woensdag 29 september 2021

 France Vaccine Passport Enforcers Going Table To Table:"Passeport Sanitaire Papers Please!"

August 9th, 20216.460 views

Tim Truth




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LBRY URLlbry://@TimTruth#b/France-vaccine-passport-enforcers#9

Claim ID9d4dda2535b35500efbaf78cbd14ef816a0f1b02




@GGfromIali1 month ago

I'm French, and i'm very sad to see the people comply. Our country is fallen and its coming for you too. be strong


@welkom62101 month ago

The sad thing here is how the people comply.


@Hardasspillow1 month ago

Sheep 🐑 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑sheep!!!


@WelcomeToReality1 month ago

The police finally got a job they can handle... Don't worry about the million kids that go missing every single year or all the girls that gets raped, cause of the corrupt politicians forign policy or the people getting stabbed or killed by it... These police are traitors to their country and traitors gets what they deserve in the end...


@XiLei1 month ago

The compliers make me jus as sick...


@KellyL1 month ago

Did any of these people not study history? I guess not. They are touching their phones too. I guess they are just doing their "job". Well we have heard that before.


@ShibaMania1 month ago

I hope they're having fun been disrupted to show papers. Idiots lol


@VH1 month ago

Gestapo! All those protests did nothing. This is clearly a war on the people using a fake virus to do it.


@Wirefreez1 month ago

Perhaps it's time for all sane people to leave the cities of the world where this nonsense is taking place and form their own communities where politicians, police and other gangsters are banned. There is a town in Mexico called Cheran that has done this https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-37612083.


@piechgh1 month ago

Coming soon to a state near you


@MadDissident1 month ago

Don't worry about it, all those compliant sheeple will be dead in a few years....

Good fucking riddance!


@radovan_free1 month ago

Papiere bitte!


@ProtoSpud1 month ago

Cheese eating surrender monkeys.


@Mank1 month ago

Nazis are comeback


@DeepIncite1 month ago

I need to see the gestapo's green pass, papers please Nazis.


@ExploraciónDimensionaldelSer1 month ago

Careful with the Nazi shills in the comments, these are the videos the Nazi Sabbateans don't want you to see:

1666: Redemption Through Sin



1666 Sabbatean-Frankist Illuminati History



And that's why places like Youtube don't want people to talk about the Holocaust and concentration camps, because it was Nazi Sabbateans torturing, capturing and experimenting upon Jews, and cattle prodding them into the corrupt nation

that is Israel.



@Cult_Of_Rona1 month ago

these people have no idea what evil they have just allowed into their lives


@Velyaminov1 month ago

Those tyrannical enforcers deserve no respect and should be expecting to get shot.v


@RVLife1 month ago

This warms the heart of Xi JinPing.


@Alpha_Cymatica1 month ago

Mein Smartfone mein furry masters


@tubeyou1 month ago

If the cafes and restaurants where filled up to the brim and police check each and every table and person. I would not come back.

Damn the cafes/restaurants will close down, why be open for a couple of people, streets busy buy your drink/food and take away

this will backfire so brilliantly if people simply wont go there any longer, the cafes and restaurants are F*d whatever side they are on.



·        @Chrsitian1 month ago

Some of us (French) don't accept this dictatorship but do not hesitate to denounce it from abroad. Than you.


@BTQ1 month ago

for sitting outside a café, soon they'll want papers for walking down the street; but coming to think of it - this might very well be staged to pretend there's mass compliance


@TrumpetForYahweh1 month ago

Graphene Oxide Nanomaterial - The A.I. Hivemind Assimilation via the Vaccine! Becoming One with the Beast!


It appears that the Magnetic Nanoparticles in the vaccines can travel to the brain and be excited or activated by 5G frequencies to cause a crazed Zombie Apocalypse?


In June 2021, conveniently for the Globalist Elite and the New World Order Beast System, a new "variant" named Delta is said to be spreading to counties where there are low vaccinations, prompting people to lockdown again. This just seems like another massive ploy to enforce the Mark of the Beast vaccine!! I believe the rapture is very soon! Resist at all costs!

Printable version of my left behind letter:

Corona (Crown) Virus
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sR-CEGtNG0q9a1waN2gZD8I23hfK3g9md2kPALuRl8A/edit?usp=drivesdk j



@robservermonitor1 month ago

outdoors? I thought this only applied indoors.. lol


@DontPushMeBro1 month ago

I never want to hear these people (complicit idiots or cops) question what side I would be on in nazi Germany. Because they are clearly on the wrong side


@FwapUK1 month ago

And yeah the twats that are doing that 'job', well what can I say, would look good wearing bricks!


@ademirisaac1 month ago

Ola meu canal : Sons e Imagens . Eu vou me inscrever e dar liks em todos que se inscrever no meu canal , Vamos Juntos !
🚀 🚀 🚀


@our-leaders-want-us-dead1 month ago

eveyone thought i was crazy for years when i said this would happen some day....now its the new normal...??? fuck this ...if they try to arrest one....gang up on them take them down and arrest them....we out number them greatly!


@kenmoss21 month ago

So does that health passport tell me that you don't have Aids, VD, Hepatitis or any other Communicable disease. Or if you've just had an invisible tattoo?


@jeffkg1 month ago

douce france
pays perdu de mon enfance
plongé dans la déchéance
sous la dictature de la peur...


@jeffkg1 month ago

Hmmm all these obedient slaves. And people think we are more intelligent than the ones of past centuries, yep right.
What is unbelievable are the weaklings that comply to it.



And so on …………………………………………..

People of France Reject Vaccine Passports in Restaurants

August 27th, 2021783 views


Resist the New World Order



 The terraced restaurants are requiring passports, so the people brought their own picnics to the street


Original video found here: 



 LBRY URLlbry://@ResistTheNWO#15/FranceRejectRestaurantVaccinePassports#1

Claim ID1dbe6d6796b0df4600fca87bb7e63134bbe0887a

 Drs. Peter Daszak and Anthony Fauci must be ARRESTED, as new intel emerges documenting planned coronavirus enhancement and deployment

Image: Drs. Peter Daszak and Anthony Fauci must be ARRESTED, as new intel emerges documenting planned coronavirus enhancement and deployment

(Natural News) A team of scientists named Drastic have been investigating the origins of covid-19, uncovering multiple years’ worth of gain-of-function coronavirus research. When the genetic sequence for covid-19 was first identified, scientists were appalled at how evolved the virus was, how it contained an enhanced human-specific adaptation at the cleavage site on the spike protein. Now it’s becoming clear how this came about.

Drastic unveiled a series of controversial grant proposals submitted by zoologist Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance in New York. These grants not only sought to enhance coronavirus infectivity, but also sought to release highly-penetrable spike protein nano-particles into the wild! The unethical project sought $14 million from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and was set to be initiated in 2018.

See the full DRASTIC document at this link, archived on NN servers.

Dr. Daszak intended to release enhanced coronavirus spike proteins into the wild

DARPA did not approve the $14 million, and said, “It is clear that the proposed project led by Peter Daszak could have put local communities at risk.” DARPA warned that Daszak and his team had not properly considered the dangers of enhancing the virus and releasing a vaccine by air. Neither DARPA nor the NIH tried to stop the research from going forward, however.

These grants reveal Daszak’s INTENT to develop and release highly infectious viruses and spike protein nano-particles for advancing vaccine research. Daszak is joined by Dr Shi Zhengli, the “bat woman” from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, as well as US researchers from the University of North Carolina and the United States Geological Survey National Wildlife Health Centre.

Daszak and his collaborators planned to develop genetically enhanced, chimeric viruses that could readily infect humans. According to the documents, researchers sought to combine “human-specific cleavage sites” to bat coronaviruses, allowing viruses to readily enter human cells. The proposal even sought to enhance Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), a coronavirus strain with low transmissibility but a 30 percent fatality rate!

This research required that scientists from China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology intentionally release enhanced, airborne coronaviruses into bat populations in China. These bat populations were to be subsequently inoculated with experimental vaccines against diseases that could cross over into human populations. The research would assist scientists in identifying pathogens of greatest concern so that lucrative vaccine programs could be developed. This controversial research was proposed just eighteen months before the first case of covid-19 was identified in Wuhan China. Daszak wrote in the grant application that they would “conduct educational outreach … so that there is a public understanding of what we are doing and why we are doing it, particularly because of the practice of bat-consumption in the region.”

Angus Dalgleish, Professor of Oncology at St Georges, University of London, said Daszak’s research could have continued without DARPA funds, especially with how much was time, energy and money was already invested in the project. “This is clearly a gain of function, engineering the cleavage site and polishing the new viruses to enhance human cell infectibility in more than one cell line,” Dalgleish said — contradicting Dr. Anthony Fauci, who denied the fact that NIAID funded this type of research.

Daszak, Fauci and their collaborators must be arrested, with a full criminal investigation to follow

According to the document release, Dr. Daszak and his collaborators planned to release nano-particles that could penetrate the skin. These nano-particles contained “novel chimeric spike proteins” from bat coronaviruses. These enhanced, skin-penetrating spike proteins were set to be released into cave bats in Yunnan, China. The documents reveal that covid-19 is more than a virus. It’s a biological weapon that was strategically developed and slated for deployment in 2018.

With the CCP working closely on this research, it’s plausible that these spike protein nano-particles could have been released anywhere in the world, stealthily and without remorse. These spike protein nano-particles can be released over cities to cripple medical systems and exploit the vulnerabilities of hospitals and fragile immune systems. They could also be used to target specific types of people at specific event venues. Additional intel documents reveal that the Chinese military planned aerosolized bioweapon development and deployment to “cause the enemy’s medical system to collapse.”

Daszak’s grant applications include unethical animal and virus release experiments, with the threat of serious repercussions for human populations. Dr. Peter Daszak and Dr. Anthony Fauci are culpable for the origins of covid-19. It is of preponderance that these doctors be ARRESTED. Many in the scientific community are calling for a full CRIMINAL investigation into their roles in establishing and completing these diabolical, macabre research projects. Daszak and Fauci must be brought to trial and interrogated, with the greater scientific community calling for a new system of ethics to stop these deadly experiments on animals and humans and to stop the censorship and abuse. All the relevant gain-of-function research these doctors participated in, oversaw and lied about must be brought forth and meticulously addressed.

In early 2020, Daszak conspired with several other scientists who were invested in coronavirus gain-of-function research. Daszak authored the paper in the Lancet to shut down any scientific debate or investigation into the origins of covid-19. Daszak even thanked Fauci in private emails for downplaying the lab leak theory in front of the world stage. Fauci lied to U.S. Congress about the research he approved and funded, denying his well-documented role in overseeing these unethical coronavirus gain-of-function research projects that exploit human immune systems.

Sources include:








COMPELLING: Mark Levin interviews former NY Times science writer on the origins of COVID

MAY. 24, 2021 10:02 AM • 87 COMMENTS

Last night Mark Levin interviewed former New York Times writer Nicholas Wade, who has recently written extensively on the origins of COVID, and in the interview Wade explains the reasons why the Wuhan ‘lab leak’ theory must be looked into again:


You should really watch the full interview because it’s terrific, but I’ll cut to the chase for those of you who are short on time.

Fauci’s organization, NIAID, gave grant money to an intermediary, EcoHealth Alliance, for the purpose of testing and creating more coronaviruses. Wade indicated this is a legitimate role of the NIAID, especially after the previous SARS epidemic, and that Fauci had a duty to create more virulent coronaviruses in a lab so they could then determine what to do about them.

Peter Daszak, the president of Eco Health Alliance, then gave the money to the Wuhan virology lab, which we later found out was operating at a much lower degree of safety than what it necessary for this kind of work.

Finally, when the epidemic actually happened, Daszak penned a letter in the Lancet journal saying it could only have come directly from animals and not from a lab, and declaring that he had no conflict of interest on the matter. But he DID have a conflict of interest – a huge one in fact – because he would have been seen as at least partially at fault if the virus had come from the Wuhan lab. This conflict was not made known to the readers of the Lancet.

Thus it was Daszak’s opinion (and that of another mentioned in the video) which the media ran with, declaring everyone who favored the lab leak as conspiracy theorists.

I’ll note that neither Levin nor Wade came to any conclusion in this interview about the origins, but the case for investigating the ‘lab leak’ theory is extremely compelling and, if you ask me, will be the final conclusion once all of the facts are laid bare. It’s just common sense once you understand all of this.



Dr. David Martin exposes dangerous plot to make everyone accept COVID-19 vaccines – Brighteon.TV

Tuesday, September 28, 2021 by: Nolan Barton
Tags: Anthony Faucibadmedicinebig governmentBig Pharmaconspiracycoronaviruscorruptioncovid-19COVID-19 vaccinedeceptionEcoHealth Alliancegain-of-function researchNIAIDpandemicPeter Daszakpharmaceutical fraudtraitors


(Natural News) Dr. David Martin has produced compelling evidence suggesting that EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak has been planning to generate tons of money for Big Pharma investors through Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines since 2015.

EcoHealth is the nonprofit group that has been awarded a grant by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to study Chinese bat coronaviruses. Reports have emerged that EcoHealth has also received $39 million from the Pentagon and $123 million overall from different government agencies until last year.

Martin has quoted Daszak as saying: “We need to increase the public understanding of the need for medical countermeasure, such as a pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond when they see profit at the end of the process.”

“That’s Peter Daszak, the architect of this pandemic along with [Anthony] Fauci. That’s him in 2015 telling the world that we’re going to build a coronavirus vaccine, and the way we’re going to get the public to consume it is to follow the media hype. His words, not mine,” Martin tells Clay Clark during the “Thrive Time Show” on Brighteon.TV.

According to Martin, Daszak’s statement can be found on a document titled “Developing Medical Countermeasures (MCMs) for Coronavirus,” which is part of the “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences” dated Feb. 12, 2016.

“Why is that guy who violated the funding laws for gain-of-function research with the Chinese, why is that guy whom Anthony Fauci let run the entirety of the media campaign all through the spring of 2020, why is that guy at the helm of everything when he’s the one who admitted that this was a set up to get every person to accept a pan-coronavirus vaccine?” Martin asks.

That guy must be a major player behind all this mess.

Circumstantial evidence links Fauci and Daszak to gain-of-function research

Just weeks before the first reported case of COVID-19 in Wuhan nearly two years ago, Daszak has basically admitted in a podcast interview that they’re doing gain-of-function research with coronaviruses.

“You can manipulate them in the lab pretty easily. Spike protein drives a lot of what happens with the coronavirus. So you can get the sequence, you can build the protein – and we work with Ralph Baric to do this – and insert the backbone of another virus and do some work in the lab,” Daszak said at the time.

In a Jan. 1, 2020 email, Dr. Kristian Anderson, an immunologist at the Scripps Research Institute, told Fauci that some features of the virus could potentially be man-made. Shortly after, Fauci sent an urgent email to his deputy, Hugh Auchincloss, asking him to review a document he was attaching, which was titled “baric, shi et al nature medicine SARS gain of function.”

Although the contents of the attachment are unknown, the title is likely a reference to virologist Dr. Ralph Baric and Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) scientist Dr. Shi Zhengli, who specializes in coronavirus transmissions in bats.

That’s the same Ralph Baric Daszak has been working with. Those Fauci emails have been released to the public via Freedom of Information Act requests. (Related: Drs. Peter Daszak and Anthony Fauci must be ARRESTED, as new intel emerges documenting planned coronavirus enhancement and deployment.)

In one of the emails, Daszak thanked Fauci for “publicly standing up and stating that the scientific evidence supports a natural origin for COVID-19 from a bat-to-human spillover.”

Daszak sent that email on April 19, 2020 – two days after Fauci announced that it was believed the virus had emerged from bats in China.

The EcoHealth president has then persuaded 26 scientists to sign off on a letter he had written to the Lancet, claiming the virus could only have been natural in origin and to suggest otherwise creates “fear, rumors and prejudice.” The letter flatly denied the virus could have originated in a lab in Wuhan and dismissed it as a “conspiracy theory.”

There may be a conspiracy behind this pandemic, but the goal is certainly more than just to let the virus escape from a lab. The virus is a weapon without question, but the ultimate goal based on Daszak’s statement in 2015 is to make money from the chaos created by the media hype.

So the medical countermeasure that Daszak talked about in 20015 comes to the fore: the COVID-19 vaccine.

Investors will respond when they see profit at the end of the process, Daszak has said. True enough, Big Pharma executives and investors have increased their wealth considerably during the pandemic.

COVID-19 vaccine creates new Big Pharma billionaires

Campaigners from the People’s Vaccine Alliance have analyzed Forbes data to highlight the massive wealth being generated for a handful of people from vaccines that are largely publicly funded.

They have found that the pandemic has created at least nine new billionaires from the pharmaceutical industry. (Related: Big money for Big Pharma: World Bank to inject more money into Big Pharma’s accounts.)

Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel has topped the list and is now worth $4.3 billion after his company became the second to be granted emergency use authorization in the U.S. for its COVID-19 vaccine in December last year. Ugur Sahin, CEO and co-founder of BioNTech, is not far behind with a wealth of $4 billion, following its collaboration on a vaccine with Pfizer.

Other Moderna executives have also profited, with immunologist and early investor Timothy Springer now worth $2.2 billion, Chairman Noubar Afeyan $1.9 billion and scientist and founding investor Robert Langer $1.6 billion.

Senior executives from CanSino Biologics have also become billionaires over the last year with the Chinese firm’s co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer Zhu Tao now worth $1.3 billion, co-founder and Senior Vice President Qiu Dongxu worth $1.2 billion and co-founder and Senior Vice President Mao Huinhoa $1 billion. CanSino has developed a one-dose vaccine that was approved for use in China last February.

ROVI Chairman Juan Lopez-Belmonte has also made the list with $1.8 billion. Spanish contract drugmaker Rovi makes bottles for Moderna’s vaccine and last month reached a new deal to start making its active ingredients.

Existing Big Pharma billionaires increase combined wealth by $32.2 billion

Eight existing billionaires with big stakes in Big Pharma companies have also seen their combined wealth increase by a staggering $32.2 billion.

Zhifei Biological Chairman Jiang Rensheng and family have raised their worth to $24.4 billion this year from $7.6 billion last year; Cyrus Poonawalla, founder of Serum Institute of India, is now worth $12.7 billion from $8.2 billion; Tse Ping of Sinopharm is now worth $8.9 billion from $7.3 billion; Wu Guanjiang, co-founder of Zhifei Biological, is now worth $5.1 billion from $1.80 billion; Thomas and Andreas Struengmann and their respective families, who have stakes with Germany’s BioNTech and Uruguay’s Mega Pharma, are now worth $11 billion each from similar $9.6 billion last year; Pankaj Patel of Cadila Healthcare is now worth $5 billion from $2.9 billion; and Patrick Soon-Shiong of ImmunityBio is now worth $7.5 billion from $6.4 billion last year.

Follow Immunization.news for more news and information related to coronavirus vaccines.

Watch the Sept. 23 episode of the “Thrive Time Show” here.

You can catch new episodes of the “Thrive Time Show” with Clay Clark from Monday to Friday at 3:30-4 p.m. on Brighteon.TV

Sources include:






MI6-chef waarschuwde premier Covid was ‘genetisch gemanipuleerd om te ontvolken’ – Britse regering verborg de waarheid

  maart 23, 2025    7 V ijf jaar geleden gaf Sir Richard Dearlove, de voormalige chef van MI6, een angstaanjagende waarschuwing af aan de to...