maandag 31 oktober 2022

Zieke kinderen blijven binnenstromen op spoedeisende hulpafdelingen in Canada: ‘Net een horrorfilm’

Op de kinder-SEH’s in de Canadese stad Montreal blijven de zieke kinderen binnenstromen. Elke dag worden er vele honderden binnengebracht. Ze zijn vaak zo ziek dat ze moeten worden opgenomen.

Ouders overnachten bij het ziekenhuis en wachten tot wel 24 uur voordat ze hun kinderen kunnen zien. De gangen liggen vol stretchers. Medewerkers werken het klokje rond om voor steeds meer zieke kinderen te zorgen.

Nog nooit eerder zo druk

Spoedarts Suzanne Vaillancourt zei tegen de Montreal Gazette dat ze dit nog nooit eerder heeft meegemaakt. “Het is in de afgelopen 20 jaar dat ik in het Montreal Children’s Hospital werk nog nooit eerder zo druk geweest.”

Overal in de provincie Quebec puilen de spoedeisende hulpafdelingen uit. De bezettingsgraad van het ziekenhuis waar Vaillancourt werkt, bedraagt maar liefst 250 procent. Het Centre hospitalier universitaire (CHU) Sainte-Justine heeft een nog hogere bezettingsgraad: 300 procent.

Op één dag 300 patiënten

“We zien ongeveer 10 keer zoveel patiënten met het respiratoir syncytieelvirus (RSV) dan vóór de pandemie,” zei Vaillancourt. “Het probleem is dat heel veel patiënten wachten om te worden opgenomen in het ziekenhuis, maar dat we tegelijkertijd alle andere patiënten behandelen die binnenkomen. Het is moeilijk om ouders te zien die in sommige gevallen 16 tot 20 uur hebben gewacht.”

In het CHU Sainte-Justine zag hoofd van de spoedeisende hulp Antonio D’Angelo op één dag 300 patiënten binnenkomen. Om iedereen te kunnen behandelen, werken verpleegkundigen over en draaien artsen vaker nachtdiensten.

“Het is net een horrorfilm,” zei de spoedarts.

Is de Great Reset onvermijdelijk? ‘Ontzettend belangrijk dat we ons blijven verzetten’

Is de Great Reset onontkoombaar? Die vraag stond centraal tijdens een bijeenkomst die vorige week is georganiseerd door de Together Foundation.

Tijdens de bijeenkomst zei ondernemer Matt Gubba dat de Great Reset allesbehalve onvermijdelijk is. “We hebben een lange strijd voor de boeg,” zei hij. “Er zijn veel dingen die we kunnen doen. De globalisten en mensen van het WEF zullen door veel hoepels moeten springen om hun plannen te implementeren. Ze hebben dus een hele grote strijd voor de boeg.”

(Video verwijderd? Klik hier...)

Great Reset ten dode opgeschreven

Zoals de corona-aanpak heeft laten zien, valt of staat alles met gehoorzaamheid. “Het belangrijkste wat we kunnen doen, is ons blijven uitspreken, ons blijven verzetten tegen pogingen om het verschrikkelijke, draconische, autoritaire beleid te implementeren waar het WEF zo dol op is, zoals de digitale identiteit, Central Bank Digital Currency en een sociale kredietscore,” zei de ondernemer, die overweegt een organisatie op te zetten om de strijd aan te binden met het WEF.

“Het is zo belangrijk om je te laten horen en je uit te spreken over dit soort zaken, want uiteindelijk kunnen ze dit alleen implementeren als het volk erin meegaat,” benadrukte hij.

“Gebeurt dat niet, dan is de Great Reset ten dode opgeschreven.”


Gubba wees erop dat we nog jaren verwijderd zijn van een CBDC, digitale identiteit en sociale kredietscores. “We hebben dus nog een beetje ademruimte,” zei hij, toevoegende dat we het doel niet uit het oog mogen verliezen: proberen te voorkomen dat dit alles wordt gerealiseerd.

Het is dus ontzettend belangrijk dat we ons blijven verzetten, aldus de ondernemer.

Prof. dr. Theo Schetters: ‘Sterke correlatie tussen herhaalprikken en sterfte’

31 OKTOBER 2022    Redactie Blckbx



Net als in de lente ziet prof. dr. Theo Schetters tijdens de herfstprikcampagne een opvallend sterke correlatie tussen de herhaalprikken en de oplopende sterftecijfers. Hij roept op om te stoppen met vaccineren ‘zolang er geen duidelijkheid is over de causaliteit’.


“Meteen nadat de herfstcampagne werd gestart, is de wekelijkse sterfte weer hoger dan verwacht,” constateert immunoloog Schetters, die hetzelfde verontrustende patroon zag tijdens de boostercampagne in het voorjaar. Ook toen begon de sterfte direct na de start van de prikcampagne op te lopen. Pas na het beëindigen van het vaccineren, daalden de sterftecijfers weer richting normale waarden.

 Ook nu is er weer een sterke correlatie tussen het aantal vaccinaties dat is toegediend en de meer dan verwachte sterfte, zegt de hoogleraar. Schetters roept op om de vaccinatiecampagne te staken. “Zolang er geen duidelijkheid is over de causaliteit van vaccinatie en oversterfte moet de vaccinatiecampagne gestopt worden.”

 Het lijkt er volgens Schetters op dat COVID niet de oorzaak is van de oversterfte. “Uit de gegevens van de GGD blijkt dat de sterfte niet eenvoudig verklaard kan worden door corona-infecties.”

 Tekst gaat verder onder de tweet


In een publicatie besteedde vaccincriticus dr. Robert Malone, uitvinder van de mRNA-techniek, zondag ruimschoots aandacht aan de observaties van Schetters. Malone ondersteunt de oproep van de hoogleraar om, in ieder geval tijdelijk, te stoppen met vaccineren.

“In Nederland begon de najaarsvaccinatiecampagne in week 37 van 2022,” zegt Malone. “Zoals gepland kregen ouderen (>80 jaar) en personen die tot de hoogrisicopopulatie behoren, als eerste de vaccinaties (mRNA coronavaccins). Onmiddellijk na het begin van de campagne was er een stijging van de mortaliteit (rode lijn). Deze temporele relatie tussen vaccinatie en toename van de mortaliteit bleek vergelijkbaar met de temporele relatie tijdens de voorjaarsvaccinatiecampagne die dit jaar in week 9 van start ging (blauwe lijn).”

Hoewel Malone onderkent dat de gegevens onvoldoende gedetailleerd zijn om een oorzakelijk verband vast te stellen, nopen deze resultaten volgens hem tot onmiddellijke opschorting van de vaccinaties. “Gedetailleerd onderzoek naar de oorzaak van de verhoogde sterfte is van het grootste belang.”


Tekst gaat verder onder de tweet

Oversterfte Duitsland

Nederland is niet het enige land dat kampt met oplopende oversterftecijfers. In Duitsland sterven momenteel 20 procent meer mensen dat normaal. Net als in Nederland is het in Duitsland een ‘raadsel’ waardoor de oversterfte veroorzaakt wordt. Net als in Nederland is er tot op heden geen onafhankelijk wetenschappelijk onderzoek ingesteld. Net als in Nederland gaat het vaccineren in Duitsland gewoon door.



The greatest enemy in the control of the pandemic is the immunological ignorance of our leading scientific, public health and regulatory experts

October 28, 2022

By  Geert Vanden Bossche

On rare occasions I read some vaccine talk produced by mainstream journalists. It is interesting to see how in light of the continuing series of disappointing vaccine experiments on humans they cautiously begin to balance their remaining critical thinking faculties with the mainstream narrative that dominated their views for so long. The recent article: ‘Updated Covid-19 vaccines boost protection, but may not beat original formula against BA.4 and BA.5, early studies suggest ‘ is one such marvelous example.(

Since I am much better at mastering the science than I am the language, I am going to provide science-based critiques to the big gaps in the immunological interpretation of the data reported on the first bivalent booster studies. I’ll share my comments to the cited interpretations of leading scientists and experts, however I’ll refrain from citing their names as I have no intention to ridicule these individuals—I only intend to point out the immunological ignorance of those still officially referred to as acknowledged key opinion leaders and decision makers in the field. Their immunological ignorance is now inspiring further efforts to fight evil (mass vaccination) with more evil (mass vaccination with updated vaccines)—a recipe for disaster that will certainly end the pandemic the ‘hard’ way. Nature will ultimately teach them how immunology works, and unfortunately not before massive damage is inflicted by the mass vaccination experiment. Before I get to the specific comments uttered by our leading ‘experts’ and cited within this article, I’ll open with a mind-boggling statement made by the journalist to first give a “masterclass” of softs in immunology to these very leading ‘experts’:

“But the hope was that by tweaking the vaccine recipe to include currently circulating strains of theOmicron variant, it would help broaden immunity against those variants and perhaps offer better and longer-lasting protection”

Geert (G): How can one conduct experiments on humans just based on some naïve ‘hope’? Why do scientists produce extensive data on deep mutational scanning without investigating the immunological driver behind the patterns of such reported mutations? If they would only do so, they would immediately realize the abundance of scientific rationale that could substitute for all the hope they put in empirical research on humans.

The scientific evidence clearly indicates that no single updated/ adapted vaccine booster will improve the temporary protective effect conferred by the Wuhan-Hu S-based C-19 vaccines but will instead only expedite immune escape.


Meanwhile, a myriad of reports documenting the convergent mutations in steadily evolving SARS-CoV-2(SC-2) variants unambiguously illustrates that both productive vaccine breakthrough infections and mRNA vaccine-based boosters place immune pressure on more conserved, immune subdominant spike (S)-associated epitopes by recalling immature memory B cells that produce low affinity antibodies (Abs).Of course, the resulting suboptimal pressure exerted by these Abs on these more conserved antigenic domains drives immune escape, first away from the recalled broadly neutralizing (i.e., variant-nonspecific) Abs and subsequently from the broadly infection-inhibiting Abs. This is due to ‘immune refocusing’, a phenomenon that occurs when pre-existing Abs bind to their pathogen-associated target epitopes with low affinity (i.e., not allowing virus neutralization in case of SC-2, for example): see fig.attached at the bottom. In this way, previously immunodominant epitopes expressed on the free-circulating antigen (e.g., spike protein in case of SC-2) can no longer be recognized by the host immune system whereas previously outcompeted antigenic determinants comprised within the same antigen but expressed on infected or transfected target cells will take advantage of the masking effect to recall the corresponding previously primed Abs.

The existence of previously primed ‘mismatching’ Abs is quite obvious in case of breakthrough infections, but how does this occur in case of mRNA booster vaccines?

It suffices to understand that internalization of secreted in vivo synthesized S protein into antigen-presenting cells (APCs) will provide cognate and noncognate T help to immunodominant epitopes on the free-circulating S protein and S protein expressed at the surface of the mRNA-transfected target cells, respectively. Abs to the latter have therefore much lower affinity and are the first to be recalled upon the administration of mRNA vaccine booster doses. As they will subsequently bind (with low affinity) to the immunodominant determinants on the free circulating S protein (i.e., once the latter is released from the mRNA-transfected cell), the subdominant antigenic determinants will be able to outcompete the immunodominant epitopes for assistance from memory T helper cells (recalled as a result of internalization of S protein into APCs) to recall their corresponding, broadly cross-functional memory Bcells. The neutralizing anti-S Abs (NAbs) recalled as a result of the original Wuhan-Hu spike memory(i.e., the ‘hidden’ original antigenic sin) imprinted by the mRNA vaccine have low affinity and are directed at conserved but less immunogenic S-associated domains. So, repeated boosting with mRNA-based vaccines will merely drive the immune system to repeat commitment of the ‘hidden’ antigenic sin. Consequently, mRNA booster injections will expedite immune escape by enabling immune refocusing to be repeated. As illustrated in the figure attached at the bottom, immune refocusing subsequently triggers the elicitation of low affinity infection-inhibiting Abs targeted at more conserved domains. So, regardless of the S version comprised in the mRNA vaccines, the mRNA booster vaccine doses facilitate humoral immune pressure on shared (i.e., variant-nonspecific) antigenic domains that contribute to viral neutralizability and infectiousness. Massive mRNA booster campaigns will therefore accelerate immune escape long before enhanced maturation of the recalled, poorly matured memory Bcells takes place in germinal centers (as equally described in several recent publications).
As mRNA boosters (as well as vaccine breakthrough infections) facilitate immune pressure on variant-nonspecific domains, the type of immune escape they indirectly promote is no longer determined by specific characteristics of the dominantly circulating SC-2 variant. This explains why we’re now witnessing more and more NAb-resistant, highly infectious variants co-circulating in the population.Lastly, as immune refocusing shifts the immune response to conserved domains with very different antigenic characteristics, it is not surprising that ‘mutation spotters’ consider the mutations to reflect ‘large scale’ immune escape.

End of master class...

Here come the expert interpretations or cited comments followed by my critique:

“Immunologists say a vaccine against two strains may not be better than a single strain shot because of a phenomenon called immune imprinting”

G: These immunologists are confusing ‘immune imprinting’ or ‘antigenic sin’ with ‘immune refocusing’. If immune imprinting was responsible for the protective effect observed, one would expect improved protection (even if only short-lived) after the booster dose. This is not the case as each new additional booster has become less and less effective.

“Scientists say imprinting may complicate efforts to stay ahead of new variants as the coronavirus continues to evolve, and it adds urgency to the development of new vaccine technologies to fight the virus” or: “We may need different kinds of vaccine technologies if the virus ever changes so much that it outcompetes our immunity altogether”

G: These scientists don’t seem to realize that the virus only needs about 12 hours to put a new generation (and hence, new immune escape variants to select from) on the globe. What are the new technologies they’re alluding to? They haven’t yet advanced any scientifically sound approach to a universal Coronavirus (CoV) or Sarbecovirus vaccine. Is it so difficult to understand that performing mass vaccination with any kind of CoV vaccine during a pandemic will drive immune escape? Adaptive immune effector cells (typically those vaccines are relying upon to protect) need time to mature and reach sufficient affinity to have optimal neutralizing capacity. Perhaps they were they thinking of ‘mucosal’ immunization? Regardless, the latter will never solve the issue of immune escape either when administered during a pandemic.

“When the US Food and Drug Administration issued emergency use authorizations for new bivalentCovid-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna at the end of August, it did so on the basis of studies in mice and previous human trials with a different two-strain booster formulation. Little was known about the how protective the shots might be in people; full data from clinical trials testing the BA.4 and BA.5bivalent vaccines in humans hasn’t yet been made public. But modeling data suggested that getting the boosters out in September could save tens of thousands of lives....”

G: It is simply unbelievable that experts and regulatory folks largely rely on mice data to conduct new experiments on humans using yet another mRNA vaccine! Have those working for decades in this field not yet learned that mice lie, especially when it comes to immunizing animals with an immunological background that is not comparable to that of the target human population? And when will all these computational scientists and mathematicians finally learn that a model is only as good as its assumptions? As they clearly don’t understand the immunology involved, their assumptions are always wrong and so too are the results of their modeling.

“We can’t say that a few months from now, there won’t be any difference,” he said. “We won’t know that until these individuals are followed for a longer period of time.”

“Clinical trials being conducted by vaccine makers Pfizer and Moderna involve hundreds of people who have had the updated boosters and are being followed for longer periods of time. Data from those studies are still coming”.

G: Clearly, this scientist/ doctor is alluding to the maturation of the elicited memory B cells that has now been repeatedly reported to result from breakthrough infections or booster shots. However, it has been convincingly documented that this maturation process takes several months (4-6 months) before accomplishing full-fledged affinity maturation. Again, the virus is not waiting for this to happen. By the time this occurs the virus will long since have accomplished additional immune escape operations, especially when immune pressure is exerted at a population level.

“...the researchers found that neutralizing antibodies spiked after both shots to about the same high levels, which was good news”

G: Oh really? Why would this be good news knowing that the only effect of these Abs is to drive immune refocusing which triggers large scale immune escape? How many times must I state that if there is one rule that doesn’t apply to immunology it is that more is not always better (in fact, the opposite usually applies)

“Unfortunately, neither one increased T-cell responses very much, and we believe that T-cell responses in addition to antibody responses are important for protection against severe disease,”

G: Some of the top researchers doggedly continue to preach the power of cross-reactive T cells in controlling the virus and taming the pandemic. They seem to have little understanding of the pathobiology and immunology involved in acute SELF-LIMITING viral infections. Maybe some of themare confused by too much HIV vaccine research?

Once again, I am citing just a few of the many articles I’ve written to debunk the critical role of T cells in protecting against SC-2 infection/ disease:

# When anti-S(pike) antibodies against Omicron can no longer sustain the narrative, why not resort to T cells?

# Q&A #09: Do cross-reactive T cells explain mild course of Omicron infection?

# To all those who continue to attribute abrogation of SARS-CoV-2 infection to pre-existing cross-reactive T cells rather than to innate immunity. The devil is in the detail of peer-reviewed publications.

# Cross-reactive memory T cells are associated with (but not responsible for) protection againstSARS-CoV-2 infection in COVID-19 contacts.

# ‘Killer’ immune cells still recognize Omicron variant.... oh really?

“A booster is a booster until proven otherwise and we are in great need of getting more of them in theUS”

G: Yes, and a vaccine is a vaccine until proven otherwise, correct??! This scientist/ doctor seems to be areal fanatic of the concept: the more, the better (i.e., the higher the Ab titers and the more boosters,the better) without asking himself about the immunological mechanism triggered by the boosted Absand the longer-term effects thereof.

“I would be lying to you if [I said] it doesn’t keep me up at night worrying that there is a certain chancethat we may have to deploy another booster – at least for a portion of the population, perhaps olderindividuals – before next September, October,”

G: It seems to me that many regulators would be better off spending their sleepless nights on trying toput the pieces of the immunological puzzle together (or listening to others?!) instead of complainingabout their inability to answer the obvious questions that keep them up at night....

“Both new studies have limitations, but I think when you put them together, they paint a pretty clearpicture that that antigenic imprinting is causing issues here, for sure.” “That’s the reason some strains ofthe flu may hit certain age groups harder than others, too. When viruses look more similar to the firstinfection or vaccine you had, your body tends to do a better job fighting them off.”

”It probably would have been better to update the vaccine by including only the components againstBA.4 and BA.5.” or: “For me, the take-home message is, if you want to boost and provide protection against Omicron, leave the original variant out of the vaccine.” Or: “Imprinting will complicate efforts to keep up with the virus”

G: Given the fact that ‘immune imprinting’ or ‘original antigenic sin’ is one of the oldest and irrefutable paradigms in immunology, why was the ancestral S version made part of the bivalent booster formulations in the first place? But as I explained before, it wouldn’t have made any difference as any version of mRNA-based S protein will entail immune refocusing to other (i.e., subdominant) epitopes.Immune refocusing implies immune imprinting (i.e., ‘hidden’ antigenic sin) but not the other way around.

“It’s possible to break through immune imprinting. Certain kinds of vaccine ingredients, or adjuvants –things that just happen to really wake up the immune system – can do it.”

G: This fellow has forgotten about one key principle in vaccinology: The vaccine is only as good as the antigen! Of course, adjuvants can increase the magnitude and breadth of the immune response, but this will not influence noncognate Th-dependent priming of low affinity Abs to spike protein because the latter are directed against membrane-bound spike protein which is de facto not internalized into APCs, which is a conditio sine qua non for putting adjuvants at work!

Conclusion: Given the deep immunological incompetence of our leading scientific, public health and regulatory experts, one can easily predict that there will be many more plans for empiricism and injecting yet other experimental formulations than there are lucid brains. We should not forget, though, that mankind has never been in control of this pandemic and that this is even less the case as their rational experimentation continues. Indeed, the more man mismanages the pandemic by scientifically irrational immune interventions, the more (and the faster) the virus is evolving towards teaching a lesson in immunology that will hopefully be remembered by the future generation of scientists to come.History, however, will not be as mild as I am with the quotes of those who thought to learn from inconsiderate and dangerous experiments conducted on humans.

Fig.: Immune refocusing (IR) occurs when pre-existing Abs bind to their target epitopes with low affinity (e.g., in case of vaccine breakthrough disease or vaccine boosters in previously mRNA vaccine-primedpersons). Masking of immunodominant S(pike)-associated epitopes allows subdominant epitopes tooutcompete the former for assistance from memory T helper cells. This will enable the subdominant S-associated epitopes to recall low-affinity Abs directed at these epitopes. By placing suboptimal immunepressure on these more conserved antigenic domains, the recalled Abs promote large scale immuneescape. The latter results in natural selection and dominant propagation of a multitude of NAb-resistant,highly infectious immune escape SC-2 variants.

Geert Vanden Bossche received his DVM from the University of Ghent, Belgium, and his PhD degree in Virology from the University of Hohenheim, Germany. He held adjunct faculty appointments at universities in Belgium and Germany. After his career in Academia, Geert joined several vaccine companies (GSK Biologicals, Novartis Vaccines, Solvay Biologicals) to serve various roles in vaccine R&D as well as in late vaccine development.

Geert then moved on to join the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Health Discovery team in Seattle (USA) as Senior Program Officer; he then worked with the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) in Geneva as Senior Ebola Program Manager. At GAVI he tracked efforts to develop an Ebola vaccine. He also represented GAVI in fora with other partners, including WHO, to review progress on the fight against Ebola and to build plans for global pandemic preparedness.

Back in 2015, Geert scrutinized and questioned the safety of the Ebola vaccine that was used in ring vaccination trials conducted by WHO in Guinea. His critical scientific analysis and report on the data published by WHO in the Lancet in 2015 was sent to all international health and regulatory authorities involved in the Ebola vaccination program. After working for GAVI, Geert joined the German Center for Infection Research in Cologne as Head of the Vaccine Development Office. He is at present primarily serving as a Biotech / Vaccine consultant while also conducting his own research on Natural Killer cell-based vaccines.




Kijk: Verpleegkundige vraagt Rutte waar de griep gebleven is

Op TikTok circuleren momenteel beelden van een gesprek dat premier Rutte in maart vorig jaar had met zorgmedewerkers. Verpleegkundige Malissa Klein van het St. Antonius Ziekenhuis vroeg hem op een gegeven moment waar de griep gebleven is.

Malissa zei dat er normaal gesproken heel veel mensen in het ziekenhuis liggen met griep. “Je ziet griep nu helemaal niet en corona natuurlijk wel. Ik vroeg me af hoe dat kan omdat je de griep totaal niet ziet, maar corona eruit springt nu,” zei ze.

Dat weet ik niet helemaal zeker

“Dat is een goede vraag. Dat weet ik niet helemaal zeker,” antwoordde Rutte. “Dat zal ik ook navragen bij Jaap van Dissel en het RIVM. Ik denk dat meespeelt dat door die anderhalve meter afstand – en heel veel mensen houden zich daar gelukkig aan – het voor een gewoon griepvirus nu ook niet zo makkelijk is om over te springen.”

“Dus het is eigenlijk voor alle virussen een slechte tijd,” beweerde de premier. “En helaas zie je bij corona toch nog wel behoorlijk veel besmettingen.”

Ik durf het niet te zeggen

“Maar het is een goede vraag,” herhaalde Rutte. “Als het griepvirus niet overspringt, waarom springt corona dan wel over? Dat kan ook te maken hebben met [het feit dat] het Engelse virus toch behoorlijk besmettelijker is. Misschien speelt dat een rol.”

“Ik vind het eigenlijk een hele goede vraag. Ik durf het niet te zeggen,” zei hij. “Misschien weet één van de andere mensen in deze Zoom-sessie dat? Ik zie niemand meteen opspringen. Dat ga ik uitzoeken. Goede vraag.”

En heel toevallig is de griep opeens weer terug nu de ‘pandemie’ voorbij is.

Top Five Habits for a Healthier Life

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola  Fact Checked


30 October , 2022

 Video Link:



·    In my interview on “The Joe Cohen Show,” I discussed several fundamental health principles that virtually everyone can integrate into their lives to achieve better health

·    Even small changes add up to meaningful health improvements over time, especially when you know where to focus your energy

·    Eliminating vegetable/seed oils from your diet and getting more sun exposure top my list of healthy habits

·    Embracing time restricted eating, which means limiting your eating window to six to eight hours per day, is also important

·    Exercise and protecting yourself from electromagnetic fields round out my five top habits for a healthier life


Looking for straightforward advice to set your health on a path toward wellness instead of disease? My recent interview featured on “The Joe Cohen Show” is for you. I discussed several fundamental health principles that virtually everyone can integrate into their lives to achieve better health.

It can feel overwhelming to make positive lifestyle changes, but when you make them one step at a time it’s much more manageable. The secret is that even small changes add up to meaningful health improvements over time, especially when you know where to focus your energy. Here, I’ve detailed several examples where a relatively small “investment” in terms of lifestyle changes will lead to major health rewards.

Five Tips for a Healthier Life

1.Stop eating vegetable oils Linoleic acid is the primary fat found in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), including vegetable/seed oils. It accounts for about 90% of dietary omega-6 intake.1 Examples of seed oils high in omega-6 include soybean, cottonseed, sunflower, rapeseed (canola), corn and safflower.2

Omega-6 is considered to be proinflammatory because of the linoleic acid, which will radically increase oxidative free radicals and cause mitochondrial dysfunction.3 While omega-6 fats must be balanced with omega-3 fats to not be harmful, most Americans consume far more omega-6 than omega-3.

Most of the omega-6 people eat, including seed oils, has been damaged and oxidized through processing. The oxidized omega-6 develops lipid hydroperoxides,4 which rapidly degenerate into oxidized linoleic acid metabolites (OXLAMs). OXLAMs can cause a host of problems in your body.5,6

·         Cytotoxic and genotoxic

·         Mutagenic

·         Carcinogenic

·         Atherogenic

·         Thrombogenic

Metabolic dysfunction can also occur, while OXLAMs are also toxic to the liver and are associated with inflammation, fibrosis and fatty liver disease in humans.7 As researchers further noted in the journal Nutrients, “In addition, a few studies suggested that omega-6 PUFA is related to chronic inflammatory diseases such as obesity, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and cardiovascular disease.”8

Linoleic acid is found in virtually every processed food, including restaurant foods, sauces and salad dressings, so to eliminate it you’ll need to eliminate most processed foods and restaurant foods from your diet — unless you can confirm that the chef only cooks with butter.

However, because animals are fed grains that are high in linoleic acid,9 it’s also hidden in many ostensibly “healthy” foods like chicken and pork, which makes these meats a major source as well. Olive oil is another health food that can be a hidden source of linoleic acid, as it’s often cut with cheaper seed oils.

2.Get more sun exposure You’re probably aware of the many health benefits of optimized vitamin D levels. But an important caveat is that vitamin D should ideally be obtained from healthy sun exposure, not an oral supplement. Not only will adequate sun exposure naturally raise your vitamin D levels to healthy levels, but it will provide a wide variety of other benefits, many of which are only beginning to be understood.

Many people are not aware that only 5% of your body’s melatonin — a potent anticancer agent — is produced in your pineal gland. The other 95% is produced inside your mitochondria — provided you get proper sun exposure. In fact, vitamin D is more than likely a biomarker or surrogate for sun exposure, which is so intricately involved in melatonin production.

During the day, if you get enough sun exposure, near-infrared rays from the sun penetrate deep into your body and activate cytochrome c oxidase, which in turn stimulates the production of melatonin inside your mitochondria. Your mitochondria produce ATP, the energy currency of your body. A byproduct of this ATP production is the creation of reactive oxidative species (ROS), which are responsible for oxidative stress and free radicals.

Excessive amounts of ROS will damage the mitochondria, contributing to suboptimal health, inflammation and chronic health conditions such as diabetes, obesity and thrombosis (blood clots). But melatonin essentially mops up ROS that damage your mitochondria. So by getting plenty of sun exposure during the day, your mitochondria will be bathed in melatonin, thereby reducing oxidative stress.10,11

Getting more sun exposure also goes hand in hand with eliminating seed oils from your diet. The latter will dramatically reduce your risk of sunburn and skin cancer, as susceptibility to UV radiation damage is controlled by the level of PUFAs in your diet, almost like a dial. The PUFAs control how rapidly your skin burns and how rapidly you develop skin cancer.

3.Embrace time restricted eating (TRE)

 If you’re still eating three meals a day — morning, noon and night — you’re missing out on one of the most powerful, free health interventions available. TRE involves limiting your eating window to six to eight hours per day instead of the more than 12-hour window most people use.

When you eat throughout the day and never skip a meal your body adapts to burning sugar as its primary fuel, resulting in the downregulation of enzymes that utilize and burn stored fat.12,13 As a result, you become progressively more insulin resistant and start gaining weight. When you’re metabolically unfit, your body primarily relies on glucose, or sugar, as fuel, instead of using fat as a primary fuel.

Even though the fat is there in abundance, your body doesn't have the metabolic capacity to access it. For most people, surplus fuel stored in your body is stored in the form of fat. However, no one has more than about two days’ worth of sugar stored in their tissues. This is why when you first start fasting, and you’re unable to access your fat stores, you’ll quickly exhaust your sugar stores and can experience low blood sugar.

It's not that you don't have the fuel to generate, because your body can make sugar itself, but that process takes a while to ramp up and, as a result, most people get relatively hypoglycemic when they first start using TRE. You may experience dizziness and fatigue as a result, which are signs that you're not metabolically flexible. If you were, your body would have more than enough capacity to produce all the fuel you need to keep your brain happy and healthy.14

TRE promotes insulin sensitivity and improves blood sugar management by increasing insulin-mediated glucose uptake rates,15 which is important for resolving Type 2 diabetes. Another study revealed that eating all meals between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. — instead of between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. — resulted in greater metabolic flexibility, reduced hunger and increased sense of fullness, resulting in weight loss.16

Ideally, you’ll want to stop eating for three to five hours before bedtime, then start your eating window in mid- to late morning after you wake up. Most people reading this can benefit from embracing TRE; however, it isn’t recommended for people who are underweight, pregnant or breastfeeding. You also need to use caution if you’re taking certain medications, such as those for blood pressure or blood sugar.17

Interestingly, when you're metabolically inflexible and unable to use fat for fuel, your body generates a molecule called acetyl-CoA when it’s breaking down fats — and that happens to be one of the cofactors for your body making melatonin.

So when you're metabolically inflexible, your body produces far less melatonin in the mitochondria where you need it, because that's where almost all the damage that causes cancer is caused — due to oxidative stress from the process of generating energy within the mitochondria.18

4.Exercise often Exercise is probably the single most important “drug” we know of, and it’s a powerful intervention to prevent Alzheimer’s, among other chronic diseases. One of the most comprehensive studies to date of the molecular changes that occur in your body due to exercise provided an unprecedented glimpse into the details of the body’s physiological response.

It demonstrated that “an orchestrated choreography of biological processes” occur, including those related to:19

·         Energy metabolism

·         Oxidative stress

·         Inflammation

·         Tissue repair

·         Growth factor response

In all, 17,662 molecules were measured, 9,815 of which changed in response to exercise, with some going up and others going down. Certain molecules also spiked immediately after exercise then quickly dropped, while others remained heightened for an hour.

“It was like a symphony,” study author Michael Snyder, Ph.D., professor and chair of genetics at Stanford University, told The New York Times. “First you have the brass section coming in, then the strings, then all the sections joining in.”20

Even weekend warriors who pack 150 minutes of exercise into two days enjoy lower all-cause and cause-specific mortality rates,21 although I encourage you to make exercise a priority on most days of the week instead. Along with the well-known benefits to your heart, exercise is protective for your brain.

If you know you’re at increased risk of dementia, for instance if a close family member has been diagnosed, it’s even more important to adhere to a regular exercise program. In seniors who are at high risk of dementia, cognitive decline can be reduced with a comprehensive program addressing diet, exercise, brain training, and managing metabolic and vascular risk factors.22

Exercise initially stimulates the production of a protein called FNDC5, which in turn triggers the production of BDNF, or brain-derived neurotrophic factor. In your brain, BDNF not only preserves existing brain cells,23 but also activates brain stem cells to convert into new neurons and effectively makes your brain grow.

Research confirming this includes a study in which seniors aged 60 to 80 who walked 30 to 45 minutes, three days per week, for one year and increased the volume of their hippocampus by 2%.24 Higher fitness levels were also associated with a larger prefrontal cortex.

5.Protect yourself from EMFs  Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are the cigarettes of the 21st century — and most people are being exposed 24 hours a day. Most of the radiation emits from cellphones, cell towers, computers, smart meters and Wi-Fi, to name just a few of the culprits. Exposure causes serious mitochondrial dysfunction due to free radical damage. Among the most common consequences of chronic EMF exposure to your brain are:25

·         Alzheimer's

·         Anxiety

·         Autism — One of my longtime mentors, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, has linked autism in children to excessive EMF exposure during pregnancy26

·         Depression

EMFs may also play a role in heart issues and infertility.27 Research conducted by the National Toxicology Program (NTP)28 also found “clear evidence” that exposure to cellphone radiation led to heart tumors in the male rates, along with “some evidence” that it caused brain and adrenal gland tumors in the rats.29

While it's nearly impossible to avoid EMF exposure completely, there are practical ways to limit it. Given the number of EMFs that bombard you all day long, getting educated about the negative effects of EMFs is imperative to your well-being. Particularly if you are dealing with a serious illness, it is well worth your time to reduce your EMF exposure as much as possible.

One strategy is to connect your desktop computer to the internet via a wired connection and put your desktop — and cellphone — in airplane mode. Also avoid wireless keyboards, trackballs, mice, game systems, printers and house phones. Opt for the wired versions. If you must use Wi-Fi, shut it off when not in use, especially at night when you’re sleeping. Shutting off the electricity to your bedroom at night will also help reduce your exposure.

I encourage you to embrace all of these protective strategies that support optimal health. These are just a start, as there are many others, such as use of a near-infrared sauna, that will also protect your health and lower all-cause mortality.

But remember, you don’t have to implement them all overnight. With each small step you take to reduce a toxic exposure or add a health-protective element — like more sun exposure — to your day, the better your health will become.

 Sources and References






Orgaandonatie: Pas op, moord !

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