dinsdag 3 januari 2023

Rasmussen Survey on Covid Vaccine Deaths Proves Antivaxxers Right!

 I report on public and PREMIUM (paid) findings from Rasmussen

Dear paid subscribers: I want to THANK YOU for your paid subscriptions.

Thanks to your generous payments, I am not only reporting on the public part of the Rasmussen vaccine report that was just published, but I also could report on the PAID-ONLY  Platinum part of the Rasmussen report, to which I subscribed using YOUR subscription fee money. The paid supplement provides explosive findings that are not otherwise available.

Consider upgrading to a PAID subscription now:

In a way, my paid subscribers allow me to provide premium value to ALL of my subscribers, paid and unpaid. So even if you cannot afford a paid subscription, thank our paying contributors!

What a Change in Public Opinion

A new Rasmussen report is out today. Rasmussen asked people about COVID vaccine deaths and polled them on whether vaccine dangers are baseless conspiracy theories.

The key findings are:

  • 28% of adults say they personally know someone whose death was caused by side effects of COVID-19 vaccines, while 61% said no, and another 10% are not sure.

  • More people (48%) are concerned about Covid vaccine injuries than 37% who think that Covid vaccine injuries are conspiracy theories. The things we have discussed are no longer considered “conspiracies” and are believed by the majority! (thank you for spreading the word)

  • Republicans are more likely to be concerned about vaccine safety.

  • Many more findings will be mentioned below.

Survey Proves People are NOT Lying About Acquaintainces Killed by COVID Vaccines

The survey provides two independent proofs that people are not making things up when discussing Covid vaccine deaths.

First Proof

I know two people who died from Covid vaccines. One, a nephew of my friend, died around May 21, 2021, after his safe and effective J&J vaccine. He died the next day of a blood clot. His death is NOT in VAERS (I checked by searching for the date range, vaccine, and state).

Another person is my wife’s friend’s ex-husband, with whom the friend maintained a co-parenting relationship. That man died suddenly while drinking tea with his buddy.

Am I telling the truth, or am I just making stuff up? (spoiler - both deaths are real) Are other people mentioning their friends’ vaccine deaths dissembling? Vaccine advocates always accuse us of lying!

However, the Rasmussen report proves that we are NOT lying:

more married (33%) than unmarried (23%) Americans think someone they know personally might have died from vaccine side effects.

Why is there such a difference? Why do married Americans know MORE vaccine victims who died from COVID vaccines? The answer is very simple:

Married people have a larger circle of friends! No wonder they are more likely to know a COVID vaccine victim - this happens because their social circle is larger.

If antivaxxers lied about vaccine-killed friends, the frequency of their positive responses would NOT depend on their marital status. The dependence shows that the size of their social circles determines whether they know vaccine victims.

Consider, again, the example that I gave in the second paragraph of this chapter. The man who died suddenly while drinking tea was an acquaintance of my WIFE. Had I not been married, I would never hear about him!

Second Proof

Fortunately, the Rasmussen report provides another, completely INDEPENDENT proof that people do not simply fabricate vaccine deaths:

More Republicans (60%) than Democrats (44%) or the unaffiliated (43%) think there are legitimate reasons to be concerned about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. However, there is less political difference in the number who suspect someone they know might have died from vaccine side effects – 33% of Democrats and 26% of both Republicans and the unaffiliated.

Think about this: fewer Democrats think that there are reasons to worry about Covid vaccines. And yet, MORE Democrats know someone killed by the vaccines than Republicans!

Is that a paradox?

Not at all!

The explanation is right here:

More Democrats (85%) than Republicans (63%) … have been vaccinated against COVID-19.

Democrats are more likely to be vaccinated. Their social circles include more (highly vaccinated) Democrats. Republicans are the opposite - they are less likely to be vaccinated, and they are more likely to be friends with (less vaccinated) Republicans.

So, no wonder more Democrats, whose social circles are more vaccinated, know MORE people who died from Covid vaccines than Republicans! Democrats are more exposed socially to Covid vaccine effects - and report more of them.

And yet, those Democrats, while knowing more Covid vaccine deaths, are less likely to question the safety of Covid vaccines due to their party brainwashing and the TV programs they watch. Very sad.

Vaccines Kill More Young People?

I framed the above as a question because the conclusion is less certain than in the previous chapter.

The younger the people are, the more likely they are to know a Covid vaccine victim who died from Covid vaccine.

35% of adults under 40 believe someone they know personally might have died from vaccine side effects, compared to 28% of those 40-64 and just 14% of Americans 65 and older.

As people tend to have social circles mostly made of friends of their own age, the higher proportion of deaths in younger groups may be because Covid vaccines kill younger people disproportionately. This cannot be easily proven, however, because perhaps older people’s social circles may be smaller.

Yet, this question about whether Covid vaccine is more likely to kill young persons is extremely important. This is indeed the case for myocarditis, which mostly affects younger men.

So-Called “Conspiracy Theorists” are NOT Old Farts!

There is a trope and a purposely spread myth that people who believe in what authorities call “conspiracy theories” (such as the dangers of Covid vaccines) are unkempt older individuals who slowly go down the rabbit hole as they age.

Rasmussen puts this trope to rest with their private data, which I could afford to subscribe to, thanks to your subscription revenue.

It turns out that only 34% of young people label vaccine safety concerns as “conspiracy theories,” whereas more (43%) of old people call vaccine safety concerns “conspiracy theories.”

Thus, young people are rejecting the false labeling of vaccine injuries as conspiracy theories.

This gives me hope for the young generation!

Are Hispanics 40% more Likely to be Killed by Covid Vaccine?

The private data that I had to pay for using your subscription fees (thank you again and please consider subscribing) also includes disturbing findings based on the “race” of reporters.

The race of reporters was White, Black, and Other. We know that while people have a wide variety of friends, they mostly associate with friends and relatives of similar ethnic backgrounds.

While “Other” is a wide category, most of them are Hispanics. White and Black people have 25% and 26% prevalence of those who know Covid vaccine victims. So about the same rate.

How come Hispanics have a 40% greater chance of knowing Covid vaccine deaths? This is strange and needs to be explained.

Thank you, Rasmussen, for confirming that our anecdotal reports of associates killed by Covid vaccines are not made up!

Please Report Covid Vaccine Victims in the Comments!

Covid vaccine victims were mostly nice and good people. They wanted to help others and participated in vaccination to stop transmission of the Covid virus. They hoped to end this pandemic and save old people!

Sadly, they died, poisoned by Covid vaccines, while transmission and Covid deaths continue unabated.

Please help us remember the victims of Covid vaccines. If you know someone who died because of Covid vaccines, please tell us their story. Besides the manner of the death, please also report on what kind of person it was. Was it a mom? Was it a young soccer player? Was it a child? Did they do any nice deeds that you want them to be remembered for? Why did they decide to get vaccinated? Did they have any future plans?

Please describe their deaths and what kind of people they were! They deserve to be remembered.

Thank you for your vaccine victim story in advance. (and thank you, dear paid subscribers, for allowing me to splurge for the Rasmussen Platinum subscription - it is a gold mine!)


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maandag 2 januari 2023

Als de vaccin-verzwakte immuniteit explodeert, verwacht dan drie dingen van de regering om het te verdoezelen

 Januari 2, 2023  4687  6 

Na twee jaar van volledige controle over de Covid-vaccin” narratieven en de mensen te hebben wijsgemaakt dat ze “veilig en effectief” waren, is er de laatste tijd een lawine van nieuws naar buiten gekomen die meer mensen ertoe aanzet vragen te stellen. Terwijl de meeste “normies” nog steeds in het duister tasten omdat ze hun nieuws van de bedrijfsmedia krijgen, wordt een klein maar groeiend aantal van hen wakker dat ze zijn bedrogen, schrijft JD Rucker.

Hoewel er nog een lange weg te gaan is tussen mensen vragen laten stellen en hen doen geloven dat dit een wereldwijde ontvolkings- en controleagenda is, is het tussentijdse doel om hen te doen stoppen met het nemen van meer prikken een waardige prestatie. Daarom plaatsen wij voortdurend artikelen en maken wij video’s om mensen de munitie te geven die zij nodig hebben om meer mensen tot inzicht te brengen. We moeten zoveel mogelijk “vaccin red pills” uitdelen.

Helaas weten de powers-that-be dat ze de controle over de narratieven aan het verliezen zijn, dus we verwachten dat ze in 2023 met hand en tand zullen terugvechten. Zij zullen propaganda en censuur blijven gebruiken via de mainstream media en Big Tech, maar zij beseffen dat zij zelfs op die gecontroleerde plaatsen voor problemen komen te staan. Daarom zijn ze bezig met drie varianten van hun huidige strategie om de zwendel zo lang mogelijk vol te houden.

Het is belangrijk op te merken dat ze weten dat ze uiteindelijk gepakt zullen worden. Dat is geen zorg voor hen, want hun doel om zoveel mogelijk mannen, vrouwen en kinderen zo vaak mogelijk te laten prikken, kan niet worden teruggedraaid doordat de waarheid aan het licht komt. Het feit dat iemand zich ervan bewust wordt dat de prikken schadelijk voor hem zijn, betekent niet dat hij zich kan laten “onvaccineren”. De machthebbers weten dat ze de waarheid niet eeuwig kunnen verbergen, dus werken ze eraan om de waarheid te ondermijnen en te verdraaien op manieren die hun doelen zullen blijven dienen, zelfs nadat de massa eindelijk wakker wordt.

De eerste stap is al gezet. In plaats van te ontkennen dat het immuunsysteem van mensen verzwakt en dat velen plotseling sterven zonder duidelijke verklaring, erkennen ze de sterfgevallen, maar geven ze alternatieve redenen… Zo bracht de American Heart Association afgelopen augustus een “studie” uit waarin werd beweerd dat het toegenomen aantal gevallen van myocarditis bij kinderen te wijten is aan Covid-19 zelf en niet aan de vaccins. Het is een uiterst oneerlijk rapport van de AHA om meerdere redenen, waarvan niet de minste is dat als iemand is geprikt EN Covid heeft gehad, die Myocarditisgevallen worden geteld als veroorzaakt door Covid. Dan is er nog het feit dat Myocarditis-gevallen die meer dan 28 dagen na de prik werden ontdekt, niet worden meegeteld. Dus als iemand wordt geprikt en Myocarditis krijgt, maar de diagnose pas een maand of langer later wordt gesteld, wordt dit niet toegeschreven aan de prikken. Dat is slechts een van de vele voorbeelden van hoe men de feiten probeert te verdraaien om de prikken minder erg te laten lijken dan ze in werkelijkheid zijn.

De tweede stap wordt nu gezet. In tegenstelling tot de dagen vĆ³Ć³r de Covid-prik, toen alles werd toegeschreven aan Covid (weet u nog dat de griep zogenaamd verdween?), gooien ze er nu allerlei ziekten uit om de mensen uit balans te houden. Men zou kunnen aanvoeren dat dit hun zaak schaadt, omdat het een duidelijke aanwijzing is dat het immuunsysteem van tientallen miljoenen Amerikanen is verzwakt, maar de machthebbers rekenen erop dat de mensen niet 2 plus 2 bij elkaar optellen. Dit zal worden geholpen door de bedrijfsmedia die opzettelijk de onderliggende oorzaken zullen blijven negeren en iedereen gericht zullen houden op de pieken in het aantal gevallen van RSV, keelontsteking, mazelen, griep en nieuwe varianten van Covid-19.

De laatste stap, wanneer alle andere maatregelen beginnen te mislukken en de mensen antwoorden beginnen te eisen op de vraag waarom de vaccins mensen lijken te doden, is om Donald Trump en operatie Warp Speed de schuld te geven. De basis voor deze fase van het plan is al gelegd met nieuwsberichten die al wekenlang de ronde doen dat eventuele tekortkomingen van de vaccins te wijten zijn aan de haast waarmee ze voor de verkiezingen van 2020 op de markt werden gebracht. Op dit punt zullen Trump-aanhangers zich naar de commentaren haasten om hem te verdedigen alsof ik hem aanval, maar ik ben slechts de boodschapper. De machthebbers zijn degenen die zich vastleggen op hun plannen.


Het onderstaande artikel van Mac Slavo op SHTF Plan beschrijft in detail wat we vandaag zien gebeuren. Dit is het soort informatie dat wij zo snel mogelijk aan onze “normies” vrienden moeten doorgeven voordat zij de volgende booster halen.

Vertrouwelijke Pfizer en overheidsdocumenten bevestigen ADE, VAED en AIDS van Covid-prikken

Documenten die de heersende klasse vertrouwelijk probeerde te houden, bevestigen dat ADE (Antilichaam-afhankelijke verbetering), VAED (Vaccin-Associated Enhanced Disease) en AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) veel voorkomende gevolgen zijn na COVID-19 injecties. Deze ziekten treden vaak maanden na de injecties op.

AIDS is bijzonder alarmerend, omdat het bij een verontrustend aantal ontvangers slechts vijf maanden na hun eerste injecties optreedt.

Antilichaamafhankelijke verbetering (ADE) en Vaccin-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED) zijn ernstige bijwerkingen die kunnen optreden na vaccinatie. ADE en VAED kunnen optreden wanneer iemand wordt blootgesteld aan een ziekteverwekker, zoals het vermeende Covid-19-virus, nadat hij een vaccin heeft gekregen dat geen volledige immuniteit biedt.

In deze gevallen kunnen de door het vaccin opgewekte antilichamen het vermogen van de ziekteverwekker om cellen te infecteren juist versterken, wat leidt tot een ernstigere ziekte dan wanneer de persoon het vaccin niet had gekregen. Wanneer een vaccin ADE of VAED veroorzaakt, kan dit aanzienlijke gevolgen hebben voor de volksgezondheid. Eerst en vooral kunnen personen die het vaccin krijgen en een ADE of VAE ontwikkelen, lijden aan ernstige ziekte en in sommige gevallen zelfs overlijden. – The Daily ExposĆ©

Een voorbeeld van een bacteriƫle infectie die mogelijk kan verergeren door ADE of VAE is een streptococcus A (strep A) infectie. Strep A is een soort bacterie die een groot aantal ziekten kan veroorzaken, waaronder keelpijn, longontsteking en sepsis. U hebt waarschijnlijk in het nieuws gezien dat kinderen deze winter sterven aan een Strep A-infectie.



Uit overheidsdocumenten blijkt dat de COVID-19-injectie de meest waarschijnlijke oorzaak is van al deze ziekten.

De Amerikaanse Food and Drug Administration (FDA) probeerde het vrijgeven van de veiligheidsgegevens van het COVID-19-vaccin van Pfizer 75 jaar uit te stellen, ondanks het feit dat de injectie na slechts 108 dagen veiligheidsbeoordeling op 11 december 2020 werd goedgekeurd. De FDA zei oorspronkelijk dat ze bereid waren om 500 pagina’s per maand vrij te geven in antwoord op het Freedom of Information (FOI) verzoek dat namens Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT) was ingediend om de veiligheidsgegevens op te vragen.

In plaats daarvan beval federale rechter Mark Pittman hen begin januari 2022 om 55.000 pagina’s per maand vrij te geven. Eind januari gaven ze 12.000 pagina’s vrij. Sindsdien heeft PHMPT alle documenten op zijn website geplaatst. – The Daily ExposĆ©

Een van de documenten in de laatste datadump is “reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf“. Tabel 5, te vinden op pagina 11 van het document toont een “Belangrijk Potentieel Risico”, en dat risico wordt vermeld als “Vaccin-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED), inclusief Vaccin-Associated Enhanced Reporatory Disease (VAERD)”.

Dit bewijs werd gepubliceerd door The Daily Expose en is nogal vernietigend, en huiveringwekkend voor degenen die deze injecties hebben genomen of ze aan hun eigen kinderen hebben gegeven. Deze documenten zouden een verklaring kunnen bieden voor de gevallen van SADS of sudden adult death syndrome, evenals voor al diegenen die “plotseling zijn gestorven” in het afgelopen jaar sinds deze injecties met kracht zijn uitgerold.

Copyright © 2023 vertaling door Frontnieuws.

Bron: https://www.frontnieuws.com/als-de-vaccin-verzwakte-immuniteit-explodeert-verwacht-dan-drie-dingen-van-de-regering-om-het-te-verdoezelen/


Curbing Overpopulation: Bill Gates, George Soros, other Billionaires Convened to Make Plans in 2009

 Is the current depopulation an accident?

Two weeks ago, I pointed out that we objectively live through a period of depopulation: in 2022, deaths were up, and births were down significantly.

I asked, is this ongoing depopulation an unfortunate accident arising out of random circumstances, or is it a result of a preplanned and deliberate strategy? Check my post out, as it gives the latest statistics on birth declines and death increases and introduces the depopulation question:

(Also, thank you for following me on Twitter)

This Sunday Times article from 2009 sheds light on this further. Our leading billionaires were so worried about overpopulation in 2009 that they convened a secret meeting to discuss future efforts to curb it.

Their meeting was very private: The informal afternoon session was so discreet that some of the billionaires' aides were told they were at "security briefings".

Stacy Palmer, editor of the Chronicle of Philanthropy, said the summit was unprecedented. "We only learnt about it afterwards, by accident. Normally these people are happy to talk good causes, but this is different - maybe because they don't want to be seen as a global cabal," he said.

It is hard to disagree with Stacy Palmer! I can fully understand the desire NOT to be seen as a global cabal. I mean, who wants to be seen as a global cabal when discussing means to curb overpopulation, right?

Taking their cue from Gates they agreed that overpopulation was a priority.

Bill Gates did not merely hold private, personal thoughts about depopulation; he convened a meeting of leading billionaires, in secret, to discuss his favorite cause, make plans, and execute them!

Another guest said there was "nothing as crude as a vote" but a consensus emerged that they would back a strategy in which population growth would be tackled as a potentially disastrous environmental, social and industrial threat.

The Guardian in 2009, before receiving $12,779,391 in 2017-2018 from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation via grants OPP1197725, OPP1156923, OPP1177035, INV-017377, OPP1034962, was more critical of the meeting:

There is little doubt that members of the Good Club have done amazing work. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, with a current endowment of more than $30bn, is the biggest philanthropic organisation ever. …

The Soros Foundation has done valuable work setting up democratic institutions and independent media across the former Soviet bloc. These titans of philanthropy have also started a trend among the slightly less wealthy. …

But there is a potential downside to the growth of these "Ć¼ber donors", especially if the whims of individuals start to take precedence over the expertise of professionals.

The strange truth is that giving away billions of dollars is difficult and fraught with risk. There can be waste, mismanagement and poor investment. At the same time it can actually do harm. "If you are putting enormous amounts of money into a community that can't cope with it, then you can implode that community," Peterson said.

Others are even more outspoken at the growing dominance of a tiny handful of billionaires in the development sector. "The problem with any Good Club is that all the people might not be 'good'. Or at least not 'good' in universal definitions," said Louise Uwacu, the Rwandan-born founder of the Canadian education charity Positivision.

Louise Uwacu above, born in Rwanda, hit the nail on the head, explaining that these people are “not good.”

Louise has not exactly slid into obscurity and has not forgotten about Bill Gates since warning us about him in 2009. Here’s Louise’s tweet from 2022:

Louise is a smart woman, and she knows how to connect the dots!

Google Knows About This - But does NOT Want You to Know

When searching google for the Times article title, a big message pops up:

That sort of warning from Google usually means that fact-checkers are busy writing articles debunking the questions that you and I might ask. Google is waiting for fact-checks to insert them at the top of the search results.

The Secret Depopulation Strategy

What was the billionaires’ secret strategy to curb overpopulation? It is difficult to say as no information was made public.

I have some thoughts to discuss later, as the point of this article is to bring attention to the existence of a secret billionaire club that was convened to fight overpopulation, not to bring forth an indigestible hodgepodge of theories.

Let me ask you. What do you think was their strategy? Please provide links if you have any.


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