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Worden we wakker? Informeer je! Deel deze informatie over "De Oorlog tegen de Mensheid" + 8.370 posts
Tuesday, August 02, 2022 by: Belle Carter
Tags: Alex Jones, anti-vaxxers, badmedicine, Big Pharma, conspiracy, covid-19, deception, Del Bigtree, depopulation, genocide, globalists, great reset, Informed Consent
Action Network, mass extermination, pandemic, Plandemic, population collapse, The HighWire with Del
Bigtree, Tyranny, vaccines
This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author
(Natural News) Del Bigtree has put forward the thought that perhaps the anti-vaxxers are the “chosen ones” all along. He floated the idea during the July 27 episode of
“The Highwire.”
“I’m just
going to speculate for a second about this idea that there are people, like
[tech mogul] Bill Gates, that is so concerned about resources that they believe
the only way we save the planet and our species is to reduce the population,”
he said.
The host, who
is also the CEO of the anti-vaccination group Informed Consent Action Network,
noted that doctors, analysts and other people are stepping up to say that this
feels like mass extermination. But the globalists did not think that they could depopulate the world
so easily, so they instituted the “plandemic” to at least give people a choice:
to take the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines or refuse them.
“I mean, you
can’t wipe out the smart people, right? So, you would want some sort of culling
of the herd that you control, but you’d want it to seem like it was a choice,”
Bigtree said.
And so the
selection process begins.
The best and
the brightest shall remain. This may include scientists and real experts
like the inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology Dr. Robert Malone, former
Pfizer executive Dr. Mike Yeadon and vaccine expert Geert Vanden Bossche.
the “partner health authorities” are not stopping until the target is achieved
based on what was inscribed on the Georgia Guidestones: “Maintain humanity
under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.” (Related: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000?” Anonymous Stonehenge-like “Georgia
Guidestones” decree massive population reduction necessary under the guise of
“Then they tell you, you need another jab after the other. So, ‘as planned,’ Food and Drug Administration authorizes fourth, fifth booster doses for various groups, even though the very science is saying it’s reducing immunity and it is making people more and more vulnerable,” the host said.
shared that he had this thought that toward the end of the hullabaloo, Gates
would come up to him and say: “You really did your job exactly how we needed
you to. We put out all the propaganda and that’s because we had to wipe out a
huge part of the world. And I’ll be honest with you Del, we thought we may have
overplayed our hand. Everybody could have taken the vaccine and they’re all
gonna die.”
“What if we
recognize that they’re not attacking us, anti-vaxxers? They obviously chose us.
We must be the chosen ones,” he further hypothesized.
“Maybe not
chosen by God, but chosen by Bill Gates and [World Economic Forum founder]
Klaus Schwab. I don’t know what that does from your perspective. But for those
of you carrying this thought, you must recognize that you are not the enemy.
You were the goal. Think about that,” he said.
Mike Adams, Alex Jones warn the public of the tyrannical moves to wipe
out humanity
the brave ones who refuse to take in the experimental and gene-altering
vaccines are speaking up on
their platforms to create awareness of the eugenics and depopulation moves of
the globalists to save as many people as they can.
The Health
Ranger Mike Adams warned everyone that the globalists are
deliberately organizing totalitarian efforts to wipe out humanity in as many ways as possible.
He said the
total entitlement obligation financially to the American people is $169
trillion. So, to clear the balance sheets and never have to pay this amount to
the people, the solution is very simple: genocide.
Adams said
billions of human beings may be killed in this “holocaust.” The current
movement uses a combination of laws, vaccines, bioweapons, economic collapse
and food scarcity, which is an engineered collapse of the food system.
Meanwhile, InfoWars founder Alex Jones slammed the globalists’ New World Order (NWO)
agenda. Jones called for a global red alert amid various disturbing events
already happening worldwide.
“This is
the NWO takeover, world depopulation. This is World War 1,000, extinction, rebellion and depopulation,”
Jones said as he condemned the elites for burning and blowing up the farms and
processing plants and for poisoning the cows and crops on purpose.
“The carrying
capacity of the civilization of Earth is being pulled out from under us. The
rug is being pulled out from under us right now,” Jones said. “The NWO is aimed
at wiping out humanity by deliberately starving people.”
Find more
stories like this at
Watch the full July 27 episode of “The Highwire” below.
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