zondag 19 juni 2022

Tegenvaller voor de Franse president & Young Global Leader, Emannuel Macron, bij de parlementaire verkiezingen in Frankrijk


Tegenvaller voor Macron: Franse president verliest absolute meerderheid met Ensemble! in parlementaire verkiezingen

Van Jean-Luc Mélenchon, die de linkse Nupes-alliantie aanvoert, mag Macron sterke tegenwerking verwachten. Beeld Photo News
Van Jean-Luc Mélenchon, die de linkse Nupes-alliantie aanvoert, mag Macron sterke tegenwerking verwachten.Beeld Photo News

De Franse president Emmanuel Macron lijkt geen absolute meerderheid in het parlement te halen, afgaande op projecties van verschillende peilingbureaus van de parlementaire verkiezingen. Een zeldzame uitslag in Frankrijk, waar Macron het een pak moeilijker zal krijgen om nieuwe wetten door te voeren.



Ensemble! zou uitkomen op 200 tot 260 zetels, het linkse blok Nupes van Jean-Luc Mélenchon op 150 tot 200 zetels, het uiterst rechtse Rassemblement National op 60 tot 102 zetels en de centrumrechtse Les Républicains op 45 tot 80 zetels.

The Headless Way as a path to enquirying "Who am I"


                  Video Link: https://youtu.be/DzPlkxMjiz8  

The Headless Way as a path to enquirying "Who am I" - Richard Lang

Science and Nonduality

247K abonnees

This is an excerpt from the interview with Richard Lang at the Science and Nonduality Conference featured in the 3DVD set "Science and Nonduality Anthology Vol.4". For the full interview please visit: http://www.scienceandnonduality.com

Richard Lang spends most of his time working to make more available the Headless Way -- a modern, experimental way home to who we really are. Richard discovered headlessness in 1970 when he met Douglas Harding, author of On Having No Head. They became friends. Since then he has travelled widely giving hundreds of workshops, written two books and produced a CD and videos that share the headless way experiments. He is part of a world-wide community of friends who value headlessness. Richard set up headless.org and is encouraged by the growing numbers of people who visit, do the experiments, and see who they really are.http://www.headless.org/


Richard Lang - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview

52.115 weergaven

VIDEO LINK:  https://youtu.be/PAckqzUSPiw   


92,6K abonnees

 Also see http://batgap.com/richard-lang/

 ENGLISH subtitles available.

Con subtítulos en ESPAÑOL (por: http://diegomerinotraducciones.com)

Richard Lang first saw who he really was in a workshop in 1970 with the English philosopher Douglas Harding, author of 'On Having No Head'. Since then he has devoted his life to Seeing, and to sharing the simple, accessible Headless Way. He has published two books, several videos and a CD, and travels widely giving workshops.

Books by Richard Lang:

Seeing Who You Really Are

Open to the Source: Selected Teachings of Douglas E. Harding


Website: headless.org

YouTube Channel

 Other books by Douglas Harding:

Religions of the World (Liberal Studies)

Look for Yourself: The Science and Art of Self-Realization

The Hierarchy of Heaven and Earth

Head Off Stress

The Little Book of Life and Death

The Science of the 1st Person

The Trial Of The Man Who Said He Was God

The Spectre in the Lake

Visible Gods

Face to No-Face: Rediscovering Our Original Nature

To Be And Not To Be, That Is The Answer


                                   Video Link: https://youtu.be/CdybZ-XTXZ4 

Luc shares how Seeing has affected his life profoundly. 

Almost all of Australia is fully jabbed for covid but deaths are spiking

Thursday, June 09, 2022 by: Ethan Huff

Tags: AustraliabadhealthbadmedicineBig Pharmabiological weaponCOVIDDangerous Medicinedepopulationfully vaccinatedgenocidepandemicpharmaceutical fraudspike proteinVaccine deathsvaccines

This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author


(Natural News) Uh oh. The mass Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination” campaign in Australia did not produce the results that were promised.

Instead of turning the land Down Under into a covid-free utopia, the injections, which almost everyone in the country received because they were forced in most areas, have triggered a wave of death that is showing no signs of slowing any time soon.

On May 25, the Australian government reported that deaths throughout the country were 21 percent above normal in early 2022. Excluding even the deaths that were blamed on “covid,” the death rate in Australia was still 10 percent above normal.

But wait! Were not the jabs supposed to decrease deaths? That is what was promised, after all. The reality, though, is quite starkly the opposite of what was promised.

In Victoria, Australia’s second-most populous state, the death rate is even higher than the overall rate for the country. This is despite the fact that Victoria had some of Australia’s most aggressive lockdowns and jab mandates.

According to the data, deaths are up 27 percent in Victoria compared to the usual average. This is astounding when considering all that the people of that state went through in order to “flatten the curve.”

“The Australian death spike is particularly striking, because Australia had no excess deaths — and little Covid — in 2020 and much of 2021,” writes Alex Berenson on his Substack.

“Thus the usual alternative explanations cannot hold. The spike cannot be the result of delayed medical care or ‘long Covid’ (whatever long Covid is). Australia’s weather and geography are also very different than the European countries now reporting excess deaths.”

More people in Australia are dying from “covid” today than before the “vaccines” were first introduced

Another little factoid worth noting is that most of the excess deaths in Victoria from January and February of this year were not cardiac in nature, but primarily related to diabetes and dementia, both of which were about 30 percent greater than normal.

This is noteworthy because reports published in various scientific journals as well as in the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) highlight cases of diabetic dysregulation following injection with covid mRNA (messenger RNA) shots, which were widely distributed throughout Victoria.

“Anecdotal stories of elderly people suffering rapid mental deterioration, especially after a second or booster shot, are also common,” Berenson further notes.

Interestingly, covid-related deaths are also up in Australia, despite the fact that nearly all of the country is now fully jabbed. Covid-related deaths are higher in number today, in fact, than they were before Fauci Flu shots were first introduced under Operation Warp Speed.

Heavy restrictions in Australia that kept people locked at home for months at a time led to mass compliance with the jab push, which was promised as an escape from all the tyranny. Now that everyone complied, the country is sicker than ever before.

“Australians eagerly accepted Covid vaccinations and are vaccinated at rates significantly higher than Americans,” Berenson explains. “[Ninety-five] percent of people 16 and over in New South Wales, the country’s largest state, have been vaccinated. [Sixty-four] percent have been boosted.”

“Yet despite (or because of) these very high vaccination rates, the arrival of Omicron has led to a relentless wave of infections and deaths across Australia.”

In New South Wales, the government reported that 82 of the 98 people who died from “covid” in the week ending May 28 were fully jabbed. Sixty-four of them were also “boosted.”

The jabs are a failure, in other words, and are killing people left and right – unless, of course, the goal was never to save lives but rather to end them.

The latest news about the covid jab scam can be found at Immunization.news.

Sources for this article include:



Source: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-09-australia-fully-vaccinated-covid-deaths-spiking.html

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