reinfections are becoming the new normal.

That more Australians are getting covid twice in a row, is very bad news. Even a mild Covid infection can create long Covid. Covid is known to infect and kill immune cells via LFA-1 mechanism doing that the same way as HIV.

Igor’s Newsletter

Sars-Cov-2 Kills T-Cells, Just Like HIV

Is Sars-Cov-2 airborne HIV? Two days ago, an interesting article came out: This article was not written by a bunch of random scientists, but instead was written by people from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, including the infamous batwoman Shi Zheng-Li. Just keep this in mind. It was originally submitted in Sep 2021 and revised in January 2022, so it d…

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21 days ago · 286 likes · 242 comments · Igor Chudov

After several repeat Covid infections, people’s immune capacity may be reduced so significantly, that they would not be able to fight off the next infection at all so it would become chronic.

The UK is in a position similar to Australia, but ended up there earlier. Right now, every 16th person in the UK, and every 10th person in Scotland is having Covid. Due to the fact that most of these Covid infections are short-term reinfections occurring within 90 days, Scotland would not even consider them to be new “Covid cases”, even though these people are quite sick.

These reinfections are NOT milder. The rapid second reinfections are filling up Scotland’s hospitals and cause hospitalizations and deaths that are higher than in January:

Do not give too close attention to the last week’s drop, which is always there due to incomplete counting.

What is the reason for the endless Covid infections in these highly vaccinated countries? The reason is that vaccinated people cannot acquire natural immunity due to “Original Antigenic Sin” (OAS), caused by repeat vaccine transfections of spike protein from a virus that is not even in circulation any more.

Immune systems, “trained” by the Wuhan spike protein unnaturally, produce copious amounts of useless antibodies to that old protein upon getting infected, while newer variants of the virus are rampaging through their bodies unopposed.

UKHSA explained OAS that is obviously in UKHSA data:

Igor’s Newsletter

UKHSA Explains Endless Reinfections of the Vaccinated

UK’s Health Security Agency UKHSA continues to put out very interesting reports. An item in the latest Vaccine Surveillance Report caught my eye. It explains, in simple language, that the vaccinated do NOT acquire the “full natural immunity”. Therefore, in my opinion, vaccinated persons will be reinfected endlessly with Covid. Reinfection is my favorite …

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2 months ago · 178 likes · 254 comments · Igor Chudov

The result of these endless reinfections, is, unfortunately, damage to the innate immune systems of sufferers, and increasingly chronic Covid infections. Chronic Covid is bad news, as the virus, unopposed by the damaged immune systems, keep producing larger and larger amounts of spike protein and causes cardiovascular, nervous system, and lung damage, without any endpoint.

Igor’s Newsletter

UK: Covid Becoming CHRONIC, like AIDS, and Will Take us Down

I would like to discuss very disturbing statistics from the UK, that clearly shows that Covid is becoming a chronic disease, in the same sense as AIDS is a chronic disease. Covid, for many Brits, is an illness that will just not go away. Endless bouts, recurrence, or even never-ending disease, is now the norm and not the exception, and will lead to a ca…

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7 days ago · 268 likes · 403 comments · Igor Chudov

All of this is a reason to be quite concerned and to be skeptical of officials downplaying of the gravity of the situation.

None of the above should be interpreted as somehow being against Australians. They are amazing people. I just wanted to systematically describe what is going on in their country.

Investigative journalist Lara Logan drops truth bombs about what’s really behind Putin’s war in Ukraine

 Monday, April 04, 2022 by: JD Heyes

Tags: Donald TrumpinterviewJoe BidenLara LoganliesRussiaRussian invasionStew Peterstruth bombsUkraineVladimir PutinWestern liesWhite Houseworld war

This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author


(Natural News) Former “60 Minutes” correspondent and award-winning investigative reporter Lara Logan, who appears to have been shunned by Fox News after she compared Dr. Anthony Fauci to Nazi regime terrorist Dr. Josef Mengele, dropped truth bombs about what’s really going on with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

In an interview with Stew Peters last week, Logan began by noting that she has never in her life seen such universal acceptance of war by Americans, most of whom have embraced Ukraine because they’ve been lied to constantly about Russia and its current leader, President Vladimir Putin.

It’s “what you call the theater of the absolute ridiculous,” she said, noting that “all across L.A.” there are Ukrainian flags flying. “When in our lifetimes did anybody ever see the cheering that is going on with coming our way,” she said. “He’s one man who is standing between us and the people who want to see a new world order.”

“And you don’t have to dig very deep to find out that Ukraine has a very dark history,” Logan continued. “And it’s directly involved in much of what is going on in the United States. You talk about all the lies, well Ukraine has been at the center of many of the most damaging lies.”

She went on to note Putin has been “calculating” and “careful” ahead of his invasion of Ukraine, adding that the Russian leader has said for 15 years “he would not tolerate NATO expansion.”

He has “also made it very clear he is not part of whatever they’ve got right now in the bioweapons labs that Hunter Biden’s … partners and firms are connected to,” she went on. “They want to say that we’re conspiracy theorists…but at the World Economic Forum, they can talk about” a new world order, and likewise for other globalist constructs like a world minimum wage, a global vaccine passport, and so on.

“I’m just tired of it,” Logan added. “You know, those people who want to read The New York Times and read the Washington Post and believe the nonsense, I just, I don’t have time for that anymore. I’m talking to the people who are listening and want to hear what’s true and what’s not true.”

Later, Logan spoke about what the West’s leaders have ignored since Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy came to power, such as “mass graves” in the country’s east, in places like Odessa and in the Donbas region, where the Ukrainian military and militias have allegedly carried out killings when people there “voted to secede” and either became independent or moved closer to Russia.

“That was never a narrative the West was ever, you know, we weren’t gonna tell that story, we were just going to ignore it,” she said in comments that were backed up by a source from Ukraine who spoke to Natural News on background for this story.

“We’re going to parrot out what Zelenskyy and the West want us to say about Ukraine,” she added.

Logan went on to note the irony behind the first impeachment of then-President Donald Trump for allegedly withholding aid to Ukraine “for a moment,” though that money was going to fund Ukrainian military units  any kind of war? That really gets my BS meter just going absolutely off the charts.”

“What you have here is whether you like Putin or don’t like him, whether he’s a good guy or he’s a bad guy, Putin is not willing to be part of whatever global government structure that is

that are literally neo-Nazis. And yet, she said, the leftist deep state in the U.S. accused any American who supported Trump of being ‘neo-Nazis.”

Last week, Logan “was invited onto America’s Voice and asked about reports from the Daily Mail that the Russian army was ‘running out of bullets.'” Peters noted earlier in his monologue, “In response, Lara revealed the truth: That the story was completely ridiculous, and that the war in Ukraine has arguably prompted more lies, on a larger scale, than any news event in recent history. It may have caused more lies even than COVID.”


Video Link: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-04-04-investigative-journalist-drops-truth-bombs-putins-war-in-ukraine.html

Sources include:



Source: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-04-04-investigative-journalist-drops-truth-bombs-putins-war-in-ukraine.html

Top 7 manieren om te sterven aan "COVID" zonder zelfs het virus te krijgen

 Maandag 4 april 2022 door: S.D. Wells

Tags : samenzweringCOVIDcovid vaccincovid-19nephoaxPCRPlandemischremdesivirgasmaskeropgetuigdvaccin doodvaccin letselventilator

Dit artikel kan verklaringen bevatten die de mening van de auteur weerspiegelen


(Natural NewsWie had gedacht dat het gevaarlijker was om gevaccineerd te worden voor het Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) dan om het virus daadwerkelijk te krijgen? Wie had gedacht dat het gevaarlijker is om de medicijnen te nemen die de ziekenhuizen aanbevelen voor COVID-19 dan om je immuunsysteem het virus op natuurlijke wijze te laten verslaan?

Sommige mensen betwijfelen of COVID-19 zelfs een echt virus is, omdat onafhankelijke wetenschappers SARS-CoV-2 niet eens kunnen lijken te isoleren in een laboratorium. Misschien was het allemaal oplichterij om mensen medicatie, vaccinatie en zes voet onder alle dingen te krijgen die verband houden met COVID, terwijl COVID-19 niet eens echt bestaat.

We hebben allemaal gekkere dingen zien gebeuren dankzij Big Pharma in de VS. Laten we eens kijken naar wat echt miljoenen (zo niet snel miljarden) mensen over de hele wereld vernietigt, behalve de in een laboratorium gemaakte Chinese griep.

Bekijk de zeven beste manieren om aan COVID te sterven zonder ooit het virus te krijgen :

  1. Je krijgt een bloedstolsel en hebt een hartaanval of beroerte.
  2. Uw bedrijf gaat failliet door "pandemische" beperkingen (en inflatie) en u pleegt zelfmoord vanwege een overweldigende depressie.
  3. Je mondmasker vermindert je zuurstof- en nutriƫnten toevoer naar vitale organen, waardoor je immuunsysteemfunctie in gevaar komt, zodat je ziek wordt van iets anders (dat je anders niet zou hebben gedood) en je sterft
  4. U test positief voor COVID-19 op een PCR-test, ook al is het vals-positief, en u gaat naar het ziekenhuis voor behandeling en sterft aan nierfalen door dodelijke voorgeschreven medicijn remdesivir.
  5. Je hebt een andere luchtweginfectie (niet COVID-19) en de ziekenhuisartsen zetten je op een repirator-masker (ventilator) en je stikt binnen de vier dagen (zoals 75 procent van de mensen die eraan liggen).
  6. Je sterft aan iets anders en de dokters / ziekenhuizen (nvdr.: i/d V.S.) bestempelen het als "COVID" -dood omdat ze daarvoor bonusgeld krijgen van het Biden-regime en Big Pharma
  7. Je krijgt een frontaal autoaccident en sterft omdat iemand anders een vaccinatie stolsel  heeft gekregen en vervolgens flauwviel of stierf achter het stuur terwijl hij op je inreed (een vaccident genoemd).

"Gestorven met COVID" is het grafschrift voor miljoenen mensen, ook al resulteren de PCR-tests 97 procent van de tijd in vals-positieven

Zijn honderden miljoenen mensen echt gestorven aan, met of aan alles behalve COVID-19, terwijl ze nog steeds werden bestempeld als “Gestorven met COVID?" Als 97 procent van de PCR-tests zegt dat je COVID hebt als je dat niet hebt, dan hadden 97 van de 100 mensen die ofwel" met COVID stierven "of" door COVID stierven "helemaal geen COVID. Dus waar stierven ze aan en waarom?

Verergeren de 'vaccins' kanker- en kankertumoren? Ja. Veroorzaken de 'vaccins' bloedstolsels, die op hun beurt myocarditis, onregelmatige hartslag, hartaanvallen en beroertes veroorzaken? Ja. Daarom is de verkoop van pacemakers omhooggeschoten. Zelfs gezonde atleten, piloten en militairen vallen om "niet-geĆÆdentificeerde" redenen dood nadat ze de dodelijke stolselvaccins van Big Pharma kregen.

De ventilatoren veroorzaken ernstige ontsteking in de longen en ademhalingskanalen wanneer luchtweginfecties die vitale gebieden al doen inflammeren, en daarom is het dat  bijna iedereen die binnen vier dagen aan die ventilator-machine wordt aangesloten STERFT, niet door de daadwerkelijke infectie zelf. Hoe ironisch dat je naar het ziekenhuis gaat om je zelf te redden, maar dat deze keuze die je doodt.

Hoe zit het met het voorgeschreven krijgen van een medicijn voor "COVID" waardoor uw nieren falen? Ja, Big Pharma weet dit al uit de klinische onderzoeken, maar toch dringen artsen remdesivir aan op "COVID" -patiƫnten in plaats van natuurlijke remedies te gebruiken waarvan bewezen is dat ze werken tegen virusinfecties.

Bookmark Vaccines.news bij uw favoriete onafhankelijke websites voor updates over experimentele scamdemische COVID-vaccins en "boosters" die bloedstolsels en andere gruwelijke bijwerkingen veroorzaken.

Bronnen zijn onder meer:

NaturalNews.com 1

NaturalNews.com 2




LINK: https://www.naturalnews.com/ARF/8389.html

Google gaat websites straffen die kritisch zijn op OekraĆÆne

04 APRIL 2022


LINK: https://www.blckbx.tv/tech-media/google-gaat-websites-straffen-die-kritisch-zijn-op-oekraine


Zoekmachine Google gaat websites die kritisch zijn op OekraĆÆne uitsluiten van reclame-inkomsten. Officieel noemt Google het een verbod op victim blaming, maar als voorbeeld noemt het bedrijf expliciet websites die beweren dat ‘OekraĆÆne opzettelijk haar eigen burgers aanvalt.’

 In een brief aan uitgevers stelt Google dat websites niet langer mogen ‘impliceren dat slachtoffers verantwoordelijk zijn voor hun eigen tragedie of andere gevallen van victim blaming, zoals beweringen dat OekraĆÆne genocide pleegt of doelbewust haar eigen burgers aanvalt.’

Big tech bepaalt

De stap van Google maakt eens en te meer duidelijk hoe de grote tech- en social mediabedrijven zich in een internationaal conflict kunnen mengen en als supranationale organisaties kunnen bepalen wat wel en wat niet gezegd mag worden. Veel uitgevers, bloggers en nieuwswebsites zijn namelijk in meer of mindere mate financieel afhankelijk van Google. Ze verdienen geld door Google-advertenties weer te geven naast hun inhoud en door gebruik te maken van Google's Ad Manager tool, inkomsten die ze vaak niet zomaar kunnen missen.

 Tekst gaat verder onder de tweet

Link: https://twitter.com/pbmnews/status/1510234137831038978?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1510234137831038978%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.blckbx.tv%2Ftech-media%2Fgoogle-gaat-websites-straffen-die-kritisch-zijn-op-oekraine

Google geeft in de brief aan dat de maatregel een aanvulling is op bestaande beleidsregels. Websites en uitgevers mogen van Google met hun content al niet denigreren en niet aanzetten tot geweld. Ook is het niet toegestaan om tragische gebeurtenissen te ontkennen. Google zegt op grond van deze regels al meerdere malen te zijn opgetreden tegen berichtgeving over de oorlog in OekraĆÆne. Het techbedrijf zegt dat ook andere redenen kunnen leiden tot uitsluiting van reclame-inkomsten, bijvoorbeeld als websites het hebben over de nazi-aspecten van het Azov Bataljon.


Een slachtoffer van de waarheidscommissie van Google was de website OpIndia, dat een artikel publiceerde over het ‘nazi-probleem van OekraĆÆne, waar de NAVO en de VS niet over praten’. OpIndia werd door Google prompt naar het reclamestrafbankje verwezen.

"Het artikel verwijt het OekraĆÆense volk niets en rechtvaardigt de oorlog in OekraĆÆne op geen enkele manier, maar het gaat alleen over enkele ongemakkelijke aspecten van het conflict waarop ook veel andere mensen hebben gewezen, namelijk de aanwezigheid van neonazistische elementen in het establishment van OekraĆÆne. Het Azov Bataljon is zo'n element”, aldus het verweer van OpIndia in een reactie.


Video: The New World Order is Here: Global Digital Currency / World Govt. Announced Amid Global Collapse


Video Link : https://www.brighteon.com/16e1d4e9-cefd-44e7-b449-b01f36d164c6

The New World Order is Here: Global Digital Currency / World Govt. 

Announced Amid Global Collapse

      Published 4/04/2022 


·         MrBirkozo

This guy has not much time left, he looks in a terrible shape.He better gets his project going quickly. Also the opposition is growing. Even his billions will not take him far. I hope he has a good rabbito help him in his final days..

LY9 hours ago

Job 21:13 They spend their days in WEALTH, and in a MOMENT go down to the GRAVE.
Proverbs 11:4 RICHES profit NOT in the day of WRATH but RIGHTEOUS delivered from DEATH.
End times is here. Focus on the rapture meeting Jesus.
This world is not our home.


Dave Robinson LY 3 hours ago

The Rapture is an ancient heresy known as Chiliasm.
Everybody will go through the Tribulation.
Better prepare, rather than have false hope in a non-existent rapture.


FigoTino9 hours ago

NAZI JEW Globalists = Our WORST enemy! Whatever they infiltrate, They destroy!
THAT is the Jew World Order.
long, long list of EVIL demons out to destroy humanity. Like bubonic
plague ridden rats on a sinking ship, They know they're goin down &
Almighty God Yahweh can't get here soon enough to rid the world of this
satanic spawn.


Natuurlijk wondermiddel tegen eczeem

dinsdag, 03 december 2024 09:18 Over de hele wereld en dus ook in Nederland, zijn er steeds meer mensen die last hebben van eczeem. Bij kind...