zondag 18 juli 2021

Studies highlight the dangers of face masks for children

Image: Studies highlight the dangers of face masks for children

(Natural News) Face masks have been a necessity for everyone since the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic began. But two studies have pointed out that face masks do more harm than good, especially to children. Both papers focused on the negative effects of high concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) children inhale when wearing masks for prolonged periods.

The first study published June 2021 in JAMA Pediatrics involved a clinical trial in Germany with 45 volunteers from both genders. The volunteers aged between six and 17 years old were made to wear masks. Researchers then measured the levels of CO2 under the children’s masks.

Estimates showed that children forced to wear face coverings while in school do so for an average of 4.5 hours. The researchers discovered that CO2 levels under children’s face masks after just three minutes of being worn exceeded levels deemed unacceptable by the German Environment Agency. They also found that the amount of CO2 inhaled by the child with the lowest CO2 level was three times higher than the agency’s 2,000 parts per million (ppm) limit. Furthermore, the air measured from one seven-year-old child had a CO2 concentration of 25,000 ppm.

The study noted that CO2 building up in the dead-space volume of the masks can lead to hypercapnia or too much CO2 in the bloodstream. It pointed out that “most of the complaints reported by children” such as irritability, headache and reluctance to go to school “can be understood as consequences of elevated [CO2] levels in inhaled air.”

The second study published April 2021 in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) looked at 65 papers about face masks. Of these papers, 44 pointed out the significant negative effects of face coverings. Thirty of the 44 studies related to both surgical and N95 masks, while only 10 pertained to face masks made of fabric.

The April 2021 IJERPH study noted that masks “also present an inhibition to habitual actions” such as eating, drinking, touching, scratching and cleaning the otherwise uncovered part of the face. It added that a face covering “is consciously and subconsciously perceived as a permanent disturbance, obstruction and restriction.”

Study caused a stir in the medical community

The JAMA Pediatrics study mentioned “ample evidence” proving the harmful effects of prolonged mask use. Its authors concluded that “children should not be forced to wear them” in the first place. They continued: “We suggest that decision-makers weight the hard evidence produced by these experimental measurement accordingly.” (Related: Face masks causing children’s bodies to experience spike in toxic CO2 levels.)

The study caused a stir within the medical community, with experts holding debates about it. A report by Just the News continued that the experts also tackled the scant number of studies on whether masks have indeed benefited schoolchildren. A number of schools required children to mask up when in-person classes resumed.

Johns Hopkins University epidemiologist Stefan Baral asked fellow epidemiologist Tracy Hoeg if sharing the study made him an anti-masker. Hoeg was a co-author of a paper that looked at the low risk of COVID-19 spread in schools with masked children. In response, Hoeg said the JAMA Pediatrics study did not provide “the implications of these CO2 levels” or an “unmasked baseline group by age.” This led her to question why the journal even published it in the first place.

University of California San Francisco epidemiologist Vinay Prasad tweeted: “[One] year later and no one has shown that asking kids to wear masks works.” He cited guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommending children two to five years old wear masks. “They need to do a trial to prove it. I bet it will fail,” Prasad wrote.

Meanwhile, blogger Jennifer Cabrera said there were two better questions to ask about the matter. She pointed out why studies used to promote masking do not have a control group. Cabrera also noted why researchers have not studied the effects of wearing masks all day. (Related: “Mask mouth,” skin disease and breathing difficulties: Experts reveal the dangers of prolonged use of face masks.)

Cabrera helped coordinate a group of Florida parents to get their children’s school-required face masks tested in June 2021. The said masks were sent to the University of Florida‘s Mass Spectrometry Research and Education Center for testing. Laboratory tests found that “pathogenic bacteria” that caused diseased such as tuberculosis, pneumonia and meningitis clung to the masks.

MedicalTyranny.com has more articles about the dangers of COVID-19 mask mandates on children’s health.

Sources include:




JustTheNews.com 1

JustTheNews.com 2 

 Former Pfizer VP says mainstream media “fact checks” are “a pack of lies”

Image: Former Pfizer VP says mainstream media “fact checks” are “a pack of lies”

(Natural News) When it comes to the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), there is no such thing as “asymptomatic transmission” or “variants.” These are completely made-up concepts that have no basis in reality, and yet anyone who tries to tell the truth about it is chided by the mainstream media for spreading “misinformation.”

Reuters is doing this to Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former vice president and chief science officer at drug giant Pfizer. For daring to claim that much of the plandemic rhetoric is a pile of pseudoscientific garbage – and it is – Yeadon has been labeled an “anti-vax proponent” who is making “unfounded claims.”

A “fact checker” article analyzing Yeadon’s claims says that he has created “a mixture of straw men and sheer invention” by revealing that asymptomatic transmission is a lie, and that the idea of variants is just “idiotic.”

“There’s also a terrific peer-reviewed journal article showing that domestic transmission in asymptomatic cases was effectively zero,” Yeadon is quoted as saying about symptomless transmission of the Fauci Flu.

As for variants, Yeadon had this to say:

“I can show several good quality papers demonstrating that T-cells from a convalescent person or an immunized person each recognize all the then-available variants, again, as anticipated by fundamentals of immunology. The weak twaddle in their piece about antibodies is risible.”

Yeadon: People who claim Wuhan Flu shots are safe are “bastards”

Yeadon has also come out in condemnation of the so-called “vaccines,” explaining that “bastards” created them in order to depopulate the world.

“We have VAERS, Yellow Card, and EMA monitoring,” Yeadon says. “We have mechanisms of toxicity. We have multiple open letters to EMA (warning of blood clots) which were immediately followed by vaccine withdrawals (for blood clots).”

The fact that the government is pushing these things on pregnant women is even more heinous, Yeadon says.

“No one in their right mind thinks giving experimental treatments to pregnant women is other than reckless. Especially when reproductive toxicity testing is incomplete.”

Two recent public disclosures show that in mice models, Chinese Virus injections create “a very disturbing concentration” of vaccine chemicals in the ovaries. This is major news, and yet the mainstream media is nowhere to be found in reporting on it.

“No one has followed it up, so the assumption has to be this is happening in humans too, and (II) our concern expressed in the December 2020 petition to EMA about immune cross-reactivity between spike protein and human syncytin-1 has been confirmed,” Yeadon says.

“A paper was very recently published showing young women making antibodies to syncytin-1 within days of vaccination.”

The entire thing is “fraud,” Yeadon says, suggesting that thousands have already died from the injections. And yet where are the people in protesting the scam – and perhaps more importantly, where are they in protesting the government entities that are pushing it on us all?

“These people all need locking up in that new high-security facility being built at speed at Wellingborough, Northants,” Yeadon says. “The prima facie case against a dozen or so people in U.K. warrants their arrest pending criminal prosecutions.”

These are bold statements, and ones that Reuters has decided are unacceptable. In its “fact check,” Reuters declared that Yeadon is wrong, and that the plandemic narrative is somehow right, even though there is zero evidence to support any of it.

“If these figures are of the same order of magnitude for other countries as well, and there is no reason to assume otherwise, then the plague is a deception of unprecedented proportions, and crimes committed against humanity on a huge scale have been committed here,” Yeadon says.

More of the latest news about Chinese Virus deception in the media can be found at Pandemic.news.

Sources for this article include:




Former Pfizer VP Mike Yeadon Answers Reuters ‘Fact Checker’: ‘A Pack of Lies’

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Former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Science Officer Michael Yeadon today told America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) that a Reuters“fact checker” article calling his statements “misinformation” is “a mixture of straw men and sheer invention,” saying the Reutersarticle was “well worth rebutting”.

This is not the first time Reuters has tried to discredit Yeadon by “fact checker” obfuscation, although past attempts have been less half-hearted. This time, Reuters called Yeadon an “anti-vax proponent” who “has made unfounded claims”. Relying on an entity that calls itself “Meedan’s Health Desk, a group of public health scientists working to tackle medical misinformation online,” the Reuters“fact check” addresses Yeadon statements on asymptomatic spread, variants, the COVID-19 vaccine, and its use in pregnancy.

The article’s concluding “verdict” tries to claim that “infected but symptom-free people can spread the coronavirus; vaccinated people are better protected but not 100% immune; research shows COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective for adults and pregnant women.”

Relating to the article, Yeadon said: “The narrative statements that have repeatedly been claimed by the authorities which are a pack of lies are:

“1. Asymptomatic transmission. It’s definitely a lie. Have you seen that video where Fauci states that ‘it’s always a symptomatic person who drives an epidemic and never people without symptoms’?

“A WHO doctor said exactly the same thing.

“There’s also a terrific peer-reviewed journal article showing that domestic transmission in asymptomatic cases was effectively zero.

“All marries up with the statements I’ve made, and with biological logic.

“2. Variants. They’re just being idiotic. I can show several good quality papers demonstrating that T-cells from a convalescent person or an immunized person each recognize all the then-available variants, again, as anticipated by fundamentals of immunology. The weak twaddle in their piece about antibodies is risible.

“3. Vaccines. The bastards are actually claiming they’re safe. Got them. We have VAERS, Yellow Card, and EMA monitoring. We have mechanism of toxicity. We have multiple open letters to EMA (warning of blood clots) which were immediately followed by vaccine withdrawals (for blood clots).

“4. Pregnancy/fertility. No one in their right mind thinks giving experimental treatments to pregnant women is other than reckless. Especially when reproductive toxicity testing is incomplete.”

Yeadon continued:

“But on top of this stupidity, are two recent public disclosures: (I) the distribution of vaccine to tissues in mice shows a very disturbing concentration into ovaries. No one has followed it up, so the assumption has to be this is happening in humans too, and (II) our concern expressed in the December 2020 petition to EMA about immune cross-reactivity between spike protein and human syncytin-1 has been confirmed. A paper was very recently published showing young women making antibodies to syncytin-1 within days of vaccination.”

Summarizing, Yeadon concluded:

“Of course this is wholly fraud. Imagine that the number of people in U.K. who’d actually been killed by the virus, instead of dying with it, was just a couple of thousand; you’d been on the streets with torches and pitchforks.

“You should be. Governments everywhere have lied and lied and lied about every one of the central narrative points about this virus.

“The effect of compliance with their ludicrous policy responses has been to hollow out and arguably to have destroyed economically several G20 counties, and actually increased the number of avoidable deaths, not least by deprivation of healthcare.

“These people all need locking up in that new high-security facility being built at speed at Wellingborough, Northants. The prima faciecase against a dozen or so people in U.K. warrants their arrest pending criminal prosecutions.

“If these figures are of the same order of magnitude for other countries as well, and there is no reason to assume otherwise, then the plague is a deception of unprecedented proportions, and crimes committed against humanity on a huge scale have been committed here.”


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