woensdag 25 augustus 2021

Unvaccinated people have already achieved herd immunity, while the VACCINATED are now getting sick as their vaccines fail

Wednesday, August 25, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: badhealthbadmedicinebadscienceCOVIDfailuregenocideherd immunityobeyoutbreakpandemicPlandemicspike proteinunvaccinatedvaccine warsvaccines


(Natural NewsNew research has found that rates of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) infection among the “unvaccinated” are plummeting at the same time that infections among the “fully vaccinated” are skyrocketing.

Herd immunity has already been achieved among those who did not get an “Operation Warp Speed” shot, it turns out, while mutated disease is spreading like wildfire among the jab takers who have become walking virus factories.

In the United Kingdom, for instance, symptomatic “cases” of the Fauci Flu soared by 40 percent in one week recently among the fully vaccinated. On the contrary during the same time period, the number of cases among the unvaccinated declined by 22 percent.

“This suggests the wave among unvaccinated has peaked and that natural herd immunity has set in, while ‘vaccinated’ individuals are actually becoming more prone to infection,” reports Dr. Joseph Mercola.

Perhaps the most damning piece of new evidence is the fact that vaccine-induced herd immunity is an impossibility, which makes Tony Fauci, Rochelle Walensky, and the other covid vaccine pushers liars.

“100 fully injected crew members had tested positive onboard the British Defense aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth. The Navy ship has a case rate of 1 in 16 – the highest case rate recorded,” Dr. Mercola adds.

“This suggests vaccine-induced herd immunity is impossible, as these injections apparently cannot prevent COVID-19 even if 100% of a given population gets them.”

Covid vaccines have destroyed the possibility of herd immunity, at least among the fully vaccinated

Mathematically speaking, it is an impossibility for Chinese Virus injections to ever produce herd immunity. The only people who stand a chance at producing permanent immunity are those who just say no to the jabs.

The four currently available jabs all provide an absolute risk reduction of between 0.7 percent and 1.3 percent, while the non-institutionalized infection fatality ratio across all age groups is a measly 0.26 percent.

“Since the absolute risk that needs to be overcome is lower than the absolute risk reduction these injections can provide, mass vaccination simply cannot have a favorable impact,” Dr. Mercola explains.

What this means, of course, is that the latest “wave” of illnesses and deaths is a direct product of people getting vaccinated. The vaccinated, in other words, are directly to blame for spreading more disease and death.

The “pandemic” would have been over a long time ago had Donald “father of the vaccine” Trump – these are his words to describe himself, by the way – had never allowed any vaccines to be introduced under his guidance and leadership.

If Trump was supposedly not a fan of these injections as some still claim, then he would not still be going around bragging about them like they were his own accomplishment while urging his supporters, including at his recent rally in Cullman, Ala., to get jabbed at “warp speed.”

Nevertheless, the jabs are with us now and the consequences are only just beginning to manifest. The vaccinated have become disease incubators for the latest “variants,” which they are spreading to those with whom they come into contact on a daily basis.

This makes the vaccinated an existential threat to public health who should be avoided at all costs whenever possible. It is not worth the risk of spending time around a vaccinated person who could make you sick or even kill you by spreading a deadly vaccine-induced variant to you or your family.

Unfortunately, you will never hear this truth from the likes of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which is doing everything in its power to keep you from ever knowing the full scope of it.

To keep up with the latest news about the deadly and ineffective Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections, visit ChemicalViolence.com.

Sources for this article include:




 COVID-19 vaccines ENABLE the development of deadlier coronavirus variants, warns Nobel Prize winner

Monday, August 23, 2021 by: Arsenio Toledo
Tags: B.1.621badhealthbadmedicinebadsciencebiowarcoronaviruscoronavirus vaccinescoronavirus variantscovid-19Lambda variantLuc Montagniermutantsoutbreakpandemicpost-vaccine variantVaccine dangersvaccine injuryvaccine outbreakvaccine resistancevaccinesvariants


(Natural News) French Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier recently warned that the proliferation of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines actually help facilitate the development of deadlier variants of the coronavirus.

Montagnier, 89, won the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovering the human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV. He recently discussed the issue of vaccine-borne COVID-19 variants with French journalist and director Pierre Barnerias of Hold-Up Media.

During the interview, Montagnier explained that the COVID-19 vaccines do not stop the virus. In fact, he argued the opposite. He believes they “feed the virus” and help it to develop variants that are more transmissible and more resistant to medications. (Related: SHOCKER: The COVID-19 vaccine itself is creating more VIRULENT variants that may decimate the vaccinated sheeple.)

Montagnier warned that these virus variants will cause even more severe health complications than the original COVID-19 strain or any of its previous variants.

The Nobel laureate then went on to talk about how mass vaccinations are an “unacceptable mistake” and are a “scientific error as well as a medical error.” Montagnier said history will prove his assertion correct “because it is the vaccination that is creating the variants.”

Montagnier explained that the COVID-19 vaccines create antibodies against the virus. This, in turn, forces the virus to “find another solution” to continue spreading within a person’s body. This is how the coronavirus variants are created.

“It is the variants that are a production and result from the vaccination,” he said.

“You see it in each country, it’s the same,” added Montagnier. “The curve of vaccination is followed by the curve of deaths. I’m following this closely and I am doing experiments … with patients who became sick with corona after being vaccinated.”

Emergence of new post-vaccine variants prove Montagnier’s theory correct

At least two new COVID-19 variants have entered the United States. Medical researchers now believe these two post-vaccine variants could be worse than the already more transmissible delta variant.

One of the newest variants is the lambda variant. There are already around 1,500 known COVID-19 cases with the post-vaccine lambda variant.

Dr. Gregory Poland, director of the Vaccine Research Group at the Mayo Clinic, explained that the lambda variant is more dangerous because it is highly infectious and easily transmissible.

Studies also suggest that the lambda variant may be able to render inert the natural immunity of people who experienced COVID-19 infections by neutralizing their COVID-19 antibodies.

Poland pointed out that the lambda variant is now responsible for nearly 90 percent of all COVID-19 cases in Peru “and has really started to spread through South America.”

The other variant of concern is so new that it still does not have a Greek letter assigned to it: the B.1.621 variant. It was discovered earlier this year in Colombia.

“It recently caused an outbreak in a nursing home in Belgium and killed seven people that were fully vaccinated,” said Poland. He is particularly concerned about B.1.621 because it now represents around one percent of all cases in the U.S. and nine percent of all COVID-19 cases in Miami, Florida.

Current studies into B.1.621 show that it has similar mutations to the beta variant. This concerns health experts because they believe the new variant could have similar immune escape properties.

But this variant is still too new. Its trajectory will depend on how far fully vaccinated individuals can transmit it and how often it can mutate as it passes through people. Still, its immune escape properties could also contribute to future changes.

Learn more about how the COVID-19 vaccines facilitate the development of new and deadlier coronavirus variants by reading the latest articles at Vaccines.news.

Sources include:






 Even with draconian lockdowns and travel restrictions, Australia’s covid “cases” are now skyrocketing… is the science WRONG?

Wednesday, August 25, 2021 by: Lance D Johnson
Tags: abuseAustraliabadhealthbadmedicinebadsciencebody autonomyCOVIDgenocideimmune suppressioninfectionslivilihoodlockdown failuremedical errormedical malpracticeMedical Tyrannymental healthopportunityoutbreakpandemicscience failuresubjugationvaccine failure


(Natural News) Something terrifying is happening in Australia. Officers of the law are dutifully carrying out the plans of the globalists and enforcing insidious rules that violate the very people they are supposed to serve. Australia has turned into a prison camp, with draconian lockdowns, bodily requirements and travel restrictionsMedical martial law has become a normal way of life, and Australians are being held down until the majority are inoculated with bioweapon vaccine experiments.

Australian governments continue to prescribe tyranny for endemic infections, and the result is always the same. As more people are locked up, the case numbers skyrocket. Australians have followed the science to a tee, but the population is getting sicker, more depressed and more violent than ever before.

Is the science wrong? Of course, it is.

Lockdowns make people sick, but Australia continues to abuse people

Lockdowns put many people in a state of fight or flight, as their careers and livelihoods are threatened. Lockdowns put more stress on people who are trying to make ends meet, limiting their opportunities and ability to interact. As rights are stripped, people are threatened to comply with bodily demands at every turn, raising blood pressure, increasing stress hormones. Grieving people need other people there for them; isolation can kill. Children and adolescents need human interaction; a lack of friendship and stability can cause depression and anxiety which can lead to suicide. All these government-generated problems break down the psychology of people and weaken their ability to adapt to the world around them. In this tyrannical environment of suppression, people get sicker in the mind and in the body.

Australia continues to set new daily records for infection, despite adhering to strict, ongoing lockdowns. From Victoria and Queensland, to New South Whales and Greater Brisbane, to South and Western Australia and the Greater Sydney region, Australia is locking people in their homes, restricting human interaction and isolating people like never before. But the nation is getting sicker and hospitalizations continue to climb. Australia beat its daily record with 914 recorded infections, and the curve never seems to flatten. The lockdowns have not worked since the beginning, and infections spike as soon as the tyranny is enacted, but governments continue on the same path, never learning, never relinquishing their ill-gotten power. In fact, Victoria is on its sixth lock down and hundreds of thousands of people are in revolt.

Vaccines cannot protect against the problems caused by vaccines, the medical system and the government

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has considered an end to the lockdowns but told the media that cannot happen until 70 percent of the population is fully vaccinated. What does it mean to be “fully vaccinated” anyway? Coronavirus vaccine programs continue to fail across the world and new boosters are now being forced onto people who were already considered protected.

“You can’t live with lockdowns forever and at some point, you need to make that gear change, and that is done at 70%,” Prime Minister Scott Morrison said in a television interview on the Australian Broadcasting Corp’s Insider program. Morrison believes that the rights of people are actually privileges granted by the government. In this way, the population can be subjugated into perpetuity. The Australians are beginning to learn that their rights are inherent, sovereign, that they come from God and are enforced through noncompliance and faith.

The level of coercion being used to force vaccinate people in Australia is inhumane; as it has been around the world. The world cannot be sterilized from respiratory infections, especially when the vaccines shed spike proteins and cause new mutations to manifest.

There will be no eradication of COVID because the source of transfection continues to be injected into people, weakening the population and killing off a certain percentage. Vaccines do not protect against medical error. Vaccines do not protect people against ventilator-associated pneumonia and lung damage caused by the machines. Vaccines do not help anyone lose weight, improve respiratory function or increase nutrition uptake in the cells. Vaccines do not protect against hospital-acquired super-bug infections and the failure of antibiotics. Vaccines do not protect people against the immune suppressant drugs and masks, which only weaken the body and set it up for severe disease. Vaccines do not protect against medical systems that refuse early treatment, and have never been proven to generate durable, long-lasting immunity.

The “science” will not save anyone from COVID because the science of today looks a lot like tyranny and genocide.

Sources include:








Rusland zal de Oekraïense strijdkrachten ‘afmaken’ – Poetin

  Het Oekraïense volk moet zich realiseren dat het is misleid door de westerse droom om Rusland een “strategische nederlaag” toe te brengen,...