donderdag 12 augustus 2021


The spike protein behaves as a hapten, a small molecule that binds to the surface of organs, leading to an autoimmune response.
The spike protein can 
damage organs directly by promoting cardiovascular complications, damaging blood vessels in the lungs, and breaking through the blood brain barrier (BBB), important for protecting the brain.
The spike protein can 
incorporate into human DNA through a process called transfection.
The spike protein evokes the release of destructive anti-spike-antibodies, [anti-S-Ab] discussed below.

MOI #1: Injections can lead to death through anaphylactic shock, a life-threatening allergic reaction. With COVID shots, the allergic reaction is suspected to be caused by previous exposure to and sensitization to polyethylene glycol [PEG].

MOI #2: Anti-Inflammatory macrophages, called M2, are inhibited by anti-spike-antibodies [antiS-Ab]

MOI #3: All COVID shots lead to the creation of a spike protein through a process called translation. The spike protein can damage the body by at least FOUR pathways:

1) The spike protein behaves as a hapten, a small molecule that binds to the surface of organs, leading to an autoimmune response.
2) The spike protein can 
damage organs directly by promoting cardiovascular complications, damaging blood vessels in the lungs, and breaking through the blood brain barrier (BBB), important for protecting the brain.
3) The spike protein can 
incorporate into human DNA through a process called transfection.
4) The spike protein evokes the release of destructive anti-spike-antibodies, [anti-S-Ab] discussed below

MOI #4: Spike protein can trigger changes in blood vessel walls, leading to pulmonary artery hypertension (PAH), which is fatal even under the best current conventional and alternative treatments.

MOI #5: The spike protein can bind to the ACE2 receptor on surface of sperm and ovaries. Risk of infertility is high but not yet proven.

MOI #6: Spike proteins cause inflammation and disruption of the blood brain barrier (BBB), leading to neuropathology and brain degeneration.

MOI #7: Neurological degeneration: spike proteins can damage the FUS gene and mutate the TDP-43 protein, leading to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).

MOI #8: Neurological degeneration: mutation and altered function of the TDP-43 protein can also lead to frontotemporal lobe degeneration (FTLD)a cluster of chronic, degenerative neurological diseases

MOI #9: Mutation of the FUS gene can also lead to cancer.

MOI #10: Adenoviruses used in both the Johnson & Johnson shot and the AstraZeneca shots pose a risk of cancer.

MOI #11: Anti-spike-antibodies [anti-S-Ab] can cause significant organ damage, specifically to the lungs. The antibodies can also cross-react with 28 different human tissue types, establishing a mechanism for multi-system autoimmune disorders and multi-organ failure.

MOI #12: Previous coronavirus exposure and the concept called ‘original antigenic sin’ stops true protection against the SARS-CoV-2 if a person has been previously ill with a common coronavirus infection.

MOI #13: There is an increased risk of COVID illness and COVID-related death in people who have had a previous influenza vaccine.

MOI #14: The larger (highly elevated) SARS-CoV-2 antibody response from a COVID infection or from a COVID shot, results in prolonged and more severe illness.

MOI #15: COVID shots can lead to enlarged lymph nodes that may have long term ramifications.

 MOI #16: Widespread use of COVID shots results in non-neutralizing antibodies, especially in people who have already had a COVID infection. This may be leading to virulent mutant viruses

MOI #17: Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) is a phenomenon occurs when a person is exposed to a circulating coronavirus after being vaccinated. The anti-S-Ab enhances the entry of the SARS-CoV-2 virus into the cell (usually macrophages) and accelerates its replication, causing more severe illness than they would have experienced if they had not been vaccinated.

MOI #18: Johnson/Johnson and AstraZeneca shots release a transgene that can lead to potentially deadly side effects from injecting raw genetic material that can induce anti-DNA antibodies and can integrate into human DNA.

MOI #19: Both Johnson/Johnson and AstraZeneca shots carry a snip of double stranded DNA (dsDNA) [transgene] wrapped in an adenovirus outer “shell.” 50-billion particles are injected with each injection. dsDNA-antibodies are diagnostic of a long list of autoimmune  disorders.

MOI #20 – The AstraZeneca shot has been known to be associated with potentially deadly blood clots, a condition named Vaccine-Induced Prothrombotic Immune Thrombocytopenia (VIPIT).

“Approving a vaccine, utilizing novel RNA technology without extensive testing is extremely dangerous. The vaccine could be a bioweapon and even more dangerous than the original infection.”

* REF: Classen JB. COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease. Microbiol Infect Dis. 2021; 5(1):1-3.


By injecting the synthetically made SARS-CoV-2 spike protein into the entire population through these genetic-modification injections, the risk of longterm side effects and risk of developing an autoimmune illness will remain for an unknown period of time. 

However, with B-cell priming and irreversible genetic manipulation, the risk for developing chronic illness or sudden death could last forever.


Résume uit:  20MOI E-book By Dr. Sherri Tenpenny.PDF 

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Leaked report reveals Moderna COVID vaccine caused 300,000 vaccine injuries in three-month time span, hidden from VAERS

Wednesday, August 11, 2021 by: Lance D Johnson
Tags: badhealthbadmedicinebadscienceconcealmentCover-Updata reportingfraudgenocideinternal memoleaked reportmandatory reportingModernatransparencyvaccine damagevaccine injuryvaccine warsvaccinesVAERS


(Natural News) Moderna is new to the vaccine industry, and they are part of a global effort to introduce new mRNA spike protein replication technology to the field of vaccination. The company is also new to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), a government reporting database that collects incidences of vaccine injury and death. A leaked report from Moderna’s data collection company reveals that the Moderna covid-19 vaccines have caused upwards of 300,000 vaccine injuries in a three-month time span – dwarfing the number of vaccine injuries Moderna actually reported to VAERS in that time frame.

CDC and FDA ignore hundreds of thousands of vaccine injuries

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) manage VAERS and are well aware of the widespread injuries and deaths caused by these vaccines. VAERS is required to make these injuries public each and every week, even as the medical establishment continues to yawn and turn the other way. The VAERS database has published hundreds of thousands of vaccine injury reports in 2021, but the CDC and the FDA haven’t done anything significant to address the wide-scale medical malpractice and wrongful death perpetuated by this bioweapon experiment. The CDC and the FDA refuse to take the vaccines off the market, and only warn young adults that the vaccines “rarely” cause heart problems, anaphylactic shock, and blood clots.

Moderna is legally required to forward all vaccine injury reports directly to VAERS, but they apparently aren’t doing their part and are concealing massive amounts of vaccine injury data. If this data was shared in a timely and transparent manner, it would further corroborate the numerous, wide-scale injuries already being reported to VAERS.

Moderna concealing hundreds of thousands of vaccine injuries

According to the most recent data from VAERS, Moderna has only reported 110,500 adverse events reports from January through March for their SpikeVax COVID-19 vaccine. Most of these injuries occurred in the United States. VAERS also reports another 78,000 reports of vaccine injury from SpikeVax from April through June, with 71,400 of those injuries coming from the United States. Of these 188,500 vaccine injuries reported to VAERS, Moderna themselves only reported a fraction of them. Most of the reports came from patients, physicians, and other health care providers, who documented the adverse events in a medical report filed with VAERS.

Most shocking yet, a data collection service that works for Moderna sent out an internal memo highlighting up to 300,000 adverse events that occurred in a three-month span in 2021. Moderna’s data collection company is called IQVIA. This company helps drug-makers manage clinical trials. IQVIA employs 74,000 people and grossed $ 11 billion in sales last year. The company’s President for Research and Development Solutions sent out a Quarter Two update that was labeled “Confidential – for internal distribution only.” The report includes upwards of 300,000 incidences of vaccine injury reported directly from injured consumers.

The memo states that IQVIA applied more than 12 automation’s to drive greater efficiencies and quality “to ensure regulatory compliance for the Moderna pharmacovigilance program.” The memo states that “this enabled the team to effectively manage approximately 300,000 adverse event report and 30,000 medical information queries in a three-month span to support the global launch of their covid-19 vaccine.” These injuries might coincide with whistleblower testimony and a subsequent lawsuit alleging 45,000 deaths from covid-19 vaccines have been covered up.

Many physicians aren’t even reporting vaccine injuries because the media has normalized the injuries, claiming they are “better than the symptoms of covid.” All this vaccine damage is a money-making business for the medical system. The FDA and the CDC have no way of ensuring that physicians are accurately and consistently reporting vaccine injuries. However, according to the law, vaccine manufacturers must forward all reports they receive. The manufacturer must report “any adverse event listed in the VAERS Table of Reportable Events Following Vaccination occurring within the specified time period after vaccination” or an adverse event listed by the vaccine manufacturer as a contraindication to administering further doses of the vaccine.

With these revelations, Moderna could be in serious violations of the law.

Sources include:


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