vrijdag 30 juli 2021


Over de hele wereld verenigen artsen en wetenschappers zich, om een internationale verklaring te doen: er is geen pandemie. 

Duizenden artsen en verplegers spannen een rechtszaak aan tegen de Nederlandse staat, wegens het doelbewust misleiden en onderdrukken van de bevolking.

 In onderstaande video hoor je een van de artsen van de 'Wereldvereniging Voor Artsen', de Nederlandse dokter Elke De Klerk.

Zij tevens oprichter van 'Artsen Voor Waarheid'. Dr. De Klerk is woordvoerdster van vele honderden artsen en is in contact met bijna 90.000 verplegers.

Ze legt uit hoe er paniek wordt veroorzaakt met valse testresultaten van een volslagen onbetrouwbare PCR test. 


89-94% van alle zogenaamde 'besmettingen' zijn niets anders dan valse positieven!

Download deze video
en verspreid hem


Download deze belangrijke video


en plaats hem overal waar je maar kunt. Op social media, je website of blog, stuur hem naar vrienden, kennissen en leidinggevenden in de samenleving. Laat het viraal gaan!





BREAKING: CDC, FDA faked “covid” testing protocol by using human cells mixed with common cold virus fragments… PCR tests are merely detecting the common cold

Friday, July 30, 2021 by: Mike Adams
Tags: badhealthCDCCOVIDFakeFDAhoaxinfluenzalab testspandemicPCRPlandemicStagedvirologyvirus


(Natural News)

In a shocking revelation first reported by Dan Dicks of Press for Truth (Canada), an FDA document admits that the CDC and FDA conspired to fabricate a covid-19 testing protocol using human cells combined with common cold virus fragments because they had no physical samples of the SARS-CoV-2 “covid” virus available.

Without physical reference material to use for calibration and confirmation, the test has zero scientific basis in physical reality. And all the PCR analysis based on this protocol is utterly fraudulent, flagging people as “positive” for covid when they merely possess tiny quantities of RNA fragments from other coronavirus strains circulating in their blood.

The FDA document, available from the FDA.gov website, is entitled, “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)  Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel .” The document astonishingly admits: (emphasis ours)

Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer (RNA copies/µL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen.

In other words, they had no covid virus from which to develop and calibrate the test, so they mixed up a cocktail of human cells and RNA fragments from a common cold virus, then called it “covid.” The GenBank sequence referred to in this paragraph is simply a digital library definition that’s labeled “covid” but has no supporting reference materials in physical reality either.

That’s because no doctor or researcher has isolated “covid” from any infected, symptomatic patient. As a result, no laboratory instruments can be calibrated against actual covid, and the tests simply rely on digital libraries pushed out by the CDC and WHO, using “covid” as the label.

The PCR tests are then instructed to look for these genetic sequences obtained from the fabricated digital libraries, meaning the entire scheme is junk science circular logic with no basis in physical reality.

Why are there seemingly no certified reference materials for covid available to laboratories for instrument calibration?

I am the founder and owner of an analytical laboratory that routinely conducts quantitative analysis of food contaminants, producing high-precision analysis results for pesticides, herbicides and heavy metals. In every case where we conduct lab analysis, we calibrate the instruments against known physical samples called “external standards” or “certified reference materials.” (CRM)

Any lab can purchase CRMs for mercury, arsenic, glyphosate and even salmonella. For example, this link at Biosisto lists CRMs for various salmonella strains. Labs can purchase those reference materials and use them to calibrate their instruments, making sure their analysis is traced back to physical, real-world samples of a purified material. These CRMs, in turn, must be NIST-traceable in order to confirm their origin and authenticity. All CRMs are therefore labeled with lot numbers and expiration dates.

While labs can purchase reference materials for microbes, heavy metals, pesticides, etc. — all physical materials — I have searched far and wide and have not been able to locate any certified reference materials for SARS-CoV-2 or even a weakened, non-viable version of it. As far as I can tell, there appear to be no physical specimens of isolated covid viruses available for instrument calibrations and testing protocol quality control.

To be clear, I’m not saying that viruses don’t exist, and it’s quite clear that the Wuhan Institute of Virology colluded with Fauci, Daszak, the NIH, Baric and others to develop a weaponized spike protein. But the spike protein is not a virus by itself. It’s simply a toxic nanoparticle that can be synthesized in quantity and then either dumped on cities or added to vaccines and injected into people via immunization protocols.

I ask the big question about all this in my science lab whistleblower video here, which presents more details about all this that will have your head spinning. In essence, if “covid-19” is a real virus that can be isolated, why are there apparently no physical reference materials to calibrate laboratory instruments for covid detection? And why were no such materials used in the development of the FDA-approved, CDC-endorsed PCR testing protocols?


CDC pulls its own fraudulent covid PCR testing protocol, implying it cannot differentiate between covid and influenza

What adds to the mystery in all this is the fact that the CDC just issued a “laboratory alert,” announcing their intention to withdraw the faulty PCR testing protocol by the end of this year. As part of their announcement, they implied that the current PCR test — the same one the FDA mentioned above, which was developed without any physical covid samples for calibration — cannot tell the difference between influenza and covid.

From the CDC document:

In preparation for this change, CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin their transition to another FDA-authorized COVID-19 test. CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses.

Why might it be important to differentiate covid from influenza?

Because, as it seems, influenza cases nearly disappeared in 2020 as influenza was re-labeled “covid” due to the faulty testing.

“Percentage influenza positivity decreased by 64% (p = 0.001) and estimated daily number of influenza cases decreased by 76% (p = 0.002) in epidemiologic weeks 5–9 of 2020 compared with the preceding years,” reported the CDC in 2020.

In essence, the medical establishment simply took all the people who would normally be diagnosed with colds and the flu, and shifted them into the “covid” category in order to push a covid mass hysteria narrative that would drive people into vaccines. The vaccines, then, were formulated with spike protein toxic nanoparticles to cause the “delta” panic wave, which is largely occurring among vaccinated individuals.

From here, the plandemic scam proceeds like clockwork: People get sick from the vaccines, so more vaccine boosters are demanded, which perpetuates the illness. Rinse and repeat. It never ends until the perpetrators are arrested and people wise up to the scam.

The CDC has just published a science document that confirms the entire scam. Click here to view the PDF on our servers.

It’s entitled, “Outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 Infections, Including COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Infections, Associated with Large Public Gatherings — Barnstable County, Massachusetts, July 2021” and it shockingly admits that 74% of infections occurred in fully vaccinated (double dose) people:

During July 2021, 469 cases of COVID-19 associated with multiple summer events and large public gatherings in a town in Barnstable County, Massachusetts, were identified among Massachusetts residents; vaccination coverage among eligible Massachusetts residents was 69%. Approximately three quarters (346; 74%) of cases occurred in fully vaccinated persons (those who had completed a 2-dose course of mRNA vaccine [Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna] or had received a single dose of Janssen [Johnson & Johnson] vac- cine ?14 days before exposure).

See, the vaccine is the pandemic. The vaccine is spreading the spike protein, and the fake PCR tests provide the fuel to keep the mass hysteria going.

I cover more details of all this in today’s bombshell podcast via Brighteon.com:


Also see this video from Dan Dicks, who covers the fake PCR tests as well:



Find a new Situation Update podcast each weekday at:


 Dr. Simone Gold ontmaskert ernstige leugens over pandemie

Dr. Simone Gold is de oprichtster van Americas Frontline Doctors, een groep artsen en advocaten die de levensbedreigende desinformatiecampagne aan de kaak stellen die sinds de pandemie over de hele wereld woedt. Dr. Simone Gold onthult 'ongelooflijke leugens van ongelooflijke proporties'. Dr. Simone Gold geeft ook kritische informatie over de ongeteste, experimentele biologische middelen, die bedrieglijk op de markt worden gebracht als vaccins voor COVID-19.








Dr. Simone Gold groeide op in een familie van artsen, en is reeds twintig jaar gecertificeerd spoedarts en advocaat.

Ze was woordvoerster voor 600 artsen die de Amerikaanse president informeerden over de verwoesting die de lockdowns veroorzaken in het leven van miljoenen mensen.

Deze 600 medische deskundigen waarschuwen dat de schade door de lockdowns vele malen groter is dan enig virus ooit kan aanrichten.



Dr. Simone Gold behandelde coronapatiënten met een bekend medicijn dat al 65 jaar door miljarden mensen werd gebruikt: hydroxychloroquine. Elke patiënt die Dr. Simone Gold behandelde met hydroxychloroquine en zink, herstelde van COVID-19 in een paar dagen. Haar ziekenhuis werd echter onder druk gezet door zijn grootste financierder om artsen te verhinderen covid-patiënten te genezen met dit medicijn. Dr. Gold weigerde zich te onderwerpen aan deze criminele invloed, ging door met het redden van levens en... werd ontslagen uit haar twee ziekenhuizen.




Rechtbank van Peru zegt dat COVID-19 gemaakt werd door criminele elite

Op het Argentijnse journaal deed de journaliste Veronica Ressia verslag van een opmerkelijke uitspraak door een Peruaanse Strafkamer van Beroep. Zij oordeelden namelijk dat COVID-19 gemaakt werd door een criminele elite. Hierbij verwijzen ze onder andere naar het feit dat een pandemie nooit kan worden voorspeld. Toch kondigde Bill Gates nadrukkelijk aan dat deze de pandemie voor de deur stond. Hij organiseerde een simulatie van een coronavirus pandemie, twee maanden voor de coronavirus pandemie uitbrak. Tijdens de simulatie werd onder andere besproken hoe de media moest worden ingezet om mensen in de gewenste richting te sturen.



Om deze pagina te delen op andere social media of via email, kopieer en plak je deze url: www.stopworldcontrol.com/nl/peru


Study: Artificial covid vaccine “immunity” wanes after just six weeks

Wednesday, July 28, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: antibodiesartificial immunityAstraZenecabadhealthbadmedicineBig Pharmabooster shotscoronavirusCOVIDPfizerpharmaceutical fraudresearchsix weekstruthvaccinationvaccinesvariants



(Natural News) Once people get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), they have about six weeks’ worth of “immunity,” according to the latest research.

After that, they will need a “booster” shot, followed by another six weeks later, and so on and so forth for the rest of eternity, researchers from University College London‘s (UCL) “Virus Watch” division found.

A team of scientists from the school analyzed blood samples collected from 552 “vaccinated” people mostly in their 50s and 60s. They found that antibody levels generated from two doses of either the Oxford-AstraZeneca or Pfizer-BioNTech jabs start to wane after a month and a half. In some people, vaccine-induced “immunity” drops by half in less than three months.

For the Pfizer injection, antibody levels were observed to fall from an average of 7,506 units per milliliter (ml) at 21-41 days to just 3,320 units per ml at 70 or more days. For the Oxford jab, that level dropped from 1,201 units per ml at 0-20 days to just 190 units per ml at 70 days or more.

The findings, which show that Fauci Flu shots are an abysmal failure when it comes to providing lasting immunity against the Chinese Virus, have been published in the peer-reviewed journal The Lancet.

Vaccine pushers say failed immunity brought about by covid injections is “no problem”

Hilariously, the vaccine-pushing deep state has concluded that despite the obvious failure of Chinese Virus jabs to provide any tangible protection against Chinese Germs, they are still worth getting to demonstrate the principle of “love thy neighbor.”

Eleanor Riley, a professor of immunology and infectious disease at The University of Edinburgh, declared that the results of the study were “expected,” and that the findings are “not necessarily a problem.”

“In the absence of ongoing antibody synthesis, antibody concentrations decay at a predictable, exponential rate,” she stated, pretending to sound smart and informed.

In Riley’s view, even though antibody levels decrease and “decay” at an exponential rate post-injection, this does not mean that those levels will suddenly and magically increase in the event that a vaccinated person encounters Chinese Germs in the wild.

She does, however, agree that people who were injected might need periodic “boosters” in order to keep them safe while helping to “flatten the curve” of spreading Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “variants.”

“Emerging evidence suggests that antibodies are particularly important for blocking infection and preventing onward transmission of the virus whereas T cells may be particularly relevant for preventing severe disease and death,” she is quoted as saying with zero evidence to back this claim.

“Maintaining sufficient antibody concentrations to reduce transmission will be important to limit the amount of circulating virus but maybe less important for protection against severe disease.”

Riley made no mention, of course, about the growing body of evidence showing that Chinese Virus injections are actively spreading the covid “variants” that the mainstream media is now blaming on the “unvaccinated.”

“Remaining antibodies and plasma stored in bone marrow from naturally contracted virus are showing probable lifelong immunity,” wrote one commenter at The Epoch Times, pointing to this study as evidence. “Pfizer wanes greatly after 8-9 months. It and other ‘vaccines’ also creates microscopic blood clots only detected from D-dimer tests.”

“So, what’s the point other than being a delivery system for the graphene oxide into our body to wreak havoc on our immune system?” asked another commenter about the obvious sham of the covid “vaccination” scheme, which is setting up the jabbed to have to get a lifetime of “booster” shots.

The latest news about the utter failure of Fauci Flu shots to do what the government claims they do can be found at ChemicalViolence.com.

Sources for this article include:






New COVID-19 deaths now exploding in the most heavily vaccinated country in the world: ISRAEL

Wednesday, July 28, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: badhealthbadmedicinebadsciencecoronavirusCOVIDdeathDelta VariantfearmongeringhospitalizationinfectionsIsraelPlandemicTyrannyvaccinationvaccines


(Natural News) The Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” push in Israel is failing to “save lives” as hordes of jabbed people all throughout the promised land are dropping dead from getting their genes modified.

According to data collected by journalist Alex Berenson, Trump Vaccines are failing to protect 

against not only mild infection with the Chinese Virus but also severe infection.

“That’s a theory,” Berenson tweeted about the government claim that Fauci Flu shots somehow prevent serious infection, adding that “the clinical trials didn’t (and couldn’t) prove it.”

Government data out of Israel shows that 81 percent of all new Chinese Virus deaths and 65 percent of all “severe” and “critical” hospitalizations are occurring in people who received the shots. Only a miniscule percentage of unvaccinated people are experiencing any health problems.

Israel’s Ministry of Health has since admitted that the so-called “vaccines” are only about 39 percent effective, whatever that means.

“Israel’s new government is proving to the world today without a shadow of a doubt that they’re soldiers of the new world order, promoting modern slavery by dividing, spreading hate and panic, coercion and discrimination,” tweeted one individual about Israel’s system of medical apartheid, which is dividing and pitting against one another vaccinated versus unvaccinated citizens.

“Oh yes, and they’re not smart about it, too,” this person added, along with the hashtag #israhell.

Israel, U.S. both lying to citizens about “safety” and “effectiveness” of Fauci Flu shots

Israel’s new prime minister, Naftali Bennett, delivered a fascist speech the other night claiming that “vaccine refusers hurt us all,” urging Israelis to “go vaccinate” immediately in order to “flatten the curve.”

Bennett called on all vaccinated Israelis to confront their unvaccinated neighbors and push them to get injected. Bennett also wants vaccinated Israelis to ask unvaccinated Israelis why they are “willingly endangering the vaccinated group” by their existence.

If vaccinated Israelis can still “catch” the Fauci Flu despite having received a Trump Vaccine, then the injections obviously do not work. Instead of fessing up to this, though, the Israeli government is doubling down on its claim that permanently modifying one’s DNA with an mRNA shot will help to keep a person “safe” against the Chinese Infection.

When the Chinese needles were first mass introduced back in late 2020 by Donald Trump, the claim was that the shots were 96 percent effective. That figure has since plummeted to as low as 28 percent, depending on the day.

There has also been a massive spike in new cases of Chinese Germs among the vaccinated. This really kicked into high gear around late June and has only gone exponential ever since.

While unvaccinated people are doing just fine, other than having to try to live normally in a society full of brainwashed idiots, the vaccinated are getting sick and dying at an ever-growing rate.

One of the most recent “outbreaks” in Israel reportedly occurred almost solely among the injected, while those who did not take the shot fared just fine with no ill effects.

“Boosters will be the next big push for the fall and winter,” wrote one person on Twitter about what we can all expect next from the government.

“Looks like pathogenic priming in effect,” wrote another, pointing out that the injections are priming people’s bodies to receive and become infected with more new variants.

The Israeli government, meanwhile, is considering another round of lockdowns during the next holiday season. By forcing everyone to stay at home, again, Israeli leaders claim they will be able to flatten the curve.

The latest news stories about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injection tyranny can be found at ChemicalViolence.com.

Sources for this article include:

Twitter.com 1

Twitter.com 2

Twitter.com 3



‘Ik ben boerin en wat Caroline van der Plas hier zegt is om te huilen. Ze moet zich schamen’

BBB-voorvrouw Caroline van der Plas sprak donderdag in de Kamer lovende woorden over het plan van minister van Landbouw Wiersma om stikstof ...