donderdag 19 januari 2023

Real Estate Values to Suffer if Negative Population Trends Continue

Changes will be Slow - but Will Impact Demand for Housing

SUMMARY: This post will try to take a calm look at the bad news. I will show that while we have much to worry about, no imminent demographic catastrophe is coming unless trends worsen. The current tendencies will soon affect demand for housing, leading to a population-driven decline in real estate values.

Some Demographic News

A few current mortality and birth rate news first:

The UK calculates “excess mortality” based on the previous five years’ average. This, unfortunately, includes 2020 and 2021, which saw excess deaths due to Covid and Covid vaccination. So, the excess mortality for 2022 is therefore understated. Someone did a great job calculating excess mortality based on the 2015-2019 average instead:

Reasons to Stay Calm

This mortality and birth rate news is unfortunate. More than usual, people’s friends, relatives, and loved ones lose their lives. The birth rate news is disappointing: families wanting to have a child may not be able to conceive the baby they dream of having. Each life is valuable, and each death is tragic.

Does it mean that under the current trends, the society we are used to will disappear in a few years? No.

Demographic changes are slow. I created a simple model in a spreadsheet that simulates population trends over the next 50 years. There are parameters, such as the current birth rate, life expectancy, and fertility (number of births per woman) pre-pandemic.

This is a very simplistic model because I am not a demographer. However, it generally captures the essence of demographics and demonstrates what would happen under various assumptions. It calculates:

  • The number of infants born per year, based on the birth rate

  • The number of deaths per year, based on the death rate

Consider a hypothetical country, let’s name it Westonia, with exactly 100,000,000 population. Westonia’s life expectancy is 78 years, and the fertility rate is 1.62 children per woman. This is generally in line with the UK, for instance.

Every year, one out of 78 Westonians dies, and 1.62/2/78 = 0.01 children per person are born. For simplicity, I assume Westonia does not allow immigration or emigration.

We can make two projections: the population at the exact parameters above (no pandemic or vaccines) or the population with excess mortality and birth rate decline factored in (with currently observed mortality and birth rate effects).

We can develop two population projections for the next 50 years: one continuing the pre-pandemic trends and another including excess mortality and reduced birth rate. For example, let’s incorporate 20% excess mortality and 16% reduced birth rate, sort of the worst of what we are seeing now.

The table would begin like this:

Here’s the chart of 50-year trends comparing demographics of Westonia “without pandemic” vs. “with reduced birth rate and excess mortality.”

If the pandemic did not happen, Westonia would have 88.5 million people after 50 years. With reduced births and increased mortality, Westonia would only end up with a population of 71.6 million. The pandemic-related reduction of Westonia’s population is 16 million people. Our hypothetical country would have 24% more people at year 50 had the pandemic not occurred!

Is Westonia, and our green planet, better off with the reduced population? People can have different opinions on this. Let us know what you think.

The important thing is that Westonia would not rapidly “die off” under the current trends — and the population would shrink very slowly.

Real Estate Prices May Suffer

In the long run, the real estate market is driven by population and household formation.

For example, if a family of two occupies an apartment, it would conceivably start looking for a single-family home after a baby is born.

Similarly, imagine an elderly couple living in a single-family home. If one of the spouses dies, the remaining widower will likely consider selling the home and moving to an apartment.

The problem is that if births are reduced and deaths are increased, the single-family home mentioned above may not find willing buyers!

The effect is not small: in our hypothetical Westonia, during the first year, there will be 166,154 fewer births and 256,410 more deaths, making the combined demand deficit 166154+256410 = 422,564 person-units!

In the US (330 million population,) about 6 million homes are sold yearly. For Westonia, with 100,000,000 people, the comparable annual sales would be about 1.81 million homes. How will the demand deficit of 422,564 “missing persons” affect the market of 1,810,000 homes sold annually?

It would greatly depress home prices!

So home prices may decline, and new construction of homes would not be as economically justified. These market effects greatly depend on our assumptions, of course.

Such home value projections would also be strongly impacted by immigration, which we assumed does not occur to simplify our model. Even then, the effect of reduced births and increased deaths would still depress home prices.

This is not a Prediction of the Future!

The future is very difficult to predict. Our birth rates could recover. Our death rates could return to normal. This is what I want to happen.

Unthinkably, mortality and birth rates could also get much worse. I have no idea what the future will bring.

The point of the exercise above is to show that the current negative changes would only “move the needle” of population count very slowly over decades.

This means we have time to sound alarms, convene committees, do proper scientific research, and we are not facing any immediate die-off.

Your guess about what will happen to the future is as good as mine. Will birth rates recover? Will deaths go back to normal rates? Are homes still a good investment? Let us know what you think.


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Fauci (V.S.) Knew Boosters Could Cause Immune Tolerance; Pushed for them Anyway

Did "the science" have our best interests at heart?

** Dear email subscribers: please CLICK ON THE TITLE ABOVE to read this article online **

SUMMARY: This post presents evidence proving that Tony Fauci and immunologists knew that mRNA Covid boosters could cause disease-enabling immune tolerance. Despite that documented knowledge, they inexplicably pushed to boost people repeatedly, ruining their immunity to Sars-Cov-2.

At the Speed of Science

The anti-Covid-vaccine circles are abuzz with posts discussing “IgG4 immune tolerance”. It describes mRNA-injected people developing so-called “IgG4 antibodies”, which make their immune systems “ignore” Covid infections instead of fighting them vigorously, leading to slow virus clearance, excessive replication of the virus, and “sudden deaths.”

Igor’s Newsletter
Booster-Caused IgG4 Immune Tolerance Explains Excess Mortality and "Chronic Covid"
Rintrah Radagast posted a very important article yesterday. It shows us a potential explanation of why excess mortality is related to COVID boosters, why the association of Covid vaccines with mortality strengthens as time goes on instead of declining, and why…
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Many described this unsettling situation, with hundreds of millions of boosted people conditioned to suboptimal reactions to COVID infections, as a “surprise for immunologists.”

The thing is, it was anything but a surprise.

Fauci Knew about IgG4

Far from being an obscure immunology topic, knowledge about the IgG4 antibody subclass (intended by nature for allergens and such) being suboptimal for immune response to a replicating virus such as Sars-Cov-2 was well known in immunology.

Even Dr. Fauci co-authored a 2015 Science Translational Medicine study that negatively spoke of IgG4 antibodies from repeat injections as undesirable in vaccine response. The article is behind a paywall, but I could download it thanks to money from my paying subscribers.

Here it is:

Fauci and other authors mention IgG4 and imply that it is suboptimal. Fauci’s article explains that “good” IgG3 antibodies mark infected cells for destruction (the article describes a mechanism called ADCC, or antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity), and IgG4 antibodies do not trigger this mechanism to kill the virus-carrying cells:

Therefore, the worldwide Covid response leader, Dr. Anthony Fauci, was fully aware of the role IgG4 antibodies play.

Immune Tolerance, IgG4 Role Known since at least 1989

The science of immunology has been familiar with how repeated immunizations produce IgG4 antibody subclass and create immune tolerance since at least 1989.

This Swedish study describes how frequent immunizations against pertussis paradoxically DECREASE immunity against that disease. It notes that natural immunity to pertussis does not produce such an effect:

Another study from 2017 explains the outcome of IgG4 induction in pertussis due to repeat injections:

Repeated booster doses of acellular vaccine in children primed with acellular vaccine has been shown to result in progressively shorter duration of protection against disease. [Does that remind you of Covid vaccine? — I.C.] This may be explained by the generation of higher levels of antigen-specific IgG4, which does not bind complement and leads to a suboptimal inflammatory response and impaired phagocytosis and antimicrobial defense.

The article shows how repeated pertussis boosters lead to impaired antimicrobial defense and progressively shorter protection. This is why pertussis vaccines fail to protect people, a phenomenon I described before.

The same failing protection happens with repeated COVID boosters!

Another article points out that IgG4 antibodies are inferior for Hepatitis B prevention:

While children vaccinated below 5 years of age responded mainly with IgG1 and IgG3 subclasses, older children (>5 years) showed a high individual variability in the specific profiles with a high contribution of IgG4. We concluded that vaccination at a younger age leads to the production of antibody subclasses which are more effective for virus neutralization.

Let me suggest that it is not the child's age that causes the production of ineffective IgG4 antibodies. It is more likely that frequent vaccinations required by the childhood vaccine schedule make children’s immune response worse as they get older.

Immune tolerance, induced by frequent vaccine boosting, and the role of IgG4 antibodies in it, was therefore well known in science before the Covid pandemic.

Two Billion Lab Rats

We were told that Covid vaccines were designed in two days. (if you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you). Then they were tested at Warp Speed.

The problem is that immune tolerance does not develop at warp speed.

IgG4 switch takes at least half a year to develop, sometimes a year.

Even Anthony Fauci, who, as we know, “represents science,” was aware of this personally as the author of studies discussing IgG4 antibodies and their undesirability. The likelihood of “immune tolerance” was well within the routine knowledge of immunology and vaccinology.

Paid by fat NIH grants from Dr. Fauci, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation that invested in mRNA technology, and Big Pharma, scientists chose to close their eyes to the possibility of long-term immune impairment and cheered Covid vaccines.

The never-ending pandemic, reinfections, increasing mortality, and sickness are not pure accidents. It results from the greed, conformity, recklessness, and shortsightedness of immunologists and vaccinologists, who had ample reasons to be cautious.

The only two persons who belong to those sciences who objected to great detriment to their grants and careers are Geert Vanden Bossche and Robert Malone. Everybody else stayed blind and silent and collected grant money and Twitter followers.

Immunologists Should Not Feign Surprise

As the Covid vaccine disaster unfolds, we may soon start hearing how everything is a “surprise” and how scientists were “blindsided” by what happened. Please do not believe their attempts to shed responsibility.

They knew about the risks. This post just proved that and showed receipts.

The result of their willful blindness is a never-ending pandemic, endless reinfections, and excess mortality.

If they knew the risks, why did they push the nonsensical unproven vaccines and repeated boosters on everyone? Did money play a role? Was there a worse motive for some players? Can they earn our trust back?

Do their victims deserve justice?


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Rusland zal de Oekraïense strijdkrachten ‘afmaken’ – Poetin

  Het Oekraïense volk moet zich realiseren dat het is misleid door de westerse droom om Rusland een “strategische nederlaag” toe te brengen,...