zaterdag 16 oktober 2021

If we continue to let Big Pharma control “science” and public policy, we will never be free from spike protein injections

10/12/2021 / By Ethan Huff

Albert Bourla, the creepy CEO of drug giant Pfizertold George Stephanopoulos the other day that Americans will never be able to return to “normal life” unless they agree to get continually injected at regular intervals with Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.”

Things could return to something like normal “within a year,” Bourla says, but only if people are willing to roll up their sleeves and take injection after injection until the end of time – and even beyond, if Big Pharma could actually get away with it.

“I don’t think that this means that variants will not be continuing coming [sic],” Bourla told the ABC This Week host. “And I don’t think that this means that we should be able to live our lives without having vaccinations, basically.”

Since Bourla’s multi-billion-dollar enterprise was built upon forcing people to get injected with all kinds of poison for profit, it is only natural for him to expect that the global population be subjected to endless jabs from Donald “father of the vaccine” Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” arsenal.

If Bourla gets his way, the “most likely scenario” moving forward is that people will need to be continually re-vaccinated due to the emergence of “new variants” – and because that is how Pfizer will continue to rake in the cash.

Bourla is a bit upset that only elderly people and “high risk individuals” are being subjected to the Biden Booster shots that have been unveiled. If it were up to him, people of all ages would be getting injected with Pfizer needles over and over again until his personal bank account reached more zeros than he can count.

If you refuse to get injected with Big Pharma chemicals, pharmaceutical CEOs want you banished from society

Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel feels similarly, of course, because his large bank account depends upon people being forced to take his company’s genetic modification (GMO) cocktails.

Bancel says that even younger people need to get Biden Booster shots at least once every three years in order to keep the profits flowing into Moderna’s coffers, and to boost its stock price.

In his personal fantasy, Bancel envisions a world in which only people who take all of the “required” Moderna injections should be allowed to live a first-tier life. Everyone else would then become a second-class citizen for failing to funnel cash to Big Pharma.

Bancel would like to see a world in which the “unvaccinated” are barred from traveling, maintaining employment and even engaging in ordinary leisure activities like everybody else.

Think permanent lockdown for those who refuse to be marked with a Big Pharma injection from Operation Warp Speed. This is what Bancel and Bourla hope to achieve while making themselves even more filthy rich than they already are.

“He needs some real mental health help,” wrote one Infowars commenter, referring to either Bancel or Bourla – or both.

“He needs a relaxing vacation, maybe to Cuba. A perfect place to relax. It’s a resort town called Gitmo. The resort manager will definitely make your vacation worthwhile.”

Another questioned how either of these two pharmaceutical cartel kingpins could possibly know what public policy will be a year from now unless they were directly involved in creating it.

“Does anyone wonder why a CEO is so knowledgeable about what our government policy will be a year from now?” this commenter wrote. “They can’t have it all planned out beforehand, can they?”

“Weekly COVID boosters aren’t enough, we need daily pills, too!” joked another about something that really is no laughing matter.

The latest news about Big Pharma’s endless-injections-for-profit scheme can be found at

Sources for this article include:

Tagged Under: Albert BourlaBig PharmaCOVIDfascismgenocideModernapandemicPfizerPlandemicriggedspike proteinspike protein injectionsStephane Bancelvaccinationvaccines


 Johns Hopkins University data PROVES distribution of COVID-19 vaccines led to spikes in infections

and deaths

Thursday, October 14, 2021 by: Arsenio Toledo
Tags: badhealthbadmedicineBig Pharmabiological weaponcoronaviruscoronavirus vaccinescovid-19Dangerous MedicineinfectionsJohns Hopkins Universityoutbreakpharmaceutical fraudresearchspike proteinVaccine deathsvaccine injury


(Natural News) Data gathered by Johns Hopkins University definitively proves that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines have made the pandemic worse, and these dangerous shots are causing illnesses and deaths.

This is according to Joel Smalley, a quantitative data analyst from the United Kingdom, who has published a video titled “COVID Deaths Before and After Vaccination Programs.” In the video, Smalley analyzes data from Johns Hopkins proving that countries all over the world experienced massive spikes in new COVID-19 illnesses and deaths after they were introduced to a large batch of COVID-19 vaccines.

The data points show the same surges in dozens of countries. Smalley is using this analysis to challenge the notion that the vaccines have shown enough efficacy to maintain their widespread use.

“COVID vaccines are between 50 percent and 80 percent effective in reducing severe illnesses and deaths,” says Smalley. “They have to be at least 50 percent to retain emergency use authorization. Such dramatic efficacy should be apparent in the empirical, ‘real-world’ data. There should be very few country exceptions.”

In Smalley’s video, he presents weekly COVID-19 deaths per country before and after the introduction of the experimental and deadly coronavirus vaccines. The data shows a correlation between the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines and spikes in coronavirus-related deaths in approximately 40 different countries.

The video has highlighted some nations that either have very high vaccination rates or were praised early in the pandemic for their effective response to the coronavirus until the arrival of vaccines. These countries include the United Kingdom, Israel and Taiwan.

“While correlation does not prove causation, looking more broadly at relevant data, a worldwide trend of high rates of infections, hospitalizations and deaths can be found among the vaccinated,” writes journalist Patrick Delaney of Life Site News.


Data from around the world proves COVID-19 vaccines cause more illness and death

The phenomenon of countries experiencing sudden surges in new COVID-19 infections and deaths after a recent high degree of vaccine administration has become a universal trend.

Even Pfizer has recognized this correlation when it revealed in a document submitted to the Food and Drug Administration that the company’s COVID-19 vaccine makes people around 300 percent more likely to get COVID-19.

Dr. Peter McCullough, a medical professional with specialties in internal medicine and cardiology, has mentioned a study that found “vaccinated individuals carry 251 times the load of COVID-19 viruses in their nostrils compared to the unvaccinated.”

“While moderating the symptoms of infection, the jab allows vaccinated individuals to carry unusually high viral loads without becoming ill at first, potentially transforming them into pre-symptomatic super spreaders,” writes McCullough. He believes this is the reason why many places with high vaccination rates are experiencing “prominent outbreaks” among vaccinated individuals.

In September, around 75 percent of the people in Vermont who died from COVID-19 were fully vaccinated.

Back in July, it was reported that around 40 percent of the people hospitalized for COVID-19 were fully vaccinated. More recently, as emphasized by Republican Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Public Health England admitted that around 63 percent of people in the U.K. who succumbed to the post-vaccine delta variant were also vaccinated. (Related: BBC: 2 in 3 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the UK are among the vaccinated; 87% of hospitalizations are among the vaxxed.)

In Israel, one of the world’s most vaccinated nations, COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations among the vaccinated have been skyrocketing in recent months.

Dr. Kobi Haviv, director of Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem, noted during an appearance on Israeli Channel 13 that “most of the population” of Israel is already vaccinated. Despite this, his hospital is still seeing a lot of COVID-19 cases being admitted.

According to Haviv, between 85 to 90 percent of hospitalizations in Herzog Hospital are fully vaccinated. Furthermore, around 95 percent of COVID-19 patients with severe cases are also vaccinated.

“We are opening more COVID wards,” says Haviv. “The effectiveness of the vaccine is fading out.”

Learn more about how dangerous it is for people to take the COVID-19 vaccines by reading the latest articles at

Sources include: 1 2


 Florida COVID cases have plunged 88% in the past six weeks with NO MANDATES

Thursday, October 14, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: big governmentcasesCOVIDcovid restrictionsdeath countFloridafreedomgoodhealthhealth freedominfectionsmask mandatesoutbreakspandemicsocial distancingvaccine mandates



(Natural NewsBarely anyone is getting sick in Florida anymore now that Gov. Ron DeSantis has lifted all Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) mandates and returned the state back to normal.

The Orlando Sentinel reported that the number of new daily cases of the Chinese Virus has plummeted to a three-month low as the state approaches pre-covid levels of illness.

Over the past six weeks, new cases of the Fauci Flu have dropped a whopping 88 percent, and that is without any mask mandates, vaccines mandates, social distancing requirements or other tyranny.

At the current time, Florida ranks 48th out of the 50 states in terms of Chinese Virus cases, making it one of the healthiest states in the country right now by a long shot.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Florida’s seven-day case average dropped below 3,000 for the first time since July 7. The new seven-day average across the state is 2,870 cases.

The mainstream media is not sure how to handle this massive drop in cases since it does not fit the narrative that masks and vaccines are saving lives. To the contrary, states like Vermont that are almost entirely vaccinated are seeing a huge surge in hospitalizations and deaths.

Things are moving in the wrong direction in the compliant states, in other words, while states like Florida and Texas that are fully open are seeing new cases and hospitalizations drop towards zero.

Covid deaths have nearly reached zero in Florida

Even better in Florida is the plunging death count. According to data published by the Orlando Sentinel, the seven-day average by date of death in Florida is almost zero – the lowest it has been since the start of the plandemic.

Keep in mind that even these few deaths being reported are classified as “covid-related” deaths, meaning someone died with covid, supposedly, and not necessarily from covid.

The system has been playing games with the data like this from the very start, not to mention the fiasco with all the fake PCR tests that have been generating false “positives” to help pad the numbers.

South Florida is seeing the most improvements, with Palm Beach County seeing a 28 percent drop in cases and a 14 percent drop in deaths. Nearby Broward County also saw a 28 percent drop in cases, along with a 23 percent drop in deaths.

Miami-Dade County saw a 26 percent drop in cases and a 36 percent drop in deaths, while Orange County saw a 31 percent drop in cases and for some reason a 49 percent increase in deaths, or so they say.

A heatmap published by the Orlando Sentinel shows that many southern states are doing quite well in terms of cases and deaths, probably because they are warmer and have more sunlight as the winter months approach. Conversely, many northern states are not doing so well as they get colder and the sunlight wanes.

Exposure to natural sunlight causes the body to produce vitamin D, which is critical for maintaining strong immunity. Those with vitamin D deficiency are more prone to developing chronic illness, including a possible covid infection.

The latest figures suggest that 58.4 percent of Florida’s population is now “fully vaccinated.” The most vaccinated areas are in South Florida, while northern Florida is more “hesitant.”

“The vaccine IS the pathogen,” wrote one commenter at Citizen Free Press. “The virus is a pretext to inoculate you with the pathogen, the spike protein generator.”

“Now introduce ivermectin and keep Covid-19 and Delta close to zero,” wrote another about what Florida should do next.

To keep up with the latest news about the Chinese Virus, visit

Sources for this article include:

Het tegendeel  ...... 

More than three-quarters of covid deaths in Vermont are among the “fully vaccinated”

Tuesday, October 05, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: breakthroughcasesCOVIDdeceptionfully vaccinatedgenocidenarrative debunkedPlandemicVaccine deathsvaccine injuryvaccine warsvaccinesVermont



(Natural News) The latest data out of Vermont shows that a whopping 76 percent of all new Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) deaths are occurring in the “fully vaccinated.”

So-called “breakthrough” cases, which we were told are “rare,” actually account for the vast majority of Chinese Virus deaths in the highly “progressive” state, which is one of the most vaccinated in the nation.

Of the 33 Vermonters who died after testing “positive” for the Fauci Flu in the month of September, only eight of them were unvaccinated. The other 25 all took the jabs in obedience to the government, which told them they would be “safe” if they did.

According to Health Department spokesman Ben Truman, all of these fully vaccinated fatalities occurred because the jab recipients took their injections early, meaning any “immunity” they may have received is long gone.

These mostly elderly cases “have had more time to potentially become a vaccine breakthrough case,” Truman announced.

The Chinese Virus vaccination rate in Vermont is currently 88 percent among people aged 12 and older. This means that the state should be fully protected against the disease with no more deaths.

Instead, new “breakthrough” cases of Chinese Germs are spreading like wildfire, completely debunking the myth that getting injected provides protection against infection.

So much for a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”

According to Truman, all of these breakthrough deaths serve as “proof” that “vaccines are working” to protect Vermonters against the “worst outcomes.” We are unsure what could be worse than death, however.

Meanwhile, Health Department Commissioner Mark Levine continues to claim that there is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” occurring that requires more people to take the injections if there is ever to be an end to death with covid.

“Age is an important predictor of disease severity, and we have been seeing that the Delta variant is taking a tragic and disproportionate toll on our older population,” blabbed Truman, adding his own take to the situation.

“In addition to being more likely to have severe illness and consequences like hospitalizations and deaths, older Vermonters were among the very first to be vaccinated, and therefore, have had more time to potentially become a vaccine breakthrough case, with these more severe outcomes.”

This explanation makes no sense, of course, but nothing really does in Covidland. People are expected to just roll up their sleeves and not ask any questions – and the vast majority of Vermonters have proven themselves to be obedient little slaves that require little-to-no prodding.

Every excuse in the book is now being rolled out to try to explain away the massive surge in hospitalizations and deaths among the fully vaccinated. One wonders if any fully vaccinated people are finally waking up and regretting their decision to become a human guinea pig experiment for the Branch Covidian psychopaths that continue to terrorize the world with their chemical poisons.

“The experts keep spouting mortality statistics based on the 500K+ people who died before vaccines were available,” wrote one commenter at Citizen Free Press.

“Yet they still parrot the line like robots: ‘Need to get vaccinated, the unvaccinated are a threat,'” wrote another about the blind allegiance that many fully vaccinated people and their preferred politicians are giving to the narrative.

“If you die within 14 days of being jabbed, you are designated as ‘unvaccinated,’ so how do they even know that the eight unvaccinated were really unvaccinated?” asked another.

Many others pointed out the total lunacy of continuing to push these jabs when it is abundantly clear that they do not work, at least not to keep anyone healthy and “safe.”

The latest news about the failure of Wuhan Flu shots to provide any real protection against infection can be found at

Sources for this article include:


Frankrijk veroordeeld tot hertsel klimaatschade !

Na de eerste principiële veroordeling in de Affaire du Siècle in februari, en een tweede baanbrekend arrest in de zaak van de Noord-Franse kuststad Grande Synthe, werd de Franse staat gisteren een derde keer teruggefloten door het gerecht. De klimaatengagementen dienen gerespecteerd te worden, herhaalden de rechters, en waar dat in het verleden niet gebeurde, moet de overheid zorgen voor herstel. Frankrijk moet voor eind 2022 een extra reductie realiseren ter compensatie van het teveel aan uitstoot in de periode 2015- 2018 (15 Mt CO2eq). Moeilijk? Certes. Maar broodnodig

Deze uitspraak geeft ons en wereldwijd alle klimaatzaken opnieuw wind in de zeilen. Waar klimaatzaken vroeger al eens weggezet werden als symbolische bomenknuffelacties, valt vandaag niet langer te ontkennen dat ze sterke hefbomen kunnen zijn, met een reële impact op het beleid. En dat alles dankzij jullie, de burgers die deze zaken dragen en steunen. 

Lees de volledige uitspraak of het artikel in Le Monde of the Guardian.


Griezelig nieuws voor de COVID-gevaccineerden

 12/09/2024 Een nieuw, angstaanjagend syndroom kan iedereen treffen, ongeacht leeftijd, die de prik krijgt. Een nieuw syndroom, het ‘ Post-A...