zondag 10 oktober 2021


Medical device sales expert reveals “morbidly unsuccessful” Covid VENTILATORS as “deadly therapy” in this population reduction scamdemic

Friday, October 08, 2021 by: S.D. Wells
Tags: badhealthbadmedicineblood clottingconspiracycovid therapycovid ventilatorDangerous MedicinedeceptiondepopulationgenocideHospitalsinflammationmedical techmedical violencerespirator deathrespiratorsvaccine deathvaccine inflammationventilatorsWhistleblower


(Natural News) Mr. Chambers of Los Angeles, a medical equipment expert and salesperson with 50 years experience, which includes selling ventilators to hospitals for Covid patients, is done staying quiet about this pandemic of deaths caused by the mechanical ventilators, so he’s blowing the whistle.

You don’t have to be famous, or a scientist or doctor to let the world know the awful truth about something dangerous that the medical industry claims is working. Western medicine, after all, is wrought with fraud through and through, but this whistleblower explains in great detail exactly why very few Covid patients survive the ultimate choke machine, and this information needs to go viral, soon.

First off, Covid-19 viral infection causes severe inflammation in the lungs, making the soft tissue even more vulnerable to damage. Those receiving Covid vaccines are compounding that health detriment by introducing billions of sticky spike proteins into their bloodstream, which can also damage soft lung tissue (pleura) and the respiratory tract protective tissue (epithelium), causing MORE damage and MORE inflammation. Then, Covid patients are sedated, and in goes the plastic endotracheal tube that gets shoved down the windpipe (it’s called intubation). Most ventilator victims should prepare for death within 3 weeks at this point.

Lung tissue inflammation compounded by Covid vaccines and plastic breathing tubes responsible for killing 8 times more patients than the ones saved

Suddenly, airways that once carried oxygen-rich air and exhaled carbon dioxide waste gas, are being battered, bruised, scraped and irritated, causing MORE inflammation, making breathing even MORE difficult. This can go on for up to three weeks, until the patient dies, and then of course, Covid is blamed for the death and labeled as such by every hospital in every state. Just take a look at New York which has an 88 percent death rate for their Covid patients who have been put on a ventilator. Why is this still a “go to” treatment for Covid patients? No doctor or scientist can answer that question.

Sure, respirators can save lives, but are they appropriate for Covid patients? The clear and concise answer to that question is NO. One problem with the plastic breathing tubes is that the patient can no longer talk, swallow or cough. Their airways become paralyzed by plastic insertion/intubation. Plus, if the machine is not set to the absolute proper setting, the patient dies, according to our whistleblower insider, who knows just about everything there is to know about ventilators.

On top of all that, Covid is a respiratory-attacking viral infection that is often mixed with a bacterial infection from wearing the mask all day, which also turns into pneumonia easily, compounding breathing difficulties. It’s a wonder any Covid patients survive hospital stays at all, with all this deadly nonsense going on.

Medical equipment expert and blogger from Los Angeles has been warning the public for 18 months about the dangers of using respirators for Covid

Who else on the planet is warning everyone of all the Covid ventilator-caused deaths? Active licensed medical practitioners are all trained as to what to say and how to record deaths, and if any of them blame the ventilators, even just once, they get fired and their medical license revoked. Now they are all being coerced to take the clot shots or lose their jobs, and they see these ventilators killing patients right in front of them, and they want no part of it anymore.

That’s why millions of healthcare workers are quitting their jobs right now or finding some place or some way to work without getting force-vaccinated with blood-clotting gene therapy injections, prescribed kidney-killing Remdesivir, and choked to death on a ventilator machine.

Covid patients need treatments that reduce (not increase) inflammation and stop the virus from replicating, rather than fueling it with billions of virus-mimicking prions. It doesn’t even take a background in medicine or medical technologies to see that Covid vaccines, Remdesivir and ventilators are compounding the problems of the pandemic, creating a pandemic of their own, thanks to “Western Medicine” and the scam artists who are perpetrating the entire nightmare of bad medical care.

Be on the look out for vaccinated individuals suffering from Spike Protein Syndrome, where billions of virus-mimicking particles clog their blood, causing deadly blood clots and myocarditis. Tune your truth news dial to Pandemic.news to stay informed of the engineered pitfalls of the Covid scamdemic.

Sources for this article include:






 Mum Lives off Home Garden for a Year


35.871 weergaven  -  29 mei 2017


            LINK: https://youtu.be/B7c9SUotJ94

Permaculture Documentary : Jodie Vennitti Start Your Journey In the suburbs of Perth, Western Australia lies a Permaculture Food Forest grown by Jodie Vennitti.

It all began when she discovered Permaculture and found her love for plants, she soon realised, home growing was one thing, but using the produce was another. Restricted by time, she threw herself into the challenge to live off her own home-grown garden for a year in a bid to bring her urban farm fully into her life.

What she gained, she couldn't have even imagined in the beginning. This is her story.

Enjoy the Film!

Klimaatangst jongeren en 70.000 klimaatbetogers in Brussel!


Klimaatangst: wat vertel je jongeren die psychologisch lijden onder voorspelde klimaatrampen?

Uit Knack Extra van 09/06/2021

Na een les over de klimaatverandering stort een meisje van 8 jaar in. Het vooruitzicht van een dreigende mondiale catastrofe bezorgt haar een paniekaanval. Het is een veelbesproken scène uit de Amerikaanse serie Big Little Lies. Vergezocht? Niet helemaal. Uit een peiling (2019) van The Washington Post bleek dat de klimaatverandering bij 54% van de Amerikaanse jongeren gevoelens van angst oproept. 43% voelde zich hulpeloos, 42% onder hen ervoer schuldgevoelens.


70.000 klimaatbetogers in Brussel volgens organisatie, Anuna De Wever kondigt nieuwe spijbelactie aan op 22 oktober

Na anderhalf jaar in hun kot door de coronacrisis, trekken volgens een definitieve telling (volgens MSN) meer dan 70.000 klimaatbetogers door Brussel tijdens een nieuwe klimaatmars. Het doel van de mars is volgens de vicevoorzitter van de Klimaatcoalitie Zanna Vanrenterghem het bereiken van “een serieus actieplan”. Anuna De Wever kondigt bij VTM NIEUWS al meteen een nieuwe mars aan op vrijdag 22 oktober: “De spijbelacties komen terug”.

Redactie 10 okt. 2021 Laatste update: 16:25 Bron: BELGA

"De boodschap is simpel: wij vragen ambitieuze, solidaire en coherente maatregelen" legt Zanna Vanrenterghem, vicevoorzitter van de Klimaatcoalitie, uit. "We hebben nood aan een Belgische Green New Deal en we stellen meer dan 100 concrete oplossingen voor om dit te bewerkstelligen."

De organisatoren wijzen op het extreme weer - overstromingen, bosbranden, hittegolven - dat zowel in België als in de rest van de wereld al vele slachtoffers heeft gemaakt en kostbare natuur heeft verwoest. "Er is doortastend beleid nodig om de gevolgen maximaal te beperken, te beginnen bij de meest kwetsbaren", zeggen ze. "Bovendien hebben de historische uitspraak van de Klimaatzaak en de publicatie van het nieuwe IPCC-rapport deze zomer een ongezien signaal gegeven om de oorzaken van klimaatverandering aan te pakken en het Belgische klimaatbeleid van koers te doen veranderen." 

 “Eerlijk plan” 

“We vinden het niet meer kunnen dat de regeringen als ramptoeristen staan toe te kijken terwijl ze echt de handen uit de mouwen moeten gaan steken”, aldus Vanrenterghem. Het doel van de mars is volgens de vicevoorzitter “een serieus actieplan”. “We willen en masse huizen geïsoleerd zien, veel meer hernieuwbare energie en veel beter openbaar vervoer, maar het plan moet vooral eerlijk zijn”, klinkt het. Volgens Vanrenterghem moeten de grootste vervuilers dan ook het meest betalen. Verder klaagt ze de hoge energieprijzen aan. 

          Klimaatmars Brussel © Dieter Nijs

Anuna De Wever liet aan VTM Nieuws weten dat er nog klimaatmarsen zullen volgen, meer bepaald op 22 oktober in Louvain-la-Neuve en Gent. “En ook daarvoor zullen we de regels moeten breken”, aldus De Wever. 

“Tijd om beloftes om te zetten in actie”

"De straffe klimaatacties van de voorbije jaren hebben de klimaatcrisis hoog op de politieke agenda geplaatst. Nu breekt de tijd aan voor politici om hun beloftes om te zetten in concrete actie", aldus Zanna Vanrenterghem nog. Bovendien heeft de coronacrisis volgens de organisatoren aangetoond dat een diepgaande transformatie mogelijk en noodzakelijk is.

        Klimaatmarkt Brussel © Dieter Nijs

Van 31 oktober tot 12 november vindt in Glasgow de klimaattop van de Verenigde Naties (COP26) plaats. Bedoeling is onder meer om de inspanningen te vergroten om de doelstellingen van het Klimaatakkoord van Parijs te bereiken, en de opwarming van de aarde te beperken tot 1,5 graden. Dat is nog mogelijk, maar dan moeten we nu handelen, aldus de Klimaatcoalitie.

BOS+ zal voor elke deelnemer aan de klimaat­mars een vierkante meter bos aanplanten.

Naast de 80 organisaties die deel uitmaken van de Klimaatcoalitie, hebben ook onder meer landbouworganisaties en scholen opgeroepen om deel te nemen aan de mars. BOS+ zal, net als in 2018, voor elke deelnemer aan de klimaatmars een vierkante meter bos aanplanten.

Klimaatmarkt Brussel © Dieter Nijs

Klimaatmars Brussel © Dieter Nijs

Klimaatmars Brussel © Dieter Nijs

Klimaatmars Brussel © Dieter Nijs

Klimaatmars Brussel © Dieter Nijs

Klimaatmars Brussel © Dieter Nijs

Anuna De Wever op de klimaatmars in Brussel. © VTM NIEUWS


Alan Watts - We are nature

 Alan Watts - We are nature

DogsGoWoof Productions01:56

As I woke to a beautiful foggy morning, Alan Watts quotes resonated in my head and it inspired me to put together this video using quotes taken from his talk on man's relationship with nature.

This idea of understanding the deeper relationship with nature, stems from a feature film I am working on Permaculture The Documentary - An ecological design system that works with nature, rather than against it and allows us to create complete sustainable systems. 

Permaculture The Documentary: https://www.dogsgowoof.com.au/permaculture-documentary Produced by Dogs Go Woof Productions: https://www.dogsgowoof.com.au

Original Alan Watts Video: https://youtu.be/JQHWrCYS8cM   of


Alan Watts - The Law of Nature

11.586 weergaven  -  26 jul. 2019


LINK: https://youtu.be/nFVg7XHZwuw


8,66K abonnees

A prolific author and speaker, Alan Watts was one of the first to interpret Eastern wisdom for a Western audience. Born outside London in 1915, he discovered the nearby Buddhist Lodge at a young age. After moving to the United States in 1938, Alan became an Episcopal priest for a time and then relocated to Millbrook, New York, where he wrote his pivotal book The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety. In 1951 he moved to San Francisco where he began teaching Buddhist studies, and in 1956 began his popular radio show, “Way Beyond the West.” By the early sixties, Alan’s radio talks aired nationally and the counterculture movement adopted him as a spiritual spokesperson. 

He wrote and travelled regularly until his passing in 1973. In several of his later publications, especially Beyond Theology and The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are, Watts put forward a worldview, drawing on Hinduism, Chinese philosophy, pantheism or panentheism, and modern science, in which he maintains that the whole universe consists of a cosmic Self-playing hide-and-seek (Lila); hiding from itself (Maya) by becoming all the living and non-living things in the universe and forgetting what it really is – the upshot being that we are all IT in disguise. In this worldview, Watts asserts that our conception of ourselves as an "ego in a bag of skin", or "skin-encapsulated ego" is a myth; the entities we call the separate "things" are merely aspects or features of the whole.


Alan Watts books frequently include discussions reflecting his keen interest in patterns that occur in nature and which are repeated in various ways and at a wide range of scales – including the patterns to be discerned in the history of civilizations.


MI6-chef waarschuwde premier Covid was ‘genetisch gemanipuleerd om te ontvolken’ – Britse regering verborg de waarheid

  maart 23, 2025    7 V ijf jaar geleden gaf Sir Richard Dearlove, de voormalige chef van MI6, een angstaanjagende waarschuwing af aan de to...