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Video Link: https://youtu.be/0B0wPUmZB3U
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In deze
video van "Hidden Technology" hebben we een prototype gemaakt van een
motor die alleen met water werkt. We hebben deze elektrische generator
aangepast om elektrische energie te kunnen produceren met alleen water als
brandstof. Dankzij deze zeer efficiënte Hydrolyse-apparatuur en het geheime
additief voor de HH+-elektrolyt, kunnen we de watermoleculen afbreken en grote
hoeveelheden waterstof verkrijgen, waarmee we deze elektrische generator laten
00:00 Inleiding
01:02 De
stukken voorbereiden om ze te snijden
01:24 Snijden
van de 304L roestvrijstalen onderdelen
02:30 De
stukken boren (een gat van 6 mm en een gat van 11 mm in elk stuk)
08:18 De
stukken polijsten
Voorbereiding van de hydrolysetank
04:56 Snijden
van de M6 draadstangen
05:18 Montage
van de hydrolysereactor
Voorbereiding van de waterstof veiligheidscontainer
Vervaardiging van de steun voor de hydrolyseapparatuur
Elektrische aansluitingen
14:30 We
verwijderen de brandstoftank en stellen onze Hydrolyse-apparatuur op
Voorbereiding van het luchtfilter
16:34 Vullen
van de water- en geheime elektrolyttanks HH+
17:35 Eerste
test in de werkplaats
Carburateur afstelling
20:30 Test
van de buitenwatermotor
volgens. Introductie van de oplossing voor wateraangedreven motoren. De
HH+-verbinding is een mengsel van verschillende chemische elementen die elke
motor moeiteloos in een motor op waterbasis kunnen veranderen.
#water als brandstof
#water aangedreven motor
Telegram-kanaal: https://t.me/hiddenTechnology
is the HH+ Compound? The key for efficient electrolysis for water based
97.930 weergaven
358K abonnees
Video Link: https://youtu.be/AqOHVN2pPi8
Many of you asked what the HH+ compound is and where to get it. Here's
the answer to that.
Become a member of this channel to enjoy advantages: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9HF...
Telegram Private Channel: https://t.me/hiddenTechnology
De Gates Foundation heeft volgens Cole veel te veel invloed op de ‘wereldgezondheid’. “Als het echt ging om wereldgezondheid, zou hij geen jonge vrouwen doden in India bij vaccintests, zou hij geen kinderen doden in Afrika bij vaccintests en zou hij geen Amerikaanse en Canadese kinderen doden met een vaccin dat lipide nanodeeltjes bevat,” zei de patholoog.
Hij wees erop dat de Amerikaanse infectieziektenexpert Anthony Fauci in de bestuursraad van de Gates Foundation heeft gezeten. Daarnaast had Moderna nog nooit eerder een product op de markt gebracht omdat de mRNA-technologie ‘niet geschikt is voor mensen’.
“Fauci wist dat het niet zou werken, maar wilde het toch uitproberen op mensen om te kijken wat er zou gebeuren. Zo hoort het niet te gaan. Dit zijn criminele activiteiten waaraan de mensheid wordt onderworpen,” zei Cole.
November 20th, 2021
unvaxxed - poor (stupid) vaxxed
June 1st, 2022
Date: 9 June 2022
Comments: 11
Find out how over 300,000 health-aware unvaxxed
people from around the world have fared with COVID-19, choices &
**UPDATE** -
ResearchGate removed the study preprint on Friday 17th June without warning. To
read the survey analysis please click here.
>>> The study preprint is now available
to download on Authorea
That changes with the first release of the analysis
of survey data from the international 'Control Group' project - also known as the Vax Control Group.
The citizen-led project was initiated by an Eastbourne (UK) cooperative,
the Control Group Cooperative - and it's had over 300,000 subscribers.
Rob Verkerk PhD of ANH has led a team including Dr Naseeba Kathrada (GP, South
Africa, Caring Healthcare Workers Coalition), Christof Plothe DO (Integrative
& osteopathic practitioner, Germany) and Dr Kat Lindley (Family Physician,
USA) that has collated, analysed and interpreted the first 5months of survey
data from 'control group' participants.
The survey data offer important revelations, including:
reasons given for avoiding vaccines included preference for natural medicine
interventions, distrust of pharmaceutical interventions, distrust of government
information, poor/limited trial study data and fear of long-term adverse
unvaccinated 'control group' participants don't place a disproportionate burden
on health systems - in fact quite the opposite, they have experienced very low
hospitalisation rates and severe covid-19 disease is rare
They are more
likely to self-care, using natural products like vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc and
Many have
used ivermectin and hydroxychloriquine
Women have
suffered menstrual and bleeding abnormalities despite being unvaccinated,
possibly owing to spike protein exposure and shedding
Their mental
health burden has been considerable, possibly aggravated by their
stigmatisation by mainstream, 'vaccinated' society
They have
been heavily discriminated against because of their decision to exercise their
right to informed consent and refuse the administration of 'genetic vaccines'
Read our press release below or download here
>>> Download and read preprint report on survey findings on ResearchGate (now
>>> Download and read preprint report on survey findings on Authorea (20/06/2022)
View below the introductory video from Rob Verkerk - or download here.
For immediate release
June 9, 2022
An international survey of a health-aware, ‘Control
Group’ that includes over 300,000 people who have chosen to avoid COVID-19
vaccination, shows participants place minimal burden on health systems through
their strong reliance on natural immunity, self-care and the use of natural
health supplements to help prevent or even treat COVID-19. Yet this group faces
unfounded discrimination, job losses and mental health issues intensified by
its marginalisation by mainstream society.
The survey of participants in the
‘Control Group’ includes a sub-group from the over 305,000 participants from
more than 175 countries who have joined the citizen-led project and opted to
not receive COVID-19 vaccines. The findings just uploaded to the preprint
server ResearchGate, show that during the 5-month survey period (September 2021
through to February 2022 inclusive), participants suffered low rates of severe
COVID-19 disease, were infrequently hospitalised, and used natural health
products extensively both for prevention and for treatment of mild to moderate
Data from these first five months of the
Control Group survey were analysed and interpreted by an independent,
international team led by Robert Verkerk PhD, a multi-disciplinary scientist
and the founder, executive and scientific director of the non-profit Alliance
for Natural Health International. Co-authors included three practicing
clinicians, Dr Naseeba Kathrada from South Africa, Christof Plothe DO from
Germany and Dr Katarina Lindley from the USA. The authors came together to
assess the survey data through their collaboration in recent months with the
World Council for Health, a non-profit, global coalition of health-focused
organizations and civil society groups.
The survey findings were based on a
sub-cohort of approximately 18,500 Control Group participants who had completed
questionnaires on a monthly basis over the first five months of the survey.
Among the wide-ranging data collected, the survey captured reasons why
participants avoided vaccines, with distrust of governments and pharmaceutical
companies as well as concerns over adverse reactions from insufficiently tested
vaccines being high on the list.
Participants reported extensive mental
health problems that may have been compounded by the stigmatisation and
discrimination facing those who shunned COVID-19 vaccines. It also found that
women, despite being unvaccinated for COVID-19, suffered menstrual and bleeding
abnormalities that may have been associated with viral exposure, shedding,
spike protein exposure or pandemic-related behavioural changes. Those who never
wore masks reported the lowest levels of COVID-19 disease.
Given the participants are self-selected
and have self-reported, the survey findings need to be interpreted with care
when comparing them with national statistics or studies based on randomly
selected populations.
The UK-based Control Group project was
established in mid-2021 as a citizen-led cooperative that aims to evaluate
long-term health outcomes among the COVID-19 vaccine-free as well as linking
its members to country support networks and online community groups.
The full survey report can be downloaded
from ResearchGate here.
For further information about the survey
and findings, contact Rob Verkerk PhD using one of the following methods:
Telephone: +44 (0)1484 646 600
Email: science@anhinternational.org
Download the survey report on ResearchGate via the
following link:
Cite report as follows:
Verkerk R, Kathrada N, Plothe C, Lindley
K. Self-reported outcomes, choices and discrimination among a global COVID-19
unvaccinated cohort. ResearchGate. Preprint
uploaded June 8, 2022. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28855.19369.
Short introductory video: Click here.
Alliance for Natural Health International
09 June 2022 at 10:29 pm
It's interesting, saddening, and not surprising that the mental effects of covid are more significant than the effects of the virus itself. That what people think of us, especially those close to us, should rate as more impactful than a 'naturally-occurring' seasonal infection, is a 'bonus' side effect that the jab pushers hadn't expected.
Belzberg https://virex.health
17 June 2022 at 6:33 pm
Why is the Research Gate link broken?
Smith https://www.anhinternational.org
18 June 2022 at 5:46 am
Hello Sid, because ResearchGate has decided the study violates it's T&C's so it's been removed. You can download a copy here https://www.anhinternational.org/news/breaking-news-censors-remove-control-group-report-from-preprint-server/
Teresa none
10 June 2022 at 11:56 am
It would be interesting to know how many
like me, elderly, who refused to mask-up, to be vaccinated and who had no covid
- not even a cold - during the whole period. One test I had in October was
negative as well.
I do use homeopathy as and when I think I need to and also take vitamins -
1-3,000 mg of vitamin C for instance.
10 June 2022 at 11:03 pm
I also haven’t become ill throughout the
“pandemic”, though I cared for two Covid-positive family members (one was my
husband, who had received the vaccine at the insistence of his mother so that
he could visit her, and it was during their vaccinated-only Christmas that he
and at least one other vaccinated family member caught the virus 🤔. He was bedridden with his cough and fever and
extreme fatigue), and I visited for several days with another (she had not been
vaccinated and was coughing and tired at times but never needed medical care of
any sort and was never too ill to continue normal daily activities). I also
take supplements like quercitin and zinc, vitamins A D and K regularly. I
refuse to wear masks except when required by a facility I absolutely need to
enter, I never use hand sanitizer, I am pretty lackadaisical about hand washing
(I even eat food while standing in the checkout lines of grocery stores 😜).
I was happy to see that this study, however preliminary, was done. More data
needs to be gathered on both the Covid outcomes and the overall health status
(deaths too) for vaccinated vs unvaccinated by independent groups, and it needs
to be broadcast very widely so the media can’t continue to ignore it.
10 June 2022 at 4:59 pm
My wife and I (39, 52) chose the natural
route after it became obvious something was very wrong when our initial
approach was to watch and see, learn more about what was being offered.... was
suddenly not an option and the nature approach was demonized. We bought
ivermectin, which we researched was the lowest toxicity medicine and most
natural pill (bacteria from the soil) and we used whenever we thought we might
need it, but we never actually had a positive test result, yes, I think we had
a very short small cold, but never a hospital visit.
My sense of danger, not from any airborne pathogen, but from our own
governments, was quite scary and I am afraid to stay anywhere in Europe over
the next winter or until our captured governments, media, police and medics are
forced to change back to working for the people instead of the lunatics at WEF,
WHO, UN...
I am a coward, so I flee. Where? Depends on who signs the IHR amendments that
hand power over to said lunatics in August.....and hopefully a country does not
sign it. Else, with backs against the wall, I return to England and fight with
my last breath with my people for life, liberty, freedom, choice.
I hope more people wake up to the horrible reality soon and I thank ANH for
trying to awaken some.
12 June 2022 at 10:40 am
I do admire those people who refused to
vaccinate. I had covid but my doctor refused to confirm and I then bowed to
family pressure to be vaccinated and have follow up boosters. NO more . My
health has deteriorated and it is a fight to get back to being anywhere near as
healthy as I was. My covid vaccinations brought a recurrence of an old shingles
infection in their wake and I have symptoms (though mild) cyclically and
Hopefully we can learn a lesson that a knee jerk response to a new infection is
never a good thing and that world wide government intervention is to be feared.
juni 30, 2024 32 Annika Haas (EU2017EE) / flickr / ( CC BY 2.0 DEED ) I nstellingen die grotendeels onbekend zijn en ver w...