zondag 25 juli 2021

Hot water extraction of shikimic acid from star anise

donderdag 13 mei 2021  16:03

Shikimic Acid

Shikimic acid is the intermediate product of this biological pathway by shikimate dehydrogenase, which facilitates the reversible transformation by reduction of 3-dehydroshikimate into shikimate.

From: Phytochemicals as Lead Compounds for New Drug Discovery, 2020


Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/chemistry/shikimic-acid


Rapid separation of shikimic acid from Chinese star anise (Illicium verum Hook. f.) with hot water extraction


Shikimic acid can be rapidly separated (ca. 5 min) from Chinese star anise with hot water extraction at temperatures of 120 °C or higher to obtain recoveries of 100%.


Extraction recoveries of shikimic acid close to 97% can be obtained with water at 70 °C using slightly longer extraction times (ca. 10 min) than those at 120 °C.


A semi-batch flow apparatus was used to study the effect of temperature, average particle size, water flow rate, and extraction time on the experimental recoveries.

For 0.5 g Chinese star anise raw material that contained ca. 8% shikimic acid, 100% recoveries of shikimic acid could be obtained with 60 g water at 150 °C at 15 MPa in 4 min for star anise material having a particle size range from 355 to 600 μm.

A one-site kinetic model was found to provide good correlation of the data and the kinetic parameters of the model could be written in terms of linearized contributions in temperature, average particle diameter and flow rate.


Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1383586609002809





What food is shikimic acid in?


Shikimic acid can also be extracted from the seeds of the sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) fruit, which is abundant in North America, in yields of around 1.5%.

For example, 4 kg of sweetgum seeds is needed for fourteen packages of Tamiflu.


By comparison, star anise has been reported to yield 3% to 7% shikimic acid.


Shikimic acid is generally utilized as a starting material for industrial synthesis of the antiviral Oseltamivir (this drug against the H5N1 influenza virus is administered to treat and prevent all the known strains of influenza virus) [2, 5].24 jul. 2011


Is shikimic acid an antiviral?


Shikimic acid is a primary progenitor of the pharmaceutical manufacturing as antiinfluenza drug oseltamivir. Oseltamivir is marketed under the brand name Tamiflu. It is a potential antiviral medicine used to cure and prevent influenza A and influenza B infections.  24 jan. 2020


Shikimic acid as intermediary model for the production of drugs effective against influenza virus



This chapter explains the application of shikimic acid as preventive medicine for the outbreak of swine or Avian flu due to H1N1 virus. Shikimic acid (3,4,5-trihydroxy-1-cyclohexene-1-carboxylic acid), a natural organic compound, is generally utilized as a starting material for industrial synthesis of the antiviral oseltamivir, a drug against the H1N1 influenza virus. It is also an important intermediate in the biosynthesis of lignin, aromatic amino acids (phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan), and most alkaloids of plants and microorganisms. Plant and microbial sources are the only sources of shikimic acid. Being a deadly viral disease, influenza causes the death of around half a million people each year. A neuraminidase present on the surface of the virus is the most important factor for viral reproduction by contributing to the release of viruses from infected host cells and hence the treatment of influenza can only be possible by neuraminidase inhibitors. The neuraminidase inhibitors oseltamivir or Tamiflu derived from shikimic acid pathway have been found to be potent influenza viral neuraminidase inhibitors against most influenza strains.

Keywords: Avian flu, H1N1 influenza virus, Neuraminidase inhibitors, Shikimic acid




Viruses are small infectious organism or obligate intracellular parasite found in virtually all ecosystem, numbering in millions. Within the last 30 years, the etiological mechanisms of some notorious viruses affecting humans have been described. Viruses are enclosed by structural coded protein coat along with either a DNA or RNA genome. The genetic material (DNA or RNA) of viruses contain information needed to replicate or to make number of copies of the virus. Viruses are considered as genetic mobile elements of mainly cellular origin, identified by an extended coevolution of host and virus. Specialized host cells providing complex biosynthetic and metabolic machinery of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms help in the propagation of viruses and a whole virus particle is known as virion.

Viral infections have the ability to spread from man to man or from other sources to man either by indirect or direct contact, particularly by means of excretal matter, contaminated articles, throat and nose secretions, and very common is droplet infection. An insect vector also spreads infections, e.g., transmission of dengue fever is by mosquito Aedes aegypti. A number of viral diseases are transmitted through milk and water, e.g., infectious hepatitis and poliomyelitis. Sometimes viruses change the function of the cell without destroying the host cell. Viruses might remain dormant for a period of time before multiplying again.

The genetic material of viruses controls the cells by forcing it to replicate. Generally, infected cells dies as it cannot perform the normal function and after cell death it releases a new virus which continues to infect other cells. A number of viruses alter the cellular functions instead of killing the cells and these infected cells multiply abnormally by losing the control over normal cell division and turning into cancerous cells. A virus proliferates and infects cells causing viral infection.

For some viral infections, lifelong immunity is conferred after one attack of the disease such as small pox, measles, and mumps, whereas in case of common cold, short-duration immunity is produced after an attack. In viral diseases, the mode of artificial immunization is similar to those of bacterial infections, for passive immunization dead or live vaccines are used to bring about active immunity.

Diagnostically, prospective and laboratory-based surveillance is of principal significance for the management and early detection of emerging or reemerging infectious diseases. Within the past years, many techniques have been developed for diagnosing viral infections and these procedures include (1) the detection of viral antigen in the lesions through fluorescent antibody techniques, (2) microscopic examination of the lesions, (3) performing serological tests during the course of infection, (4) skin tests, and (5) techniques for identification and isolation of virus.


 Description of the various classes of viruses


Viruses that are pathogenic to human are broadly classified according to the different regions of the body mostly affected and clinical nature of the infection or disease produced (Table 16.1 ). A simple classification system of viruses is the following:

·         • Neurotropic viruses: These are viruses that affect the central nervous system, e.g., viruses of rabies and poliomyelitis.

·         • Dermotropic viruses: This class of viruses produces generalized infection by inducing characteristic lesions on the skin, e.g., viruses of measles, small pox, and chicken pox.

·         • Pneumotropic viruses: These are viruses that produce characteristic symptoms of the respiratory tract, e.g., viruses of influenza and common cold.

·         • Hepatotropic viruses: This group of viruses infects the liver, e.g., viruses of infectious hepatitis.

·         • Sialadenitis or salivary gland infection: These are viruses that affect salivary gland or duct, resulting in viral infection such as mumps and flu.

·         • Ocular viral infection: These are viruses that affect the eyes, e.g., viruses of trachoma and epidemic keratoconjunctivitis.

·         • Viruses producing generalized infections: These include viruses of dengue fever and yellow fever.


Source:  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7153330/






A Comprehensive Shikimic Acid Review

2015-11-02 01:41:04


·         Shikimic acid benefits

·         Shikimic acid dosage

·         Shikimic acid side effects

·         Warnings


Summary: Shikimic acid has many uses which include fighting viral, bacterial and fungal diseases. This is due to its ability to enhance immune function, restore bacteria and fungi balance in the intestinal tract and its microbial derivatives. However, shikimic acid has side effects that you should know before you use it.

After reading a comprehensive Shikimic acid review, you will know whether this herbal extract is an ideal supplement for you or not. Shikimic acid refers to an herbal extract that comes from the Chinese star anise. Chinese star anise, also called Illicium verum, is a plant that has many medicinal properties. It commonly grows in Vietnam and China and it has an attractive and sweet fragrance. Traditionally, star anise extract has been used for healing purposes and as a spice. Shikimic acid is the major precursor of most aromatic amino acids, alkaloids and indole derivatives. It is commonly used in pharmaceuticals synthesis and it acts as the first material for neuraminidase inhibitor, Oseltamivir.


Shikimic acid benefits


Use shikimic acid to fight viral diseases

According to a study that was published by the Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, shikimic acid can be used as an anti-viral medication. This study established the scientific mechanism behind this activity of the acid as its ability to enhance immune function. This is made possible by the antioxidant activity of shikimic acid which leads to neuro-protection actions of the cells.


Use shikimic acid as an anti-fungal treatment

Shikimic acid has anti-fungal properties which make it an ideal anti-fungal treatment. According to a study that was published on the Korean Journal of Medical Mycology, the mechanism behind this activity is the ability of shikimic acid to restore bacteria and fungi balance in the intestinal tract. An imbalance of bacteria and fungi in the intestinal tract leads to the growth of a yeast called Candida albicans which leads to candidacies if not controlled. Taking shikimic acid helps in restoring this balance.


Take shikimic acid as a treatment for bacterial diseases

According to a study that was conducted by Taiwan scientists and published on the Journal of Medicinal Food, Shikimic acid has anti-bacterial properties. The scientific mechanism behind the anti-bacterial activity of shikimic acid is its microbial derivatives. The researchers found that the anti-microbial compounds that are found in this acid are effective in fighting up to 67 drug-resistant bacteria strains.

Shikimic acid dosage

The appropriate shikimic acid dosage when used as a treatment for various medical conditions depends on several factors which include the age of the user and health as well as other medical conditions. Currently, there is not adequate scientific information regarding the appropriate range of doses of shikimic acid when used as a treatment for various medical conditions.

However, there are doses of shikimic acid that have been used in different studies. They are as follows:

·         10mM concentrations of shikimic acid per day taken as a supplement to fight viral diseases.

·         16 mg/ml of shikimic acid per day taken as a supplement to treat fungal infections.

·         Up to 6mg/ml of shikimic acid concentration per day taken as a supplement to treat bacterial diseases.

Shikimic acid side effects

Almost every Shikimic acid review that you come across highlights its benefits only. However, this acid has ingredients that can cause blisters, scaling and swelling when applied on the skin. It can also cause problems of the nervous system such as seizures when taken in wrong doses.

How to avoid shikimic acid side effects

These side effects can be avoided by taking shikimic acid according to the physician’s or manufacturer’s instructions. Also consult your doctor before taking the acid as a treatment for any medical condition.


Breastfeeding and pregnant women should not take shikimic acid because there is no adequate, reliable information about its safety on them. Infants should also not be given shikimic acid because it can cause irritability, seizures and vomiting.



·         WebMD: Star Anise

·         Journal of Molecular Neuroscience: Quercitin and shikimic acid immunodulatory activity in comparison to oseltamivir (Tamiflu) in the 2008 in vitro model

·         Korean Journal of Medical Mycology: Antifungal effects of Illicium verum extract and essential Foeniculum vulgare oils against the Candida albicans

·         Journal of Medicinal Food: Antibacterial activity of Illicium veram towards anti-biotic resistant pathogens and its chemical composition


Source: https://www.buyextracts.com/content/a-comprehensive-shikimic-acid-review



Is pine needle tea the answer to covid vaccine shedding / transmission?

Learn about suramin, shikimic acid and

how to make your own extracts

May 10, 2021

by Mike Adams, Natural News:


Disclaimer: The information presented in this article and podcast are for informational purposes only. Nothing present here is intended to diagnose or treat any disease, and there are no supplements or products offered for sale in relation to this information.


Word is spreading that pine needle tea may offer a solution against covid vaccine “shedding” or transmission, which appears to be a phenomenon where vaccinated people are spreading harmful particles or substances to others around them. See this article from a WordPress blog site called “Ambassador Love.”

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/


That article states:


There is a potential antidote to the current spike protein contagion which is called Suramin. It’s found in many forests around the world, in Pine needles. Suramin has inhibitory effects against components of the coagulation cascade and against the inappropriate replication and modification of RNA and DNA. Excessive coagulation causes blood clots, mini-clots, strokes, and unusually heavy menstrual cycles.


Pine needle tea is one of the most potent anti-oxidants there is and it’s known to treat cancer, inflammation, stress and depression, pain and respiratory infections. Pine tea also kills parasites.


Below, find a full podcast and video that reveals two extraction methods, both of which are simple, low-tech, low-cost methods that can be used almost anywhere.


Fresh pine needles from appropriate trees have been used for centuries as sources of vitamin C and other phytochemicals that Native Americans used to treat respiratory infections and other ailments. Vitamin C is a known cure for scurvy, as scurvy is a disease of vitamin C deficiency. Pine needles contain many other substances that appear to reduce platelet aggregation in the blood, potentially preventing blood clots that lead to strokes, heart attacks and pulmonary embolism diagnoses. (See published science sources below.)


Pine needles have been used by indigenous populations around the world as both food and medicine for thousands of years. Many people now believe pine needles may be able to offer protection from covid spike proteins — which are engineered bioweapons found in covid vaccines — as well as covid vaccine “shedding” particles, which also appear to be biological weapons designed to achieve global depopulation.


Dr. Judy Mikovits asserts that globalists are well aware that pine needle tea is the answer to covid depopulation weapons, and they are secretly using pine needle tea to protect themselves from the very plague they have unleashed upon the world, Mikovitz explains.

Digging into the science behind pine needles and covid


As a published laboratory scientist, I decided to dig into this question with the help of my laboratory knowledge and experience. Boiling fresh pine needles in order to make a tea is an extraction method that’s commonly used in food science as well as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).


Water acts as a solvent, and through heat and time, some phytochemicals in the pine needles are extracted into the water, making a pine needle tea. (This is how all tea is made.)


As I poured over the published science research on this topic, I had two primary questions:


1) What molecules are found in pine needles, and what are their functions in relation to halting blood clots or protecting the unvaccinated from covid vaccine shedding?


2) What is the best extraction method to pull these molecules out of pine needles? Is there a low-tech extraction method that almost anyone can use, without needing a laboratory?


Through research, I found that pine needles not only contain suramin, a large molecule that’s touted for various medicinal effects, but also shikimic acid.

Shikimic acid is the basis for Tamiflu, and it’s the molecule found in Chinese Medicine herb Star Anise, that cures plagues



Imagine my surprise when I discovered that pine needles contain shikimic acid, the same molecule found in Star Anise herb used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat plagues and respiratory illness.


The Boston Herald published a story in 2010 that revealed researchers were studying extraction techniques to harvest shikimic acid from pine needles in order to provide this raw material to the pharmaceutical industry to manufacture anti-viral, anti-flu, anti-pandemic prescription medicines. From that story:


Researchers at the University of Maine at Orono say they’ve found a new and relatively easy way to extract shikimic acid — a key ingredient in the drug Tamiflu — from pine tree needles.


Shikimic acid can be removed from the needles of white pine, red pine and other conifer trees simply by boiling the needles in water, said chemistry professor Ray Fort Jr.


But the extracted acid could be valuable because Tamiflu is the world’s most widely used antiviral drug for treating swine flu, bird flu and seasonal influenza. The major source of shikimic acid now is the star anise, an unusual star-shaped fruit that grows on small trees native to China.


The research has been funded from a variety of sources, including the Maine Technology Institute, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the National Science Foundation and the university’s chemistry department.


One study published in ResearchGate confirms that shikimic acid offers antiplatelet-aggregating activity, meaning it helps halt blood clotsContent Analysis of Shikimic Acid in the Masson Pine Needles and Antiplatelet-aggregating Activity.


From the study:


Shikimic acid, when separated by HPLC, exhibited a dose-dependent inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation induced by adenosine diphosphate and collagen in rabbits. Because of the relative high content and good antiplatelet-aggregating activity of shikimic acid, the Masson pine needles can be used as a potential source of shikimic acid.


…achieved about a 6% yield of shikimic acid from Masson pine needles, which is possibly the highest extracted yield from any pine species till now (Chen et al. 2014). Since pine needles are inexpensive and readily available in North Asia, North America, and Europe, there is a strong possibility to utilize them as a drug manufacturer against less available star anise species


That study found that pine needles provide about two-thirds the shikimic acid of star anise herb:


Masson pine needles = 5.71% shikimic acid

Star anise                    = 8.95% shikimic acid


So we know that pine needles, which are extremely common across North America, China and Europe, provide shikimic acid, a kind of “miracle” molecule that may prove incredibly useful for halting blood clots and defending people from respiratory infections.


Further research led me to a study that used neural networking research to optimize the extraction conditions in order to carry out a highly efficient extract from pine needles: 17 Optimization of Extraction Conditions of Shikimic Acid in Pine Needles Based on Artificial Neural Network.


That study offers the following recipe for extraction optimization:


·         Use roughly 75% alcohol (such as vodka) and 25% water

·         Use an ultrasonic cleaning machine with a stainless steel vessel

·         Set the temperature to 65 degrees C.

·         Use 280 mL of extraction solution for every 10 grams of pine needles

·         Use a duration of 25 minutes for the ultrasonic extraction


This finished “tea” should be filtered through a coffee filter or other paper filter in order to remove large particles. The resulting liquid will contain shikimic acid, suramin, pigments and various terpenes, and will typically show some coloration and have a rather pungent taste.


Watch this video to see how I used an ultrasonic cleaning machine to create a water extract of rosemary herb:








How to extract shikimic acid using a common espresso machine 

The most exciting finding in this research was discovering a published science paper that describes using a common espresso machine to carry out a highly efficient extraction of shikimic acid from star anise herb.

That paper is published in Science Direct: Total quantification and extraction of shikimic acid from star anise (llicium verum) using solid-state NMR and cellulose-dissolving aqueous hydroxide solutions.

The paper was published in Organic Letters in 2015, and also appears as a PDF at the University of Oregon website. (This link may be problematic in some browsers because it contains spaces in the URL).


From the abstract of that study:


ABSTRACT: A new, practical, rapid, and high-yielding process for the pressurized hot water extraction (PHWE) of multigram

quantities of shikimic acid from star anise (Illicium verum) using an unmodified household espresso machine has been developed.

This operationally simple and inexpensive method enables the efficient and straightforward isolation of shikimic acid and the facile

preparation of a range of its synthetic derivatives.


In other words, they are taking advantage of the pressurized chamber of an espresso machine to conduct a heat + pressure extraction of shikimic acid from star anise.


In my experience, the star anise herb can be replaced with ground fresh pine needles (green, not brown) to achieve a similar result, extracting shikimic acid from pine needles. To support efficient extraction, you would want to grind the pine needles first, using a low-cost herb grinder.

I intend to reproduce this result in my own lab, but thought that I should share this publicly as soon as possible due to the deadly threat currently posed to humanity from the weaponized covid vaccines.

The study authors further confirm that shikimic acid shows efficacy as an antiviral molecule that also inhibits viral replication in the body:

Shikimic acid derivatives have also been shown to exhibit useful biological activity. Most notably, the well-known antiviral drug oseltamivir (Tamiflu), which acts as a viral neuraminidase inhibitor, is used to treat seasonal influenza and has been deployed during H1N1 influenza outbreaks.

Furthermore, fluorinated shikimate analogues have been shown to inhibit P. falciparum and have been tested as antimalarial drugs. In addition, shikimic acidderived (?)-zeylenone (3) displays anticancer, antiviral and antibiotic behavior, and triacetylshikimic acid exhibits

anticoagulant and antithrombotic activity.

Notice the key term “anticoagulant” in the sentence above.

The study, which was carried out in Tasmania, Australia, deliberately sought a low-cost, low-tech method of extracting shikimic acid from common botanicals (pine needles):

[This method is a] low cost, rapid, pressurized hot water extraction (PHWE)… the first example of the laboratory use of a simple espresso machine to facilitate the extraction of natural products (other than caffeine) from plant material.

We sought to specifically utilize relatively cheap, unsophisticated, and commercially available equipment to achieve the extraction of multigram quantities of star anise.

21 Consequently, given that the pump in an espresso machine enables the continuous flow of water at temperatures up to 96 °C and at pressures of typically 9 bar, we believed that such a system would be suitable for our purposes.

Indeed, this idea is pure genius in its simplicity. And the study authors were able to extract and then purify shikimic acid crystals through a relatively simple process.


This may mean the “cure” for covid is freely available and grows across many continents


The upshot of all this is that a possible “cure” for covid — or at least a defense against covid shedding / transmission — appears to be already provided by Mother Nature and is readily available across multiple continents.

Without having to rely on patented, controlled pharmaceuticals and weaponized vaccines that are clearly designed to spread disease and achieve global depopulation through mass death, people who want to survive the covid vaccine holocaust can simply harvest and process pine needles using espresso machines, and they can potentially make their own anti-plague medicine.

Naturally, we would like to see more research on all this — and please heed the safety precautions below — but it’s clear the science & medicine establishment has lost all credibility or interest in protecting humanity and is now deliberately working to exterminate billions of human beings. Thus, waiting for that industry to study common medicinal plants is a fool’s errand. There will never be funding available for such research, as these findings don’t enhance Big Pharma’s vaccine and drug profits.

Yet for those who are able to access the correct types of pine needles — and who aren’t pregnant or expecting to be pregnant, see below — this simple, natural remedy may ultimately prove to be a “miracle” treatment that saves lives from both covid and covid vaccines.

For the record, we don’t sell pine needles or pine needle extracts, so regulators looking to ban this article will have to go harass someone else. We offer this information as-is, without warranty, in the interests of “emergency authorization publication” for the benefit of humanity and with the intention of saving lives from the deadly vaccine.

Listen to my full podcast here to learn even more about this exciting topic and possible remedy against covid vaccines:




Safety precautions when using pine needles


Before you consume any tea or extract made from plants, be sure you know what plants you’re using. Not all pine trees are suitable, and some conifers — such as yew trees — are toxic.

Cattle have been widely known to experience spontaneous abortions when consuming fresh pine needles as a food source, so anyone expecting to become pregnant (or already pregnant) should obviously avoid consuming pine needle tea, just as a precaution.

The entire “woke” science morons in America and around the world have forgotten that only women can get pregnant, so this particular precaution obviously does not apply to men. If you think men can get pregnant, you may have already suffered cognitive damage from covid vaccines and should seek immediate medical care.

Norfolk Island Pine and Ponderosa Pine trees are also believed to cause spontaneous abortions and should likely be avoided. We don’t know the full composition of various pine species, so we cannot in good conscience tell anyone to drink any tea made from pine needles. Should you choose to do so, exercise common sense and all necessary precaution, and work with a qualified naturopath to design an herbal strategy that’s compatible with your own biology and particular health goals.

Also be aware pine needle tea may interact in unexpected ways with prescription medications, most of which are toxic all by themselves.


We are going to confirm this extraction process using an espresso machine and a single quad mass spec instrument at CWC Labs


The good news in all this is that it appears everyday people can harvest shikimic acid from pine needles using a common espresso machine. Or, for a more thorough extraction of a broad spectrum of terpenes, people can use an ultrasonic clear to achieve such extractions (see my video above).

As a public service, I am now in the process of initiating a laboratory project in my private lab to reproduce this shikimic acid extraction method, but using pine needles instead of star anise herb:

·         We are purchasing shikimic acid standards and researching an HPLC / Mass spec method for quantitation of shikimic acid.

·         We are purchasing a simple herb grinder and a clean, new espresso machine to test the extraction.

·         When completed, we plan to release a video from our lab, showing you the results of our extraction attempts.

We are likely going to be using loblobby pine needles, as that’s what’s common in the central Texas area. I do not know the shikimic acid content of loblobby pines.

Stay tuned to NaturalNews.com and my Brighteon.com channel for more updates on this hugely important topic for humanity:




And thank you for all your support that allows us the funding necessary to pursue this research for humanity.






Read More @ NaturalNews.com


Source: https://www.sgtreport.com/2021/05/is-pine-needle-tea-the-answer-to-covid-vaccine-shedding-transmission-learn-about-suramin-shikimic-acid-and-how-to-make-your-own-extracts/



Fennel Seeds (Venkel Zaad) - shikimic acid

woensdag 12 mei 2021





Special Report: FENNEL SEEDS also a source of shikimic acid to fight covid vaccine shedding




Konstantin Ridaya  a day ago  edited

'Fennel seeds is one of the more popular seeds to sprout as well. Maybe a thing to try out. Note to myself really. I used to sprout a lot and enjoyed to used sprouts in salads. They are easy to make, cost very little and is packed with nutrients always. My favorite was actually fenugreek seeds, which also are so tasty and a true super food. However, don't eat to much of those sprouts; they will make you smell like a huge walking and sweaty curry dish! I also have sprouted mung beans many times, which probably is the fastest to sprout and cheap on top.

I don't know, why Mike Adams would mention Amazon. Don't buy your seeds or anything on Amazon. It is not even cheap anymore. On top, Amazon is now engaged in massive book burning in essence, taking many books of their platform. I just wonder, when they will ban Bibles on Amazon; i guarantee you, that it will happen! Jeff Bezos also is a many times over attendee at Bilderberg meetings. 

Then there is the whole thing, that Amazon want to replace the entire labor force with robots and by the way also now runs unfair competitions against all stores, which do not have their online platform. Amazon also use their monopoly on internet services to take down free speech platforms, as the case against Parler proved. Amazon absolutely has become one of the most evil corporations on Earth and every freedom loving person should boycott Amazon.


·         Kathmandu  Konstantin Ridaya  a day ago
I concur... NO Amazon BUYING..


Kathmandu  a day ago

 FYI- I have been told through the years..Never grow Fennel near other garden vegetables.

Down to Earth Thinking  a day ago  edited

This info on Fennel seed is awesome. I have been growing Fennel for many years and using it in abundance. I cook with it and drink my mint/dandelion root/Oregon Grape/Fennel seed tea daily for many years now. I also put other herbs in it when I think it is necessary like Juniper berries or horse radish root. I will also add some of my chili flakes as I grow 4 types of chilis to use in my cooking for curries and Mexican food.



Cleveland Clinic: Miljoenen Covid-gevaccineerden zullen binnen ‘5 jaar’ sterven

  maart 24, 2025    8     D e gerenommeerde Cleveland Clinic heeft een ijzingwekkende waarschuwing laten vallen dat miljoenen mensen die Cov...