woensdag 1 mei 2024

Kijk: Europarlementariër legt in 2 minuten uit waarom de Green Deal van Timmermans ‘klimaatcommunisme’ is

De Green Deal die ons door de strot geramd is, is een fundamentele strategische vergissing, betoogde Europarlementariër Tom Vandendriessche in het Europees Parlement.

De Europese Unie is verantwoordelijk voor 8 procent van de wereldwijde CO2-uitstoot, dus de illusie dat wij door onze economie te ‘vergroenen’ en te verduurzamen de wereld zullen redden, is illusoir, zei Vandendriessche.

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Nog veel erger

“Maar nog veel erger is dat er ook een ongelooflijke hypocrisie aan te pas komt,” aldus het Europarlementslid, dat erop wees dat industriële processen delokaliseren naar buiten de EU. Vervolgens worden producten die onder omstandigheden zijn gecreëerd die veel minder milieuvriendelijk en duurzaam zijn, geïmporteerd naar de EU. “Dus er zit een ongelooflijke hypocrisie aan vast.”

En wat volgens hem nog veel erger is: het maakt ons ook afhankelijker van de rest van de wereld. De groene transitie is gebaseerd op de noodzaak van een aantal grondstoffen, waaronder palladium. Wie hebben de wereldvoorraad aan palladium in handen? Noord-Korea en Rusland.


Vandendriessche noemde ook germanium en gallium. Waar zit de wereldvoorraad? In China en Rusland.

“Dus wij worden steeds afhankelijker van regimes waar we niet van afhankelijk willen worden en deze Green Deal is in de praktijk volgens onze analyse klimaatcommunisme. We willen er vanaf, we willen het gewoon afschaffen.”

Over de auteur: Robin de Boer is economisch geograaf. Volg hem hier op Substack.

Stofje ontdekt op Paaseiland verlengt het leven en bestrijdt alzheimer

Wetenschappers ontrafelen nog steeds de geheimen van een stofje dat 50 jaar geleden is ontdekt op Paaseiland. Rapamycine wordt geproduceerd door bacteriën en lijkt een krachtige levenselixer te zijn. Ook kan het helpen tegen ouderdomsziektes.

In 2009 werd een baanbrekende studie gepubliceerd waaruit blijkt dat rapamycine het leven van muizen met 9 tot 14 procent verlengt.

In een andere studie werden muizen drie maanden lang met rapamycine geïnjecteerd. Hun leven werd met gemiddeld 60 procent verlengd.

Uit de natuur

Het middel heeft ook verjongende effecten, en kan haargroei stimuleren en haarverlies voorkomen. Het heeft zelfs positieve effecten bij de behandeling van ouderdomsziektes zoals alzheimer, maar ook diabetes en hart- en spieraandoeningen.

Vorig jaar verscheen er een onderzoek in GeroScience naar 333 volwassenen die rapamycine off-label namen. De overgrote meerderheid nam het tegen veroudering en 19 procent om dementie te voorkomen.

Rapamycine is niet in een laboratorium gemaakt, maar komt uit de natuur, zei professor Robert Lufkin van de University of Southern California.

Antibacteriële eigenschappen

In december 1964 reisde een team van 40 mensen onder leiding van Canadese wetenschappers af naar het eiland om het te verkennen. Ze ontdekten dat lokale bewoners nooit tetanus kregen, dankzij een metaboliet van Streptomyces hygroscopicus dat antibacteriële eigenschappen heeft.

De substantie zorgt ervoor dat schimmels en dingen eromheen afsterven en voorkomt dat de organismen groeien, zei professor Arlan Richardson van de University of Oklahoma.

Paaseiland heet eigenlijk Rapa Nui en om die reden is het stofje dat op het eiland is ontdekt ‘rapamycine’ gedoopt.

Geen serieuze bijwerkingen

Omdat het celgroei tegengaat, werd het later gebruikt als kankermedicijn. Lufkin merkte op dat rapamycine effectief is tegen diverse kankersoorten.

Professor Andrea Maier van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam zei dat rapamycine ontstekingsremmend werkt en het hartstelsel positief beïnvloedt.

Een review die in februari is gepubliceerd in The Lancet Health Longevity concludeert dat het gebruik van rapamycine bij gezonde mensen geen serieuze bijwerkingen veroorzaakt. Op dit moment lopen er bijna 100 klinische onderzoeken naar het middel.

[The Epoch Times]

Over de auteur: Robin de Boer is economisch geograaf. Volg hem hier op Substack.


30domingoOct 2016


Posted by José Félix Rodríguez Antón in cáncerCIENCIA

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Easter IslandglioblastomaHans LauritslymphomasmTORRapa NuirapamycinSilorimusStreptomyces hygroscopicusSuren SehgalValter Longo

Rapa Nui (Easter Island) is situated in the southeastern Pacific Ocean, 163 km2, population 6.600 residents. Easter Island is famous for its 887 extant monumental statues, called moai, created by the early Rapa Nui people. Is a volcanic high island, dominated by hawaiite and basalt, the climate is classified as a tropical rainforest climate (Af) that borders on a humid subtropical climate.

A streptomycete was isolated from an Easter Island soil sample and found to inhibit Candida albicans, Microsporum gypseum and Trichophyton granulosum. The antibiotic-producing microorganism was characterized and identified as Streptomyces hygroscopicus. The antifungal principle was extracted with organic solvent from the mycelium, isolated in crystalline form and named rapamycin.

Stresptomyces hygroscopicus  (Actenomyces hygroscopicus synonimus) is a bacterial species in the genus Streptomyces. It was first described by Hans Laurits Jensen in 1931. He was born in Graese, he came under the influence of Professor Weis in the Department of Plant Physiology at the Agricultural University in Lyngby, Denmark. His growing interest in soil microbiology. Main terms to his work have been supplied by actinomycetes, coryneform bacteria, and both free-living and symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria.

Scientific classification

§  Kingdom: Bacteria

§  Phylum: Actinobacteria

§  Class: Actinobacteria

§  Order: Actinomycetales

§  Family: Streptomycetaceae

§  Genus: Streptomyces

§  Species: hygroscopicus

§  Subspecies: hygroscopicus angustmyceticus, S. hygroscopicus decoyicus, S. hygroscopicus glebosus, S.hygroscopicus hygroscopicus, S. hygroscopicus ossamyceticus


Sirolimus, also known as rapamycin, is a macrolide, is used in medicine to prevent organ transplant rejection and to treat lymphangioleiomyomatosis.

§  Was isolated for the first time in 1972 by Suren Sehgal and colleagues from samples of Streptomyces hygroscopicus found on Easter Island. Sirolimus was initially developed as an antifungal agent. However, this use was abandoned when it was discovered to have potent inmunosuppresive and antiproliferative properties due to its ability to inhibit mTOR

§  In the 1980s, found to have anticancer activity although the exact mechanism of action remained unknown until many years later.

§  Rapamycin was also it was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in September 1999 and is marketed under the trade name.

mTOR  inhibitors are a class of drugs that inhibit the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR). One of the most promising antiaging mechanisms was discovered by accident. In 2001 biologist Valter Longo of the University of Souther Calirfornia went away for a weekend and forgot to feed yeast cells that he was using in an experiment. He was surprised to discover that starving them completely for a time made them live longer than usual. The reason, he learned, lay in a cascade of molecular actions usually referred to by the enzyme at its center, which is called mTOR.

This pathway was originally discovered years earlier thanks to a drug called rapamycin, which was found in soil bacteria. The drug, scientists learned, affected a mayor pathway regulation growth and division in the cell, like the circuit breaker in a tiny factory. Researchers named the path mTOR because it is a “mechanistic target of rapamycin”. When mTOR is activated, the “factory” (that is, the cell)

§  producing new proteins,

§  growing

§  and ultimately dividing.

When mTOR is bloked, suchs as by rapamycin cell growth and replication slow down or stop. This is why rapamycin has been effective as an immunosuppressor to protect transplanted organs and more recently as a cancer therapy; these conditions involve runaway cell division.

Silorimus inhibits IL-2 and other cytokines receptor-dependent signal transduction mechanisms, via action on mTOR, and thereby blocks activation of T and B cells. The mode of action of sirolimus is to bind the cytosolic protein FK-binding protein 12 (FKBP12) in a manner similar to tracrolimus. The sirolimus-FKBP12 complex inhibits the mTOR. Target Of Rapamycin,  pathway by directly binding to mTOR Complex 1 (mTORC1). mTOR  has also been called FRAP (FKBP-rapamycin-associated protein), RAFT (rapamycin and FKBP target), RAPT1, or SEP.

Sirolimus is metabolized by the CYP3A4 enzyme and is a substrate of the P-glycoprotein (P-gp) efflux pump. It has elinimation half-life of 57-63 hours. The byosynthesis of the rapamycin core is accomplished by a type 1 polyketide synthase (PKS) in conjunction with a nonribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS). The domains responsible for the biosynthesis of the linear polyketide of rapamycin are organized into three myltienzymes, Rap A, Rap B, Rap C, which contain a total of 14 modules. Then, the linear polyketide is modified by the NRPS, Rap P, which attaches L-pipecolate to the terminal end of the polyketide, and then cyclizes the molecule, yielding the unbound product, pherapamycin.

When dosed appropriately, sirolimus can enhance the immune response to tumor targeting or otherwise promote tumor regression in clinical trials. Sirolimus seems to lower the cancer risk in some transplant patients. It was shown to inhibit the progression of dermal Kaposi´s sarcoma in patients with renal transplants. Other mTOR   inhibitors, such as temsirolimus or eversolimus, are being tested for use in cancers such as glioblastoma multiforme and mantle cell lymphoma.

combination therapy of doxorubicin and sirolimus has been shown to drive AKT-positive lymphomas into remission in mice. Sirolimus blocks AKT signaling and the cells lose their resistance to the chemotherapy. Bcl-2-positive lymphomas were completely resistant to the therapy; eIF4E-expressing lymphomas are not sensitive to sirolimus.

mTOR  inhibitors are a class of drugs that inhibit the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR), which is a serine/threonine-specific protein kinase that belongs to the family of phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K) related kinases (PIKKs), Mtor  regulates cellular metabolism, growth, and proliferation by forming and signaling through two protein complexes:  mTOR1  and mTOR2.  The most established mTOR inhibitors are so-called rapalogs, which have shown tumor responses in clinical trials against various tumor types.

Many human tumors occur because of dysregulation of mTOR signaling, and can conferhigher susceptibility to inhibitors of mTOR. Deregulations of multiple elements of the mTOR pathway, like P13K amplification/mutationPTEN loss of function, AKT overexpression, and S6K1, 4EBP1, and eIF4E overexpression have been related to many types of cancers. Therefore, mTOR is an interesting therapeutic target for treating multiple cancers, both the mTOR inhibitors themselves or in combination with inhibitors of other pathways.


Relation links:

§  Rapamycin


§  mTOR




§  Wikipedia

§  Jensen, HL (1931) “Contributions to our knowledge of actinomycetales” Biodiversity Heritage Library.

§  Vézina,C; Kudelski,A; Sehgal, S N (1975) “Rapamycin (AY-22,989), a new antigungal antibiotic. I. Taxonomuy of the producing streptomycete and isolation of the active principle”. The Journal of Antibiotics 28(10): 721-726.

§  Valter Long, Fabricio,P; Pozza, F; Plethcer,S; Gendrom, C.M; Longo, VD (2001) “Regulation of Logevity and Stross Resistence by Sch9 in Yeast”.

§  Chan S (2004) “Targeting the mmammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR): a new approach to treating cancer”. Br J Cancer 91(8)1420-4.

§  Wendel HG, De Stanchina E, Fridman JS, et al (2004) “Survival signaling by Akt and Eif4e in oncogenesis and cancer therapy”. Nature 428 (6980):332-7.Science Daily.

§  Novak, Kristine (2004) “Therapeutics: Means to an end” Nature Reviews Cancer 4:332.

§  Mayo Clinic Researches (2009) “Formulate Treatment Combination Lethal To Pancreatic Cancer Cells” Science, 292 (5515): 288-290. Doi:10//26/science.

§  Meric-Gernstam, F; Gonzalez-Angulo, A.M. (2009) “Targeting the Mtor Signaling Network for Cancer Therapy”. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 27 (13):2278-87.

§  Populo, Helena; Lopez, José Manuel; Soarez, Paula (2012) “The mTOR Signaling Patway in Human Cancer”. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.13 (12): 1886-918.

§  Bill Gifford (September  2016) “Will defeat aging”. Scientific American 58-60.



Metabolite extract of Streptomyces hygroscopicus Hygroscopicus inhibit the growth of Plasmodium berghei through inhibition of ubiquitin - proteasome system

Y B Rivo 1A AlkarimahN N RamadhaniA W CahyonoD A LaksmiS WinarsihL E Fitri


·    PMID: 23959495

Free article


Streptomyces hygroscopicus Hygroscopicus, a member of family of Actinomycetes produces eponemycin a proteasome inhibitor that can inhibit Ubiquitin-Proteasome System (UPS) function in eukaryotic cell. Previous study showed that coronamycin, an active substrate isolated from Streptomyces sp. can act as anti-plasmodial, antibacterial, and antifungal, however the research did not show the mechanism of coronamycin in inhibiting the growth of Plasmodium. This research was done to reveal if eponemycin that is contained in metabolite extract of S. hygroscopicus can inhibit UPS function of Plasmodium berghei. This study was an experimental study using P. berghei infected Balb/C mice as malaria model. Samples were divided into 1 control group (group infected with P. berghei without treatment) and 3 treatment groups (mice infected with P. berghei and treated intra-peritoneal with metabolite extract of S. hygroscopicus dose 130 μg/kgBW, 580 μg/kgBW, and 2600 μg/kgBW for 5 days). The degree of parasitemia and morphology of the parasite were measured from the first day of malaria induction until the last treatment. The accumulation level of polyubiquitin was measured using Western blot and ELISA method. The degree of parasitemia on day 6 showed significant differences among treatment groups and control (p=0,000). Percentage of inhibition showed significant differences between control and group treated with metabolite extract of S. hygroscopicus 2600 μg/kgBW. An increasing dose of extract of S. hygroscopicus followed by an increasing of inhibition in parasite growth (r=0,850). Probit analysis showed that ED50 was 9.418 μg/kgBW. There was a change in morphology of the parasite after treatment. Parasite morphology became crisis form. There was an accumulation of polyubiquitinated protein in the group treated with metabolite extract of S. hygroscopicus 2600 μg/kgBW. It can be concluded that analog eponemycin in metabolite of S. hygroscopicus is a potential candidate for new malarial drug by inhibiting UPS function of the parasite and cause stress and dead of the parasite.

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