COVID-19 a Bioweapon?
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Fact Checked
September 26,

(Opgelet is een tijdelijke link, wegens censuur v/d website van Dr. Mercola))
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· In his book, “Is COVID-19 a
Bioweapon? A Scientific and Forensic Investigation,” Dr. Richard Fleming
documents evidence showing SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon created over the past two
· Once you conclude that
SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon, you must also recognize that the COVID shots are
nothing more than the genetic reproduction of that bioweapon. In other words, they are bioweapons too
· The same people involved in
the funding of this bioweapon are the same people who have interfered with
doctors providing treatment to patients, and the same people who have been
involved in the development of these COVID shots
· Health care workers are
injecting people with something they cannot possibly give informed consent for,
which means health care workers are violating their Hippocratic Oath
· Health care workers who
give these COVID shots are also violating the International Covenant on Civil
and Political Rights Treaty, the Nuremberg Code, the Declaration of Helsinki
and other legal statutes
Helping you
take control of your health in these crazy times is Dr. Richard Fleming, a
prolific author in addition to being a physicist, a nuclear cardiologist,
researcher and attorney.
Here, we
discuss his latest book “Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon? A Scientific and Forensic Investigation,” slated for release
September 7, 2021. It’s currently available for preorder on Amazon. It’s an
incredibly well-documented book and contains history that many of us aren't
aware of. As it turns out, the creation of this virus goes back not a year or
two but two decades.
“My area of aptitude [is] physics and calculus, the
mathematic language for that. Physics, and particularly high energy particle
physics, is something that I find very fascinating.
I eventually wound up doing some of that later on
in life as a nuclear cardiologist. So, [I’ve done] 53 years of research in
physics, and in medicine, I actually developed the inflammation in heart
disease theory and presented it to American Heart in 1994.
I joined American Heart in 1976 as the youngest
faculty member at that time, and I got put in several standing committees as a
result — basic and advanced cardiac life support as well as the physician
cholesterol education faculty.
I did a lot of research on dietary influences and
factors that are critical, not only for in the end — heart disease — but other
chronic inflammatory diseases, be that cerebrovascular diseases, strokes,
diabetes or cancer,” Fleming explains.
Standing on Principles of
Fleming is also
a scientific reviewer for more than 16 different journals. He was on the
external clinical review board for The Lancet, but quit in protest of the fake
hydroxychloroquine article they published — an act I believe demonstrates his
dedication to scientific integrity. He also resigned from the British Medical
Journal Open Quality due to similar concerns.
“Eventually we either stand behind principles or we
acquiesce and become nothing more than the German doctors of Nazi Germany
during World War II,” he says. “And as history
showed us, they eventually paid a price at the Nuremberg Trials …
There are people — powers that be — that think that
they have things going their direction, but it's very clear to me that they're
not confident that they've got everybody under control. The way in which this
is all being handled demonstrates that they're more worried about the truth
coming out than not. And I think they're worried about the consequences, as
they should be.”
Digging Up the Truth
Early on in
2020, Fleming started researching treatment options for SARS-CoV-2 using the
Fleming Method, which you can learn more about on Using this method, you
can measure how a given intervention works on the tissue level, and how
infection or inflammation is responding to the treatment.
He ended up
developing 52 treatment combinations, and over the course of that study, the
length of hospitalization stays went from five to six weeks down to one to two
weeks. But he also learned something else.
“In the process of doing that research, I dug more
and more and investigated what was going on, and that led me into the
background of the research that many of these people had been doing,” Fleming explains.
“Tens of millions of dollars have been funneled out
of the U.S., and Anthony Fauci has helped with that. He's been on those
committees. You can see the grant numbers in the book.”
Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon?
gain-of-function can be used for benevolent purposes, it can just as easily be
used for nefarious ones, “and that's kind of what you see happening,” Fleming
“You see real efforts to produce viruses,
coronaviruses, in particular. Spike proteins of coronaviruses to be even more
specific, as I show in the book, paid for by the federal government by people
who say they were not involved in gain-of-function research.
Well, their fingerprints are on the documents, or
on the published papers or on the grants or on the patents. You can't say that
you're not involved in things when the documents show differently. They show
the work and the money that came out of the federal government that went to
Peter Daszak at EcoHealth, that went to Ralph Baric at the University of North
Carolina, Shi Zhengli at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and other places.
For me, as a researcher, obviously, once I start to
investigate something, the only way you can stop me from doing that is to put a
bullet in my head. Otherwise, I'm going to stay after it. There are things that
are not in the book that are going to come out in international criminal court,
things I'm saving for that, because this virus is, by definition, a biological
It violates the biological weapons convention
treaty. You just have to look at the definitions. It provides nothing useful to
humanity. It's dangerous. When Fort Detrick is involved and the Department of
Defense is involved … and you see these monies and you see the people that are
involved, you realize that … the United States was playing China, China was
playing the United States, and you saw who got caught in between. And they're
still playing the game.
For lack of a better term, this book is an
indictment. That's now my attorney hat going on saying that I have provided in
this book evidence that I would take to a grand jury … I'm not somebody who is
going to give up on having these people dealt with, because all the freedoms
that we have lost, and the rights that we have lost as individuals, not to
mention just the numbers of people who have died.
My argument is … the reason why they died is
because they didn't get treatment for the inflammation and the blood clotting
that I and other doctors have shown works. The ultimate argument is that you
can't kill somebody more than dead … they can't do worse than kill the patient.
And we've already seen what doing nothing does. It kills the patient.
At no other time in American history have doctors
looked at patients and said, ‘We can't do anything for you. Go home and come
back when you get sicker.’ We have always treated people with breathing
problems with medications for breathing problems. We've always treated people
with clotting problems with medicines to stop the clotting.
And so, the reason why this is so critical to
understand is because the same people who were involved in the funding of this
bioweapon are the same people who have interfered with doctors providing
treatment to patients, and the same people who have been involved in the
development of these vaccines.”
While Fleming
carefully lays out the evidence in his book, he leaves it up to you, the
reader, to decide whether SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon or not. However, he says,
if you do come to that conclusion (and he believes you will once you’ve seen
the evidence), “then you have to recognize that the vaccines are nothing more
than the genetic reproduction of that bioweapon.” Hence, the COVID shots are
bioweapons too.
Warning to Medical
If you are a
doctor, nurse, pharmacist or other health professional administering these
COVID shots, you may be wise to reconsider your participation in this scheme. A
significant problem is there’s no way to provide or obtain informed consent. As
noted by Fleming:
“If you're injecting someone with these drug
vaccine biologics, you are injecting them with something that you cannot
possibly give them informed consent for, which means you're violating your
Hippocratic Oath, you're violating the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights Treaty, you're violating the Nuremberg Code, you're violating
the Declaration of Helsinki.
It's right across the board. It's not even
something that you can pretend doesn't happen anymore. It's just in everybody's
faces. And you can see that the powers that be are so stressed out right now
that they are cajoling and coercing and manipulating and attacking. My friends
in Italy tell me that vaccinated people are behaving in the same way that they
did during World War II towards the Jews and the intellectuals.
And let's remember, the first people Hitler put in
concentration camps weren't the Jews. The first people were the intellectuals,
because if you take the intellectuals and the doctors off the street, if you
stop people from talking, you can control the people.
So, the pressure being put on the medical community
in this country and in countries around the world to simply go along is nothing
more than the equivalent of what Adolf Hitler and the SS did during World War
II when they rounded up the intellectuals. One [thing] will lead to the next
and there's nothing about this that has been a successful campaign to control
an infectious virus …
All you have to do is read the emergency use
authorization documents. I'm just stunned at how many people have not read
these. I'm stunned at physicians not having read these.”
On, you can find several video
presentations and PDFs where Fleming goes through the emergency use
authorization documents. With that data in hand, Fleming suggests asking
yourself some fundamental scientific questions, such as: “Is there any
statistical difference in the number of people who developed COVID-19 or died
among the vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated?”
The answer
provided in the documents is no. There is no statistical difference between the
two groups. The vaccines do not statistically reduce COVID-19 infection or
death thereof. There are fewer cases in absolute numbers, but statistically
there’s no difference. Add to that the risk of side effects. If you take the
shot, you risk developing inflammation and blood clotting.
The same people
that were involved in the funding of this bioweapon are the same people that
have interfered with doctors providing treatment to patients, and the same
people that have been involved in the development of these vaccines. ~ Dr.
Richard Fleming
As noted above,
coerced administration of these shots violate any number of laws. Fleming also
cites supreme court rulings in which the court ruled people have the right to
choose their own health care.
“Rochin versus California had to do with an individual
who was forced to undergo emetic medications to force him to vomit, to bring up
things in his stomach. The Supreme Court said, ‘You do not have a right to
force this medication on people.’
Griswold versus Connecticut showed that the U.S.
government cannot take away the personal rights of health care in individuals
unless there's some type of compelling and substantial reason, and then it has
to be put into law. It can't come out of the executive branch.
Cruzan versus Director of Missouri Department of Health
in 1990, specifically stated that patients have a right to refuse any
treatment. You cannot force treatment on people. Well, this is forced
treatment. This is coerced treatment.
And Doe v. Rumsfeld proved in 2004 that
investigational drugs could not be forced upon people unless there is a
presidential waiver or informed consent. Well, here's the kicker on
presidential waiver, which is what they're going to go to.
Anybody who takes an oath of office — the president
of the United States, senators, representatives to Congress, governors, police
officers, judges, lawyers, administrative officials — cannot violate the U.S.
Constitution. If they do, they've committed treason, by definition.
In the U.S. Constitution, it states that Treaty Law
and the Constitution and statutes are the supreme law of the land. The
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights specifically states that
you cannot force people to take a drug; that they have to have informed
consent, and that animal research has to have been done beforehand to prove
it's safe.
So, if a president, including this one, issues an
order that this is a mandate and is required, then he is violating the U.S.
Constitution by violating Treaty and therefore has committed treason.
It's not only an impeachable offense, it is
punishable by death because that's [the punishment for] treason. You can't
force U.S. citizens to undergo forced experimentation.
And you can't get around that by doing something
cute like having the FDA say, ‘Whoa, well, we've now approved it, OK?’ Because
the Supreme Court has already ruled that you cannot force people to take a
treatment and the only party that can change that is the Supreme Court.”
Moderna Has Been Aware of
Risks for Years
You’ve probably
heard that the mRNA in the COVID shots are designed to stay right around the
injection site. However, Fleming points out that Moderna knew this wasn’t the
case, as they published research in 2017 showing a lipid nanoparticle vaccine
for influenza ended up in the brain, bone marrow, liver, spleen and just about
everywhere else in the bodies of the test animals.
“So, for people to come up now and say, ‘Gosh,
golly gee whiz, we just didn't expect that’ is a little disingenuous,” Fleming says. “And I think
you have to ask yourself, why does the cardiologist know about the 2017 paper
but the people responsible for the technology claim they don't?
And so, what you see are normal healthy people
responding to a massive production of spike proteins and healthy people should
make a massive immune response. What does that immune response do? It produces
inflammation and blood clotting, and then the spike proteins go across the
blood-brain barrier and cause prion diseases just like what's been shown in
humanized mice and rhesus macaque models.
I'm willing to bet that the people who made this
gain-of-function virus already knew that, because one of the things that had
the government and Big Pharma coming after me in the 1990s [and] early 2000s
was the fact that the research I was doing in dietary and inflammatory disease
had the same Neu-5-Ac raft receptor that the glycoprotein 120 of HIV — which
Shi Zhengli put [into the virus] in 2004 — attaches to.
So, the people that were doing this were
paralleling my research … It turns out that that information is critical for
getting this virus to be able to attach and to infect people like it's doing.
So, it's interesting how you can be minding your own business and doing really
good research, trying to answer some questions, and it might just expose the
people that are doing nefarious things.”
What You Can Do if Your Job
Mandates the Jab
is a real treasure trove of information that you can surf through. There,
you’ll also find sample documents for medical,
religious, legal and Constitutional exemptions to vaccination that you can present
to your employer, educational institution or anyone else trying to bully you
into taking an experimental COVID shot.
He also
has fliers
you can print out and distribute that lay out your U.S.
Constitutional and statutory rights as a citizen, as well as petitions for the
President of the United States, Senate, House of Representatives and state
governors, calling on them to investigate those responsible for this
gain-of-function bioweapon. You can find all of those petitions under the
“Actions” tab at the top right corner. Fleming also encourages people to take
legal action.
“I'm working with a number of attorneys to file
suits in [the U.S.], [and I’m] one of the experts in the International Court
and Italian courts for suits being filed for crimes against humanity. So, the
bottom line answer to this is going to be everybody deciding that they need to
take action and [hold those responsible] accountable. And yes, this may mean
you lose your job …
You have to look at this, at this point in time,
and ask yourself what type of world are you leaving your children and your
grandchildren? This is never about you. This is never about me. This is about
the children and the grandchildren.
Whatever we leave them, they're going to
essentially be stuck with it. If we abandon them — and the founding fathers did
not abandon us — then we are responsible for allowing this to happen. It's on
us, so there's no easy way … If you ever wondered what you would have done in
1930s Germany, today, you know.”
Cases Filed With
International Criminal Court
According to
Fleming, Italian lawyers have already filed a case in Italian Federal Courts
and plan to file with the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague.
Attorneys from six different countries are also putting together a joint case.
While the U.S. did not ratify the ICC, American citizens can still be held
accountable in the ICC.
Laws and
statutes being relied upon include the Biological Weapons Convention treaty,
the Nuremberg Code, the Declaration of Helsinki and the International Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights. It’s now up to the ICC to decide what it wants
to do, and when.
“It doesn't really matter how long this takes or to
whom this has to go. I'm a firm believer that there are enough good, honest
people on this planet that if the people communicate and work together, the
tide on this can and will be turned,” Fleming says.
“It’s the same story all over the world. All the
people that I’ve talked to in the different countries that I've been working
with have the same feeling. They're coerced. Their citizens are being bribed,
which, as a side note, anytime the government has to bribe the people to do it,
you have to say, ‘If it was really a good idea, why would you have to bribe me?
I would be lining up for it.’
I'm the ultimate, I think, research scientist.
After 53 years, I really feel very strongly about being a scientist physician.
And I am incredibly offended when Anthony Fauci says he is science, because
he's not …
If these ‘vaccines’ actually worked and there was
scientific evidence, I'd be on here telling you to take it. What you're hearing
me tell you is, ‘Don't take it.’ These things are biological weapons. They're
nothing more than a genetic code of a biological weapon that was made, that was
paid for, and put together by nefarious people … I'm not anti-vaccine. I'm
We’re Battling the Biggest
Propaganda Campaign in History
In closing,
Fleming says:
“One of the things I do want to make a comment on
now is for the people who have not been vaccinated. When you're looking at
people who have been vaccinated, step back for just a moment and recognize that
many of those people got vaccinated because they were told that this was the
only way to protect the people that they loved.
What we need to do is have the intelligence and the
compassion necessary to look at those individuals and say, ‘I get it. No
judgment.’ If there's a shedding problem or something like that that you're
dealing with, there are treatments available that you can look at. I put those
on the website, too.
But come together and support those people, because
they were just doing what they thought was right. Many of them are scared, and
they have been made so scared. By the way, what type of country, what type of
world, spends so much effort frightening the blazes out of its citizens? That
says something.”
Indeed, this is
undoubtedly the most effective propaganda campaign in the history of humanity,
and it’s hard to blame someone for cracking under that type of a coordinated
assault. The good news is that common sense has not entirely died yet. Fleming
“I think there's a lot of people that are very
concerned that things have gone south, so to speak. I'm actually encouraged.
One of the things that I've noticed about being here in Texas is that common
sense has not died … [and] what I've repeatedly gotten from people is ‘Don't
dumb it down.’
It's not a matter of turning people into Ph.D.,
M.D.’s or whatever, it's a matter of just being truthful and honest with them.
People have a really good capacity, when they get away from all the nonsense
happening, to look at the truth and realize it's the truth and to listen to
nonsense being thrown at them and realize that it's just garbage and
manipulation. So, common sense is a really useful tool for everybody to have.
That and compassion …
We used to frequently sit down and have
conversations with families and friends where you'd argue back and forth and
you discuss things, and I can't be the only person that would walk away from a
conversation and go, ‘Well, I hadn't really thought about that. Let me think
about that’ because that's kind of a different point of view.
That exchange stopped when they quarantined people,
when they isolated us, put us in our homes and controlled what you could see on
the Internet and on television. Well, we've come far enough back out of it that
that exchange has started again.
People have had to fight to get that information
out, but it's that sharing of information and knowledge that is so critical to
turning this around, and actually bringing all of this nonsense under control.
Not just the virus, but the manipulation of people that has been going on and
the lies and the deceit and the abuse of power. They used our money to do it.
They used our lives to do it. They used our livelihoods to do it.”
More Information
To learn more, be sure to
pick up a copy of “Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon? A Scientific and Forensic Investigation.” You can also find a lot
of information on, including science-based treatment suggestions for COVID-19 and side effects from either the COVID
shot or spike protein transmission from a person who got the shot.
Joined On 4/7/2015 8:47:48 AM
Humanity cannot
allow the biopolitical power that is based on manipulation, new biological
techniques, transgenic vaccines, control, etc., in short, the loss of
biological entity and freedoms, to become the new normal. materialize in a
totalitarian state marked by Davos with the Great Reset. As reported by Dr.
Mercola, these anti-COVID vaccines are not vaccines, but interventions that
modify genes, prohibited biological weapons, applied without an experimental
trial without evaluation of adverse risks that must be communicated.
Experimental products must be accepted completely voluntarily and without
coercion, which is clearly not being fulfilled. The media arguments based on
misinformation have achieved an authentic menticide, and for the people who
have not entered into this deception, it is intended to have compulsory
vaccines, not to lose their jobs, to have fun even to continue living in
freedom if they harm your health. It is a real genocide planned in the 201st
event and developed in Davos.
Pfizer, Moderna
and Johnson & Johnson determined the efficacy of the vaccine based on
chance, bypassing verifiable diagnostic criteria and ignoring viral load. The
vaccine efficacy data is a fraud. Dr. Mercola also exposed the absolute
efficacy at 1% and to this the serious present and future health risks. Dr. Fleming warned of other
long-term adverse events that will result from covid vaccination over the next
year or two: “In the animal model, they develop (Lewy bodies, associated with
dementia), spongiforms, and mad cow disease. We also know that two weeks later
they develop ... what causes Alzheimer's and neurological disorders. "

Joined On 4/7/2015 8:47:48 AM
The diagram
below from Dr. Richard Fleming shows how SARS-CoV-2 is transmitted from person
to person through respiratory droplets. Once inside the body, the virus will
invade our cells and reproduce. In response to the virus, our immune system
will attack the invader by first launching a T-cell response designed to kill
virus-infected cells and then an antibody response designed to kill the virus
before it enters another cell. Also our VIRAL immune response, due to
comorbidities or there is too much virus (for example, vaccines) in our body;
the result is INFLAMMATION and BLOOD COAGULATION that can kill us (COVID-19).
The accompanying documents explain these problems and also the gain-of-function
research, responsible for the development of this man-made virus.

Joined On 4/7/2015 8:47:48 AM
Hi and Xmen44, Dr. Mercola published a report on vaccine
risks and tips to minimize those risks. The "vaccine" has
cardiovascular and neurological implications. On the website in Spanish we have
such advice, based on the risks described in the following report by Dr.
Mercola in Spanish. I translate the report. Dr. Mercola says: Evidence
suggests that people who have already received the COVID “vaccine” may have a
shorter life expectancy as a result of its acute, subacute and long-term
If you have
already received the COVID vaccine, implement a daily prophylaxis protocol, as
you are at high risk of contracting COVID. This means optimizing your metabolic
flexibility, your vitamin D level, and taking vitamin C, zinc, and a zinc
ionophore daily, at least during cold and flu season. Evidence shows that NAC
could be used to prevent blood clots and break up existing ones. If you or
someone you know received the COVID vaccine and now regrets it, there are
definite strategies you can use to protect yourself. Apparently, if you exceed
the first three months, your risk of blood clots is likely to decrease. To
counteract excessive clotting, an anticoagulant may be appropriate.
A very
promising natural alternative is N-acetylcysteine (NAC), as it has
anticoagulant and thrombolytic effects, which means that it could prevent clots
and dissolve those that have already formed. And of course, don't get any more
booster shots. In the subacute phase, your number one goal will be to avoid
ADE. The key to this is to avoid causing a pathogenic immune reaction, and the
only way to do that is to implement some kind of prophylactic protocol, that
is, a protocol to prevent COVID, the common cold, and influenza.

Joined On 4/7/2015 8:47:48 AM
This is very
important for anyone who has received the COVID vaccine, as they are at high
risk for complications and have the false impression that they are
"protected" when in reality they are now at higher risk and need to
take a lot of precautions. Any symptoms of an upper respiratory infection
should also be treated immediately. COVID is a multi-phase disease. The first
phase is the viral phase, which lasts five to seven days. This is when it is
most easily treated. After day 7, the disease progresses to the inflammatory
phase, which requires different treatment.
Taking supplements
with zinc is an important component to prevent and treat the viral stage in
time, since it prevents viral reproduction. However, you should take it with a
zinc ionophore, such as quercetin, EGCG (green tea extract),
hydroxychloroquine, or ivermectin. "Most COVID protocols focus on
preventing our RNA virus from reproducing. What that means is that for a virus
to make copies of itself, it needs to enter the human cell. In the case of RNA
viruses All COVID, coronavirus, and even influenza viruses use a common pathway
called RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, which is a very important enzyme.
That enzyme is
what makes copies of the viral genetic material, which then allows new viruses
to form and spread. So if you stop the viral RNA reproduction process, you will
eliminate viral spread and growth. The best thing about zinc is that it stops
that enzyme, if there is another zinc molecule inside the cell. But zinc
cannot enter the cell on its own. That's where the concept of zinc ionophores
comes in. Zinc ionophores open the door in the cell membrane and allow zinc to
go from the outside to the inside of the cell. And when you improve the
concentration of zinc inside the cell, you can effectively prevent this enzyme
and prevent most coronaviruses and influenza viruses from reproducing. "
Posted On 9/12/2021 6:36:56 AM

Joined On 4/7/2015 8:47:48 AM
If you want to
use hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin and live in a state that restricts its
use, look for telehealth options online. Frontline physicians are a good
resource. They only charge $ 90 for one visit and you will be able to get the
prescription you need. Do not use veterinary ivermectin as it may be
contaminated and is not intended for human use. In addition to
zinc and a zinc ionophore, you also need to optimize your vitamin D level. The
desired range is 60 ng / mL to 80 ng / mL year-round. The proper dose of oral
vitamin D3 is the dose that helps you stay within that range.
Vitamin C is
another important component, especially if you already take quercetin, as it
has synergistic effects. To act effectively as a zinc ionophore, quercetin
requires vitamin C. The final recommendation is that, if you received the
vaccine, consider yourself as a person at high risk for COVID and implement a
daily prophylaxis protocol. This means optimizing your vitamin D level and
taking vitamin C, zinc, and a zinc ionophore daily, at least during cold and
flu season.
It would also
be ideal to use a sauna on a daily basis. Preferably one that can heat up to
170 degrees Fahrenheit (76.6 ° C). The best saunas are infrared and have low
electromagnetic fields. Unfortunately, I don't know of any that go up to 170
degrees and have a low EMF. This practice activates heat shock proteins that
will help remove Spike proteins and enhance other damaged proteins. If you are
at low risk for COVID and have not had the vaccine, make sure you have these
items on hand and begin treating the first signs of cold or flu symptoms. In
the link there is also a table with the doses.
Posted On 9/12/2021
6:37:18 AM

Joined On 1/5/2012 11:13:54 AM
* - "Once
you conclude SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon, - also recognize COVID shots are
nothing more than the genetic reproduction of this bioweapon. In other words,
they are bioweapons too." - Are the spikes shedding bioweapons too?
* "The same people involved in the funding of this bioweapon are the same
people who have interfered with doctors providing treatment to patients, &
the same people who have been involved in the development of these COVID
shots." - Legacy News this morning, of the 27 scientist who pushed the any
?'s concerning the Leaky Lab were Conspiracy's 26 all had ties to the Fauci
Fraud Circus.
* - There are
people — powers that be — who think they have things going their direction, but
it's very clear to me they're not confident they've got everybody under
control. The way this is all being handled demonstrates they're more worried
about the truth coming out than not. And I think they're worried about the
consequences, as they should be.” - This why they need 100% compliance!!!
They need to cover up the negatives & to deflect blame for them
on the un-Jabbed.
* - “Tens of
millions of dollars have been funneled out of the U.S., & Anthony Fauci has
helped with that. He's been on those committees. You can see the grant numbers
in the book.” - This is a big story of & within itself. Humanity has enough
to deal with in the natural cycle of potential disease's. Doc & Staff,
thank you for some of the most important information yet, how to deal with
illegal bullying & intimidation being slipped into the business's fighting
to stay alive, yet if they follow the insanity will in the end be chucked out
as losers as the Financial/Corporate/Gov't hybrid takes over to choose winners
& losers'. * - I'm not anti-vaccine. I'm anti-stupid.” What is this if not
our battle cry!!! Helen Keller: “Rights are things which we get when we
are strong enough to make our claim to them good.”
Posted On 9/12/2021 7:29:11 AM
Joined On 4/7/2015 8:47:48 AM
Very sad.
Danaclaire, The terrible spike protein has tragic consequences. The CDH report
you refer to: Cheryl Cohen, a healthy 64-year-old woman from Florida, died
three months after her second dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine. According to
Chery's daughter, Gianni Cohen, her mother of her suddenly developed
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) - a rare, degenerative and fatal brain disorder
- soon after she was vaccinated. (08/31/21)
In this study,
the presence of prion-like domains in the SARS-CoV-2 peak protein was
identified. The presence and unique distribution of prion-like domains in the
SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domains of the spike protein is particularly
interesting, as although the SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV proteins share the same
receptor of the host cell, The angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2),
SARS-CoV-2, demonstrates a 10 to 20-fold higher affinity for ACE2. The prion
domains identified in the SARS-CoV-2 (RBD) receptor-binding domain and the ACE2
region that interact with RBD have important functional roles in viral entry
and adhesion. (2020)
Posted On 9/12/2021
8:08:20 AM
Joined On 4/7/2015 8:47:48 AM
Thanks Randy.
The army has in addition to the mandatory vaccines, another nightmare the next
6G. And the
Chinese are not far behind. The Chinese launched a communications satellite in
November to study 6G physics in the environment of space with terahertz
electronics. Terahertz waves would boost transmission speeds many times faster
than 5G when engineers and researchers develop effective technology.
enters for the tyranny of power, creating a self-destructive environment and
although the people have not consciously chosen to be under the yoke of the
tyrant, they have the moral responsibility to break the bond of submission
established with the despot.
The most
terrible are biological weapons falsely called vaccines. We can consider the
FDA approval of coronavirus vaccines to be part of a larger plan to stifle
people's freedoms. Immunity passports define a tyranny in the exercise of
personal freedoms. The demonstrations are multiplying, because people are
fighting against tyranny. A tyranny that is reaching inconceivable limits like
the one imposed by Biden increases the pressure on the unvaccinated and
companies face fines if their workers reject the jab. He has also tightened the
rules for federal employees, saying they have 75 days to get vaccinated.
Otherwise, their employment could be terminated unless they are exempt.
Posted On 9/12/2021 8:25:57 AM
Joined On 4/7/2015 8:47:48 AM
Just, excellent
summary with a convincing verdict: “- I'm not anti-vaccine. I'm anti-stupid.
" What is this if not our battle cry !!! Yes, the deep state dominated by
globalist elites in the framework of a devastating technocracy wants absolute
control and its first objective is focused on getting between 70 and 90 percent
of the world's population injecting itself with the mRNA genocidal weapon.Most
of those who have already received the jab have turned their freedom, personal
qualifications, and critical thinking over to their new teachers: the people
who run the world's governments, the largest corporations, and the social media
giants of Big Tech. It is a full submission against humanity, it is a true
crime where the body is destroyed by disease and death and the soul and the
human mind is deprived of its will.
demonstrated widespread vaccine failure and transmission under tightly
controlled circumstances in a hospital lockdown in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.
The study found vaccinated people carry 251 times the load of COVID-19 viruses
in their nostrils compared to the unvaccinated, the study found. " (August 27,
As Dr. Luc
Montagnier, a Nobel Lauréate in Medicine says, "You see it in each
country, it's the same: the curve of vaccination is followed by the curve of
deaths." As Dr. Vanden Bssche, a developer of vaccines and Senior Ebola
Program Manager says, “Given the huge amount of immune escape that will be
provoked by mass vaccination campaigns and flanking containment measures, it is
difficult to imagine how human interventions would not cause the COVID-19
pandemic to turn into an incredible disaster for global and individual health. "
Posted On 9/12/2021
8:37:35 AM