zondag 3 oktober 2021


Hoe klimaat de wereld zal veranderen van kinderen die nu zes zijn

Mick Van Loon  3/10/2021


           © Aangeboden door Business AM

Als de planeet aan het huidige tempo blijft opwarmen, zal de gemiddelde 6-jarige ongeveer drie keer zoveel klimaatrampen meemaken als zijn grootouders. Iedereen die jonger is dan 40 nu is sowieso voorbestemd om een ​​leven te leiden van ongekende blootstelling aan rampen, en zal extreme weergebeurtenissen meemaken waarvan hun voorouders uit de pre-industriële wereld slechts een kans van 1 op 10.000 zouden hebben gehad om ze tegen te komen.

Meer dan de helft van alle broeikasgassen in de atmosfeer werd na 1990 gegenereerd, wat betekent dat de meeste rampen die de kinderen van vandaag zullen meemaken, verband kunnen houden met de emissies die tijdens het leven van hun ouders zijn geproduceerd.

Kinderen die nu 6 zijn zullen zeven keer meer extreme hittegolven meemaken, twee keer zoveel bosbranden zien, 1,7 keer zoveel tropische cyclonen, 3,4 keer meer rivieroverstromingen, 2,5 keer meer misoogsten en 2,3 keer zoveel droogte als iemand die in 1960 is geboren.

Op basis van meerdere klimaat- en demografische modellen vergeleken wetenschappers de risico’s waarmee eerdere generaties werden geconfronteerd met het aantal extreme gebeurtenissen dat kinderen van vandaag in hun leven zullen meemaken. De studie is de eerste die de contrasterende ervaring van klimaatextremen door verschillende leeftijdsgroepen beoordeelt en benadrukt de intergenerationele onrechtvaardigheid die door de klimaatcrisis wordt veroorzaakt.

Uit de analyse blijkt dat een kind dat in 2020 is geboren, tijdens zijn leven gemiddeld 30 extreme hittegolven zal doorstaan, zelfs als landen hun huidige beloften nakomen om de toekomstige CO2-uitstoot te verminderen. Dat zijn zeven keer meer hittegolven dan iemand geboren in 1960.

Tenzij wereldleiders het eens worden over ambitieuzer beleid wanneer ze elkaar ontmoeten voor de klimaattop van de Verenigde Naties in Glasgow dit najaar, zullen de kinderen van vandaag worden blootgesteld aan gemiddeld vijf keer meer rampen dan wanneer ze 150 jaar geleden zouden leven.

Afrikaanse baby’s zullen zelfs 50 keer meer hittegolven meemaken

En dat zijn gemiddelden. De veranderingen zijn vooral dramatisch in ontwikkelingslanden. Zo zullen de 53 miljoen kinderen die tussen 2016 en 2020 in Europa en Centraal-Azië zijn geboren, tijdens hun leven ongeveer vier keer meer extreme gebeurtenissen meemaken onder de huidige emissietoezeggingen, maar de 172 miljoen kinderen van dezelfde leeftijd in Afrika bezuiden de Sahara worden 5,7 keer zo vaak geconfronteerd met extremere gebeurtenissen. Zuigelingen in Afrika bezuiden de Sahara zullen naar verwachting 50 tot 54 keer zoveel hittegolven doormaken als iemand die in het pre-industriële tijdperk is geboren.

De verschillen onderstrepen hoe de ergste effecten van klimaatverandering zullen worden ervaren op plaatsen die het minst hebben bijgedragen aan de opwarming, door mensen die weinig te zeggen hebben gehad over het beleid dat voortdurende uitstoot mogelijk maakt. Meer dan de helft van alle broeikasgassen in de atmosfeer werd na 1990 gegenereerd, wat betekent dat de meeste rampen die de kinderen van vandaag zullen meemaken, verband kunnen houden met de emissies die tijdens het leven van hun ouders zijn geproduceerd.

Als mensen erin slagen de opwarming te beperken tot 1,5 graden Celsius boven het pre-industriële niveau, zal het risico van pasgeborenen op blootstelling aan extreme hitte met bijna de helft afnemen. Ze zouden 11 procent minder mislukte oogsten, 27 procent minder droogtes en bijna een derde zoveel rivieroverstromingen kunnen zien als wanneer de uitstoot onverminderd doorgaat.

Kinderen van vandaag zullen acht keer minder CO2 mogen uitstoten

Maar de wereld komt nog lang niet in de buurt van dat doel. Een eerder deze maand gepubliceerd VN-rapport waarschuwde dat, op basis van de huidige klimaattoezeggingen van landen, de uitstoot van broeikasgassen tegen het einde van het decennium met 16 procent zou kunnen toenemen. Dat zou de planeet op het spoor zetten om tegen het einde van de eeuw met 2,7 graden Celsius op te warmen.

De cijfers in de studie zijn vrijwel zeker een onderschatting. Gegevensbeperkingen en de complexiteit van de analyse zorgden ervoor dat de wetenschappers het verhoogde risico van sommige gevaren, zoals overstromingen van de kust door de stijging van de zeespiegel, niet konden inschatten. De studie houdt ook geen rekening met de toegenomen ernst van veel gebeurtenissen; ze kijkt alleen naar de frequentie.

Uit een analyse uit 2019 bleek dat de kinderen van vandaag in de loop van hun leven acht keer minder CO2 zullen moeten uitstoten dan hun grootouders, als de opwarming van de aarde onder de 1,5 graad moet worden gehouden.

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 Les comploteurs et l'information

693.391 weergaven

28 sep. 2021

IHU Méditerranée-Infection

538K abonnees

                       LINK : https://youtu.be/YAMRSq2R2kY

Bulletin d'information scientifique de l'IHU - Nous avons le droit d'être intelligents ! Pr Didier Raoult, Directeur de l'IHU Méditerranée Infection


ERRATUM : Minute 14 lien vers le graphique correspondant aux données présentées par le Pr. Raoult https://www.insee.fr/fr/statistiques/...


Dr. Stella Immanuel talks about how hospitals are ignoring hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin as effective treatments for COVID-19 – Brighteon.TV

Friday, September 17, 2021 by: Mary Villareal
Tags: badhealthbadmedicineBrighteon.tvcoronavirusCOVIDcovid treatmentscovid-19 pandemicCOVID-19 treatmentsCuresDr. Stella Immanuelgoodhealthgoodmedicinehydroxychloroquineivermectinlong-term treatmentmedicationmulti-drug approachpandemicPrescription drugspreventionremediesWuhan coronavirus


(Natural News) In the most recent episode of Health with Dr. Stella Immanuel on Brighteon.TV, Dr. Stella Immanuel discusses how the coronavirus is affecting the nation because of hospitals withholding treatment for their patients.

According to Dr. Immanuel, hospitals are withholding treatment and not giving patients the medicine they need to get better from COVID-19. She says that hospitals are pushing for vaccination, that they are ignoring other life-saving medications such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.

What is hydroxychloroquine?

Hydroxychloroquine, an analog of antimalarial drug chloroquine, was developed in 1946 to treat autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis, along with malaria. It is found that it inhibits fusion between SARS-CoV-2 and its host cell membrane, and thus it can block the transport of the virus and possibly prevent the release of the viral genome.

Both chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine have immunomodulatory effects that are believed to be another potential treatment for COVID-19.

Immanuel says that he previously successfully treated hundreds of patients with hydroxychloroquine — a treatment that former President Donal Trump also said he has taken himself. “Nobody needs to get sick,” Immanuel says. “This virus has a cure.”

The pediatrician and religious minister also said that the potency of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment means that protective masks are no longer necessary, claiming that she and her staff have so far avoided contracting the disease despite wearing ordinary medical masks instead of more secure N95 models.

Ivermectin as COVID-19 cure

Ivermectin, a drug that is primarily used to deworm animals, also proved useful in combating human diseases caused by parasites. Called a “wonder drug” because of its use in treating parasitic diseases, some doctors are also prescribing it to treat COVID-19, which is a viral disease.

In recent weeks, conservative figures and activists have embraced ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19.

Ivermectin is generally safe in low doses, but high doses can be toxic for humans. In large doses, it can cause side effects, including skin rash, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain, to name a few.

Multi-drug approach to treating COVID

Immanuel also speaks about using hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin for COVID-19 prevention. Further, she notes that doctors using one drug alone to treat COVID-19 are not doing enough, and are in fact, doing them a disservice.

She also encourages everyone to get their vitamins such as vitamins C, D and zinc and to get plenty of sunshine and exercise to keep themselves healthy.

The U.S. system’s health protocols have consistently failed Americans when doctors ignore other medications like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. (Related: Dr. Stella Immanuel reveals the stunning truth about COVID cures and how hospitals are KILLING patients – Brighteon.TV.)

There are several advocacy organizations that have been on a campaign to mainstream ivermectin. Immanuel, a member of American’s Frontline Doctors said that they went from 100 to more than 700 people a day signing up for telehealth with patients seeking ivermectin.

Immanuel also describes the pandemic situation as a grand design by vested interests to promote vaccines and denounce treatments. She also cites media as co-conspirators. She notes that the greatest fear of humans is the fear of death and the government and media are using this fear to terrify Americans of a disease that does not even have a high mortality rate.

In an earlier report, she mentioned that she has treated over 6,000 people and put over 15,000 on preventative medication for COVID, and so far, she lost only about seven patients. “People are running away from the hospitals and coming to our clinic,” she said.

A pastor herself, she also mentioned that the COVID-19 pandemic is not just a medical battle, but a spiritual one between good and evil.

Health with Dr. Stella Immanuel airs on Brighteon.TV on Wednesdays at 5:00 p.m.

Learn more about alternative medication for COVID-19 on Pandemic.news.

Sources include:





6 Out of 7 new COVID-19 deaths in New South Wales were VACCINATED

(Natural News) Six of the seven people who recently died from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) in the eastern Australian state of New South Wales were vaccinated.

On Tuesday, Sept. 28, New South Wales Deputy Chief Health Officer Dr. Marianne Gale announced that the state recorded seven new COVID 19-related deaths overnight. Gale made this announcement during a press conference with members of the state government, including Minister for Health and Medical Research Brad Hazzard of the ruling Liberal Party.

“As the minister said, tragically today, we announce the deaths of seven people who have lost their lives to COVID-19, four women and three men,” said Gale. “One person was not vaccinated. Three people had received one dose of a COVID vaccine and three people had received two doses of a COVID vaccine.”

Gale tried to argue that their deaths were not a sign that the COVID-19 vaccines do not work. She said all of the seven individuals had underlying health conditions, and she tried to argue that their age made them more susceptible to the virus. One person was in their 40s, another in their 50s, two were in their 70s, two in their 80s and the last person who died was in their 90s.

The health officer further tried to argue that some of the vaccinated people who died got infected with COVID-19 just days after they received their doses.

“So we know in a number of cases, unfortunately, the vaccine didn’t have enough time to provide the protection that we would have wanted,” said Gale.

The health officer ended her statement by urging people to get vaccinated.

“We know that vaccines are highly effective at preventing hospitalizations and death,” claimed Gale. “And so if you haven’t already done so, please, please do book in for your vaccination.”

New South Wales government still pushing residents to get vaccinated

During the same press conference, New South Wales government ministers announced that the state had just hit a full vaccination rate of 60.4 percent. The government recently announced that some of the state’s coronavirus restrictions will be rolled back once the state hits a 70 percent full vaccination rate. Estimates suggest this will happen by Oct. 11.

Gale’s boss, Hazzard, tried to urge state residents to keep getting vaccinated, claiming that vaccinations were the only “way out of this.”

“You need to go and get vaccinated as quickly as possible. You’re kidding yourself if you think you don’t need to get vaccinated, because it may well be you that gets the virus and dies, or ends up in a hospital ICU,” said Hazzard. “It may be you that passes on the virus to your family or your friends and see the responsibility then fall upon your shoulders for the death of one of your close friends or family.”

Hazzard then went on to attack New South Wales residents who were skeptical about taking the rushed, experimental and deadly COVID-19 vaccines. He claimed some of them were just waiting for a particular type of vaccine, which is why many do not want to take the ones already available in Australia.

“There’s been a little bit of pickiness and choosiness,” said Hazzard. “When you’re going to have your flu shot, you don’t ask what brand it is. We never have. Go and have the vaccine that’s available because whatever vaccine is available is the best one to keep you safe.” (Related: Australian doctor SUSPENDED over social media posts questioning COVID-19 policies, treatment and vaccines.)

During the same conference, Hazzard announced increased lockdown restrictions for two local government areas in New South Wales that had an uptick in new COVID-19 cases. Those two areas had plans to come out of lockdown.

Hazzard also announced that there may be further restrictions on three other local government areas.

“These decisions are not made lightly,” said Hazzard. “There’s more work to do and the public health team will do that work.”

The seven new deaths put the state’s total number of coronavirus-related deaths during this post-vaccine outbreak at 316. Before the proliferation of vaccines, the state only recorded 56 deaths due to COVID-19.

Learn more about the number of people dying because of the COVID-19 vaccines in Australia and other parts of the world at Vaccines.news.

Sources include:


SkyNews.com.au 1

SkyNews.com.au 2

9News.com.au 1

9News.com.au 2

 Former Pfizer employee flags FDA study, warns that Pfizer vaccine increases COVID by over 300%

Friday, October 01, 2021 by: Lance D Johnson
Tags: badhealthbadmedicineBig PharmabioweaponClinical trialsComirnatyDeceitFDAfraudinfectionPfizerpharmaceutical fraudsuper spreadervaccine damagevaccine fraudviral loadviral susceptibility


(Natural News) The fraudulence of covid-19 vaccines is on full display, and the evidence is sitting right out in the open. The full FDA approval for Pfizer’s COMIRNATY vaccine contained clinical proof that the inoculation increases COVID infection by over 300 percent!

A former Pfizer employee named Karen Kingston is blowing the whistle on her former employer. Kingston is currently a pharmaceutical marketing expert and biotech analyst. When she scrutinized the full FDA approval for COMIRNATY, she found blatant fraud in Pfizer’s clinical studies.

FDA approves Pfizer’s covid-19 vaccine, even though it increases infection by 300 percent

Kingston brought forth a Briefing Document from the FDA’s advisory committee meeting that took place on September 17, 2021. The title of the document is, “Application for licensure of a booster dose for COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA).” The document includes clinical studies conducted by Pfizer. These studies track the durability of immunity offered by the COMIRNATY vaccine and compare it to immunity observed in unvaccinated people.

“If you get the Pfizer vax, you’re more likely to get COVID” said Kingston, “So, when they weren’t injected, their infection rate was 1.3% and when they got injected, it was 4.34%. It went up by over 300%.” How could the FDA have glossed over this evidence and approved blatant fraud?

Since the vaccine was officially approved, the federal government started applying pressure on businesses across the US, threatening them with extortion and fines if they do not impose vaccine mandates on their employees. The covid-19 vaccines have been injected almost 225 million times into the arms of Americans, causing severe injury and death along the way. Real world observations also support clinical data showing that the vaccines increase one’s susceptibility to covid-19. In fact, the vaccines increase viral load in the nostrils of the vaccinated. An August 26 article by Dr. Peter McCullough shows that the covid vaccines allow the vaccinated to carry 251 times the viral load of covid-19 in their nostrils, turning them into the asymptomatic super spreaders they once feared.

Pfizer studies show that being unvaccinated offers greater protection

Medical freedom rights attorney, Thomas Renz, went public with the Pfizer fraud. The Pfizer study involved over 36,000 people. Those who were injected earlier in the study were more likely to come down with covid infections later on, showing a clear trend of waning immunity. Those put in “high priority” groups, who were vaccinated earlier on, have a 36 percent greater chance of infection, compared to the group that vaccinated later on.

The group that vaccinated later on went unvaccinated for 5.1 months longer than the group that got vaccinated early on. This placebo group did not have high rates of infection while they were unvaccinated, even though they went longer without any “protection.” Because of this, Kingston stated that the vaccinated group “have an even higher chance of being infected with COVID-19 than the 36 percent difference indicated by this portion of the study.”

The study even admitted in its conclusion: “An additional analysis appears to indicate that incidence of COVID-19 generally increased in each group of study participants with increasing time post-Dose 2.” Kingston clarified that infection rates “increase over time” when people get two doses of Pfizer mRNA.

Most shocking was the data on the placebo group. In the first four months, the placebo group had “no vaccine protection” and recorded an infection rate of 12.6 cases per 1,000 person-years. The infection rate for the unvaccinated was a meager 1.3 percent.

After their placebo period, the group got “fully vaccinated.” In just a few months, this group became more infectious and showed 43.4 cases per 1,000 person-years. Their infection rate went UP by over 300 percent to a 4.34% infection rate. Mrs. Kingston called this “super alarming.”

“They had less infection when they had no protection. So, that’s a problem,” she said.

Check out Vaccines.News for the latest on the covid-19 vaccine fraud.

Sources include:





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  maart 23, 2025     18 E en Russische invasie in individuele Europese landen of het hele continent kan elk moment plaatsvinden. EU-landen m...