zondag 15 augustus 2021

Immense mobilisation contre le Pass Sanitaire à Paris // Manifestation contre le Pass sanitaire  -  14 aug. 2021

94.291 weergaven


Manifestation anti pass sanitaire du samedi 14 août à Bordeaux 

54.224 weergaven - 14 aug. 2021 

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Welcome to 1938: First, they came for the unvaccinated

Saturday, August 14, 2021 by: News Editors
Tags: 1938badmedicinefreedomhealth freedominsanityNaziobeypropagandaTyrannyvaccineVaccine Holocaustvaccine warsvaccines



(Natural News) This is the most important commentary I’ve ever written.

(Article by Wayne Allyn Root republished from WND.com)

It’s time for alarm bells. It’s time for me to play the part of Paul Revere: “The communist tyrants and dictators are coming! The communist tyrants and dictators are coming!” They’re coming first for unvaccinated Americans.

This is 1938. I’m a Jew. I now understand just a little of what it felt like to be a Jew in 1938. No, it’s not the Holocaust. Nothing can be compared to the Holocaust. Ever.

But 1938 was not the Holocaust. It was the pre-Holocaust. It was the time before the nightmare, when the foundation was being laid to destroy the freedom, free speech, businesses and lives of millions of Jews.

Everything happening today to the American people … to the U.S. Constitution … to freedom … and particularly to unvaccinated Americans reminds me of 1938. This is only the beginning. It gets much worse from here.

First, “the papers.” Vaccine mandates and vaccine passports are just like 1938, when the Gestapo demanded papers from every German.

Republicans asked for “papers” from migrants who had broken into our country. Criminals. Democrats said, “No, that’s racism.” Republicans asked for “papers” once every two years for federal elections, to prove you have a right to vote. Democrats said, “No, that’s racism.”

Now Democrats want American citizens, not illegal aliens, not criminals, but patriots born in this country, to produce papers 24/7. We’ll need papers to enter restaurants, bars, nightclubs, concerts, casinos, conventions and hotels and to board a train, plane or bus. We’ll need papers to enter a supermarket, or we’ll starve to death. All for the crime of being unvaccinated against … wait for it …

The flu.

All for the crime of being unwilling to inject an untested, rushed to production, experimental, “for emergency use only” shot into our bodies.

What happened to the war cry of Democrats: “My body, my choice”? It only applies to murdering babies, but it doesn’t apply to dangerous experimental shots we don’t want injected into our bodies.

Weren’t Jews injected with experimental drugs by the depraved Nazi government? Wasn’t that a key part of the Nuremberg trials? That no government could ever again inject experimental shots into the bodies of unwilling citizens? Isn’t that a basic human right?

By the way, this isn’t about vaccines. If you want the vaccine, take it. I’d never stop you. I’d never limit your freedom, your choice. This is about vaccine mandates – forcibly injecting Americans who don’t want it. That’s 1938.

But there’s much more in common with 1938. Mask mandates. If you’re scared, wear them. I’m not scared. I don’t want to wear them. Mandates are about forcing individuals to lose their freedom, choice, individuality and human rights. That’s 1938.

Lockdowns are a match with the Warsaw Ghetto. Jews were locked down. Jews couldn’t work. Jews couldn’t travel. Jewish businesses were labeled “nonessential.”

If government can force us to close our businesses, to kill our jobs, to decide who is nonessential, then this is 1938.

Stars on clothing. It’s coming. The vaccinated get into restaurants, bars, concerts, supermarkets, planes and trains. They keep their jobs. The rest of us are marked as “subhuman” for life. That’s the star. That’s 1938.

Media and social media as the public-relations wing of the government. That’s called propaganda. Remind you of 1938? Back then, the Jews’ books were burned. Today, it’s those of conservatives, patriots and specifically the unvaccinated. We are silenced. Our facts are labeled “misleading.” Only the facts that agree with big government’s agenda count. That’s 1938.

Door-to-door intimidation and making lists of those who disagree with “government knows best.” Trust me, that army of door-to-door vaccine brainwashers will soon be turned into a Gestapo of gun-grabbers. 1938 was the year Nazis banned Jews from owning guns. They took them door to door. That’s 1938.

Only days ago, a former Department of Homeland Security official said the unvaccinated should be on the federal no-fly list. That’s exactly how Nazis attacked the Jews and others who disagreed with their agenda. It was always lists. Lists of people to be disappeared in the middle of the night; lists of those to be sent to reeducation camps; lists of those to be sent to concentration camps; lists of enemies of the state. It’s happening again. Maybe this time you’ll only lose your job or free speech. This is, again, 1938.

It’s all disgusting and disgraceful. But I’m warning you, this is just the start. It’s all going downhill from here – fast. This is the end of America. This is 1938.

Unless we stop it now. Unless we take a stand now. Unless we draw a line in the sand now.

First, they came for the unvaccinated. Trust me: Next, they’re coming for you.

Read more at: WND.com


 Immediately after covid restrictions were lifted in the UK, cases fell by 40 percent

Thursday, August 12, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: coronavirusCOVIDfreedomfreedom dayhealth freedominfectionslockdownsmaskspandemicPlandemicRestrictionsTyrannyUnited Kingdom


(Natural News) The sky has not fallen in the United Kingdom now that the nation’s draconian Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) restrictions have been lifted. To the contrary, new “cases” of the Chinese Virus have plummeted ever since the lockdowns were lifted.

With about 87 percent of its population at least partially “vaccinated,” Great Britain eased up on the stay-at-home orders and mask mandates. The move conjoined with the U.K.’s “Freedom Day.”

“We want people to take back their freedoms as they can today,” Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on July 18 in a bizarre speech.

It was on that day that for the first time in 18 months, Brits were allowed to return to bars and night clubs. Many were seen partying in the streets and celebrating the transition into a “new normal.”

CNN was, of course, outraged. The floundering fake news outlet called the celebrations a “huge gamble” amid media reports about the scary new “delta variant” that is supposedly spreading.

Labour Party leader Keir Starmer called the parties “a reckless free-for-all,” which prompted Imperial College London mathematical biology Prof. Neil Ferguson to declare that it was “almost inevitable” that 100,000 new daily cases of Chinese Germs would emerge in the aftermath.

“The real question is do we get to double that – or even higher?” Ferguson fearmongered to BBC News. “And that’s where the crystal ball starts to fail. I mean, we could get to 2,000 hospitalisations a day, 200,000 cases a day – but it’s much less certain.”

Lockdowns and masks are a failure

Well, Freedom Day came and went and none of Ferguson’s predictions came true. Cases of the Wuhan Flu are on the decline all across the U.K. In fact, cases dropped dramatically the moment the restrictions were lifted – see the tweet below:

“Daily #COVID cases are down 40% in U.K. since ‘Freedom Day’ when the government lifted restrictions,” one person tweeted. “This isn’t what experts predicted.”

“Neil Ferguson said it was ‘almost inevitable’ cases would increase 100+%. MPs called it ‘reckless.’ @Reuters & @AP decried a ‘surge’ on Day 1.”

As of August 8, the seven-day rolling average of new Chinese Virus cases is around 27,000, a mere fraction of what Ferguson and the mainstream media predicted.

“On the basis of the spread of the delta variant, and the U.K. government’s decision to lift all legal restrictions on individual mobility, mixing and adherence to nonpharmaceutical interventions, we expected new COVID-19 infections to rise very sharply,” announced JPMorgan economist David Mackie.

“Possible additional explanations are a seasonal weather effect and an early arrival of the school vacation effect. But it is hard to fully explain the dramatic collapse in new infections.”

Many others expressed similar confusion over the drop, as they were just sure that never-ending lockdowns and mask mandates would “cure” the Fauci Flu and lead to no new cases.

“The drop is much faster than we’ve ever seen in previous waves,” added Prof. Tim Spector from King’s College London. “Even after full national lockdowns, leaving the accuracy of the official tally in doubt.”

It would appear as though there is a direct correlation between the restrictions and an increase in new cases – meaning the more the government imposes tyranny, the sicker people get. The best way to fight scary viruses, in other words, is to simply let them run their course.

“We must acknowledge that restrictions aren’t all that effective in Western countries,” says Youyan Gu, an MIT-trained engineer and data scientist. “It’s interesting that some experts would rather question the accuracy of the data than acknowledge this reality.”

To keep up with the latest Chinese Virus news, be sure to visit Pandemic.news.

Sources for this article include:




COVID Cases Fell 40% in the UK After Restrictions Were Lifted, Proving the Experts Wrong Yet Again

Three weeks after 'Freedom Day,' COVID cases in the United Kingdom continue to fall.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Image Credit: Worldomters

 Jon Miltimore


On Sunday July 18, people across the United Kingdom celebrated when the clock struck midnight. It was “freedom day.”

With 87 percent of residents at least partially vaccinated, the government was lifting its remaining restrictions. No longer would mask wearing and social distancing be mandatory in England.

"We want people to take back their freedoms as they can today," Prime Minister Boris Johnson said.

The Associated Press reported that for the first time in nearly 18 months, night clubs were permitted to open “and from London to Liverpool, thousands of people danced the night away at ‘Freedom Day’ parties starting at midnight.”

The decision of Johnson’s government was not without controversy.

CNN described it as a “huge gamble,” while Labour Party leader Keir Starmer criticized the move as “a reckless free-for-all.” Neil Ferguson, professor of mathematical biology at Imperial College London, said it was “almost inevitable” the decision would result in 100,000 daily cases and one thousand hospitalizations per day, despite the presence of vaccines.

“The real question is do we get to double that – or even higher,” Ferguson told the BBC. “And that’s where the crystal ball starts to fail. I mean, we could get to 2,000 hospitalisations a day, 200,000 cases a day – but it’s much less certain.”

At the time, daily cases stood at roughly 45,000, which meant Ferguson was predicting it was “almost inevitable” cases would more than double.

When Freedom Day arrived, Reuters noted the occasion was marred by “soaring cases” and chaos. The AP had a strikingly similar take.

Weeks later, however, we have an abundance of empirical evidence that show the prognosticators were once again wrong. Cases did not double or quadruple as Ferguson had predicted. Nor did cases “surge,” as many had warned.

On the contrary, cases fell—a lot.

As of August 8, the 7-day rolling average of COVID cases stood at just under 27,000. That’s a 40 percent drop from where they stood when restrictions were lifted. Again, this was not what was predicted.

“On the basis of the spread of the delta variant, and the U.K. government’s decision to lift all legal restrictions on individual mobility, mixing and adherence to nonpharmaceutical interventions, we expected new COVID-19 infections to rise very sharply,” said David Mackie, an economist at JPMorgan.

The opposite happened, and Mackie admitted it was unclear why.

“Possible additional explanations are a seasonal weather effect and an early arrival of the school vacation effect,” said Mackie. “But it is hard to fully explain the dramatic collapse in new infections.”

Ferguson, too, admitted his prediction was wrong. (And many readers likely recall this isn’t the first time the oft-cited Ferguson’s “crystal ball” proved wildly inaccurate.)

Others, however, simply couldn’t believe that cases fell after the mitigations put in place by the government were rescinded. They suggested the numbers were inaccurate.

"The drop is much faster than we've ever seen in previous waves," said Professor Tim Spector, from King's College London. "Even after full national lockdowns, leaving the accuracy of the official tally in doubt."

Spector’s response is almost a textbook example of cognitive dissonance. Just like some people cannot be convinced the Loch Ness Monster or UFOs don’t actually exist—regardless of what evidence is presented to them—some proponents of COVID mitigation efforts can’t seem to accept that government restrictions do not achieve the intended results.

Yet even before the UK’s most recent experiment, we had an abundance of evidence that showed government interventions—while often harmful to economic and mental well-being—did little or nothing to slow the spread of the virus.

“We must acknowledge that restrictions aren't all that effective in Western countries,” said Youyang Gu, an MIT-trained engineer and data scientist. “It's interesting that some experts would rather question the accuracy of the data than acknowledge this reality.”

It is indeed interesting; but it’s hardly surprising.

In his great work The Fatal Conceit, F.A. Hayek noted that many people simply cannot fathom that local decision-making can lead to more efficient outcomes than central planning.

“The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design,” the Nobel Prize-winning economist observed. “To the naive mind that can conceive of order only as the product of deliberate arrangement, it may seem absurd that in complex conditions order, and adaptation to the unknown, can be achieved more effectively by decentralizing decisions and that a division of authority will actually extend the possibility of overall order.”

Recent events in the United Kingdom provide yet more evidence that the fastest way to wind down the pandemic is to remove decision-making from politicians and bureaucrats and return it to where it belongs—with individuals.



Bijna niemand wil nog voor eigen land vechten

  donderdag, 06 maart 2025 09:28 Het bewust vernietigen van onze maatschappij is tot op heden aardig gelukt, want nauwelijks iemand heeft no...