donderdag 7 juli 2022

Spike Protein Straight To The Brain, We're Going To See A Surge Neurodegenerative Disease In The Young



Video Link:

Frightening! Terrible, Fatal Brain Disease Linked to COVID Vaccines

·         by Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn

·         June 18, 2022

Of the many adverse impacts of COVID vaccines, this brain disease is the most frightening.

If you are a critical thinker who appreciates truth-telling about COVID vaccines, then you should deeply be concerned that there are data indicating the vaccines can produce one of the deadliest diseases known to medicine.

The disease is always fatal.  Normally, only about a thousand Americans die from it annually.

Now, who knows?  The government is not working hard to track Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CID).  It is known as a prion disease.

According to Mayo Clinic, CJD is a degenerative brain disorder that leads to dementia and, ultimately, death.  CJD is a rare deadly disease caused by an abnormal protein in the brain called a prion.

Some years ago, a form of this disease was known as mad cow disease.

The point is not just about getting this lethal disease, but rather that COVID vaccines that can cause it should be seen as incredibly dangerous in a great many ways.

New research

The mainstream media have ignored truly amazing research.

A recent French pre-print on CJD and COVID vaccination has indicated that the COVID vaccine may have contributed to the emergence of a new type of sporadic CJD disease that is a lot more aggressive and rapid in disease progression as compared to the traditional CJD.

The French found within days of receiving a first or second dose of Pfizer or Moderna COVID vaccines patients got the disease.

Prions naturally occur in the brain and are usually harmless, but when they become diseased or misfolded, they will affect nearby prions to also become misshapen, leading to the deterioration of brain tissue and death.

To be clear, the disease is incurable as once one prion becomes infected, it will continue to propagate to other prions with no treatment capable of stopping its progress.

The majority of people with CJD have sporadic CJD; they become infected for no apparent reason. However, small subsets of people are diagnosed due to inheritance.

Sporadic CJD, though occurring at random, has been linked to consumption of meat that has been infected with diseased prions, such as affecting individuals that ingest beef from a cow that has been infected.

Though the Omicron variant of COVID does not carry a prion region in its spike protein, the first Wuhan COVID-19 variant has a prion region on its spike protein.  A U.S. study indicates that the prion area is able to interact with human cells.

Therefore, when the Wuhan variant’s spike protein gene information was made into a vaccine as part of the mRNA and adenovirus vaccines, the prion region was also incorporated.

As part of the natural cellular process, once the mRNA is incorporated into the cells, the cell will turn the mRNA instructions into a COVID spike protein, tricking the cells into believing that it has been infected so that they create an immunological memory against a component of the virus.

However, the biological process of translating mRNA information into proteins is not perfect and immune to mistakes.

A U.S. study has speculated that a misfolded spike protein could in turn create a misfolded prion region that may be able to interact with healthy prions to cause damage, leading to CJD disease.

Here is the big news.  A peer-reviewed study in Turkey (pdf) and the French preprint have identified sudden CJD cases appearing after getting the Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca vaccines, suggesting links between getting vaccinated and being infected.

The French study found an onset of symptoms within 11.38 days of being vaccinated while the case study in Turkey has found symptoms appearing 1 day after vaccination.  All 26 French patients with the disease died.  Among them, 8 of them lead to a sudden death (2.5 months),”

In a few weeks, noted the French researchers, more than 50 cases of almost spontaneous emergence of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease have appeared in France and Europe very soon after the injection of the first or second dose of Pfizer, Moderna or AstraZeneca vaccines.

U.S. cases

A U.S. case report in March highlighted 64-year-old Cheryl Cohen’s battle with CJD, which developed within days of her second dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine.

The report stated:

“Here, we highlight a case of a 64-year-old woman who presents with rapidly declining memory loss, behavior changes, headaches and gait disturbance approximately one week following administration of the second dose of the novel Pfizer-BioNTech messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) COVID vaccine.

“After extensive investigation, conclusive evidence identified the fatal diagnosis of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.”

Cohen’s daughter, Gianni, said her mother’s regression was “mind-blowing, confusing and truly heartbreaking.”

She went from being able to work and do normal everyday activities to being unable to walk, speak or control her body’s movement, Gianni said. Cohen felt as if her head was “going to explode” and died within three months of receiving her second dose of Pfizer.

Her physician said:

“This case identifies potential adverse events that could occur with the administration of the novel COVID-19 vaccine. Moreover, clinicians need to consider neurodegenerative diseases such as prion disease (e.g. sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease), autoimmune encephalitis, infection, non-epileptic seizure, toxic-metabolic disorders, etc. in their differential diagnoses when a patient presents with rapidly progressive dementia, particularly in the setting of recent vaccination.”

“Although there is currently no cure for sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD), early diagnosis is crucial to avoid the unnecessary administration of empiric medications for suspected psychological or neurological disorders.”

“Furthermore, tracking adverse events could potentially lead to further characterization and understanding of both the novel COVID-19 messenger ribonucleic nucleic acid (mRNA) vaccine as well as the etiology of sCJD.”

“More importantly, recognizing adverse effects provides individuals with vital information to make a more educated decision regarding their health.”

Jeffrey Beauchine said his mother, Carol, knew her Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease was related to the Moderna shot. Watching her death was like “something you see out of a movie,” he said.

Beauchine said his mother received her first dose of Moderna on Feb. 16, 2021, and didn’t report any complaints. After getting the second dose on March 17, Carol immediately said she “felt different.”

Carol’s symptoms began with numbness that spread from the arm in which she received her injection to the entire left side of her body.

She complained that something was wrong with her brain, couldn’t put thoughts together or make sense of things, developed double vision and blindness and began to experience hallucinations.

Doctors initially thought Carol had suffered a stroke or anxiety. Scans later showed there were abnormalities with her cerebellum.

Carol’s condition progressed rapidly and she was eventually diagnosed with CJD and given days to live. She died within months of receiving her second dose of Moderna.

Carol’s doctors filed a report with the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS I.D. 2180699).

To date, the CDC has not reached out to the family despite an autopsy confirming her death was caused by CJD — a condition she did not have prior to receiving her COVID vaccine.

Richard Sprague said his wife, Jennifer, developed CJD after the Pfizer COVID shot and died within five months of the second dose.

Jennifer received the first dose of Pfizer on Aug. 29, 2021, and her second dose on Sept. 21, 2021. Although her husband remained unvaccinated, Jennifer was required to get vaccinated as part of her employment.

Four days after the second dose, Jennifer experienced her first episode of a “sudden strange event she couldn’t explain.”

Jennifer started having more episodes and her left hand and side began to tremble. On Oct. 13, 2021, Jennifer went back to the doctor, who prescribed Xanax for anxiety.

Jennifer’s disease progressed rapidly until she was unable to sit up and walk independently. Scans confirmed Jennifer had significant changes on the right side of her brain. A new medical team performed a spinal tab and confirmed Jennifer had CJD. By this time, Jennifer was unable to get out of bed.

“Your brain is just disappearing. It’s crazy,” Sprague said. “You’re in this perfect healthy body and your brain just dies within the course of a few months.”

After Jennifer was diagnosed with CJD on Feb. 12, her insurance company said it would no longer pay for her care and Sprague was told his wife would not recover.

Jennifer died on Feb. 21 — five months after receiving her second dose of Pfizer.

According to the latest data from VAERS, 56 cases of rapid-onset CJD have been reported following COVID-19 vaccines since Dec. 14, 2021.

Historically, VAERS has been shown to report only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events.

And many vaccine-related deaths may have been CJD and gone undiagnosed because it takes a large effort to confirm CJD.

By Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn

Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn, author of Pandemic Blunder and many articles and podcasts on the pandemic, worked on health issues for decades, and his Pandemic Blunder Newsletter is on Substack. As a full professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, he directed a medical research program between the colleges of engineering and medicine. As a senior official at the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment and the National Governors Association, he directed major studies on health-related subjects; he testified at over 50 US Senate and House hearings and authored hundreds of articles and op-ed articles in major newspapers. He has served as an executive volunteer at a major hospital for more than 10 years. He has been a member of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, and America’s Frontline Doctors.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of The Blue State Conservative. The BSC is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.

Notice: This article may contain commentary that reflects the author’s opinion.


Image by pearson0612 from Pixabay

Judge Orders Pfizer To Turn Over Vaccine Ingredients Within 48 Hours


Published 6th July 2022

Owen comments on breaking news about a Judge that is ready to hold Pfizer 

accountable for the ingredients in their covid vaccine.


woensdag 6 juli 2022

Ook geen complottheorie meer: boeren moeten wijken voor asielzoekers – ‘Hier is het bewijs, het staat er gewoon’


Het Flevose Statenlid Niek Beenen (JA21) heeft op Twitter een document van de provincie Flevoland gedeeld over de aankoop van ‘stikstofruimte’ in de Noordoostpolder.

“De provincie Flevoland heeft stikstofruimte gekocht in de Noordoostpolder. Met de vrijgekomen stikstofruimte kan de provincie een aantal PAS-melders uit de Noordoostpolder helpen. Deze kans is ontstaan doordat het Rijk een agrarische onderneming in de Noordoostpolder heeft gekocht. Het Rijk wil op de locatie van de agrarische onderneming een aanmeldcentrum voor asielzoekers realiseren,” valt te lezen in het document.

“In dit land worden boerengezinnen die voedsel produceren ingeruild voor asielzoekers!” twittert Beenen.


“Het is natuurlijk een complottheorie dat alle boeren in Nederland worden uitgekocht omdat er heel veel asielzoekers naar Nederland komen. Toch helpt het dan niet om zulke brieven als provincie Flevoland te gaan sturen in het midden van de stikstofcrisis,” reageert ondernemer Rutger van den Noort.

“De voortdurende ontkenning dat immigratie, woningbouw, natuurbeleid, de landbouw en stikstof/klimaat iets met elkaar te maken zouden hebben, is lachwekkend,” voegt hij toe.


“Hier het bewijs. Het staat er gewoon. De boer moet wegwezen want ze willen op zijn grond een aanmeldcentrum voor asielzoekers bouwen. Ze maken Nederland helemaal kapot. Onze boeren weg, de gelukzoekers erin. Raar hĆØ dat mensen woest zijn,” schrijft PVV-leider Geert Wilders.

Fractievoorzitter van FVD Almere Brent Hadderingh stelt: “Boeren eruit, asielzoekers erin. Werkelijk alle karikaturen voorbij. Onbeschaamd.”

Wat nou ‘complottheorie’?

“Volgens mensen als Wim Voermans verspreid ik ‘complottheorieĆ«n’ als ik zeg dat boeren moeten plaatsmaken voor migranten. Het staat hier gewoon: ‘Het Rijk wil op de locatie van de agrarische onderneming een aanmeldcentrum voor asielzoekers realiseren’. Wat nou ‘complottheorie’?” vraagt rechtsfilosoof Raisa Blommestijn.

Het aanmeldcentrum komt in Bant, waar zo’n 1500 mensen wonen. Velen van hen zitten niet te wachten op extra vluchtelingen.

Sky News-presentator straft Rutte af: Nederland lijkt ‘af te glijden naar dictatuur’

Nederland lijkt net als Canada af te glijden naar een dictatuur. Premiers Justin Trudeau en Mark Rutte zijn allebei slaafjes van Klaus Schwab en de globalisten van het World Economic Forum, zegt Sky News-presentator Rowan Dean.

Slechts enkele maanden geleden viel de Canadese overheid op de meest groteske en angstaanjagende wijze haar eigen burgers aan. De overheid blokkeerde bankrekeningen van vreedzaam demonstrerende truckers. Daarnaast vertrappelden politiepaarden betogers.

(Video verwijderd? Klik hier...)

Eerlijk is eerlijk, sommige boeren moeten stoppen

Vorig jaar vertelde premier Rutte op het World Economic Forum vol trots over de Nederlandse betrokkenheid bij de zogeheten Food Innovation Hubs van het World Economic Forum, die gericht zijn op het ‘transformeren van voedselsystemen en landgebruik’.

Dat betekent onder meer het terugdringen van de stikstofuitstoot, met als gevolg dat het voortbestaan van veel boerenbedrijven in gevaar komt. “Eerlijk is eerlijk, sommige boeren moeten stoppen,” zei landbouwminister Staghouwer.

Wat toevallig

En dus gaan boeren massaal de weg op om te protesteren en letterlijk te vechten voor hun leven. Ze werpen blokkades op en spuiten mest tegen gemeentehuizen. Dean wijst erop dat de politie naar verluidt de protesten infiltreert, een tactiek die ook door Trudeau zou zijn toegepast. “Wat toevallig.”

“Dit is wat er gebeurt als je overheid wordt binnengedrongen door globalistische activisten van het World Economic Forum,” benadrukt hij. “Klinkt dat als een complottheorie? Jazeker! Maar ik ben niet degene die dat zegt; Klaus Schwab heeft in 2017 de plannen van het World Economic Forum opgebiecht.”

Nurse Erin talks about being harassed by the FBI: They’re scared of the information I have

 Monday, July 04, 2022 by: Mary Villareal

Tags: badhealthbadmedicinebig governmentcharacter assassinationcoronavirus treatmentCOVIDcovid-19 pandemicDangerous Medicinedeep stateErin OlszewskiFBIgovernment crackdownshospital homicidehospital protocolHospitalsmainstream mediamedical fascismmedical murdervaccinesWhistleblower

This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author



(Natural News) Whistleblower Erin Olszewski, better known as Nurse Erin, joined Owen Shroyer and guest host Kristi Lee in “War Room” to talk about how the government is purging individuals who go against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) narrative.

“The FBI [Federal Bureau of Investigation] has been at my door, they continue to harass me. And there’s a reason behind that: It’s because they’re scared of the information that I have,” Nurse Erin said.

“They just get rid of anyone who doesn’t follow the status quo. And if they continue speaking up like I have been … then they’ll just go after any type of income so you can’t feed your families.”

At the same time, she said the government has been lifting the murder of babies by giving them COVID-19 vaccines unnecessarily. “They don’t care about the children,” Nurse Erin said about the government as she narrated how she was fired from her job despite never being written up for misconduct during her entire career. (Related: Medical experts warn: Coronavirus boosters kill more lives than they save.)

“You build up your social media platforms — that gets too big — and you’re being too influential, so they tore that down, too.” Then she described how they went after her Linktree account and then her PayPal account. She even thinks that they will cut her Venmo shortly as well.

“The only thing I use PayPal for was just to be able to sell my books — like signed copies of my books — because they won’t put them on shelves either. So it’s just a modern-day book burning all over again,” Nurse Erin said.

Harassed, discredited for telling the truth

All these happened because Nurse Erin went viral for exposing hospital operations and how the corrupt healthcare system is killing patients who have or have been exposed to COVID-19. Then, they retaliated by having pro-government “media” assassinate her character online to discredit her.

An unnamed physician at Elmhurst Hospital, where she used to work, said that she “spoke from a place of ignorance,” and that she used “lazy and faulty conclusions” based on her superficial observations to “assassinate the character” of people.

She was also being harassed by the FBI, such as stopping her from speaking to the public about her experience in the hospital. Her hospital in New York fired her, the FBI took away her public platforms and her payment processing sites and she went on to deal with the everyday problems they were dealing her.

Nurse Erin said that the FBI is basically coming at her for everything she has, but she just hopes they won’t do to her what they did with Jeremy Brown — a retired U.S. Army Special Forces soldier and one of the accused in the January 6, 2021 riots at the U.S. Capitol.

Brown faced charges for holding on to secret national defense documents from his time in service. He was charged for unauthorized possession of the documents, as well as others that accompany previous allegations that he illegally possessed two guns and a set of hand grenades that federal agents found when they executed a search warrant at his home in Tampa.

“If it happens to me, I know that I’ll have a good team rallying around, hopefully, but I just think that what they’re trying to do is silence us, especially people who don’t shut up,” Nurse Erin said. “I just can’t believe that this is where our country is at, especially having served it. It’s such a slap in the face: for all that service, they do this. It’s sad.”

Visit for more news about people standing up to tell the truth about evil institutions.

Watch the video below as Nurse Erin shares how the government tried to harass and discredit her for telling the truth.

Video Link:

This video is from the InfoWars channel on

More related stories:

MEDICAL FASCISM: FDA conspiring with USPS to block shipments of lifesaving ivermectin.

Mississippi doctor FIRED after giving life-saving ivermectin to his COVID-19 patients.

Nurse Erin Olszewski: HCQ and zinc better treatments for Covid – Brighteon.TV.

The Sheriff Mack Show: Nurse Erin Olszewski talks about hospital murders during the pandemic –

Grieving father reveals how hospital COVID protocols led to maltreatment and death of his disabled daughter.

Sources include:

Wall Street Journal: ‘Gevaccineerde peuters sneller ernstig ziek van COVID-19’

 06 JULI 2022

Redactie Blckbx

Opnieuw durft een grote krant twijfels te uiten over de veronderstelde veiligheid en effectiviteit van coronavaccins. De Wall Street Journal schreef dat ‘gevaccineerde peuters sneller ernstig ziek worden van COVID-19 dan hun ongevaccineerde leeftijdsgenootjes’.

 De media speelden een belangrijke rol in het verspreiden van de boodschap dat de coronavaccins ‘veilig en effectief’ zijn. Nu een groot deel van de mensen zich meermaals heeft laten injecteren met experimentele mRNA-vaccins tegen een verkoudheidsvirus wordt die stelling echter steeds moeilijker houdbaar. Dat besef lijkt de laatste tijd door te dringen in de reguliere media, merkte blckbx onlangs al op. Nu vraagt de gerenommeerde Wall Street Journal (WSJ) zich af waarom er zo’n haast wordt gemaakt met het vaccineren van peuters.


Goedkeuring FDA

Onlangs keurde de Amerikaanse medicijnwaakhond Food and Drug Administration (FDA) de aanvraag goed van Pfizer om gezonde kinderen tussen de zes maanden en vijf jaar oud drie keer te injecteren met zijn mRNA-vaccin. “Dit is een zeer historische mijlpaal, een monumentale stap voorwaarts,” zei de Amerikaanse president Joe Biden daarover. "De Verenigde Staten zijn nu het eerste land ter wereld dat veilige en effectieve COVID-19-vaccins aanbiedt voor kinderen vanaf 6 maanden oud."

 “In feite weten we niet of de vaccins veilig en effectief zijn. De overhaaste actie van de FDA was gebaseerd op zeer zwak bewijs,” schreef de WSJ maandag in het artikelWhy the Rush for Toddler Vaccines?(Waarom haast maken met vaccins voor peuters?).

 De krant vervolgt: “Nog verontrustender is dat gevaccineerde peuters in de proef van Pfizer een grotere kans hadden om ernstig ziek te worden van COVID-19 dan degenen die een placebo kregen. Pfizer beweerde dat de meeste ernstige gevallen niet ‘klinisch significant’ waren, wat dat ook moge betekenen, maar dit was des te meer een reden dat de FDA een langere follow-up had moeten eisen voordat zij het vaccin goedkeurde.” Vorige maand publiceerde blckbx al een artikel over het wankele onderzoek waarop de FDA-goedkeuring is gebaseerd.


Verzwakte immuunrespons

WSJ gaat ook in op de mogelijkheid dat de mRNA-vaccins de immuunrespons ondermijnen. “Ook zorgwekkend: de meeste kinderen die tijdens de proef meerdere infecties opliepen, waren gevaccineerd. Dit verdient nader onderzoek, omdat experimentele vaccins voor andere ziekten soms de vatbaarheid voor infecties verhogen.”

 De krant vervolgt: “Wetenschappers ontdekten ook dat drievoudig gevaccineerde volwassenen die eerder besmet waren met de Wuhan-variant een zwakkere immuunrespons hebben op omikron, waardoor ze vatbaarder zijn voor herinfectie. Dit fenomeen, dat ‘immunologische inprenting’ wordt genoemd, zou kunnen verklaren waarom kinderen die drie Pfizer-vaccinaties hebben gekregen, meer kans hebben om opnieuw te worden besmet.”

 Tot slot werpt de WSJ de vraag op waarom er zo’n haast gemaakt moet worden:

“De FDA negeerde het risico dat het inenten van kinderen tegen een variant die niet langer circuleert, hun immuunreacties tegen omikron en zijn uitlopers zou kunnen afzwakken. Er is een reden waarom proeven met vaccins meestal een decennium duren. Sommige stappen kunnen worden versneld, maar een langere follow-up is vaak noodzakelijk om ervoor te zorgen dat potentiĆ«le bijwerkingen niet over het hoofd worden gezien.

 “De norm van de FDA voor de goedkeuring van vaccins bij verder gezonde mensen, met name kinderen, wordt geacht hoger te zijn dan voor medicijnen waarmee zieken worden behandeld. Maar de FDA heeft haar normen opvallend verlaagd om COVID-vaccins voor peuters goed te keuren. Waarom?”


‘Baby’s en peuters zijn proefkonijnen’

Onlangs lekte een video uit waarin is te zien dat een adviseur van de FDA indirect toegeeft dat kinderen van zes maanden tot vijf jaar die nu in de VS de mRNA-prikken krijgen, fungeren als proefkonijn. “We zijn de gegevens van de placebogroep kwijt. Er zijn geen gegevens over de werkzaamheid. Ik denk dat het zal moeten komen van effectiviteit in de echte wereld.”


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