zaterdag 7 augustus 2021

 PLANDEMIC: Full Feature Film Released Online Amidst Tremendous Opposition and Attempts to Censor it

Total Views : 30,459

19 aug. 2020 

Commentary by Brian Shilhavy

Editor, Health Impact News

The full feature film “Plandemic” was released online today, despite tremendous efforts to stop it and censor it.

It being called “Plandemic Part 2” by many, because in May, 2020, filmmaker Mikki Willis released a “teaser” trailer of the film which featured an interview with whistleblower Dr. Judy Mikovits, who exposed the fraud of Anthony Fauci exposing him for who he truly is, a mass murderer.

This “trailer” soon went viral and the deep state went into over-drive to try and contain the damage and censor it, which only made things worse for them. It is estimated that close to 1 billion people have now viewed that clip, which is now being referred as “Plandemic 1” by many.


PlanDemic Movie Trailer Released Featuring Whistleblower Dr. Judy Mikovits Exposing Dr. Fauci’s Alleged Criminal Behavior

(Note: I am striking out the word “Alleged” in the original headline, because since then the Frontline Doctors, representing thousands of doctors around the world, have come forward to explain that COVID is 100% curable and that Anthony Fauci has covered up these cures in favor of new drugs and vaccines that have now caused millions of deaths worldwide.)

The full feature film just released today has a follow-up interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits that you most definitely are going to want to watch.

The full feature film released today (August 19, 2020) gives clear evidence that everything unfolding today has been planned since the late 1990s when massive amounts of patents were filed on coronaviruses in 1999, according to National Intelligence Analyst David E. Martin, PhD.

The medical tyrants such as Anthony Fauci and the leaders of the CDC discovered a “gold strike” in 2003 with the first SARS Coronavirus outbreak in Asia.

Led by Anthony Fauci, they patented the SARS coronavirus and proceeded to develop an “empire.”

As Dr. David Martin reports:

They saw that a virus that they knew could be easily manipulated, was something that was very valuable.

In 2003 they sought to patent it, and they made sure that they controlled the proprietary rights to the disease, to the virus, and to its detection and all the measurement of it.

From 2003 to 2018, they controlled 100% of the cash flow that built the empire around the industrial complex of coronavirus.

The film is packed with expert testimony, including names readers of Health Impact News are already familiar with, such as Dr. Meryl Nass, Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies, attorney Mary Holland, and of course Dr. Judy Mikovits.

From the Rockefeller takeover of the media and the pharmaceutical industry years ago, to the modern day rise of Technocracy led by Bill Gates, to the current Plandemic being used to install fear in the masses, this film unmasks it all.

Please watch, and get as many people as you can to watch this film so brilliantly produced by Mikki Willis, because we are running out of time to wake up the masses and prevent the Globalists from fully implementing their New World Order. 




Nieuws uit Nederland:

Het is officieel: Ademvrij.NU daagt de staat over mondkapplicht

Ingediend door redactie Ademvrij op 20/07/2021 - 22:41

Persbericht, 21 juli 2021 - De bodemprocedure van Ademvrij.NU en Algemene Nederlandse Burger Belangenvereniging (ANBB) tegen de mondkapplicht is officieel van start gegaan. De twee organisaties hebben de dagvaarding vandaag (21 juli) aangebracht bij de rechtbank van Den Haag. Zij eisen dat de mondkapverplichting zoals die nu in de wet is vastgelegd onverbindend wordt verklaard. Mondkapjes beschermen niet tegen de verspreiding van het coronavirus, zo is bevestigd door het RIVM, en zijn schadelijk voor de gezondheid.

Het advocatenkantoor Legal Nova in Amsterdam heeft namens Ademvrij.NU (het Nationaal Comité tegen Verplichte Mondkapjes) en de ANBB (Algemene Nederlandse Burger Belangenvereniging) op 21 juli de staat officieel gedagvaard in een bodemprocedure tegen de mondkapplicht. De bodemprocedure werd op 3 juni al aangekondigd door Ademvrij.NU. ANBB sloot zich een week later aan bij de procedure. De crowdfunding-actie heeft inmiddels ruim €27.500 opgeleverd. Dat biedt voldoende basis om de procedure te starten.

Ademvrij.NU en ANBB stellen dat Hoofdstuk Va van de Wet Publieke Gezondheid en de Ministeriële Regeling Aanvullende Mondkapjesverplichtingen Covid-19 van 19 november 2020 onrechtmatig zijn en daarom onverbindend dienen te worden verklaard. Zij lichten dit uitgebreid toe in de dagvaarding die op 20 juli is aangebracht bij de rechtbank.

Zij betogen in de dagvaarding dat de mondkapjesplicht een te vergaande beperkende maatregel is, omdat er

a) geen overtuigend bewijs is dat het dragen van mondneusmaskers of een draagplicht effectief zijn tegen verspreiding van het virus;

b) er overtuigend bewijs is dat zowel het dragen van mondneusmaskers als een draagplicht niet effectief zijn tegen verspreiding van het virus;

c) er sterke aanwijzingen zijn dat het dragen van mondkapjes zelfs leidt tot méér besmettingen; en

d) er overtuigend bewijs is dat het dragen van mondneusmaskers ernstige risico’s inhoudt voor de volksgezondheid en schade toebrengt, zowel lichamelijk als psychisch, aan de dragers alsmede gezonde sociale relaties verstoort.

Inperking van grondrechten

Ademvrij.NU en ANBB schrijven in de dagvaarding dat “het recht om in vrijheid en geheel onbelemmerd te kunnen ademen ieders geboorterecht [is] en wellicht een van de meest essentiële grondrechten die een mens heeft (het raakt aan de lichamelijke integriteit). De mondkapplicht schendt dat recht… Het is een verregaande inbreuk op het zelfbeschikkingsrecht van de burger in vele dagelijkse, niet ontkoombare situaties: in supermarkten en winkels, horecagelegenheden, scholen, het openbaar vervoer en andere openbare ruimten.”

Voor de inperking van grondrechten die de mondkapplicht met zich meebrengt bestaan volgens de twee organisaties geen deugdelijke gronden. Nota bene het RIVM heeft in een email aan Ademvrij.NU bevestigd dat je “niet kunt spreken van een positief effect van het dragen van mondkapjes in de publieke ruimte”. Dit bleek onder meer ook uit een presentatie gegeven door RIVM directeur Jaap van Dissel in de Tweede Kamer op 20 januari 2021.

De website van Ademvrij.NU bevat een grote hoeveelheid wetenschappelijk onderzoek dat laat zien dat mondmaskers niet beschermen tegen virussen en niet werken tegen de verspreiding ervan (“het is als kippengaas spannen tegen muggen”). Vergelijkingen tussen landen en staten waar wel en geen mondkapplicht is ingevoerd, of op verschillende tijdstippen, laten ook geen enkel positief effect zien.

Sterker, er is veel onderzoek dat laat zien dat het dragen van mondmaskers schadelijk is voor de gezondheid. Zo ademen mondkapdragers hun eigen bacteriën en schimmels in, wat tot longontstekingen en andere ziektes kan leiden. Daarnaast gaat door het dragen van mondmaskers het CO2-gehalte in de ingeademde lucht omhoog en het zuurstofgehalte omlaag. Dit heeft diverse schadelijke effecten, zoals een verstoring van de ontwikkeling van de hersenen van opgroeiende kinderen.

Voor gezonde mensen geldt uiteraard dat ze sowieso niet besmettelijk zijn en dat er geen enkele goede reden is om hen aan een mondkapplicht te onderwerpen. De mondkapplicht voor scholieren beschouwen de organisaties als een regelrechte vorm van kindermishandeling, die niets bijdraagt aan bescherming van de volksgezondheid, maar de jeugd opzadelt met onnodige angst en ongemak.

De twee organisaties wijzen er ook op dat het in de dagelijkse praktijk onmogelijk is om mondkapjes volgens de hiervoor geldende medische richtlijnen te gebruiken. Zo mogen mondkapjes volgens de officiële NEN-normen maar één keer worden gebruikt, niet te lang worden gedragen, en mogen ze niet met de handen worden aangeraakt. In de praktijk in omstandigheden als school, openbaar vervoer en supermarkt is het onmogelijk om aan deze eisen te voldoen. Het gevolg is dat hierdoor de mondkapjes juist een bron worden voor de verspreiding van schadelijke stoffen en virusdeeltjes en dus averechts werken.


Het feit dat de regering op 26 juni versoepelingen heeft doorgevoerd in de reikwijdte van de mondkapplicht is voor Ademvrij.NU en ANBB geen reden om de bodemprocedure af te blazen. Er geldt nog steeds een draagplicht in het Openbaar Vervoer en in situaties waar anderhalve meter afstand niet kan worden bewaard. De regering kan ook op ieder moment de versoepelingen weer ongedaan maken en heeft ook al aangegeven dat van plan te zijn.

De organisaties constateren bovendien dat op dit moment openbare instellingen steeds meer eigenhandig overgaan tot het instellen van een mondkapplicht. Dit is bijvoorbeeld het geval in een aantal ziekenhuizen en zorginstellingen. Volgens Ademvrij.NU en ANBB is dit illegaal en brengt het schade toe aan de gezondheid van patiënten en bezoekers. Zij beschouwen het als uitermate pijnlijk dat uitgerekend zorginstellingen blijkbaar niet beseffen dat zij met de mondkapjes een bron van bacteriën en andere schadelijke stoffen in huis halen.

Kortom: de mondkapplicht baat niet, maar schaadt wel. Het wordt volgens Ademvrij.NU en ANBB dan ook hoog tijd dat er een einde komt aan deze irrationele verplichting.


Ik Wil Gewoon Naar School stelt schoolbesturen aansprakelijk voor schadelijke gevolgen mondkapjesbeleid

Ingediend door redactie Ademvrij op 06/07/2021 - 11:36

De stichting Ik Wil Gewoon Naar School stelt alle schoolbesturen in Nederland verantwoordelijk voor de wijze waarop zij de mondkapplicht ten uitvoer brengen en de schadelijke gevolgen die dat zich meebrengt. De stichting baseert zich hierbij op een gerechtelijke uitspraak die aangeeft dat de verantwoordelijkheid voor de uitvoering van coronamaatregelen bij de scholen ligt, niet bij de overheid.

De Stichting “Ik wil gewoon naar school”, die zich inzet om leerlingen te beschermen tegen de schadelijke gevolgen van de coronamaatregelen, heeft onlangs een brief gestuurd naar alle schoolbesturen in het basis- en voortgezet onderwijs in Nederland. Daarin stelt zij dat de onderwijsinstelling verantwoordelijk is voor de wijze waarop het overheidsbeleid rond mondkapjes en andere coronamaatregelen ten uitvoer brengt.

Ik Wil Gewoon Naar School verloor op 11 februari 2021 een kort geding tegen de staat om mondkapjes uit de scholen te verbannen (het hoger beroep tegen deze uitspraak loopt nog). De rechter gaf daarbij expliciet aan dat niet de staat, maar de scholen zelf verantwoordelijk zijn voor het individuele beleid van scholen en de schade die daaruit kan voortvloeien. De stichting besloot daarop ook haar pijlen op de schoolbesturen te richten.

Verbaal intimideren

De stichting krijgt veel klachten van ouders en leerlingen over de rigoureuze manier waarop  veel scholen met de mondkapplicht omgaan. Diverse onderwijsinstellingen voeren volgens de stichting een harder beleid dan is voorgeschreven, bijvoorbeeld door de wettelijk vastgelegde uitzonderingsregel niet te erkennen, leerlingen verbaal te intimideren en toegang tot de school te ontzeggen. Enkele basisscholen verplichten leerlingen uit groep 7 en 8 zelfs om een mondkapje te dragen terwijl dit slechts een advies is.

In de brief wijst Ik Wil Gewoon Naar School op de  “wettelijke zorgplicht ten aanzien van de lichamelijke en geestelijke gezondheid van de leerlingen” en op artikel 3 lid 1 van het Internationale verdrag voor de Rechten van het Kind (IVRK). Hierin staat: “Bij alle maatregelen betreffende kinderen, ongeacht of deze worden genomen door openbare of particuliere instellingen voor maatschappelijk welzijn of door rechterlijke instanties, bestuurlijke autoriteiten of wetgevende lichamen, vormen de belangen van het kind de eerste overweging.”

De stichting vindt het onbegrijpelijk en onacceptabel dat het kabinet onlangs de mondkapplicht op scholen heeft gehandhaafd terwijl die in winkels werd opgeheven.

Mentale schade

Volgens Ik Wil Gewoon Naar School staat wetenschappelijk vast dat het langdurig dragen van mondkapjes schadelijke gevolgen heeft, zeker voor jongeren. Daarbij noemt zij tekort aan zuurstof dat kan leiden tot hoofdpijn, duizeligheid, concentratieproblemen en schade aan cellen en organen veroorzaakt, de ophoping van bacteriën en schimmels die ziekten kunnen veroorzaken als huidinfectie, bacteriële longontsteking en ontsteking aan de hartkleppen, en weefselschade door stukjes textiel en het inademen van giftige stoffen. Daarnaast is volgens onderzoek sprake van mentale en psychosociale schade veroorzaakt door een beklemmend gevoel en een verstoring van de non-verbale communicatie en spraakontwikkeling.

De stichting biedt scholen juridische en medische ondersteuning aan om gezamenlijk tot oplossingen te komen. Diverse scholen hebben hiervoor interesse getoond. Tegelijkertijd waarschuwt de stichting echter dat “indien u ondanks de schadelijke gevolgen voor uw leerlingen van mening bent dat u geen andere keus heeft dan de mondkapjesplicht op uw school uit te voeren, dan dient u er rekening mee te houden dat wij een juridische procedure tegen u kunnen starten.”


Dr. David Martin: There is no “Delta” Variant – “Novel” Coronavirus Known as COVID-19 Was Patented 2 Decades Ago

Total Views : 18,821 


by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Dr. David Martin was recently interviewed by Attorney Reiner Fuellmich who is seeking to bring criminal charges against crimes committed during the COVID-19 Plandemic.

The full interview is nearly 90 minutes, and I have received numerous emails from subscribers to Health Impact News alerting us to this interview.

Most of the comments I have seen in reference to this interview have been mentioning that Dr. Martin reveals that there have been patents on the Sars Coronavirus since the late 1990s, which is actually “old news” since he revealed that last year in Mikki Willis’ film, “Plandemic.”

If you have not watched that documentary yet, it is MUST viewing:

PLANDEMIC: Full Feature Film Released Online Amidst Tremendous Opposition and Attempts to Censor it

Mikki Willis did the world a huge favor by releasing this film to the public, free of charge. So I like to always give him credit where credit is due, because so many people have copied clips from his work without giving him the proper credit.

I have now been able to view the interview with Dr. Martin, and of course we can always depend upon Dr. Martin to provide new and current information. Here are some of our previous articles featuring Dr. Martin’s very excellent work if you are not yet familiar with him:

Dr. David Martin Exposes the False Foundation of Eugenics: “You Don’t Have DNA”

Plandemic Film Stars Dr. David Martin and Dr. Judy Mikovits together in Public for the First Time Doing a Q&A Session

Dr. David Martin on Experimental mRNA COVID Vaccines: This is NOT a Vaccine! It is a Medical Device

In this interview with Attorney Reiner Fuellmich, Dr. Martin goes into detail about how the patents for Sars coronaviruses existed before any “outbreaks,” as did the patents on “spike proteins” to produce vaccines. They precede the current COVID-19 virus by 20 years.

The original research into these vaccines was for veterinary purposes, rabbits and canines, and then was used in 2002 and later by Anthony Fauci and the U.S. National Institute of Health for AIDS vaccine research. DARPA then got involved for applications as a “bioweapon.”

When Anthony Fauci originally tried to get a patent on an mRNA vaccine for HIV, he was rejected by the patent office, because his mRNA vaccine did not meet the legal definition of a “vaccine.”

It is a biological weapon.

And as far as the current “Delta variant”?

Click on the clip below to hear Dr. Martin’s response.

This is from our Bitchute channel, and it should also be available shortly on our Rumble channel.

I don’t know where the original video was published. If anyone knows, please contact me and let me know so we can give proper credit.

The 90+ minute versions are all over the Internet. If you do a search on Bitchute, for example, you find multiple copies. The full interview is well worth watching.


The Delta Variant of COVID-19 is Harmless – A Scam for Governments to Implement More Lockdowns


 Green tea, zinc, Quercetin and hydroxychloroquine: Coronavirus cure?

Friday, August 14, 2020 by: Ethan Huff

Tags: coronaviruscovid-19CuresEGCGepigallocatechin gallategoodhealthGreen teahcqhydroxychloroquineinfectionsnatural remediesnutrientsoutbreakpandemicplant medicinepreventionremediesWuhan coronaviruszinczinc ionophore

(Natural NewsThe alt-media is all over the coronavirus – hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) scandalwith some news outlets even bravely talking about the importance of supplementing with zinc for maximum immune protection. But there is another healing component that few are mentioning, and it is probably already stocked away in your kitchen pantry.

We are talking about green tea, or more specifically epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a polyphenol component of green tea that research suggests might be substantially more powerful than HCQ and zinc at protecting against viral infections.

Ionic zinc, as a quick background, helps to modulate both the innate and adaptive immune signaling pathways inside the body to ward off pathogenic invaders, including the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). And HCQ is said to help zinc ions more easily and effectively do their job in supporting healthy immune function.

There has been a whole lot of bickering recently over the alleged benefits of HCQ, with the anti-Trump left insisting that it does not work. Those on the right, primarily, say that HCQ works surprisingly well, and peer-reviewed science would seem to back this.

But the real power is in the zinc which, among its many other functions, acts as a protective nutrient for preserving natural tissue barriers, including in the respiratory epithelium. In essence, zinc helps to block pathogenic entry into the body while optimizing the immune system.

Zinc deficiency, in other words, is a major risk factor for Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) infection. We already know that about 16 percent of all deep respiratory infections worldwide are linked to zinc deficiency, and Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) infection is no exception.

“As a virus, SARS-CoV2 (Wuhan coronavirus) is highly dependent on the metabolism of the host cell,” one paper explains. “Direct antiviral effects of zinc have been demonstrated in various cases … Examples include coronaviridae [i.e. coronaviruses].”

“Zinc supplementation improves the mucociliary clearance, strengthens the integrity of the epithelium, decreases viral replication, preserves antiviral immunity, attenuates the risk of hyper-inflammation, supports anti-oxidative effects and thus reduces lung damage and minimizes secondary infections.”

Drinking green tea and taking zinc is BETTER than taking HCQ

Where HCQ comes into play has to do with its role as a zinc ionophore, meaning HCQ helps to deliver otherwise bio-unavailable zinc across the lipid boundaries of cells. Another drug known as clioquinol is said to be an even more potent zinc ionophore, delivering up to 10 times more zinc into the cells than HCQ.

As for green tea, its natural EGCG content is also a zinc ionophore. Not only that, it is a much more powerful zinc ionophore than HCQ which, it is important to keep in mind, is still a pharmaceutical drug.

While EGCG is only about 60 percent as powerful as clioquinol, it is substantially more powerful than HCQ which, due to political strife, remains largely inaccessible to Americans. Green tea, on the other hand, is widely available without a prescription.

“Fortunately, the main active ingredient in green tea, epigallocatechin gallate (“EGCG”) has been shown by a team of Spanish scientists to be 60% as powerful a zinc ionophore as clioquinol, which is the world’s most powerful zinc ionophore,” reports Zero Hedge.

“Dr. Juan Bautista Fernández Larre – a professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili – and his team have published several scientific papers on the topic.”

Another beneficial zinc ionophore in the natural category is quercetin (QCT), which is said to be about 30 percent as effective as clioquinol. This is still more effective than HCQ, though, providing yet another potential option for healing that avoids the political red tape and questionable safety of prescription drugs.

For more related news about natural remedies for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), be sure to check out

Sources for this article include:



  Green Tea, Zinc and Coronavirus


WEDNESDAY, AUG 05, 2020 - 0:03

Zinc is a very powerful way to strengthen your body against viruses.  The National Institutes of Health notes:

Zinc is found in cells throughout the body. It helps the immune system fight off invading bacteria and viruses.


An abundance of evidence has accumulated over the past 50 years to demonstrate the antiviral activity of zinc against a variety of viruses, and via numerous mechanisms.


Ionic zinc possesses unique and distinct antiviral properties against a number of human viruses ....  Zinc has been shown to contribute to a number of innate and adaptive immune signaling pathways that have been comprehensively reviewed recently.


Upon recognition of microbial antigens ... a rapid and transient influx of free zinc ions occurs.


Zinc plays a significant role in the response to [interferons] by modulating secretion, cytokine potency, and receptor binding, as well as influencing signaling intermediates and pathway inhibitors. 

Harvard notes:

Zinc is a component of many enzymes and transcription factors in cells all over the body, and inadequate zinc levels limit the individual’s ability to mount an adequate immune response to infections. Multiple meta-analyses and pooled analyses of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have shown that oral zinc supplementation reduces the incidence rate of acute respiratory infections by 35%, shortens the duration of flu-like symptoms by approximately 2 days, and improves the rate of recovery. The studies were conducted in the US as well as in multiple low- and middle-income countries such as India, South Africa, and Peru. The dose of zinc in these studies ranged from 20 mg/week to 92 mg/day. Dose does not appear to be the main driver of the effectiveness of zinc supplementation. [More on this below.]

Zinc was shown to inhibit viral replication in many other types of coronavirus, including in the original SarsCov coronavirus.  Many common colds are actually mild coronaviruses, and as UCHealth points out:

Cochrane review updated in 2013 summarized 18 randomized controlled trials involving 1,781 participants across all age groups found that zinc – particularly in lozenge or syrup form – “inhibits replication of the virus” that cause the common cold and shortens average duration of the common cold when taken within 24 hours of onset of symptoms at a dose of more than 75 milligrams a day.

2010 study led by University of Leiden Medical researchers in the Netherlands sought to understand how zinc inhibited that replication. The team reported that zinc inhibits a cousin of SARS-CoV-2: SARS-CoV, the original SARS of the 2003 outbreak.

And it could be very helpful in fighting this specific type of coronavirus, SarsCov2 (i.e. Covid):

Interestingly, most of the risk groups described for COVID-19 are at the same time groups that were associated with zinc deficiency. As zinc is essential to preserve natural tissue barriers such as the respiratory epithelium, preventing pathogen entry, for a balanced function of the immune system and the redox system, zinc deficiency can probably be added to the factors predisposing individuals to infection and detrimental progression of COVID-19. Finally, due to its direct antiviral properties, it can be assumed that zinc administration is beneficial for most of the population, especially those with suboptimal zinc status.


The fact that zinc deficiency is responsible for 16% of all deep respiratory infections world-wide provides a first strong hint on a link of zinc deficiency with the risk of infection and severe progression of COVID-19 and suggests potential benefits of zinc supplementation.


Infections with coronaviruses go along with damage of the ciliated epithelium and ciliary dyskinesia consecutively impairing the mucociliar clearance. It was shown that physiological concentrations of zinc increase ciliary beat frequency. Moreover, zinc supplementation in zinc deficient rats had a positive effect on the number and the length of bronchial cilia .... Improved ciliary clearance does not only improve the removal of virus particle, it also reduces the risk of secondary bacterial infections ....


Zinc is essential for preserving tissue barriers


Zinc ... might decrease ACE-2 expression and thus viral entry into the cell.


As a virus, SARS-CoV2 is highly dependent on the metabolism of the host cell. Direct antiviral effects of zinc have been demonstrated in various cases .... Examples include coronaviridae [i.e. coronaviruses].


Zinc supplementation improves the mucociliary clearance, strengthens the integrity of the epithelium, decreases viral replication, preserves antiviral immunity, attenuates the risk of hyper-inflammation, supports anti-oxidative effects and thus reduces lung damage and minimized secondary infections.

Need to Catch a Ride

However, it is difficult for zinc to get into your cells unless it catches a ride from a "zinc ionophore".  An ionophore is just a substance which transports things across the lipid boundary  of your cells. 

Hydroxychloroquine is a zinc ionophore. 

Another drug, clioquinol, is even more potent. One of the scientists who discovered that chloroquine is a zinc ionophore (Dr. Wei-Qun Ding from the University of Oklahoma) told me that he estimates that clioquinol is 10 times more powerful as a zinc ionophore compared to hydroxychloroquine. 

Leslie Costello - an oncology professor at the University of Maryland - agrees that clioquinol is a more powerful zinc ionophore than hydroxychloroquine:

ZnClioquinol [i.e. clioquinol zinc ionophore] has a zinc-binding affinity of logKf=7-8; which is ideal for the competitive binding of most of the plasma zinc that exists in the exchangeable ZnLigands. In contrast, chloroquine zinc ionophore (ZnChloroquine) has a logKf=5-6. Consequently, it competitively binds with much less zinc that is delivered to the ... site.

However, most scientists believe that clioquinol is much more dangerous than hydroxychloroquine.

Moreover, both clioquinol and hydroxychloroquine are only available in the U.S. by prescription.   The science around hydroxychloroquine is so politically charged at the moment that it is difficult to obtain a prescription, and some have warned of dangerous side effects of hydroxychloroquine (I won't give you my own opinion on this issue; make up your own mind).  And hydroxychloroquine is important for people with certain conditions such as lupus, and so- if everyone took hydroxychloroquine - it would create a shortage for those people.

More importantly, even those who believe that hydroxychloroquine is helpful against Covid say that it is only effective if taken very soon after catching the disease.  But many people are asymptomatic (at least at first), and don't know they have Covid until it's too late.

So how can you know to take something when you don't even know you have a bug?

Fortunately, the main active ingredient in green tea, epigallocatechin gallate ("EGCG") has been shown by a team of Spanish scientists to be 60% as powerful a zinc ionophore as clioquinol, which is the world's most powerful zinc ionophore.  Dr. Juan Bautista Fernández Larre - a professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili - and his team have published several scientific papers on the topic.


"CQ" stands for clioquinol, 

"EGCG" is the ingredient in green tea

"QCT" stands for quercetin, a common ingredient in certain foods such as capers, red apple peels and red onions.

Professor Fernández Larre explained to me by email:

Taking Clioquinol (CQ) as the standard, as is its the most potent ionophore we have tested in our liposomal assay, and assigning a 100% value to the clioquinol ionophoric activity , then pyrithione (PYR), which is not a polyphenol, displays also almost a 100% activity relative to clioquinol, whereas epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) has 60% activity and quercetin (QCT) has only 30% the efficiency of clioquinol, on a equimolar basis.Nonetheless, this is a proof of concept assay, and exact ionophoric capacity of each compound will vary with the absolute and relative concentrations of the ionophore and of zinc; it will also depend on temperature, pH of the solution and lipid composition of the liposome (absolute and relative amounts of lecithin, other phospholipids, cholesterol, etc). It will also vary dependent on the fluorochrome used to detect zinc in the interior of the liposome (FluoZinc, Zinquin, etc) and on the concentration of the fluorochrome within the liposome, since different fluorochromes display different strengths to separate zinc from the polyphenol zinc complex.

In any case, in the exact standardized conditions used in our assay, we can conclude the relative ionophoric effect of the different compounds tested.It is, I think, important to remark that the liposomal assay allows to elaborate a scale or a standard of ionophoric strength or ionophoric capacity or potential; and that, once established through this assay that a compound behaves as an ionophore in a liposome, we can say that it will also be ionophoric in any type of cell, as this effect is independent of content of protein, glycoprotein, glycolipids, of the cell membrane, although of course it will vary according to the fluidity of the cell membrane, that depends on its exact lipid composition.

As a follow-up question, I asked Dr. Larrea how well zinc is absorbed by cells in the absence of an ionophore.  His answer was, essentially, not at all:

Zinc, 10 micromolar (Zn10), alone, by itself, renders just circa 2% fluorescence of that obtained with CQ. Control means, fluorescence of liposomes without the addition of any substance. That means that zinc alone, by itself is not able to enter the liposomes, as expected. This 1-2% is the background fluorescence of the whole system.

So what does this mean?

If professor Ding is correct that clioquinol is 10 times as powerful as hydroxychloroquine, and given that EGCG is only .6 times as powerful as  clioquinol, that means that EGCG could be a lot more powerful than hydroxychloroquine. In other words, EGCG could be 6 times more powerful than hydroxychloroquine as a zinc ionophore (EGCG =.6 times as potent as clioquinol which is times 10 as powerful as hydroxychloroquine ... so .6 times 10 = 6).

And green tea is super healthy for you anyway.  So drinking it every day preventatively can only help you, and can't hurt you.  You'll be maintaining a high baseline of zinc ionophores, and so bathing your cells with zinc to help ward of viral infections. 

How to Take Zinc and EGCG

The Mayo Clinic  notes that zinc should be taken on an empty stomach:

Zinc supplements are most effective if they are taken at least 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals.


When zinc combines with certain foods it may not be absorbed into your body and it will do you no good. If you are taking zinc, the following foods should be avoided or taken 2 hours after you take zinc:

·         Bran

·         Fiber-containing foods

·         Phosphorus-containing foods such as milk or poultry

·         Whole-grain breads and cereals

Oysters and oyster extract is the highest food source of zinc, although many meats also contain good doses.  (If you eat a lot of red meat you're probably getting enough zinc; but you still need a zinc ionophore to get it into your cells). If you take zinc supplements, don't take more than the recommended daily amount (40 mg a day is the upper limit for long term supplement use; indeed, too much zinc can actually suppress immunity), and studies imply that it is best to dissolve the zinc in your mouth (i.e. zinc lozenges). 

The same is true for EGCG ... proteins bind with EGCG, so it can't be absorbed very well by your body.  (And some green teas are higher in EGCG than others.) If you take EGCG supplements, never take high doses. For example, studies show that 800 mg/day can cause liver damage.

I'm not talking about taking away anything from your diet. For example, I'm not saying quit drinking coffee and instead drink tea.  I still drink plenty of coffee ... but I just add green tea to my daily intake. 

Note: I am not a health professional and this article is solely general information, and not intended to diagnose or treat. Please see your doctor before deciding to change anything you're doing. 

Postscript: Exercise may also be helpful.

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‘Ik ben boerin en wat Caroline van der Plas hier zegt is om te huilen. Ze moet zich schamen’

BBB-voorvrouw Caroline van der Plas sprak donderdag in de Kamer lovende woorden over het plan van minister van Landbouw Wiersma om stikstof ...