donderdag 7 oktober 2021

 Most dangerous street in Philadelphia


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6 jul. 2021


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Kensington Philadelphia Drug & Crime Problems

Violent crime and drug abuse in Philadelphia as a whole is a major problem. The city’s violent crime rate is higher than the national average and other similarly sized metropolitan areas.1 Also alarming is Philadelphia’s drug overdose rate. The number of drug overdose deaths in the city increased by 50% from 2013 to 2015, with more than twice as many deaths from drug overdoses as deaths from homicides in 2015.2 A big part of Philadelphia’s problems stem from the crime rate and drug abuse in Kensington.

Because of the high number of drugs in Kensington, the neighborhood has a drug crime rate of 3.57, the third-highest rate by neighborhood in Philadelphia.3 Like a lot of the country, a big part of this issue is a result of the opioid epidemic. Opioid abuse has skyrocketed over the last two decades in the United States and Philadelphia is no exception. Along with having a high rate of drug overdose deaths, 80% percent of Philadelphia’s overdose deaths involved opioids2 and Kensington is a big contributor to this number. This Philly neighborhood is purportedly the largest open-air narcotics market for heroin on the East Coast with many neighboring residents flocking to the area for heroin and other opioids.4 With such a high number of drugs in Kensington, many state and local officials have zoned in on this area to try and tackle Philadelphia’s problem.

Enkele v/d 9.393 reacties

Nas Kane

1 maand geleden

Usually Western media only shows poverty in 3rd world countries, never thought America has this as well.

Re up

1 dag geleden

This is so crazy, all this homeless people almost looks like a theatrical performance unfolding on the street. Look at 1:42 and many others, not even the greatest movie director could imagine these scenes!


2 dagen geleden

This ain't no moviescene, this is the greatest country of the world, Amerikkka!


Rakesh Changmai

1 maand geleden

The parts of US we easterners usually don't see in media. This is definitely an eye-opener.


2 dagen geleden

Looks like ancient Rome in the time of Tiberius Gracchus. He tried to correct the problems, but was murdered by the wealthy and powerful nobles who wanted to keep everything they had, and keep to keep taking from others, perpetuating the horrible homeless problem they had at the time.

Lynda Telford

2 dagen geleden

The land of the free and the home of the brave- sad state of affairs in one of the richest countries in the world. You can tell a lot about a country by the way it treats its poor and homeless 😳




Del Bigtree tells Mike Adams: The only way the pandemic can end now is through natural infection – Brighteon.TV

09/28/2021 / By Nolan Barton

Informed Action Consent Network (ICAN) founder Del Bigtree tells Health Ranger Mike Adams that the only way the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic can end now is through natural infection.

“At the very least, we’ve got to make the United States of America and our health department recognize what we’ve always known, which is natural infection leads to the most robust immunity there is,” says Bigtree during the “Health Ranger Report with Mike Adams” program on Brighteon.TV.

Bigtree laments the fact that White House coronavirus adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are still refusing to acknowledge the value of natural immunity. (Related: Policymakers ignoring natural immunity to covid in favor of “vaccine” immunity.)

“We’ve got to change that,” he says, noting that the vaccine has proven to be a complete failure.

Studies show COVID-19 recovered patients retain broad and durable immunity to the disease

An Emory University study published in the journal Cell Reports Medicine has found that most people who have recovered from COVID-19 retain a broad and durable immunity to the disease, including some degree of protection against its variants.

After people recover from infection with a virus, the immune system retains a memory of it. Immune cells and proteins that circulate in the body can recognize and kill the pathogen if it’s encountered again, protecting against disease and reducing illness severity.

The study involved 254 COVID-19 patients between 18 to 82 years old, who provided blood samples at various points for a period of over eight months beginning April last year. About 71 percent of the patients had mild disease, 24 percent experienced moderate illness, and five percent had severe disease.

The researchers have found that most of the patients who recovered mounted a strong and wide-ranging immune response to the virus for at least the 250-day duration of the study.

COVID-19 recovered patients also displayed stable antibody responses to the other human coronaviruses that cause the common cold, the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) or the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

A study funded in part by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), of which Fauci is the director, has also found durable immune responses in the majority of people who had been exposed to SARS-CoV-2 and recovered.

The study published on Jan. 6 in Science analyzed immune cells and antibodies from almost 200 participants. Time since infection ranged from six days after symptom onset to eight months later. More than 40 participants had been recovered for more than six months before the study began. About 50 people provided blood samples at more than one time after infection.

Antibodies against the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 were found in 98 percent of participants one month after symptom onset. As seen in previous studies, the number of antibodies ranged widely between individuals. But their levels remained fairly stable over time, declining only modestly at six to eight months after infection.

Experts point to COVID-19 vaccine as cause of virus mutation

Meanwhile, leading experts are pointing to the COVID-19 vaccine as the cause of virus mutation. (Related: Top doctor: Mass vaccination program for COVID will be ‘one of the most deadly’ in history.)

“There are clearly sources of information to suggest that once we start vaccination and we get more than 25 percent of the population vaccinated, we will allow one of the variants that’s in the background to emerge because it’s resistant to the vaccine,” board-certified internist and cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough says.

“Just like an antibiotic, once we get to a certain percentage of coverage with an antibiotic, we’ll allow resistant bacteria to move forward.”

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, who has been interviewed by Bigtree on his multiplatform program “The HighWire with Del Bigtree,” offers the same explanation. Vanden Bossche says the ongoing mass vaccination drives are “likely to further enhance adaptive immune escape as none of the current vaccines will prevent replication or transmission of viral variants.”

Immune escape is a term used to describe when the host is no longer able to recognize and counter a pathogen such as a relevant variant or mutant of SARS-CoV-2.

“The more we use these vaccines for immunizing people in the midst of a pandemic, the more infectious the virus will become,” says Vanden Bossche. “With increasing infectiousness comes an increased likelihood of viral resistance to the vaccines.”

Bigtree says Vanden Bossche is not anti-vaccine. In fact, he is a seasoned vaccine developer who coordinated the Ebola vaccine program at the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI).

Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA and DNA vaccines, gives a piece of advice in line with the explanations of McCullough and Vanden Bossche. “I am reminded of the first rule of holes. When you are in one, stop digging,” Malone posts on Twitter. He has also been interviewed by Bigtree.

Former Pfizer Vice President Dr. Michael Yeadon has also appeared on Bigtree’s program. He has implored those in the medical profession to stop giving COVID-19 vaccines to people who are not at risk of dying from the virus. “Just stop giving them the vaccine. People are dying,” Yeadon says.

Bigtree notes that Vanden Bossche, Malone and Yeadon are people who have built legacies developing and promoting vaccines. “These people are destroying their historic legacy to tell us the truth. That is so rare and dangerous for them,” Bigtree says.

Watch the Sept. 23 episode of the “Health Ranger Report with Mike Adams” here: 

You can catch new episodes of the “Health Ranger Report with Mike Adams” from Monday to Friday at 3-3:30 p.m. on Brighteon.TV

Follow for more news and information related to the coronavirus pandemic.

Sources include:



VAXX MISLUKKING: Studie toont aan dat antilichamen in de volledig gevaccineerden na drie maanden sterk AFNEMEN

10/04/2021 / Door Zoey Sky

Big Pharma en de Amerikaanse regering blijven het publiek verzekeren dat het veilig is om gevaccineerd te worden, omdat dit de verspreiding van het Wuhan-coronavirus (COVID-19) kan helpen voorkomen. Maar volgens een onderzoek nemen antistoffen bij mensen die volledig zijn ingeënt tegen het coronavirus  binnen drie tot zeven maanden af .

Waarom dalen de niveaus van de antilichamen bij gevaccineerde mensen?

In een rapport van de Zweedse nationale omroep  Sveriges Television AB (SVT), heeft één onderzoek aangetoond dat Zweden en andere zwaar gevaccineerde landen meer doorbraakinfecties hebben geregistreerd onder volledig gevaccineerde personen, wat de vraag oproept waarom regeringen überhaupt aandringen op vaccinmandaten. .

Bevindingen onthulden ook dat de antistoffen niveaus onder volledig gevaccineerde mensen "sneller afnemen dan onderzoekers eerder dachten."

Voor het gemeenschapsonderzoek analyseerden onderzoekers gegevens van meer dan 2.000 zorgmedewerkers. Het onderzoeksteam wilde meer leren over immuniteit na het coronavirus en het effect van vaccins, ook rekening houdend met hoe snel de immuniteit afneemt bij gevaccineerde personen.

Resultaten hebben aangetoond dat bij met Pfizer gevaccineerde mensen die niet besmet raakten met coronavirus, de antistoffen niveaus na drie maanden waren gehalveerd. Binnen zeven maanden bleef slechts 15 procent van de oorspronkelijke niveaus over, wat wijst op een daling van 85 procent, zegt  SVT .

Omdat de zorgmedewerkers die het AstraZeneca-vaccin kregen later de booster-injectie kregen, konden de wetenschappers hen slechts drie maanden volgen. De afnamesnelheid van antistoffen niveaus is echter nog steiler.

Na slechts drie maanden hadden degenen die het AstraZeneca-vaccin kregen nog maar een vijfde van de door Pfizer gevaccineerde antistoffen spiegels (een afname met 80%).

Sommige deelnemers ontvingen het Moderna-vaccin, maar de groep was te klein en had een te korte follow-uptijd, wat niet genoeg was voor de wetenschappers om iets afdoende conclusies te trekken.

Charlotte Thalin, onderzoeksleider, zegt dat hoewel het normaal is dat de antistoffen spiegels in de loop van de tijd afnemen, het verrassend is om te zien dat "het zo aanzienlijk is gedaald in zo'n relatief gezonde en jonge groep." De lage niveaus geven aan dat er nog steeds "een verhoogde verspreiding kan zijn, zelfs in gevaccineerde groepen ", wat gevaarlijk kan zijn voor risicogroepen zoals ouderen.

Er wordt aangenomen dat deze studie meer licht kan werpen op de reden waarom Zweden en andere zwaar gevaccineerde landen nu meer doorbraakinfecties beginnen te registreren bij mensen die volledig zijn gevaccineerd. (Gerelateerd:  Fauci geeft toe dat “antilichamen” van COVID-19-vaccins het virus in feite sterker maken .)

Wetenschappers weten niet hoe effectief vaccins zijn en of ze überhaupt effectief zijn

Zelfs wetenschappers weten niet hoe effectief vaccins zijn, aangezien antistoffen slechts een deel van het immuunsysteem zijn en hoge niveaus van antistoffen zijn gekoppeld aan bescherming tegen infecties, zoals het coronavirus.

Het immuunsysteem bevat echter ook geheugencellen die "snel de spiegels van antistoffen aanvullen" wanneer een patiënt wordt blootgesteld aan het virus. Thalin voegt eraan toe dat experts nog steeds niet hebben vastgesteld "waar de grens ligt om geïnfecteerd of ziek te worden."

Zweden heeft meer dan 10 miljoen inwoners en heeft meer dan 63 procent van de bevolking ingeënt. Tot op heden heeft het 1,15 miljoen gevallen van coronavirus geregistreerd, met meer dan 15.000 doden.

Het land heeft meerdere keren meer doden per hoofd van de bevolking als gevolg van de pandemie in vergelijking met zijn buren, maar het was lager dan de andere Europese landen die lockdowns afdwongen .

In tegenstelling tot buurlanden die alomvattende lockdowns afdwongen, had Zweden een meer lakse aanpak, zelfs op het hoogtepunt van de pandemie. Zweden heft zelfs de laatste beperkingen op woensdag 29 september op. Dit betekent dat het aantal gasten op evenementen niet langer beperkt is. Tegelijkertijd wordt burgers niet langer aangeraden om thuis te werken en worden afstandsvereisten niet langer gehandhaafd.

Terwijl het aantal infecties in Zweden in september daalde, zijn er verschillende clusteruitbraken bij ouderenzorginstellingen, waarvan sommige met dodelijke afloop.

Bezoek  voor meer informatie over de verschillende bijwerkingen van vaccins.

Bronnen zijn onder meer:



Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Gent University in Belgium, and his observations over the past 18 months have led him to conclude that the overwhelming majority have indeed fallen under a kind of spell.



 Dan Astin-Gregory

18K abonnees

Does it sometimes feel like you’re surrounded by people who’ve been hypnotised in some way? Well, maybe you are.

My guest tonight is Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium, and his observations over the past 18 months have led him to conclude that the overwhelming majority have indeed fallen under a kind of spell.

Except it’s not actually a spell, of course: the term for it is ‘mass formation’ and right now it’s manifesting as a psychological response — not unlike hypnosis — to the unrelenting, single-focus campaign of fear to which we have all been subjected.

Join me at 5pm when I will explore with Mattias what triggers and sustains this mass response, where it could ultimately lead us, why a minority somehow manages to remain unaffected, and whether there’s anything we can collectively do to break the spell before it’s too late.

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 Hospital systems PURGE thousands of workers to engineer health care COLLAPSE just as the Dark Winter die-off accelerates

Wednesday, October 06, 2021 by: Mike Adams
Tags: COVIDdark winterdepopulationexterminationgenocidehealth careHospitalsnursespandemicPlandemicVaccine deathsvaccine warsvaccines



(Natural News) The purge of hospital workers with natural immunity is now under way, with The Epoch Times reporting that a large New York health care system has fired 1,400 employees for refusing to be injected with toxic spike protein nanoparticle bioweapons that are mislabeled “vaccines.”

In Michigan, the Henry Ford hospital has seen the resignation of 400 employees who refuse to commit vaccine suicide, prompting the hospital CEO to grin and brag about how his workers are now “nearly 100% vaccinated.”

The Vermont Daily Chronicle reveals that 76% of covid deaths are now occurring among vaccinated individuals. As more time goes by, this number will of course increase, given that Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) worsens health outcomes in vaccinated individuals over time. This fact was recently revealed in a DoD / JAIC / Project Salus document first publicized by attorney Thomas Renz and covered in this bombshell interview:

Booster shots – really full doses of spike protein – are sharply increasing deaths

In Israel, where vaccine obedience has reached nearly 88%, deaths began skyrocketing the very day the “booster shots” were launched. As this shows, the vaccine is the pandemic because it keeps the spike protein circulating and spreading, causing more covid “cases” to be diagnosed, since the fraudulent PCR tests merely confirm the existence of spike protein fragments. See this graphic via

As Children’s Health Defense recently documented, the covid “breakthrough rate” among vaccinated people was a shocking 96.2% in a carefully studied hospital scenario. Despite nearly everyone being fully vaccinated and dressed up with gloves, gowns and PPE, covid spread throughout the hospital and infected dozens. Five of those who were vaccinated died, while the unvaccinated suffered minor symptoms and quickly recovered.

“The vaccine was virtually useless in preventing transmission,” noted Brian Hooker in analyzing the published study.

MILLIONS of Americans will be injured or killed by covid vaccines over the next six months

PREDICTION: Over the next six months, we are going to witness literally millions of Americans hospitalized, injured or killed by covid vaccines, even though all such injuries and deaths will of course be blamed on something else.

As this “pandemic of the VACCINATED” accelerates into the Dark Winter of 2021 – 2022, the health care systems are purging the very health care workers who are going to remain living and capable of treating those injured by spike protein nanoparticles. It is natural immunity that provides the best protection, as even Pfizer’s own scientists readily admit on camera (Project Veritas).

Many of the injured and killed will be health care workers themselves, as hospitals and health care systems are coercing their own workers into near-100% compliance with vaccine mandates.

Yet as Jon Rappaport has detailed on NoMoreFakeNews.comthere is no federal mandate to force private companies to push vaccine mandates on their workers. It doesn’t exist, and the whole “mandate” from Biden appears to be nothing more than an elaborate bluff to try to terrorize private companies into pushing vaccine mandates backed by nothing but smoke and mirrors.

There is no vaccine “mandate” in America that carries the force of law. In fact, state legislators have repeatedly shot down proposed new laws mandating vaccine compliance. The only “mandates” in America are made-up Executive Orders by a fake occupier-in-chief Joe Biden who wasn’t even elected. His EOs carry no force of law whatsoever. Just like every other tyranny the Democrats push, it’s all being done via psychological terrorism, color of law and pure bluster.

(The private companies pushing vaccine mandates are going to be hit with a tidal wave of class action lawsuits from their own (injured) employees, by the way.)

It was all planned: Meet “Kovid” the runway model wearing a mask in EARLY 2019

In case you’re wondering whether this plandemic was really engineered from the very start, a video clip from a “Project Runway” episode that reportedly aired in April of 2019 shows a model named “Kovid” who was wearing a mask. Notably, no one else in the video is wearing a mask.

You can watch the short clip here: 

Folks, you are living in an artificial reality. It’s all a movie being played out in front of your very eyes… and “covid” is nothing more than the common flu virus. What’s real, however, is the spike protein bioweapon which has been aerosolized and dropped on cities in addition to being used in all the covid vaccines.

The engineered collapse will now accelerate into 2022

As we have exhaustively covered in numerous podcasts at the HR Report channel on, the “Dark Winter” collapse of human civilization is now being rolled out and will consist of engineered events that we’re already beginning to see:

  • Extreme food shortages, price inflation and empty shelves
  • Energy shortages (now appearing across Europe and China), power grid outages and energy price instability
  • Currency crisis events involving debt ceilings, money printing and “debt bomb” repercussions
  • Financial collapse spreading throughout China (Evergrande, already spreading) and the world
  • Health care collapse due to the mass firing of workers with natural immunity
  • A gutting of police and first responders in order to thrust cities into mass chaos
  • Extreme risk of international warfare involving China, which is posturing to go to war with Taiwan, Australia, Japan, India and the United States (all at once).

The outcome that’s desired by the globalists who are engineering these events is quite clear:

  • Mass starvation leading to an accelerating die-off of humanity
  • Global failures of health care systems in order to accelerate deaths from lack of basic medical care
  • A collapse in fertility due to spike protein attacks on pregnant women (via vaccinations)
  • Mass impoverishment and homelessness, followed by a global real estate collapse
  • Mass arrests and executions of vaccine dissenters by labeling them as “positive” for measles, then kidnapping them at gunpoint and taking them to CDC death camps which are located all across the USA. (See the CDC map, below)
  • At some point, an engineered takedown of the dollar, via the “global reset” strategy which is really planetary-scale looting of the productive members of society
  • The consolidation of all power into the hands of the global elite, including political power, speech controls, mobility, health care, finance, technology, intellectual property, etc.
  • The rolling out of a centrally controlled cryptocurrency system to replace the failed dollar, allowing globalists to spy on all financial transactions in real time. (Bitcoin was always about prepping the population for a police state electronic monetary system.)
  • The replacement of human beings with robotic automation systems to handle all the labor tasks previously carried out by humans (i.e. agriculture, transportation, warehouse workers, health care, etc.)

See the CDC’s current map of CDC quarantine and isolation camps across America. Sourced via this page at Read the CDC’s “shielding approach” death camp planning document at this link via In this document, the CDC promises to meet “minimum humanitarian standards” for their camp prisoners.

The bottom line? This Winter is the “Final Solution” against humanity. By the spring of 2022, likely tens of millions of people (if not far more) will have been exterminated around the world via the methods mentioned here. But this extermination effort will continue for as long as they get away with it. At some point, humanity must either rise up against this genocidal tyranny or be destroyed by it.

The engineered collapse of the medical system is just one small part in the overall global depopulation plan to transform planet Earth for a post-human future. Only the most prepared and well-informed will survive what is coming.

Find full details in today’s info-packed Situation Update podcast:

See more podcasts and interviews each day at:

Pfizer scientist admits that natural antibodies are “probably better than vaccination”

10/06/2021 / By Ethan Huff

In the latest installment of its “Covid-19 Vaccine Exposed” series, Project Veritas released a new 10-minute video depicting a Pfizer scientist telling the disturbing truth about his company’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.”

Nick Karl explains to the interviewer that people’s natural antibodies are “probably better” than Pfizer’s mRNA injections at protecting against Chinese Virus infection – watch below:

“When somebody is naturally immune – like they got covid – they probably have more antibodies against the virus,” Karl admitted.

“When you actually get the virus, you’re going to start producing antibodies against multiple pieces of the virus … So, your antibodies are probably better at that point than the [covid] vaccination.”

Karl went on to explain that the whole point of “vaccine passports” is not to keep people safe but to make it “so inconvenient for unvaccinated people” that they get to the point of just complying.

Compliance, it turns out, is the whole point of the Chinese Virus injection scheme. There is no evidence to suggest that the shots are helping to produce lasting immunity against any disease.

Pfizer senior associate scientist tells Veritas journalist to not get vaccinated

Another Pfizer Senior Associate Scientist by the name of Chris Croce echoed Karl’s sentiments, explaining that people who develop naturally acquired immunity to whatever it is that is circulating are “probably more” protected than people who take the shots.

“So, I am well-protected [with antibodies]?” the Veritas journalist asked Croce.

“Yeah,” Croce responded.

“Like just as much as the vaccine?” the Veritas journalist responded.

“Probably more,” Croce responded, adding when asked that “you’re protected most likely for longer since there was a natural response.”

Almost unbelievably, Croce went on to tell the Veritas journalist to “wait” to get vaccinated until natural immunity wanes – if it ever even does. Chances are that a person will be permanently immune after recovering, not requiring any further interventions.

Another Pfizer scientist, Rahul Khandke, revealed further to the Veritas journalist that company executives pressure lower-level employees to conceal incrimination data and other “negative information” from the public.

“We’re bred and taught to be like, ‘vaccine is safer than actually getting COVID.’ Honestly, we had to do so many seminars on this. You have no idea. Like, we have to sit there for hours and hours and listen to like – be like, ‘you cannot talk about this in public,'” Khandke stated, agreeing with the sentiment that natural antibodies are preferable to vaccination.

“If you have [covid] antibodies built up, you should be able to prove that you have those built up,” he added.

At the current time, according to Croce, Pfizer is conducting tests to see if its mRNA Chinese Virus injections are causing younger people to develop myocarditis.

“So, yeah, we’re doing, we just sent like 3,000 patients’ samples to get tested for like, elevated troponin levels (to detect heart attack) to see if it’s vaccine-based,” Croce further said.

Since each of these three men’s identities are now public, it remains to be seen what may happen to them for their candid admissions. Our guess is that Pfizer’s top brass is not happy about these revelations going public.

“The entire scam has been exposed,” wrote one commenter at Zero Hedge. “These criminals, including Fauci, need to be strung up.”

“Talk about ‘blood on your hands.’ Wow. Imaging getting the vax … then realizing what you did to yourself after the fact. Oops!”

Another responded that everyone should pray that James O’Keefe of Project Veritas will be protected for his bravery in exposing all of this.

The latest news about Fauci Flu shot deception can be found at

Sources for this article include:

MI6-chef waarschuwde premier Covid was ‘genetisch gemanipuleerd om te ontvolken’ – Britse regering verborg de waarheid

  maart 23, 2025    7 V ijf jaar geleden gaf Sir Richard Dearlove, de voormalige chef van MI6, een angstaanjagende waarschuwing af aan de to...