vrijdag 6 augustus 2021

Tens of Thousands of COVID-19 Vaccine Injured Fight Censorship to Bring Their Stories to the Public

Total Views : 13,179


by Brian Shilhavy

Editor, Health Impact News

A website that claims to have1000 COVID Stories” of people injured by the COVID-19 injections features some heart-wrenching videos.

Are you thinking of getting a COVID shot?

Is your teenager being forced to take a shot in order to return to college?

Do you have friends on the fence about vaccines?

Are you concerned about their possible side effects?

If you go online and do simple research on the term “COVID Vaccine Side Effects” you are presented with a gaggle of links that are strangely similar. “Side effects are minor and common.” “Side effects are a sign that your vaccine is working properly.”

When you visit YouTube and do the same search, again, the videos have a consistent theme. “The risk from the vaccines are less than the risks from COVID” and “vaccine side effects are actually a good thing.” If you post a comment or video on Facebook about vaccine side effects your post is deleted and your account may be closed.

But when you go to an uncensored website like Bitchute.com or Rumble.com and do the same search, you see hundreds of videos from real people who have had horrific side effects from their injections.

This website is dedicated to sharing the truth about these people and their testimonials.

Watch for yourself and make up your own mind. Is it worth it to risk life-changing and even fatal side effects from a vaccine for a disease that is survived by 99.98% of people under 70?

Below, you will find countless stories of side effects directly from those involved, or sadly, if they died, from their relatives. (Source.)


I wish some of these videos had more documentation, but some of these stories we have also covered in the past.

More and more of these people are gathering online to find support and help each other, as their injuries are denied to be related to the COVID-19 injections, and their own doctors usually have no answers, or sometimes not even a desire to help them.

Here are some other places online where people are gathering to tell their COVID-19 “vaccine” stories.


Covid19 Vaccine Victims & Families (Facebook Group – 57.5K members)


There are many other groups also on Facebook, and alternative social media sites such as Telegram.


We are your moms, dads, brothers, and sisters, spouses and friends. We are suffering, often silently, with confusing, troubling symptoms that the current medical system hasn't addressed. It might look like we're okay, but we are not.

A certain percentage of people – in the thousands – who had the covid vaccine are suffering with debilitating symptoms. Our lives, in many cases, have been ruined with terrifying symptoms, leaving many of us with the inability to work. The widespread general denial – even bullying – of those facing symptoms is making matters worse.

We continuously find doctors who do not know how to help, as this is not yet a recognized issue by the CDC and FDA. Many doctors even refuse to see us, if the vaccine is mentioned as a possible cause.

We each believed the science, and did our social duty to help stop the pandemic. In return, we ask that you acknowledge these adverse reactions, help us press for desperately needed medical research and attention.

We firmly refuse to be dragged into the political debates surrounding the pandemic, yet many of us are afraid to speak out due to intense social pressures and denialsThousands of us have gathered online to try and help each other. Our websites and groups have been deleted and the sufferers have been told that no such reactions to the vaccines exist. Some of us have been fired from our jobs for just sharing our experience. Some of us have been fired from our doctors for just mentioning the vaccine.

Even though we've been called names and bullied, and we're scared to tell our stories – we must. So many are continuing to struggle physically, and we can't do this alone. Check out our full stories on www.c19vaxreactions.com.

We need your help. Our aim:
  1. Raise awareness so the medical community will work to bring resources and solutions for a cure,
  2. Help others like us who are suffering from many months of symptoms, and
  3. Break through the silence and censorship that is labeling our real life experiences as misinformation.

Please, recognize our pain. Please share our stories! Please help bring pressure for this issue to be heard, and to be solved. Please don't treat us like outcasts, but like someone suffering the medical effects of this terrible pandemic.

We thank you! We appreciate you! And we look forward to rejoining you when we are healthy again.

Vax Longhaulers
with C19vaxreactions.com

Private Support Groups are being censored, and people scattered!

 These groups are a sample of dozens being taken down over things like: pictures of a rash, or sharing of symptoms. We are losing contact with people who are suicidal and need help, because they cannot cope with their symptoms. All the groups have rules where you can not post antivax propaganda, anti-science statements, or conspiracy theories. Yet they are being removed over sharing our own personal experiences.


Dr. Judy Mikovits interviewed by the Health Ranger: Fauci's covid crimes aren't his first "plandemic"


"I can not find any isolated material for the covid-19 virus, apparently it does not exist" asks Mike Adams in an interview of Dr. Judy Mikovits.

Excerpt .../.. Sars-cov2 was never a human virus, isolated from human cells and shown to be infectious and transmittable to human cells../.. What was done is the sars-cov2 virus was manufactured in the "viro-monkey-kidney-cell-line" in the manufacturing plant.  Every picture you get of Sars-cov2 or Sars or Mers is literally a manufactured particle that is a monkey virus.  But that monkey virus it's DNA, it is sequences (that) were injected in polio vaccines, in MMR vaccines, in flu vaccines and they (have) been in that cell line since the mid nineties ('90)../.. It is only a bunch of sequences... This is what PCR detects "a sequence of virus protocols".  It buds out of the cell of the host.... They took it out of the lung lavage in people... In every single case they put it in the viro-monkey-kidney-cell-line. ./.. They did not isolate it... It never was a human virus that I coughed on you and you coughed on me and/or anybody else../.. I see these doctors reports, the transmission of this virus was airborne?  NO it was not. No show me the virus... they showed these sequences NOT the virus... They have not isolated the virus.... They are taking a monkey virus.  The genetic material of sars-cov2 is a monkey virus../.. The envelope alone is the disease and we know this since 1980..... With the flu shots they crippled our immune system and with the PCR they said here is the next wave of covid.../..

Dr. Mikovits: SARS-CoV-2 is actually a lab-made monkey cell virus, readily deployed through the flu, MMR and polio vaccine supply

Wednesday, August 11, 2021 by: Lance D Johnson
Tags: biological weaponscausative agentcontaminated vaccinesCOVIDDr. MikovitsFlu shotsmedical experimentsmonkey cell linesmonkey virusesno-see-umoutbreakpandemicscience errorscience fraudspike proteinsusceptibilitytransfectionvaccine warsvaccinesvirologyvirus interference


(Natural News) Dr. Judy Mikovits was recently interviewed on Brighteon Conversations, and she did not hold back unveiling the real causes of transfection behind SARS-CoV-2 and the scientific fraud that was used to promote a pandemic and suppress people’s immune systems. Dr. Mikovits was formerly a government virologist who purified and studied viruses. She created cell lines that support viral replication, to understand how they create infection in humans. She is the author of Ending Plague, A Scholar’s Obligation in an Age of Corruption.

Dr. Mikovits confirmed that isolated, certified reference material for SARS-CoV-2 does not exist. The virus has never been isolated from human cells and was never a human virus in the first place. The SARS-CoV-2 virus can only be manufactured and replicated in the vero monkey kidney cell line, which is a group of epithelial cells extracted from African green monkeys in the 1960s. These monkey cell lines, readily contaminated with latent retroviruses, have been injected into the population since the mid-90s through the flu, MMR and polio vaccine supply, and are the only originating vector by which SARS-CoV-2 can manifest disease in humans.

Evidence points to SARS-CoV-2 being deployed through vaccine supply

Every bio-safety level 4 lab that claimed to isolate SARS-CoV-2 from humans ultimately placed the sample in a monkey kidney cell line to “prove” its replication. This virus is not a truly isolated human virus because it could only be replicated in the monkey kidney cell line. To determine whether SARS-CoV-2 is an infectious human virus, it must be taken from the blood, sputum, or lung lavage of an infected human, but the infectious RNA of SARS-CoV-2 was never cultured in a continuously growing human cell line that supports the replication of SARS-CoV-2. Since this novel coronavirus only replicates demonstrably in vero monkey cell lines, it has never been proven to originate or spread from human-to-human, let alone spread from healthy people.

Since the current flu, MMR and polio vaccines contain these same vero monkey cell lines, the only way to deploy SARS-CoV-2 is through transfection via these needles. SARS-CoV-2 is a lab-made sequence that originates and spreads through the existing influenza vaccine supply. This could be why the Department of Defense discovered that flu vaccine recipients from 2017-2018 were increasingly susceptible to coronavirus interference.

“When you take a synthetic part of a virus and you grow it in the monkey cells, you can get recombination events of all the monkey viruses, so it’s a monkey virus,” Mikovits confirmed, referring to the respiratory infections seen in covid-19. The HIV component comes from the Simian immune deficiency virus, which is also a natural monkey virus.

The vector that promises to save humanity is the tool being used to transfect us

Mikovits confirmed that Fauci knew about, funded and acquired cell lines and genetic material from biosecurity labs in the US that could be further weaponized in Wuhan. Mikovits said these virus experiments using the monkey cell line can create endless variants. “Two amino acid changes in the envelop of the spike can change a leukemia virus to a Parkinson-causing virus,” she said, citing her previous lab research. These sequences can be readily changed in the lab, creating endless variants of the same causative agent.

Yet, the errors of vaccine science are easily blamed on nature, which is why Dr. Anthony Fauci and everyone involved in these unethical human-virus experiments are rushing to force and mandate new vaccines onto the population, to control the narrative and cover up their crimes. Dr. Fauci and Dr. Daszak coordinated with Big Tech to censor scientific debate on the origins of SARS-CoV-2, because their virus research is an error of vaccine science that has poisoned the population and primed people to new infections for years.

Dr. Fauci and Dr. Daszak coordinated with media outlets and intimidated their colleagues into silence over the origins of SARS-CoV-2 because they were using no-see-um techniques to create these sequences in monkey cells. The no-see-um approach used in gain-of-function research, pressures the recombination process in the monkey cell line, and the resulting viral creation is unknown. Now the envelope of the virus, the S-1 sub-unit of the coronavirus spike protein, is assaulting the human population through the very vectors by which scientists like Fauci promised to save us. These new infectious sequences are in the cell lines which are then injected into the population via vaccination.

For more insight into the science fraud, watch the interview with Dr. Mikovits on Brighteon.com.

Sources include:




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Gibraltar (99% Of Population Vaccinated) And Iceland (90-98% Of Population Vaccinated) See MASSIVE Covid Spike

HAF  July 31, 2021

Stats coming out of several countries show vaccinated people are spreading Covid-19, as evidence mounts the vaccine is actually causing viral variants and infections as experts predicted.

In Gibraltar, a peninsula in Spain, almost 99% of the population is fully vaccinated – that’s according to info provided by Google. Despite the high vaccination rate, Covid cases appear to be on the rise, increasing by 2,500 percent per day.

Image source: UK.News.Yahoo.com

The data is consistent with stats seen in Israel which show the delta variant running rampant despite a majority of the population being fully vaccinated.

On Tuesday, it was reported by Israeli media that people who were already infected with Covid were 7 times less likely to be reinfected than those who were vaccinated, speaking to the power of natural immunity.

What’s Going On? India Sees Surge of Deaths and Injuries Following COVID-19 Vaccine Roll-Out.

Likewise, in Iceland, an island where nearly the entire adult population is vaccinated, Covid cases are similarly on the rise.

“The country is a vaccinators’ paradise,” reported journalist Alex Berensen. “90% of people 40-70 and 98% (!) of those over 70 are fully vaccinated.”

On Tuesday, Iceland’s chief epidemiologist even suggested some COVID-19 lockdown restrictions could remain in place for up to 15 years.

Also on Thursday, Singapore emerged as yet another country where the vaccinated appear to be spreading Covid, with the government revealing that about three-quarters of new Covid-19 infections stemmed from vaccinated people.

Meanwhile, in Sweden, where the vaccination rate is hovering at a low 39 percent and the government is not enforcing face masks, there have been zero Covid deaths.

The evidence suggests the vaccine is actually spreading disease in more countries than just the United States.

With stats like these, it’s easy to see why so many would be hesitant, or outright refuse to take the experimental jab.


Sources: InfoWars.comBanned.video


 What’s Going On? India Sees Surge Of Deaths And Injuries Following COVID-19 Vaccine Roll-Out

Comments by Brian Shilhavy

After seeing relatively good success in handling the COVID crisis with an emphasis on early treatments such as Ivermectin, India is all of a sudden seeing a surge in cases and deaths being attributed to the COVID-19 virus.

But some are wondering if the ramping up of COVID “vaccines” is the cause behind these recent surges.

GreatGameIndia.com has reported that more than 100 patients in a single hospital have died just after receiving COVID shots.

A New Jersey Doctor, Dr. Rajendra Kapila, has also reportedly died in a trip to India even though he was fully vaccinated with both doses of the Pfizer vaccine before he traveled to India. (Source.)

Dr. Mathew Maavak has contacted us and asked us to publish his analysis on what is happening in India. It was originally published at Activist Post.

A Case Of Graphical Correlations: Making Sense Of India’s COVID-19 Surge

by Mathew Maavak

India is currently witnessing a COVID-19 surge of unprecedented proportions, with an allegedly triple-mutant strain stretching the nation’s healthcare infrastructure to the limits.

The uncertainty hanging over the nation is compounded by viral despatches of dead bodies piling up in morgues; of people dropping dead in the streets; of despondent souls jumping off their balconies; and of funeral pyres all over the country. There will be no public service-minded Big Tech censorship in this instance.

This is supposedly Wuhan 2.0. Any social media addict would be forgiven for thinking that India’s population of 1.3 billion might suffer a dip before the year is out. Amidst the toxic miasma of fear-mongering, coherent explanations over this surge are hard to come by.

Therefore, one needs to resort to correlations and proxies in order to gauge causations and effects.

For starters, one should compare the yearly death tolls (from all causes) before and after the advent of COVID-19 in India, particularly for the year 2021. But relevant data will only be available a year from now.

Many will die as a result of continued lockdowns which generally weaken the immune system. Essential medical procedures will be deferred as hospitals are compelled to focus on COVID-19. Rising socioeconomic despair will naturally lead to a surge in suicides.

In the end, not all coronavirus deaths can be directly attributed to the virus no matter how “experts” add them up.

Other correlations must also be explored in the Indian context. India was rather late in joining the mass vaccination bandwagon.

Throughout 2020, its COVID-19 mortality figures were moderate by global standards due to the efficacy of low-cost treatment protocols. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) was sanctioned for early stage treatment from March 2020 onwards; while a few months later, India’s most populous state of Uttar Pradesh (population 231 million) replaced HCQ with ivermectin (an anti-parasitic drug).

The results were highly encouraging. As the TrialSiteNews (TSN) reported on Jan 9 2021:

“By the end of 2020, Uttar Pradesh — which distributed free ivermectin for home care — had the second-lowest fatality rate in India at 0.26 per 100,000 residents in December. Only the state of Bihar, with 128 million residents, was lower, and it, too, recommends ivermectin.”

Despite having the coronavirus situation under control, New Delhi was under immense pressure from various international lobbies and their local proxies to roll out a mass vaccination campaign.

It can be argued that India’s ongoing oxygen shortages are the direct result of prioritizing foreign-curated experimental vaccines over local necessities.

While the initial mass vaccination launch was pencilled for Jan 16, the campaign effectively took off only in late February.

With uncanny timing, the New York Times hailed India as an “unmatched vaccine manufacturing power” that could counter China in the area of vaccine diplomacy.

As the goal of vaccinating 300 million people by August 2021 neared the midway mark, however, the number of COVID-19 cases surged accordingly. The graph below broadly charts this anomaly.

Not only has India’s COVID-19 cases surged in tandem with increased vaccination, the trajectory of infections and inoculations can be neatly superimposed as the following graph suggests.

Can one infer that there may be a correlation between increased vaccinations and infections? This is not the first time that gene-based therapies ended up creating new viral chimeras. The World Health Organisation (WHO) recently admitted that a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)-backed vaccine program was responsible for a new polio outbreak in Africa. The usual suspects were also behind a vaccination-linked polio surge in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Vaccines causing deadly outbreaks of the very diseases they are supposed to eradicate happen to be a 21st century phenomenon – brought to you by an unholy alliance of Big Tech and Big Pharma.

In the process, new mutant strains or “vaccine-derived viruses” emerge, necessitating even more potent vaccines which deliver greater profits and levers of global control to Big Tech.

This is how the Davos cabal tries to stay relevant in a century that should otherwise be dominated by Asia.

India may end up being the first Asian victim of Big Tech’s Great Reset against the East.

A recent study by Tel Aviv University may shed further light on India’s bizarre surge. It seems those who have been vaccinated with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine are 8 times more likely to contract the new South African variant of COVID-19 than the unvaccinated.

The Covishield (Oxford University-AstraZeneca) and Covaxin (Bharat Biotech) vaccines used in India may have produced a similar effect. Dr. Harvey Risch, a professor of epidemiology at Yale University, has estimated that over 60 percent of all new COVID-19 cases seem to occur among the “vaccinated.”

Dr Michael Yeadon, former vice president and chief science officer for Pfizer, fears a more alarming outcome which includes the possibility of “massive-scale depopulation”. These are not your average basement-dwelling conspiratorial kooks!

“The vaccine,” to paraphrase Francis Bacon, “is now appearing to be the worse than the disease itself.” Gene-based vaccines open up a Pandora’s Box of what systems theorists call “emergence”. The human body is a complex system that may react unpredictably to interferences at its most substrate (or genetic) levels.

As a result, mutant virus strains may emerge alongside unforeseen side effects. This is what we are witnessing worldwide.

But as the virus mutates, so does the official narrative. The Indian Medical Association (IMA) now claims that mass vaccinations in densely-packed stadiums and halls are “superspreader” events. Is the IMA suggesting that new vaccine delivery systems, as lobbied by Big Tech, will solve this problem? Let us wait and see.

Furthermore, is close proximity the prime culprit behind the super-surge in India? India is a nation where trains, buses and all forms of public spaces teem with human bodies. Yet, it did not lead to mass casualties in 2020 as many had feared.

In the absence of a watertight scientific explanation from mainstream gatekeepers, a more plausible narrative may be sought from peripheral sources. The Daily Expose offers one such graphic-laden narrative to explain the correlation between mass vaccinations and the rising death toll in India.

While the Daily Expose concedes that correlation does not always equal causation, a similar pattern was noticed in other nations. The vaccination-mortality graph for Mongolia, for example, is particularly eye-popping.

Did Mongolia witness a near-zero to mutant COVID-19 surge just when mass vaccinations rolled out? How coincidental can that be?

The Case Of America: Red Vs Blue States

One may scientifically argue that India’s surge had nothing to do with ramped-up vaccinations. A new mutant virus may also somehow explain the vaccination-mortality correlations in Mongolia. Therefore one should resort to another layman-friendly proxy to see whether similar correlations exist elsewhere.

How about a comparison within the most coronavirus-affected nation on Earth: the United States of America?

Reports thus far suggest that US states which have been resisting mass vaccinations and/or mandatory masking, at least in relative terms, are generally faring better than those adhering to draconian COVID-19 guidelines. Just weeks after Texas lifted its public mask mandate – featuring full crowds at bars, restaurants and concerts  no less – COVID-19 cases as well as hospitalizations dropped to its lowest levels since October 2020.

The current White House occupant, who continues to make a buzz over his mental acuity, nonetheless panned the move as a symptom of “Neanderthal thinking”.

In the meantime, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, a prominent opponent of mandatory masking, is using COVID-19 restrictions elsewhere to lure businesses to her state. Other red states such as Florida and Arizona have moved to ban the so-called vaccine passports.

Rather coincidentally, the annual flu has virtually disappeared in the United States since the onset of the pandemic. It must be a modern medical miracle!

How Will India Fare?

With the surge affecting the nation badly, the CEOs of Google, Microsoft and Apple, among others, have pledged heartfelt aid to India. With friends like these, one wonders why Indians cannot question the global COVID-19 narrative on Twitter, Facebook or YouTube without being summarily banned or censored.

If India can concede the digital rights of its own citizens and the digital sovereignty of the nation to Big Tech, then how is it going to crowdsource solutions for COVID-19? Or deal with any other future crisis for that matter?

An Indian scientific paper which tentatively explored a laboratory origin for COVID-19 can be summarily removed after concerted condemnation from Western academics but a similar claim made by the former head of the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) appears relatively palatable. Isn’t this a textbook example of neoliberal racism?

Indians should also question why Africa has not been badly affected thus far, despite a South African variant hovering in the region. This is a continent mired in conflicts, poverty, serious healthcare deficits and other Third World-related woes. It lacks world-class scientists and institutions which India admittedly has. Is it because Africa does not pose an economic threat to the Western oligarchy the way Asia does? Or maybe, mass vaccinations haven’t yet taken off in Africa?

For the time being, India cannot reverse course on its vaccination drive and adopt measures similar to the one employed by the Eisenhower administration during the 1957-58 Asian Flu pandemic. The fear genie is already out of the bottle. Big Tech controls the digital narrative in India as it does elsewhere. Even if New Delhi manages to tame the COVID-19 crisis within the next few weeks or months, Big Tech will still be around to stifle India’s destiny.

Ultimately, this game is much bigger than COVID-19; it is about global domination through perennial mass-manufactured crises until a Great Reset is achieved.


Source: https://humansarefree.com/2021/05/whats-going-on-india-sees-surge-of-deaths-and-injuries-following-covid-19-vaccine-roll-out.html


Cleveland Clinic: Miljoenen Covid-gevaccineerden zullen binnen ‘5 jaar’ sterven

  maart 24, 2025    8     D e gerenommeerde Cleveland Clinic heeft een ijzingwekkende waarschuwing laten vallen dat miljoenen mensen die Cov...