zaterdag 25 september 2021


Dr. Judy Mikovits warns Fauci may release MORE deadly bioweapons on the world


Health Ranger Report
Published 20 hours ago | Comments

Judy Mikovits interviewed by Mike Adams.




SARS-COV-2-VIRUS ……….?!!!

Dr. Judy Mikovits interviewed by the Health Ranger: Fauci's covid crimes aren't his first "plandemic"


DOCUMENT REVEAL: Covid “vaccines” are shedding deadly spike proteins via “skin-penetrating nanoparticles”

Thursday, September 23, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: badhealthbadmedicinebadsciencebat coronavirusesBig Pharmabiological weaponsconspiracyCOVIDDangerous MedicineDaszakFaucigain-of-functionpharmaceutical fraudPlandemicresearchvaccinesWuhan Institute of Virology



(Natural NewsMore revelations have emerged to suggest that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) was cooked up in a lab at least a year and a half prior to its official release towards the end of 2019.

Newly leaked documents show that 18 months before the first cases of the Chinese Virus were reported, researchers working at and tied to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) were trying to procure grant money for genetically engineered (GMO) bat coronaviruses that are capable of infecting humans.

These grant requests clearly explained that “skin-penetrating nanoparticles” containing “novel chimeric spike proteins” were to be used for transforming otherwise bat-only coronaviruses into highly infectious coronaviruses that humans can “catch.”

Other chimeric viruses were also on the docket, with Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance behind the requests. Tony Fauci of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) was also behind the scheme, directing American taxpayer dollars to Wuhan for illegal gain of function research.

At one point, $14 million was requested from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to fund this dangerous research. DARPA reportedly denied the request, thinking it too dangerous, but that did not stop those who requested it from obtaining funding elsewhere.

The plan was to introduce “human-specific cleavage sites” to bat coronaviruses, making them ripe for transfer into humans. This could be what the so-called “vaccines” contain, as those taking the jabs are now getting sick and dying in record numbers.

This is a much more likely scenario than the one first put forth in early 2020 claiming that bat coronaviruses magically infected humans via bat soup sold at Chinese wet markets, which was the narrative put forth by the “researchers” that were conducting these experiments.

A web-based investigations team known as “Drastic” has been investigating the situation to determine the most likely source of the Wuhan Flu. Their determination is that the Chinese Virus was genetically engineered on purpose.

“Given that we find in this proposal a discussion of the planned introduction of human-specific cleavage sites, a review by the wider scientific community of the plausibility of artificial insertion is warranted,” the group said in a statement.

The grant proposal also included plans to manipulate high-risk natural coronavirus strains with traits of more infectious but less dangerous varieties. This might have been how they were able to later create hordes of “asymptomatic cases” as justification for imposing lockdowns, mask mandates and vaccine recommendations.

Daszak, Fauci, Zhengli are unleashing hell on the planet

“Bat woman” Dr. Shi Zhengli, a WIV researcher, was also involved with the scheme, as were researchers from the University of North Carolina (UNC) and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) National Wildlife Health Center.

This cohort of mad scientists, you might say, were busily trying to create new bioweapons from bat coronaviruses for some unstated purpose. More than likely, the goal was to wreak havoc through a manufactured “pandemic,” which would then justify injecting people with more bioweapons via “vaccination.”

“It is clear that the proposed project led by Peter Daszak could have put local communities at risk,” DARPA warned in its rejection of the grant request.

According to Angus Dalgleish, a professor of oncology at St. George’s, University of London, gain of function research has probably been taking place for many years, long before the plandemic was unleashed. Even without grant funding, it seems apparent that Daszak, Fauci, Zhengli and the rest performed the research they intended, and now the world is suffering because of it.

“This is clearly a gain of function, engineering the cleavage site and polishing the new viruses to enhance human cell infectibility in more than one cell line,” Dalgleish is quoted as saying.

All of this was taking place under the radar of the general public, which had no clue that American taxpayer dollars were being funneled by Fauci into dangerous and illegal research. And now, those involved are trying to deflect and divert, claiming they did nothing wrong.

It turns out that the Fauci Flu was only just the beginning. This cohort of mad scientists also genetically engineered the MERS virus to have a fatality rate of over 30 percent, which a World Health Organization (WHO) insider who wished to remain anonymous says makes it “at least an order of magnitude more deadly than SARS-CoV-2.”

It is unclear if this GMO MERS virus has been released or is still contained somewhere in a lab. We know it exists, though, even if the reason why remains shrouded in mystery.

“If one of their receptor replacements made MERS spread similarly, while maintaining its lethality, this pandemic would be nearly apocalyptic,” the WHO insider added in a statement to the media.

This damning information is nowhere to be found in the corporate media machine of the United States, which is still lying to the public, for the most part, about other theories concerning the origin of the Chinese Flu.

Most of the focus is centered around getting the vaccines “into arms,” with the Biden regime now pushing a third “booster” shot to go along with the first two injections. Good luck finding any mainstream coverage about these newly uncovered grant requests, which decimate the official covid narrative.

“When will the arrests happen?” asked a skeptical Natural News reader. “Never. And that is because we are fine with corruption. Is there a better explanation?”

All of this Chinese Virus deception has left much of the world in a perpetual state of escalating medical fascism. To keep up with the latest news about it, visit

Sources for this article include:



Chinese whistleblower says COVID intentionally released during October 2019 military games in Wuhan

09/24/2021 / By JD Heyes

For those who believe, as we have all along, that COVID-19 is actually a Chinese bioweapon, a former Communist Party insider just proved all of us correct.

In an interview with Sky News, former CPP official Wei Jingsheng said that his government intentionally released the virus during the World Military Games held in Wuhan in October 2019, which is the date researchers and intelligence officials around the world have identified as when the first cases showed up, though no one knew what was causing the illnesses at the time.

“There has been much speculation that the virus escaped from a lab in the city — the Wuhan Institute of Virology — where work on so-called “gain of function” research is believed to have occurred; gain-of-function is a process by which viruses are made more virulent so researchers can study how they spread,” BizPac Review reported on Wednesday.

What’s moreas Natural News has reported, we also know that workers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the only facility in all of China that conducts the kind of coronavirus research linked to COVID-19, also got sick from the virus the following month, November 2019.

Now, according to Wei, we are certain the virus is a bioweapon developed for the Chinese military, since the lab at Wuhan is a Chinese military asset.

“I thought the Chinese government would take this opportunity to spread the virus during the Military Games, as many foreigners would show up there,” Wei told Sky News, noting that, at the time, he had learned that his government launched an “unusual exercise” as the games proceeded.

“[I knew] of the possibility of the Chinese government using some strange weapons, including biological weapons because I knew they were doing experiments of that sort,” said the whistleblower.

BizPac Review notes further:

Wei’s version of events appears to align with others who have made similar claims — that the Chinese regime intentionally released the virus.

That includes Miles Yu, the Principal China Adviser to the State Department, who said that American, French, and German athletes at the games took ill at the games with what would come to be known as COVID-like symptoms, though they were not tested for the virus because such testing did not yet exist.

“We see some indications in our own data… that there was COVID circulating in the United States as early as early December, possibly earlier than that,” said David Asher, a former COVID investigator for the State Department.

“We continue to have serious questions about the earliest days of the COVID-19 pandemic, including its origins within the People’s Republic of China,” said a spokesman for the National Security Council in May.

Wei becomes just the latest Chinese official to claim that the virus not only originated in China and at the lab in Wuhan, despite Beijing’s denials, but that it is, indeed, a military-use bioweapon.

Dr. Li Meng Yan, a Chinese virologist who defected to the U.S., told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson in May that she has no doubt that the Chinese government developed COVID-19 at the Wuhan facility and then intentionally released it.

“More and more people realize this virus is not from nature,” she said.

Dr. Li made the same claim on Carlson’s program in September 2020, a few months before the November election, though of course the ‘mainstream media’ suppressed her bombshell.

“From my first report, I can present solid scientific evidence that Covid-19 actually is not from nature… I work with the top virologists in the world so together with my experience, I can tell you this is created in the lab. This is from… owned by the Chinese military and also, it is spread to the world to make such damage,” she told the host.

Now the question becomes: What is the Biden regime prepared to do about this act of war that has killed nearly as many Americans as died in the Civil War?

Sources include:

Tagged Under: biological warfarebiowarbioweaponChinaChinese militarycoronavirusCOVIDcovid-19pandemicPlandemicspike proteinviruswarwhistleblowerWorld Military GamesWorld War IIIWuhan


Tucker Carlson: “Dat meisje uit Estland. Ik bedoel, ze zou mensen vermoorden.”

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