donderdag 16 september 2021

 Idaho doctor reports a ‘20 times increase’ of cancer in vaccinated patients (USA)

'Post-vaccine, what we are seeing is a drop in your killer T-cells, in your CD8 cells,” said Dr. Ryan Cole.  

               Cancer consultationChinnapong/Shutterstock


Mon Sep 13, 2021 - 6:57 am EDT

BOISE, Idaho  (LifeSiteNews) — A doctor has found an increase in cancers since the COVID-19 inoculation rollout. 

On March 18, Dr. Ryan Cole, a board-certified pathologist and owner and operator of a diagnostics lab, reported to the public in a video produced by Idaho state government’s  “Capitol Clarity” project,  that he is seeing a massive ‘uptick’ in various autoimmune diseases and cancers in patients who have been vaccinated.  

“Since January 1, in the laboratory, I’m seeing a 20 times increase of endometrial cancers over what I see on an annual basis,” reported Dr. Cole in the video clip shared on Twitter. 

“I’m not exaggerating at all because I look at my numbers year over year, I’m like ‘Gosh, I’ve never seen this many endometrial cancers before’,” he continued.  

Explaining his findings at the March 18 event, Cole told Idahoans that the vaccines seem to be causing serious autoimmune issues, in a way he described as a “reverse HIV” response. 

Cole explained that two types of cells are required for adequate immune system function: “Helper T-cells,” also called “CD4 cells,” and “killer T-cells,” often known as “CD8 cells.” 

According to Cole, in patients with HIV, there is a massive suppression of “helper T-cells” which cause immune system functions to plummet, and leave the patient susceptible to a variety of illnesses.  

Similarly, Cole describes, “post-vaccine, what we are seeing is a drop in your killer T-cells, in your CD8 cells,” 

“And what do CD8 cells do? They keep all other viruses in check,” he continued. 

Onderkant formulier

Much like HIV causes immune system disruption by suppressing CD4 “helper” cells, the same thing happens when CD8 “killer” cells are suppressed. In Dr. Cole’s expert view, this is what seems to be the case with the COVID-19 jabs.  

Cole goes on to state that as a result of this vaccine-induced “killer T-cell” suppression, he is seeing an “uptick” of not only endometrial cancer, but also melanomas, as well as herpes, shingles, mono, and a “huge uptick” in HPV when “looking at the cervical biopsies of women.”  

Bovenkant formulier

Onderkant formulier

This is not the first time the COVID-19 vaccines have been linked to serious issues regarding women’s health. 

According to a German research study, polyethylene glycol, an ingredient found in the Pfizer and Moderna jabs, has been found to pose a “potential toxicity risk” to women’s ovaries.  

Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former vice president at Pfizer, has cited the German study as a possible explanation for the large number of menstrual irregularities and miscarriages being reported by vaccinated women.  

Yeadon warns young women to avoid the vaccine for, in his expert opinion as a toxicologist, the shots will likely impede a woman’s ability to get pregnant and carry a baby to term.  

Dr. Cole states in his video that, not only are melanomas showing up more frequently, like endometrial cancers, the melanomas are also developing more rapidly, and are more severe in younger people, than he has ever previously witnessed. 

“Most concerning of all, there is a pattern of these types of immune cells in the body keeping cancer in check,” stated the doctor. 

“I’m seeing invasive melanomas in younger patients; normally we catch those early, and they are thin melanomas, [but] I’m seeing thick melanomas skyrocketing in the last month or two,” he added. 

Cole came into prominence in January of 2021 when the Idaho government put in place an effort called “Capitol Clarity,” with the stated goal of keeping Idahoans informed about the facts surrounding COVID-19.  

Capitol Clarity has since hosted Dr. Ryan Cole multiple times to provide information to the public about vaccine safety and COVID-19 measures more broadly.  

The videos of Dr. Cole at these events, which were originally posted on YouTube, have since been deleted by the Google owned video platform in a continual effort of censorship by Big Tech. 

“You’re not being told the truth,” said Yeadon “Thinking about this, I try to imagine that I was speaking to my own young adult daughters, for whom I would be very concerned if they got these vaccines.” 

LifeSiteNews has produced an extensive COVID-19 vaccines resources page. View it here.




VAX ATTACKS: Singapore seeing chronic illness explosion after reaching 81 percent vaccination rate

Wednesday, September 15, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: bioterrorismbiowarbioweaponscasesCOVIDgenocideillnessPlandemicseriously illside effectsSingaporespike proteinvaccinatedvaccine warsvaccines



(Natural News) A massive spike in new “cases” of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) has struck Singapore, one of the most “fully vaccinated” countries on earth with about an 81 percent compliance rate, according to the latest data.

Surging infections due to mass injection are stymieing efforts to reopen the country as “fully vaccinated” residents flood hospitals in desperate need of oxygen and other treatments.

Over the weekend, the number of patients requiring oxygen in Singapore doubled, showing that the injections they call “vaccines” are failing to provide the promised protection against Chinese Germs.

Compared to most other nations, Singapore was exceptionally quick to accept the Fauci Flu shots. Its residents lined right up and rolled up their sleeves, only to now face the consequences of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) and other spike protein damage.

Injection rates have plateaued, reports indicate, as the vast majority of Singapore has taken all of the currently available shots pushed by the government. To now be seeing this spike in new infections and hospitalizations has some people questioning how and why this is happening.

“Infections over the weekend were more than a combined 1,000 cases, a tenfold increase from a month ago,” reported Reuters.

“Many experts, though, are not overly concerned about the rise in infections because of the low number of serious cases and Singapore’s high vaccination percentage.”

Vaccinated people are killing others with spike protein “shedding”

Early on in the plandemic, Singapore was one of the first countries to report any Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) infections at all.

Along with Australia, Singapore announced to the world that the China Virus had been detected there, which sent the global media into a tailspin.

Fast-forward to now and Singapore is leading the way in both vaccine compliance and simultaneous accelerated spread of the Wuhan Flu and its many “variants” – which are still being blamed, in many cases, on the “unvaccinated.”

There is no evidence to suggest that healthy, unvaccinated people are spreading anything other than their untainted existence, but the mainstream media wants you to believe that they are the disease vectors as opposed to the fully vaccinated.

Ironic is the fact that the plandemic would have long been done and over with had everyone just said no to vaccination. Thanks to the vaccinated, we now have variant after variant spreading around unfettered, leaving in its wake misery, suffering and death.

And things are about to get a whole lot worse as the first round of “booster” shots gets distributed. These secondary jabs will cure everything, we are told, though the reality is that the world is about to experience another “wave” of hell because of them.

“If by offering booster shots to the people, including young adults, Singapore is able to relax its restrictions quicker especially with respect to reopening Singapore’s borders, then this may be an existential decision that the government is forced to take,” announced Teo Yik Ying, dean of the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health at the National University of Singapore.

In other words, Singapore is still clinging to the Branch Covidian doctrine that more injections will equal better health outcomes – even though the data shows the opposite to be true.

The world will apparently have to learn this all the hard way, though, as there appear to be no signs of the plandemic agenda relenting anytime soon. It will be booster shot after booster shot until the end of time – or until people decide that enough is enough.

As people continue to suffer and die due to the vaccines, we will keep you informed about it at

Sources for this article include:



                                           © ZOG

Giulia Latinne 16-09-21, 09:50 Laatste update: 15:35

GENK  De woonzorgcentra van het Zorgbedrijf Ouderenzorg Genk (ZOG) kampen opnieuw met coronabesmettingen, dit keer in woonzorgcentrum Toermalien.  Zeker zes van de zestien bewoners zijn daar besmet, net als vier medewerkers.  Dat terwijl de bewoners en medewerkers allen gevaccineerd zijn. ....  

“Coronapas? Ook dan vatbaar”

“De oorzaak van deze uitbraak achterhalen, kunnen we niet”, duidt ZOG-directeur Jos Aben. “WĆ©l stellen we vast dat ondanks de volledige vaccinatie zowel bewoners als medewerkers vatbaar blijven voor het virus. Dit leert ons ook dat we in dit verhaal niet zomaar kunnen stellen dat iedereen met een coronapas veilig is voor zijn omgeving. ……

……  Maar mensen worden wĆ©l nog ziek van een coronabesmetting.



3 maanden na vonnis Klimaatzaak is in Belgiƫ niets gebeurd. Niets. Rien. Nichts

De 11 oprichters van vzw Klimaatzaak. Beeld RV
De 11 oprichters van vzw Klimaatzaak.Beeld RV

Namens 58.000 Belgische burgers: Serge de Gheldere, Ignace Schops, Dirk de Clippeleir, Francesca Vanthielen, Nic Balthazar, Lambert Schoenmaekers, Johan Van Den Bosch, Tom Lenaerts, Tom Brookes, Koen Vanmechelen en Stijn Meuris: de oprichters van VZW Klimaatzaak.

Beste premier,

Uw land gaat schandalig om met zijn inwoners. Onze mensenrechten worden massaal geschonden. Dat staat nu zwart op wit. De Brusselse rechtbank oordeelde in de Klimaatzaak dat het Belgische klimaatbeleid het recht op leven van 58.000 burgers schendt. Zij preciseerde dat dit gebeurt “in een context waarin u zich ten volle bewust bent van het zekere risico van gevaarlijke klimaatverandering voor de bevolking”. 58.000 burgers zaten mee in de juridische procedure van Klimaatzaak, maar de mensenrechtenschending geldt voor alle inwoners van dit land. Waar BelgiĆ« vaak als eerste klaarstaat om mensenrechtenschendingen in andere landen te veroordelen, blijft het nu, 3 maanden na het vonnis, ondraaglijk stil.

Welke toekomst kiest u voor onze kinderen en kleinkinderen? De allesverwoestende overstromingen in het zuiden van ons land staan nog vers en pijnlijk in ons geheugen. Van over de hele wereld worden we via het nieuws dagelijks overstelpt met apocalyptische beelden. Die waren perfect vermijdbaar geweest als er eerder was ingegrepen. Het gaat hier niet om noodlottige natuurrampen maar wel over “man-made” klimaatrampen. De stortvloed aan klimaatellende die ons nu in pijlsnel tempo overvalt, voorspelde de wetenschap al meer dan 30 jaar geleden en brengt ons recht op leven, op gezondheid, op een gezinsleven, op een veilige haven in gevaar. De toekomst hebben we wel nog enigszins in de hand. Alles hangt af van de keuzes die wij – jullie– nĆŗ maken. Welke keuzes maakt u vandaag voor onze kinderen en kleinkinderen?

Neem een voorbeeld aan Merkel. BelgiĆ« is niet het eerste land dat wegens nalatig klimaatbeleid op de vingers werd getikt. In april oordeelde het Duitse Grondwettelijke Hof dat het Duitse Klimaatbeleid de mensenrechten van de Duitse burgers schond. De regering Merkel greep prompt in. Nog geen week later gaf ze aan haar ambities fors op te voeren, en het Duitse reductiepad via - 65 procent in 2030 naar netto nul uitstoot in 2045 te brengen. Dat is volgens de klimaatwetenschap het absoluut minimale traject om rampscenario’s te voorkomen. In BelgiĆ«, 3 maanden na het vonnis: niets van dat alles. Niets. Rien. Nichts.

Straks start het nieuwe parlementaire jaar opnieuw. Wij gaan ervan uit dat klimaat hoog, zeer hoog, op de agenda zal staan en dat dit hƩt speerpunt wordt voor de komende jaren. Wij rekenen op u en uw regering om een nationaal crisisplan te ontwikkelen en voortvarend uit te voeren. We gaan ervan uit dat er grote beslissingen worden genomen, in actie wordt getreden, leiderschap wordt getoond om ervoor te zorgen dat Belgiƫ zijn verantwoordelijkheid neemt voor zijn aandeel in deze wereldwijde crisis. Wat we als land kunnen in de covid-crisis, kunnen we ook voor het klimaat. Daar zijn we zeker van.

De inwoners van uw land rekenen op u. Neem deze rechterlijke veroordeling en onze mensenrechten ernstig en kies voor moedige maatregelen tegen deze almaar uitdijende klimaatramp. Verbreek die stilte en toon met uw beleid dat u deze immense problematiek ernstig neemt. Begin nu, onmiddellijk, met een drastische verlaging van de Belgische broeikasgasuitstoot naar minimaal -65% in 2030. Er is geen tussenweg. Een zoveelste Belgisch compromis is geen optie. De wetten van de fysica zijn meedogenloos voor compromissen. Laat geen dag meer verloren gaan, want we hebben minder dan 10 jaar om het tij te keren. Maak een einde aan deze beschamende mensenrechtenschending.

Beste premier, u bent aan zet.

 Suddenly the “science” claims that VACCINATED people need to be protected from unvaccinated… how is this possible if vaccines work?

Tuesday, September 14, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: Apartheidbadhealthbadmedicinebadsciencedeceptionfascismgenocideimmunizationnatural immunitypandemicPlandemicpseudoscienceriggedscamspike proteinunvaccinatedvaccinatedvaccine warsvaccines


(Natural News) The “vaccines” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are so “safe and effective” that the Branch Covidians pushing them now insist that people who refuse the shots are an existential health threat to those who took them.

You read that right: Unless all unvaccinated people also agree to get vaccinated, the already vaccinated are somehow still at risk of getting sick and dying, supposedly because of the unvaccinated.

“Never before in history has there been a need to ‘protect the vaccinated,'” says Karl Denninger. “There isn’t one now unless the jabs not only don’t work, [but] in some percentage of people who took them they make infection worse – and they know it.”

As has always been the case until very recently, the purpose of vaccination is to provide personal protection against disease. People who take vaccines, we are told, obtain special “immunity” that the unvaccinated supposedly never get because their natural immune systems did not receive the vaccine “upgrade.”

This was the crux of the overall vaccine narrative until 2020 came around. Donald Trump, who calls himself the “father of the vaccine,” introduced covid shots at “warp speed” and now, suddenly, vaccines are a collective effort.

They only work, we are now told, if everybody takes one. If even just one person skips the shot, then all the people who took the shot can still get sick and maybe even die from “covid” even if they are considered to be “fully vaccinated.”

It makes absolutely no sense, of course, but the world is apparently so dumbed down at this point that this train of thought is generally accepted as “scientific” in the “new normal.”

REALITY CHECK: The unvaccinated need protection against the vaccinated

Even if everyone did agree to roll up their sleeves for a Chinese Virus jab, the best that would happen, according to the “authorities,” is that there might be fewer hospitalizations or something.

At no point in time has the government or Big Pharma ever claimed that getting injected for Chinese Germs would “cure” the plandemic, even if everyone complied. At most, there could, maybe, in some alternate universe, be more “mild” cases of the disease as opposed to more serious ones.

Even this measly claim, as worthless as it is, has been debunked as nothing more than wishful thinking by members of the Church of Covid who wish it was true so they could convince more people to get vaccinated.

The truth is that the injections do nothing whatsoever to keep people healthy, and actually appear to make people sicker and more prone to death. Had these shots never been introduced in the first place, “covid” as we currently know it would already be in the history books.

If anything, the biggest public health threat right now are vaccinated people who have become walking spike protein factories, potentially infecting every person they come into contact with. It is the unvaccinated that need protection from the vaccinated, in other words.

Unless Pope Fauci tells his minions the truth, though, they will likely never listen to the actual science. So many of these people are so invested into the Cult of Covidism at this point that their pride alone will forever stop them from admitting that they were duped into believing a lie.

“… they know the vaccines not only have failed but are actually potentiating infections instead of protecting against them,” Denninger says about the establishment.

“Why else would you ‘protect the vaccinated?'” he adds, pointing to perhaps the biggest logical flaw with the current plandemic narrative.

More news about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) clown circus can be found at

Sources for this article include:


President Zelensky probeerde premier van Slowakije om te kopen voor 500 miljoen en dit was zijn reactie

  De Slowaakse premier Robert Fico heeft de OekraĆÆense president Zelensky beschuldigd van poging tot omkoping,  schrijft Politico . Volgens ...