die mRNA in koemelk hebben gepompt, hebben aangekondigd dat zij muizen die zich
met de melk voedden “met succes” hebben gevaccineerd. Dit doet vrezen dat
commerciële melk stilletjes zal worden geladen met mRNA om de ongevaccineerde
bevolking te vaccineren, schrijft Newspunch.
De onderzoekers ontdekten dat zij een klein stukje mRNA in kleine
pakketjes konden stoppen, exosomen genaamd, die in melk voorkomen. Vervolgens
voerden zij deze melk aan muizen, en de muizen absorbeerden de exosomen in hun
Het mRNA moet in de bloedbaan en het lymfeweefsel van de muizen zijn
terechtgekomen omdat hun lichamen antilichamen maakten tegen het spike-eiwit
van het SARS-CoV-2-virus.
Dr. Peter
McCollough doet verslag: Vanuit wetenschappelijk oogpunt
waren deze experimentele stappen van de Chinezen een verbluffend succes. Maar
gezien de schade die mRNA-vaccins hebben veroorzaakt in termen van
verwondingen, handicaps en sterfgevallen, roepen deze gegevens aanzienlijke
ethische vragen op.
Het COVID States project heeft aangetoond dat 25% van de Amerikanen erin
slaagde om ongevaccineerd te blijven. Deze groep zou grote bezwaren hebben
tegen mRNA in de voedselvoorziening, vooral als dat stiekem of met minimale
etikettering/waarschuwingen gebeurt.
Kinderen zouden kunnen worden getroffen met gemakkelijk toe te dienen
orale vaccindoses of zouden mRNA kunnen krijgen via melk tijdens schoollunches
en andere maaltijden zonder toezicht.
Voor degenen die een van de COVID-19-vaccins hebben genomen, zouden
melkvaccins als EUA-aanbod een nog grotere belasting van het lichaam met
synthetisch mRNA mogelijk maken.
Deze observaties doen mij concluderen dat de mRNA-technologie zojuist
een geheel nieuwe, veel duistere ontwikkelingsfase is ingegaan.
Verwacht meer onderzoek naar en weerstand tegen mRNA in onze
voedselvoorziening. De Chinezen hebben zojuist de eerste van waarschijnlijk nog
vele gevaarlijke stappen voor de wereld gezet.
Destinataire(s) : Tous publics, médias et contre-pouvoirs...
En pleine pandémie, Emmanuel Macron a décidé de
faire classer "secret défense" toutes les discussions et échanges sur
le sujet du COVID... POUR 50 ANS !
Tous les échanges entre lui, le gouvernement,
McKinsey, Ursula et l'UE, Pfizer nous sont dissimulés pour 50 ans.
C'est d'autant plus inacceptable que ce
"terrible virus" est maintenant traité comme une simple grippe et que
depuis quelques mois tout ce qui était complotiste devient la vérité.
Il faut comprendre pourquoi le peuple de France a
été confiné, méprisé et bafoué. Pourquoi il a été endetté pour des décades par
la volonté d'un seul apprenti sorcier.
Exigeons la levée de ce secret défense pour enfin
connaître la vérité !
SUMMARY: This post will show that both flu and Covid vaccines are utterly useless at preventing hospitalization for Covid AND flu.
This conclusion is based on a recent large study of US veterans. Their
health data is available to researchers from the Veterans Administration
medical database.
The same VA study also shows that repeat COVID infections are not milder in hospitalized veterans.
Flu Vaccines are Useless
A fascinating study of US veterans hospitalized with COVID or flu is out.
This one piqued my interest, like all previous VA studies
comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated patients. There is always
something one can find in those. These studies involve large numbers of
people with well-known health and vaccination histories.
JAMA study examines VA patients hospitalized with respiratory illnesses
(COVID or the flu). It shows the proportions of COVID and
flu-vaccinated persons among both flu and Covid patients. It looks at
relatively recent hospitalizations:
Methods | We used the electronic health databases of the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Between October 1, 2022, and January 31, 2023,
we enrolled all individuals with at least 1 hospital admission record
between 2 days before and 10 days after a positive test result for
SARS-CoV-2 or influenza and an admission diagnosis for COVID-19 or
seasonal influenza. We removed 143 participants hospitalized with both
infections. The cohort was followed up until the first occurrence of
death, 30 days after hospital admission, or March 2, 2023.
Let’s take a look. Here’s the vaccination status of hospitalized veterans:
Take a look at the line underlined in BLUE (last line). 64% of patients hospitalized with COVID were vaccinated against the flu. 63% of patients hospitalized with flu were vaccinated against the flu.
We know that the influenza vaccine does not prevent Covid hospitalizations. But if the influenza vaccine prevented influenza hospitalizations, there would be fewer influenza-vaccinated people hospitalized for influenza than influenza-vaccinated people hospitalized for Covid.
the influenza vaccine were 100% effective at preventing hospitalization
with influenza, in the table above, we would have ZERO patients who had
an influenza vaccine hospitalized for influenza. Instead ofzero,
64% of people hospitalized for influenza are vaccinated for influenza,
the same as the percentage of influenza-vaccinated people among Covid hospitalizations.
I apologize for the heavy language above. I felt that it was important to be precise.
Scientists refer to the above comparison as a “test-negative design,” which is used to evaluate the effectiveness of the influenza vaccine. This article published in Vaccine magazine describes test-negative study designs.
Test-negative design is explained further:
The test-negative design has a notable strength in controlling for afore-mentioned health care-seeking behavior (Fig. 2). Typically, study subjects are patients who visit medical institutions due to ILI during the influenza season. Subjects with positive test results for influenza are classified into cases, while subjects with negative results are classified as controls, and then vaccination status during the season can be compared between cases and controls.
As the subjects are likely to visit a medical institution soon after
ILI onset, both cases and controls are considered to be similar in their
health care-seeking behavior. Therefore, the test-negative design can
minimize confounding by health care-seeking behavior in evaluating
influenza VE even though the outcome measure is laboratory-confirmed
influenza, which is expected to resolve the dilemma in cohort studies.
the data in the above table lets us compare the flu vaccination status
of influenza cases and controls (COVID cases). The result is that the
same proportion of influenza-vaccinated people are hospitalized for the
flu as the influenza-vaccinated people are hospitalized for COVID.
In other words, the flu vaccine does NOT help prevent flu-related hospitalizations!
if the flu vaccine were 100% effective against the flu, ZERO — 0% of
flu-vaccinated people would be hospitalized for influenza.
COVID Vaccine is Similarly Ineffective
We can apply the same logic we applied to flu-vaccinated patients and look at Covid-boosted patients.
We can compare the percentage of Covid-boosted patients hospitalized
for Covid to the percentage of Covid-boosted patients hospitalized “not
for Covid.”
Look at the same table as above, but consider the line underlined with GREEN.
55% of persons hospitalized with Covid were Covid-boosted. 55% of persons hospitalized with flu were Covid-boosted.
the Covid vaccine had been 100% effective at preventing
hospitalizations with Covid, ZERO hospitalized Covid patients would have
been Covid-boosted. Instead, regardless of the type of
illness (Covid or the flu), the percentage of Covid-boosted patients is
the same for both illnesses.
This, again, is a test-negative design
comparison: look at the percentage of Covid-boosted people hospitalized
for Covid, and compare it with the percentage of Covid-boosted people
hospitalized for “not Covid.”
This comparison shows that Covid boosters do not reduce Covid hospitalizations.
finding is similar to what I found in the CDC’s own VISION network
study, showing ineffectiveness of Covid vaccines when looking at
patients with known vaccination status:
new CDC presentation from two days ago provides some food for thought.
The presentation has a very interesting part called “VISION Multi-State
Network of Electronic Health Records,” starting on Page 17…
a month ago · 582 likes · 443 comments · Igor Chudov
Covid Reinfections are Almost as Deadly as First Infections
Another interesting finding of the VA study, unrelated to the above, is that repeat Covid infections lead to approximately the same fraction of hospitalized reinfection patients succumbing to death as first infections. Look at this table:
Six out of 100 veterans hospitalized with Covid as their first infection die within 30 days of admission.
Compare that to five out of 100 veterans who die with a Covid reinfection - a comparable number.
So, again, are we acquiring “robust hybrid multilayer immunity” with all these shots and reinfections? It does not look like it!
if you or your loved ones ever have a Covid reinfection, take it as
seriously as you did your first infection and have good medications,
like vitamins and Ivermectin, stocked up in your home pantry.
Do Covid Vaccines Protect from Death?
But, Covid vaccines protect against death, would be the reaction of vaccine advocates, and they would point out the following:
8.75% of unvaccinated hospitalized people die compared to 5.18% of boosted hospitalized patients. Some would suggest that boosters provide 1-5.18/8.75 = 41% protection against death.
an observation is interesting; however, “death protection” should be
calculated for all people, whether hospitalized or not. Some people die
at home without ever being hospitalized. Both Bob Saget (a vaccinated
entertainer), as well as Kelly Ernby (an unvaxed antivaccine activist),
died within 30 days of their Covid infections without ever being in a
Saget, a 65 year old, died in a hotel room in Orlando on Jan 9.
The anti-vaxx community, myself included, was quick to note that…
a year ago · 121 likes · 135 comments · Igor Chudov
looking at the death rates of only hospitalized people does not allow
us to calculate “vaccine death protection.” Further, UK data shows a
disturbing 30% increase in “deaths at home” (as opposed to hospitals where the VA study took place):
any case, hospitalization data for Covid and flu-vaccinated people
shows that “protection against hospitalization” does not exist for Covid
and flu vaccines as of the dates of the study (late 2022-early 2023).
What do you think? Any recent observations or COVID experiences involving you or your friends?