vrijdag 20 december 2024

TRUTH BOMBS dropped by doctor about dirty mRNA “vaccines” as WEAPONS of MASS DESTRUCTION

 12/09/2024 // S.D. Wells // 7,8K Views


The only conspiracy theorists left now are the ones who still believe that Covid-19 was NOT planned and that the vaccines, masks and social distancing were effective. There are still conspiracy theorists who think the masks work, even though it’s like believing that a swimsuit works to keep pee out of a swimming pool. Every teacher in the world has proven through practice and testing that social distancing, lockdowns and masks absolutely decimated learning, cognition and social development of children, from daycare age on up through elementary and middle school. Now even doctors are blowing the whistle on the whole sham. The scam. The scamdemic. The Plandemic of the Century. Covid-19.

Covid-19 “vaccines” destroy your immune system by distributing genetically modified RNA spike prions throughout your body

“Everything was a lie from the beginning. The asymptomatic people don’t transmit. Kids were not harbingers of the disease. They don’t actually, they’re like a break on the disease. Lockdowns were a farce. Masks don’t work,” says Dr. Richard Urso, a medical doctor with 36 years of experience, specializing in ophthalmology and plastic surgery out of Houston, Texas.

He goes on to let everyone know how bad the CDC and Fauci lied to everybody every day; “I tell people, I joke sometimes I say masks do work. A lot like bathing suits work to keep pee out of the pool. They’re not very effective. So that’s one of those things that, you know, it was a farce. Pretty much everything they said was a farce. I know we’re still recovering from it. Just yesterday we walked into a pharmacy and they were advertising COVID-19 vaccines. Well, if you want to destroy your immune system, take a COVID-19 vaccine. It will destroy your immune system. It distributes widely in your body. It can’t be broken down because it’s a genetically modified RNA. There are contaminants, process related impurities, what I usually call them, but contaminants for most people, that they haven’t gotten out of the vaccines.”

Drugs and vaccines take YEARS to test and make sure they’re clean and effective. Dr. Urso describes the process of getting related impurities out so the medicine is not contaminated, dangerous, and deadly to humans. He tells us how Pfizer put an SV40 cancer promoter in the vaccine on purpose, and molecular biologists have known this fact since the Human Genome Project decades ago.

Big Pharma also knew remdesivir decimates the kidneys, but the medical industrial complex demanded Covid-19 patients be prescribed this instead of ivermectin, which surely would have saved countless lives. Plus, the spike protein prions created by mRNA “technology” travel to the brain, the bone marrow, the ovaries and the testes, and the doctors and scientists knew this also from studies conducted.

Dr. Urso dropping these truth bombs and is letting the world know that almost everything the medical industry told us about Covid-19 and how to save ourselves from “dying” from it was a lie. He adds, “I think the main thing is these vaccines are dangerous. They have process related impurities. They cause cancer, strokes and heart attacks. The data is in 40% more deaths in 2021 between 18 to 64. This is just data we can’t ignore, so please stay away from the vaccines.”

There's no other way to put it, other than the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines are weapons of mass destruction. Bookmark Vaccines.news to your favorite independent websites for updates on Long-Vax-Syndrome that's sweeping the nation as pharmacies STILL try to push the Covid-19 gene-mutation injections on the masses today.

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