zaterdag 5 november 2022

Oversterfte onder 65-plussers bijna verdubbeld sinds herhaalprik: ‘Ze beginnen nattigheid te voelen’

In oktober gingen er opnieuw meer mensen dood dan verwacht en was er sprake van oversterfte. In oktober overleden in totaal zo’n 1800 mensen meer dan verwacht. De oversterfte komt daarmee uit op 16 procent.

Het CBS kan de oorzaak van de extra sterfte pas over een aantal maanden geven. De oversterfte was vooral hoger onder 65-plussers. Ook de afgelopen maanden was er oversterfte.

Sinds de herhaalprik is de oversterfte onder 65-plussers bijna verdubbeld, berekende gepensioneerd statisticus Herman Steigstra. “Verband uiteraard onbewezen volgens ‘experts’, maar ze beginnen inmiddels wel nattigheid te voelen,” schrijft hij op Twitter.

Meer oversterfte dan corona

Hij wijst erop dat ook de cumulatieve meersterfte zich ver buiten de bandbreedtes bevindt. “Nog heel even en er is meer oversterfte dan corona in de eerste golf,” aldus Steigstra.

Na aftrek van corona is er een oversterfte van 12 procent over alle leeftijden. Na delta en omikron zou er juist een periode van ondersterfte moeten zijn, stelt de statisticus.


“De beleidsverantwoordelijken zullen vroeg of laat op de één of andere manier de afrekening krijgen voor hun weigering om deze oversterfte grondig te onderzoeken,” reageert huisarts Frank Peeters.

“Als arts beschouw ik de coronaprikken als (mede)oorzaak van de onverklaarde oversterfte tot het tegendeel bewezen is en ga ik niet schuilen achter een gebrek aan causaliteit. Zou elke arts dat niet moeten doen?” vraagt Peeters.

Oversterfte stijgt na herhaalprik tot 16 procent, 1.800 extra sterfgevallen

 04 NOVEMBER 2022

Redactie Blckbx 


Na de start van de herhaalprikcampagne is de oversterfte in Nederland weer als een raket omhooggeschoten, blijkt uit cijfers van het CBS. In oktober overleden 1.800 meer mensen dan normaal, een oversterfte van 16 procent. Ook in andere landen stijgt de oversterfte.

 In oktober overleden in totaal 1.800 mensen meer dan verwacht, van wie 1.000 kwetsbare mensen, zoals bewoners van verpleeghuizen of zorginstellingen voor mensen met een beperking, aldus het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) vrijdag.

 Vanaf week 37 startte de herhaalprikcampagne tegen corona. Van de groep mensen ouder dan 60 heeft sindsdien 48,7 procent de spuit laten zetten. In de grafiek van het CBS is te zien dat de oversterfte voor 65+ en met name 80+ vanaf week 37 omhoogschiet.

 Bij de groep onder de 65 is geen oversterfte zichtbaar. Van de mensen onder de 60 jaar heeft tot nu slechts 6 procent de 'opfrisdosis' ontvangen.

Immunoloog prof. dr. Theo Schetters luidde eerder deze week de alarmbel over de sterftecijfers. Hij constateert tijdens de herfstprikcampagne, net als in de lente, een duidelijke correlatie tussen de herhaalprikken en de oplopende sterftecijfers. Schetters roept dan ook op om onmiddellijk te stoppen met vaccineren, in ieder geval ‘zolang er geen duidelijkheid is over de causaliteit’.

 Zijn oproep werd ondersteund door dr. Robert Malone, uitvinder van de mRNA-techniek. “Gedetailleerd onderzoek naar de oorzaak van de verhoogde sterfte is van het grootste belang,” aldus Malone. “Tot die tijd moeten de vaccinaties worden opgeschort.”

CBS zwijgt over vaccins

Ondanks de sterke correlatie wordt door het CBS met geen woord gerept over de mogelijke invloed van de herfstprikcampagne op de ineens weer sterk toegenomen oversterfte. Het statistiekbureau zegt dat het de oorzaak van de enorme extra sterfte nog niet kan geven. Dat zou pas over een aantal maanden kunnen, als het CBS beschikt over doodsoorzaakverklaringen van artsen.

 Het CBS heeft al wel uitspraken gedaan over wat mogelijk de oorzaak was van de hoge oversterfte in met name het tweede kwartaal – toen net was gestart met het toedienen van de vorige booster. Corona zou in dat kwartaal in slechts 3,5 procent van de sterfgevallen de oorzaak zijn geweest van een overlijden.

 De oversterfte was in die maanden veel hoger dan alleen door het virus verklaard kon worden. Volgens CBS-onderzoeker Ruben van Gaalen zou een andere mogelijke reden voor de oversterfte in het tweede kwartaal kunnen zijn dat mensen die eerder corona opliepen en herstelden wel verzwakt waren en daardoor later alsnog overleden aan iets anders.

 "Een andere verklaring kan zijn dat mensen die normaal gezien zouden zijn overleden in de winter, bijvoorbeeld door een infectie, toen bleven leven omdat ze zichzelf extra beschermden vanwege de pandemie," beweert Van Gaalen. "Zij overleden dan later mogelijk alsnog." Die hypothese is volgens Van Gaalen moeilijk te bewijzen, maar ‘het is wel een patroon dat we herkennen van grote epidemieën’. Over de mogelijke invloed van de COVID-prikken spreekt Van Gaalen met geen woord.

 Tekst gaat verder onder de tweet

Overal oversterfte

Net als Nederland kampen veel andere landen al langer met een hoge ‘onverklaarbare’ oversterfte. In Duitsland sterven momenteel 20 procent meer mensen dat normaal. Net als in Nederland is het in Duitsland een ‘raadsel’ waardoor de oversterfte veroorzaakt wordt.

 “Begin oktober is het verschil tussen het huidige aantal doden en de vergelijkende waarde verder toegenomen. In kalenderweek 41 (van 10 tot en met 16 oktober) lagen ze volgens het huidige resultaat van de extrapolatie 20 procent hoger.”

Tekst gaat verder onder de tweet  


Een Britse epidemioloog zegt dat de piek in het aantal sterfgevallen in Engeland en Wales 'zorgwekkend' is, hoewel ze niet weet wat de oorzaak is.

“De aanhoudende trend van meer sterfgevallen in Engeland en Wales dan verwacht (in vergelijking met voorgaande jaren), die sinds het voorjaar zichtbaar is, is zorgwekkend," aldus Veena Raleigh afgelopen weekend in The Telegraph.  

Als wij niet meer kunnen doen wat nodig is, wie doet het dan wel?

Blijf ons steunen, juist NU!


blckbx today #96: Energietransitie EU-topie

     Video Link on Rumble:

Vrijdag 4 november 2022

De energietransitie zoals de EU die wil met volledig elektrisch vervoer in 2035 en een volledig elektrische energievoorziening in 2050 is onmogelijk. Er is namelijk niet voldoende capaciteit beschikbaar in de mijnbouw om alle (zeldzame) metalen te winnen voor batterijen, elektromotoren, windturbines en zonnefarms

Dat stelt mijnbouw-expert Simon Michaux. Rypke Zeilmaker interviewde hem en licht de pijnpunten toe. 


Record Surge of Infections in Children

 Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola  Fact Checked

 November 04, 2022




·    Hospitals around the U.S. are suddenly struggling to keep up with surging rates of respiratory infections among children, such as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), COVID, rhinoviruses and influenza

·    Moderna is working on an mRNA jab for RSV, which is scheduled for release in 2023. They’re also working on a combination mRNA jab for COVID, RSV and the flu

·    Censored scientists and doctors have long warned that the mRNA COVID jabs are destroying people’s immune systems, and that we’re going to see an avalanche of infections as immune system failure sets in

·    The COVID jab causes innate immune suppression, which makes you more susceptible to all kinds of infections and chronic diseases. Suppression of Type 1 interferon signaling appears to be one of the primary mechanisms by which the shot destroys immune competence, and repeated booster shots can reliably be anticipated to amplify adverse effects

·    The more shots you get, the more likely you are to die from COVID. While only 34% of Canadians have received three or four doses of the COVID jab, triple and quadruple jabbed made up 81% of all COVID deaths in June 2022. Excess mortality among young children, teens and young adults is also skyrocketing


Hospitals around the U.S. are suddenly struggling to keep up with surging rates of respiratory infections among children, such as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV),1 COVID, rhinoviruses and influenza.2 Hospital staff feign confusion, saying they have no idea what’s going on.

Meanwhile, censored scientists and doctors have long warned that the mRNA COVID jabs are destroying people’s immune systems, and that we’re going to see an avalanche of infections as immune system failure sets in.

Many Hospitals at or Near Capacity

As of the third week of October 2022, several children's hospitals in Washington, D.C., Maryland, Connecticut and Virginia reported being at or near capacity.3 To expand capacity, officials in Hartford, Connecticut, are seeking help from the National Guard and FEMA.

According to Dr. Margaret R. Moon, co-director of Johns Hopkins Children’s Center in Baltimore, the hospital “is experiencing a surge of patients due to an increase in cases of RSV, as well as other reasons, and many surrounding hospitals are facing the same.”4

RSV typically causes mild cold-like symptoms that last for a week or two. While harmless in adults, in infants the virus can cause more severe infections such as bronchiolitis (inflammation of the smaller branches of the bronchial airways) and pneumonia.

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data,5 58,000 children under age 5 are hospitalized for RSV each year, and the CDC’s RSV dashboard6 (screenshot below) does show that RSV is acting unseasonably. Could this out-of-season emergence of RSV have something to do with the fact that the Food and Drug Administration authorized the COVID shot for children under 5 in June 2022?7

Maybe, maybe not. It’s not a clear parallel, as RSV also rose out of season during the summer of 2021, when young children did not yet have access to the COVID shot. Parents and older siblings, however, were eligible, and there are still many open questions surrounding the issue of shedding. It’s possible that spike protein shedding from the shots were affecting younger children, suppressing their immune systems.

mRNA RSV Jab in the Works

Considering hospitalization rates for RSV are actually lower than historical seasonal highs, one also wonders whether the media’s attention on RSV might be related to the fact that Moderna is working on an mRNA jab for RSV, which is scheduled for release in 2023.8

They’re also working on a combination mRNA jab for COVID, RSV and the flu. Ultimately, Moderna wants to create an annual mRNA shot that covers all of the top 10 viruses that result in hospitalizations each year.9 If the COVID shot is any indication, such an injection could be catastrophic.

COVID Jab Causes Innate Immune Suppression

There’s now ample evidence showing the COVID jab causes innate immune suppression, which makes you more susceptible to all kinds of infection, not just COVID, as well as any number of chronic diseases.

In June 2022, Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., Dr. Greg Nigh, Dr. Anthony Kyriakopoulos and Dr. Peter McCullough published a paper10 in Food and Chemical Toxicology, reviewing the mechanisms by which the shots suppress immune function and trigger disease. As noted in the abstract:11

“The utilization of mRNA vaccines in the context of infectious disease has no precedent. The many alterations in the vaccine mRNA hide the mRNA from cellular defenses and promote a longer biological half-life and high production of spike protein. However, the immune response to the vaccine is very different from that to a SARS-CoV-2 infection.

In this paper, we present evidence that vaccination induces a profound impairment in type I interferon signaling, which has diverse adverse consequences to human health.

Immune cells that have taken up the vaccine nanoparticles release into circulation large numbers of exosomes containing spike protein along with critical microRNAs that induce a signaling response in recipient cells at distant sites.

We also identify potential profound disturbances in regulatory control of protein synthesis and cancer surveillance. These disturbances potentially have a causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell's palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, impaired DNA damage response and tumorigenesis.”

Suppression of Type 1 interferon signaling appears to be one of the primary mechanisms by which the shot suppresses and destroys immune competence, and repeated booster shots can reliably be anticipated to amplify any and all adverse effects.

Type 1 Interferon Suppression Is a Recipe for Ill Health

Type 1 interferon plays an important role in the immune response to viral infections, cancer and autoimmune diseases. So, the fact that we’re now seeing significant increases in all of these conditions is not surprising.

When a cell is invaded by a virus, it releases Type 1 interferon alpha and Type 1 interferon beta. They act as signaling molecules that tell the cell that it’s been infected. That, in turn, launches the immune response and gets it going early in the viral infection. It’s been shown that people who end up with severe SARS-CoV-2 infection have a compromised Type 1 interferon response. Those who get the jab have an even more suppressed response.

Importantly, the antibody response you get from the COVID shot is exponentially higher than what you get from natural infection, and the level of antibody response rises with disease severity. So, the shot basically mimics severe infection, and this is why boosters can spell disaster.

If your Type 1 interferon response is already deficient, your immune cells are not very capable at stopping the spread of a virus in your body. Hence, the more shots you get, and the more your Type 1 interferon response is impaired, the more likely you become to develop severe infections, be it COVID or any other infection. This also means that you’re more likely to die, and rising excess mortality statistics, which I’ll review in a moment, confirm this.

Type 1 interferon also keeps latent viruses like herpes and varicella (which causes shingles) viruses in check, and when your interferon pathway is suppressed, these latent viruses can also start to emerge. And, indeed, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database reveals many who have been jabbed do report these kinds of infections.

Don’t Be Fooled by ‘Reframing’ Efforts

Disturbingly, researchers and mainstream media are still pushing the idea that COVID shot side effects are a sign that the shot is working well. As reported by CNN October 24, 2022:12

“People who reported experiencing side effects to the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines such as fever, chills or muscle pain tended to have a greater antibody response following vaccination, according to new research.

Having such symptoms after vaccination is associated with greater antibody responses compared with having only pain or rash at the injection site or no symptoms at all, suggests the paper published Friday in the journal JAMA Network Open.13

‘In conclusion, these findings support reframing postvaccination symptoms as signals of vaccine effectiveness and reinforce guidelines for vaccine boosters in older adults,’ the researchers ... wrote in their paper.”

To be clear, feeling terrible after your COVID shot is not to be taken as evidence that the shot is providing you with protection. What you’re experiencing is akin to having severe COVID. The shot is suppressing your Type 1 interferon, and continuing with additional jabs is a recipe for ill health. It’s just that simple.

As suggested in that JAMA article, they really want to “reframe postvaccination symptoms” to stop people from reconsidering the wisdom of taking subsequent jabs, but don’t fall for it. You’re feeling terrible because your body is being harmed.

The More Shots You Get, the More Likely You’ll Die of COVID

Video Link

As noted by Dr. Charles Hoffe in a September 15, 2022, interview with Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson, “The more shots you get, the more likely you will die from COVID-19.” An excerpt from the interview is included above. You can find the full interview on Bitchute.14

According to the latest data from Canada, summarized by Hoffe, 85% of Canadians have received at least two COVID shots, and in June 2022, 92% of all COVID deaths were in fully jabbed individuals. And, while only 34% of Canadians had received three or four doses, they made up 81% of all COVID deaths in the month of June.

“This is the clearest evidence that the more shots you have, the more likely you will die of COVID,” Hoffe said. “These [shots] are severely damaging the immune system. And so, the discrimination against those who have chosen to be vaxx free is absolutely absurd because those are the people who are going to survive.”

Youths Are Dying at Frightening Rates

                               VIDEO LINK:

In the video above, nurse educator John Campbell, Ph.D., reviews the latest U.K. and U.S. data on excess deaths in the young. The U.K. is now seeing 20 to 30 excess deaths per week in the age group of birth to 24.

Excess deaths are also statistically higher in the U.S. than expected. For the age group of birth to 24, cumulative all-cause excess deaths was 16,747 as of week 35. The screenshot below, from,15 illustrates how the cumulative excess deaths among our children, teens and young adults have skyrocketed since June 2020.

Recall the FDA authorized the first COVID shot December 11, 2020, for individuals aged 16 years and older.16 If the excess deaths from June through December were related to COVID, the shots certainly have NOT improved the situation or made youths less likely to die. Quite the contrary.

Excess deaths among all age groups follows a similar but more step-like rise.

Medical Abuse of Women and Children Is Rampant

The medical system has mistreated and abused infants for decades, forcing a number of completely useless and harmful interventions on them. Antibiotic eye treatment17 and the hepatitis B vaccine,18 both administered on the day of birth, are but two examples. The fact that U.S. child mortality ranks19 worst among the 20 wealthiest nations speaks to the effects of all this medial mistreatment and overtreatment of infants.

The U.S. also has the highest maternal death rate in the developed world,20 and according to medial investigators, 84% of all these maternal deaths are preventable.21 Clearly, we’re doing a lot of things wrong.

CDC Takes Child Abuse to a Whole New Level

With its decision to add COVID shots to the U.S. childhood, adolescent and adult vaccine schedules,22 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is taking the abuse of infants and pregnant women to a whole new level. As reported by The Defender:23

“Commenting on [the CDC’s unanimous] vote, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman of the board and chief legal counsel for Children’s Health Defense (CHD), said:

‘This reckless action is final proof of the cynicism, corruption and capture of a once exemplary public health agency. ACIP members have again demonstrated that fealty to their pharma overlords eclipses any residual concerns they may harbor for child welfare or public health. This is an act of child abuse on a massive scale’ ...

[A]dding the COVID-19 vaccines means 18 more shots — one per year between the ages of 6 months and 18 years — will be added to the schedule, according to Toby Rogers, Ph.D.

‘So overnight the childhood schedule would go from 54 injections (72 antigens because of combined shots like MMR) to 72 injections (90 antigens),’ Rogers said. ‘This has absolutely nothing to do with health — it’s all about profit and power’ ...

Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E., told The Defender, ‘Given the high risk of vaccine injury for a product that provides little or no benefit to children, this represents a criminal enterprise solely to ensure a revenue stream for COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers’ ...

As of Oct. 7 [2022], the VAERS data for 6-month-olds to 5-year-olds who received a COVID-19 vaccine showed reports of 4,279 adverse events, including 182 cases rated as serious and 7 reported deaths. For 5- to 11-year-olds, there were 14,622 reports of adverse events, including 692 rated as serious and 29 reported deaths.”

Can Children Survive This Many mRNA Shots?

The following COVID-19 jab recommendations will go into effect in 2023:

·         Age 6 months to 4 years — a two-dose primary series for Moderna, or a three-dose primary series for Pfizer, plus an annual booster

·         Age 5 to 11 years — a two-dose series of either Moderna or Pfizer plus an annual booster

·         Age 12 to 18 years — a two-dose series for Moderna, Novavax or Pfizer plus an annual booster

For children with moderately or severely compromised immune systems, the recommended primary series is increased from a two-dose series to a three-dose series, which is madness heaped upon insanity. I really don’t see how young children will get through their primary education alive if they have to take annual boosters on top of a primary series.

Rules Upended for Vaccine Injury Compensation

Adding insult to injury, while the COVID jab makers get a permanent liability shield through the addition of the jabs to the childhood vaccination schedule, those injured by these mRNA shots will not get compensation through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), which covers nearly every other vaccine on the schedule. The Defender explains:24

“Vaccine makers are not liable for injuries or deaths associated with EUA [emergency use authorized] vaccines but can be held liable for injuries caused by a fully licensed vaccine — unless that vaccine is added to the CDC’s childhood vaccination schedule.

Parents of children injured by vaccines listed on the childhood schedule typically can seek compensation through the taxpayer-funded National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), a no-fault alternative to the traditional legal system for resolving vaccine injury claims.

However, the revisions voted on today by the committee explicitly state25 (slide 24) that the newly added ... COVID-19 vaccines are not covered under the VICP.

Instead, the COVID-19 vaccines added to the childhood schedule will remain covered by the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP). To date, only six claims filed with the CICP have been approved for compensation.”

In closing, if you care about your children, do not allow them to be injected with these immune-destroying shots. If you’re still on the fence, please read the cited paper by Seneff, Nigh, Kyriakopoulos and McCullough,26 to get an understanding of how these shots can utterly decimate your child’s health.

Sources and References

·         1 NPR October 24, 2022

·         2 Axios October 21, 2022

·         3, 4 DCist October 20, 2022

·         5 CDC RSV Trends

·         6 CDC RSV Interactive Dashboard, Screenshot grabbed October 26, 2022

·         7 CNN June 20, 2022

·         8 World Economic Forum, COVID-19: What’s Next? January 17, 2022, 6:25

·         9 CNBC January 10, 2022

·         10, 11, 26 Food and Chemical Toxicology June 2022; 164: 113008

·         12 CNN October 24, 2022

·         13 JAMA Network Open October 21, 2022; 5(10): e2237908

·         14 Bitchute Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson September 15, 2022

·         15 US Mortality Weekly All-Cause Excess Deaths, Cumulative

·         16 Historical Vaccine Timeline

·         17 CBC March 20, 2015

·         18 Medical News Today March 28, 2022

·         19 CNN January 8, 2018

·         20 NPR May 12, 2017

·         21 NPR October 21, 2022

·         22 Rumble October 20, 2022

·         23, 24 The Defender October 20, 2022

·         25 CDC ACIP Meeting October 20, 2022




Tucker Carlson: “Dat meisje uit Estland. Ik bedoel, ze zou mensen vermoorden.”

  maart 21, 2025     28    European Union / Wikiedia / (Public Domain) T ucker Carlson praat met Clayton Morris, een voormalige Fox News...