donderdag 19 augustus 2021


12 Facts About the 'Pandemic' That Could Have Conspiracy Deniers Filling Their Diapers




 Healing the Body

Published Tuesday | Comments

Time to get the facts about the pandemic, and realize the biggest conspiracy theories are those perpetuated by the government, mainstream media, and their intellectually lazy minions.

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holisticpoet  13 hours ago  edited

I am so glad that after nearly a year and a half of commenting that this pandemic is a fraud that people are spreading the word using solid evidence. But you did forget a few facts that may help to make people aware of the fraud. Such as: Medicaid and Medicare paid hospitals $13,000.00 more if they diagnosed a patient with Covid19 and an extra $39,000.00 if they were put on a ventilator. With almost 90% of those who went on a ventilator dying, it sure made the death numbers go up. Lets not forget the CDC's letter to hospitals changing the way death certificates are filled out. They didn't even need a false PCR test if the patient had any symptoms that resembled Covid19 symptoms it was to be listed as the primary cause of death. This also made death numbers go up. Lets not forget that Hydroxychloraquine, Ivermectin, vitamin C, vitamin D3, Zinc and a few other therapeutics did wonders at making this a non life threatening disease and our government and health officials refused to endorse them and even made them illegal. If that's not attempted murder, what is?



PatriotPene  holisticpoet  9 hours ago

Great Post, thank you. I've been singing the same song for months and months. I'm pushing 80, still unvaxed, untested, and unafraid. No mask, I go everywhere I need to go to get food, fuel, supplies, etc. I'm healthy and on no prescription drugs. It can be done. I take vitamins, supplements, eat well, and exercise. I plan on being here until we run these SOBs out of our country.


EternalValue  holisticpoet  10 hours ago

Aggravated, and cold-blooded premeditation.
Long far past attempted.



Ricky Ricardo  holisticpoet  9 hours ago

They are STILL putting them on ventilators! I read of a young person, yesterday, who was placed on one.



mtman2  holisticpoet  3 hours ago

Clearly all true and must become mainstream info...!



Ricky Ricardo  8 hours ago

Nobody has DIED FROM COVID! Covid is nothing more than a global hoax, to distract the global masses while the evil oligarchs bring in their "Great Reset" and the Transhumanism agenda!
Many of us have taken no precautions at all, in a year and a half and we are not sick!


kr2726  10 hours ago  edited

I know 3 people who have DIED from Covid, yet know NO ONE who has died of flu. And I'm 67. So it's a real illness, but Fausti is a fraud and so is the vaccination. I take Ivermectin and acidophilus, and STAY healthy.



kay  kr2726  7 hours ago  edited

Maybe your friends died from the flu and Mal-practice. The PCR test have been recalled as of Dec 31, 2021 (why are they keeping it if it doesn't work?) The reason is that it cannot differentiate between flu and C-19. How do they know there is a variant when there isn't a test. So all those who tested "positive" may have had the flu? May not have had anything but the remnants (antibodies) from a long ago coronavirus - like a cold?



Sherri Thomas  kay  4 hours ago

I think some of them may also be actually suffering from bacterial pneumonia from wearing masks and not sick from a virus at all.



rabbi moshe parry  2 hours ago  edited

if u think ur accomplishing anything to thwart this threat to the country and world from being carried out to its planned conclusion u and your guest are sadly mistaken... gravely uninformed... u simply have to go see the video and read the pdf report from iron mountain from 1966 to see how on target and undissuaded they are from achieving their goals... they remain completely oblivious and maintain an undeterred posture from any and all talks of tribunals being set up to try them for treason and crimes against humanity in a quasi nuremberg setting... truth.sadly out i'm afraid...
go to Download video:
PDF of report:


Reiner Fuellmich interviewed by Mike Adams: Covid crimes against humanity and the coming war crimes tribunals



Health Ranger Report

Published 20 hours ago | Comments


Mike Adams interviews international human rights attorney 

Reiner Fuellmich, whose Germany-based team is investigating evidence 

of crimes against humanity stemming from the worldwide covid-related abuses 

of human rights.


Some of the 81 COMMENTS

·         Texas Arwen  19 hours ago  edited

I don't think they need guinea pigs; I think they know EXACTLY what the Injection is going to do.

The swine flu vaccine was pulled after it killed 53 people. We have one US reporting source saying that there have been 45,000 deaths in the US, counting ONLY people who died within 72 hours of being Injected.


Cal4Jesus  Texas Arwen  9 hours ago

This is a well planned, deliberate, genocide against humanity. We are at war with Satanic Freemason’s.


Down to Earth Thinking  Cal4Jesus  2 hours ago

more like the DEM/RINO/DSA not freemasons per se


Jennifer  Texas Arwen  7 hours ago

The fascist globalists took over Nazi drug technology right after WWII.


Cal4Jesus  Jennifer  2 hours ago

Fascinating, they have repeated history again and most of humanity believes the narrative they hear repeated. Many are even offended when nazi comparisons are made like the concentration camps, Nuremberg trials and code. If you wanted to know what kind of person you would be during the nazi reign; it’s who you are and what you’re re doing today through the grand delusion pharmekia reign. 1/3 of the Germans fought back, 1/3 of the Germans supported the state, 1/3 of the Germans had no idea what was taking place.


Down to Earth Thinking  Texas Arwen  2 hours ago

spot on correct

Texas Arwen  18 hours ago  edited

Some physicians! The ones who want to kill billions of people so that "they won't have to acknowledge what they have done"!

And let's not forget: If they got away with this genocide, they would also pretty much have their pick of all the assets that used to belong to about 7 BILLION people.


crystalcarrie  Texas Arwen  13 hours ago

And all those retirements will disappear if left in the stock market.
How does a government get out of paying debt ,CRASH the market 1929 Style.


Down to Earth Thinking  crystalcarrie  2 hours ago

more like crash the entire system

Ross  11 hours ago

HIV used PCR test . i suspect it was used on the Gay community initially and was used to trial how they could effectively trick the entire world. I am gay so I know this occurred to friends . HIV is a scam using AZT which is a DNA terminator . it is a Banned FDA drug it was so toxic but released on the Gay community as a so called cure in the same way as the new Vax is sold as a cure but it is in fact the slow killer just like AZT . But you just cannot tell anyone . I have tried over the years and now I see the same perpeTraitors doing this on a global scale. Adolph Hitler would be so proud if he was still alive convincing the world of a total lie


Cal4Jesus  Ross  9 hours ago

That’s heartbreaking…


aj54  Ross  3 hours ago

Fauci used the same fraudulent claim of asymptomatic spread in HIV as well as this fake plandemic. A few months- maybe weeks, before the first cases of Karposi's Sarcoma (which signaled the start of the HIV epidemic) were found almost simultaneously in San Francisco and somewhere on the east coast, there had been an experimental hepatitis vaccine given to gay men in both places at the free men's clinics. I truly wonder who was involved with that.


offbabelon  Ross  10 hours ago

sad but true


sharon  Ross  5 hours ago

You keep telling them for you speak the truth from your heart.


zordana9  17 hours ago

How many more have to needlessly die before we get there...something needs to be done right now to stop these governments and their draconian rules, especially the forcing of vaccines/passports...we cannot wait any longer.
They need to be stopped as they are getting out of hand...these aren't laws, they are rules...which to me we don't have to obey.
Maybe i'm wrong but it's how i feel.


aj54  zordana9  4 hours ago

23,000 doctors in Germany have said they will no longer participate in the vaccine program


The Sun Mystic  18 hours ago

The Satanists have 48 shots recommended but they will not get that far.


Texas Arwen  18 hours ago  edited

Mao Tse Tung: 70 to 80 million killed. Possibly Tartaria (whose history appears to have been almost totally erased): Estimated 65 million killed. At the moment those appear to be the largest short-term crimes against humanity. Lagging far behind in short-term crimes are Stalin at 18 million, and Hitler at 6 million. Long-term the highest kill rate is Islam, with Muslims having killed about 270 million people since Mohammed started the "religion" that allows so many atrocities.

But if the Injection Genocide continues, we will catch up before long, and there are still many, many people who will die when they encounter (probably any) coronavirus during flu season.

o    12 


Thomas A. Anderson  Texas Arwen  8 hours ago

Dude, I’m an unvaxxed Texan who knows about Tartaria— email me:


FingersRigatoni  Texas Arwen  3 hours ago

270,000,000 over 1,400 years = 528 people per day - every day, for fourteen centuries.


aj54  Texas Arwen  4 hours ago

they have vaxxed a third of the world


Massale afname van insecten sinds 5G op het Griekse eiland is geactiveerd

  Wetenschappelijke studies bevestigen dat 5G de groenteteelt op de Griekse eilanden nadelig heeft beïnvloed en verband houdt met afnemende ...