donderdag 24 augustus 2023

#DONOTCOMPLY with the COVID tyranny now being unleashed


Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 22, 2023

43067 Subscribers   24229 views   -   Published 24/08/2023


0:00 Intro

6:00 Mask Mandates

12:26 Biden


14:54 Sabotage

23:27 Ban of Meat

45:13 Interview with Michael Yon


- Covid 2.0 hysteria and mandates being rolled out

- Atlanta college declares new mask mandate

- Lionsgate studios in Hollywood requires daily swab testing again

- It's all THEATER to see who's stupid enough to comply

- #Vaccine mandates are coming back, #depopulation goals not yet reached

- White House tells all Americans to take more jabs

- Feds are buying more covid equipment for coming lockdowns

- Fertilizer plant in Texas burned to the ground as food supply chain #sabotage accelerates

- 14 cities announce ZERO meat, zero dairy, zero vehicles by 2030

- Each citizen only allowed to buy three clothing items per year (unfair to women)

- Achieving this requires globalist to MASS KILL humans living in cities

- Refugees will be fleeing the cities in search of clothing, meat and #survival


- Covid 2.0 hysteria and mandates being rolled out

- Atlanta college declares new mask mandate

- Lionsgate studios in Hollywood requires daily swab testing again

- It's all THEATER to see who's stupid enough to comply

- #Vaccine mandates are coming back, #depopulation goals not yet reached

- White House tells all Americans to take more jabs

- Feds are buying more covid equipment for coming lockdowns

- Fertilizer plant in Texas burned to the ground as food supply chain #sabotage accelerates

- 14 cities announce ZERO meat, zero dairy, zero vehicles by 2030

- Each citizen only allowed to buy three clothing items per year (unfair to women)

- Achieving this requires globalist to MASS KILL humans living in cities

- Refugees will be fleeing the cities in search of clothing, meat and #survival


For more updates, visit:

NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.


Hawaii state official deprived Lahaina of water to fight fires until devastation was complete – WHY?

 08/23/2023 // Ethan Huff // 3,2K Views

Tags: biasedbig governmentconspiracydisasterHawaiiHawaii Department of Land and Natural ResourcesJosh GreenLahainaM. Kaleo ManuelMaui islandnatural disasterwater conflictwater supplyWest MauiWest Maui Land Co.wildfires

It has come out that a Hawaii state official deprived Lahaina landowners of the water they needed to protect their properties before the fiery inferno burned it all to the ground.

On Aug. 8 when the fires first began, the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) delayed the release of water requested by the West Maui Land Co. to help keep the fire contained and well away from people's properties.

Why did they do this, exactly? One source claims that a "woke" politician of a leftist bent set out to harm the people of Lahaina by intentionally depriving them of water until after it was already too late.

M. Kaleo Manuel, a native Hawaiian cultural practitioner and the DLNR's deputy director for water resource management, made the decision to withhold water from Lahaina. Manuel later released the requested water, but not until after the fire had already run its course.

As of this writing, neither Manuel nor any other government official in Hawaii has commented on the revelation.

(Related: Is America finally reaching a breaking point? Learn more here.)

Gov. Josh Green: Water a source of great conflict in Maui "for many years"

The West Maui Land Co. (WML) manages a number of agricultural and residential subdivisions all throughout West Maui. Other water regulators in the region include the Launiupoko Irrigation Co., the Launiupoko Water Co., the Olowalu Water Co., and the Ha'iku Town Water Association.

Four separate sources with knowledge about the situation have pegged Manuel as the culprit in rejecting the release of water to the fire-stricken area. Manuel reportedly asked WML to first get permission from a kalo (taro) farm located downstream from the company's property.

Hawaii Gov. John Green, a Democrat, has promised a thorough investigation into this and other strange matters related to the fires. According to an official response from the governor's office, "conflicts over water are being reshaped in an age of climate change and wildfires."

"One thing that people need to understand, especially those from far away, is that there's been a great deal of water conflict on Maui for many years," Green said. "It's important that we're honest about this. People have been fighting against the release of water to fight fires. I'll leave that to you to explore."

Back in 2022, two state senators, both from Maui, submitted a bill that would have pushed the DLNR "to allow fresh water to be used to fight fires and pointed to West Maui as being particularly vulnerable." That bill died without a hearing and was never passed into law.

One would think that in an emergency situation such as an out-of-control fire that it would be an all-hands-on-deck kind of situation as far as getting as much water to the scene as possible, as quickly as possible. The opposite happened in Lahaina and West Maui.

The issue seems to stem from Native Hawaiians' discontent with the takeover of their homeland by what they deem to be outsiders. This includes land owners and their water rights, which remains a point of contention across Maui.

"There is going to be much more coming from this story of the Maui fires," one commenter wrote about how all these anomalies and conspiracies are only scratching the surface of the true extent of the criminality that took place behind the scenes of this horrific incident.

"For some reason, West Maui has become a 'media-free zone' with many highly suspicious events surrounding the fire and how it originated in the first place."

More related news about the Maui fires can be found at

Sources for this article include:

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