03/21/2022 / By News
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It is not
shocking that German journalist Alina Lipp has been labeled a “terrorist” by
the Ukrainian government when U.S. President Joe Biden’s government is doing
the same thing to individuals against his narratives.
(Article by
Amy Mek republished from RairFoundation.com)
Last week
RAIR Foundation USA translated a video by a young German journalist living
in Donetsk, Alina Lipp. After her video on the Donbas region went
viral, she was registered on Ukraine’s official Terrorist website as a “Russian
terrorist.” Lipp is neither a Russian citizen nor does she have a Russian
pro-Donbas reporting is believed to be why she was classified as a
terrorist. She has repeatedly claimed that the Ukrainian military has been
attacking Donbas Russians for the past eight years. In Lipp’s viral video, she
highlighted that the people living in Donbas want to belong to Russia and have
been “thankful that Russia finally did something.” She stressed, “Finally, the
people here have been liberated from the terror that they’ve been experiencing
for the last eight years” from the Ukrainian government.
Video Link: https://newstarget.com/2022-03-21-ukraine-declares-journalist-a-russian-terrorist.html
Video Link: https://newstarget.com/2022-03-21-ukraine-declares-journalist-a-russian-terrorist.html
Lipp released
a video statement in response to people attacking her work and the Ukraine
government registering her as a “Russian Terrorist”:
This message
is for all those who, for some reason, want to defame me. As it turns out, I’m
now registered on the official Ukrainian terrorist site and I’m also now listed
as a Russian terrorist. That’s pretty funny, because I don’t even have a
Russian passport.
Why they want
to defame me, I don’t know, because I just want to show how things really are
here in Donbas, in Donetsk, for example. I can show proof of my entire life, my
résumé, everything I’ve done, all my encounters, meetings, to prove there’s nothing
I’m somehow hiding. I’m an independent journalist, and I can also prove that.
I’m simply trying to work for peace.
can be heard going off in the background here again. That’s the Ukrainian army,
which has been shelling the Donbas region for the last eight years, and I’ve
seen that with my own eyes. I’ve seen the people suffering in the outskirts.
You know, if you want to defame me, ask yourself why? I’m only filming what
isn’t shown in the West. I just want to expose an injustice, and that’s
something everyone should want.
Why should I
be defamed? Why should I be prevented from exposing this injustice? Expose the
genocide. I don’t understand it.
Just an
example: someone from T-online contacted me, to do an interview with me. Best
regards to that gentleman. He wrote very nicely and then I answered him. I
said, I would like to and that I would gladly answer questions, but that I’d
like to read it through and approve the article before publication. Then he
said: “Nah, I don’t do that.”
I had the
same thing happen before, I think it was with Der Spiegel magazine. It was a
long time ago. I ask myself, if you don’t agree with my checking my own
statements beforehand, then you’re basically admitting that you intend to
change my statements, in a way that I wouldn’t agree with afterwards. So, it’s
unbelievable. What kind of journalism is that?
Just show the
truth, and statements from people whom you interviewed should be what they
said. That’s how it should be. It’s unbelievable what has become of this world,
and what journalism has become, especially in the West. Oh well. Bye
Video Link: https://newstarget.com/2022-03-21-ukraine-declares-journalist-a-russian-terrorist.html
Will The U.S. Government Also Label Journalists as Terrorists?
It is not
shocking that Lipp has been labeled a “terrorist” by the Ukrainian government
when U.S. President Joe Biden’s government is doing the same thing to
individuals going against his narratives.
On February
7, 2022, the Department of Homeland Security released a bulletin stating that “misleading narratives” are the most dangerous contributor
to terrorism against the United States.
in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an
online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and
conspiracy theories…
These threat
actors seek to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine
public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest, which could potentially
inspire acts of violence.
A federal
agency says that to “undermine public trust in government institutions” is now
considered terrorism.
Under these
new U.S. guidelines, will American journalists be considered “terrorists” for
reporting on Alina Lipp’s work?
Learn More About Alina Lipp
The following interview and report by SNA News with Ms. Lipp from February 14, 2022, will
give more insight into who she is and the work she is doing:
Alina Lipp is
a freelance journalist and has been living in the Donbas for several months,
from where she reports on the current situation via her Telegram channel “News
from Russia.” From there, she reports on the current situation in the war
zone, where Western journalists have rarely been seen since the beginning of
the conflict.
During her
studies in Germany, Lipp explains that she took every opportunity to better
understand Russia, taking part in different internships, volunteer work, and
traveling to Siberia on the Trans-Siberian Railway. After her father emigrated
from Germany to Crimea a few years ago, Alina finally decided to live in Russia
in early 2021. She has since traveled around as a journalist, participated in
film projects, and promoted a political friendship between Germany and
A war that has long since begun – Report of a German in the Donbass
Somewhere, not too far away, there’s a bang. I cringe, looking around. But,
apart from me, no one around me stops; the passers-by pretend not to have heard
anything. It’s the fall of 2021, I’m standing in the center of Donetsk, and
it’s the first time I have become aware of the warfare on the border with
nothing is heard in the city center. However, in the evening, I learned on the
news that the Ukrainian army landed a drone with an explosive device in the
Donetsk oil depot. The device was detonated and defused a safe distance from
the oil barrels. Much of the city would have been wiped out if the explosive
device had gone off on a barrel as initially planned.

Despite all
the dangers, I’ve been in Donetsk for three months – the Donbas and the stories
of its inhabitants just won’t let me go. It is a fascinating place with even
more fascinating people. It gives me a burning desire to report on events for
German viewers and readers as best I can – especially due to the silence of our
media about what is really going on here. The only reports I find in the
German-speaking world on Donbas are written from outside and, as a rule, only
present Ukraine’s point of view. I’m not aware of any correspondent from a
Western, established media outlet who seeks out the other party’s opinion in
this conflict or dares to talk to the people of the Donetsk or Lugansk People’s
Republics for this purpose – which would actually be standard journalistic

In recent
months, I have talked to the local population, spoken to politicians, traveled
to the frontline areas, provided humanitarian aid, and shot footage with the
German-Russian-Donetsk cooperation. I often ask myself why I took on this job
voluntarily because I have a master’s degree in sustainability science.
However, considering that my parents (mother German, father Russian) met at a
German-Soviet peace regatta, which was intended to draw international attention
to the critical ecological state of the Baltic Sea, my life path has taken on
something more of a deeper meaning. Promoting German-Russian friendship has
become my purpose in life for several years now. I view the most significant
cause for the strained bilateral relations resulting from the one-sided Western
media coverage, which leaves the reader no choice but to develop a dislike for
Russia. I mainly highlight the central conflict topics of Crimea and Donbas in
my channels and on my website.
I visited
Crimea for the first time in 2016 and founded the YouTube channel ‘Happy in
For several months, the situation in the Donbas has been coming to a head. I’ve
understood that this conflict, which has been going on for eight years, must be
resolved to rebuild good relations between Russia and the West. So why couldn’t
the dispute be resolved in the last eight years? In 2021, I decided to go to
Donetsk to find an answer to this question and learn more about it.
Situation in
After talking
to local citizens and politicians, as well as representatives of the Russian
government, I can say the following with certainty: The population of the
Donbas has been terrorized for eight years by ultra-nationalist-minded
compatriots, who, in the vast majority of cases, are the first to open fire.
Moreover, they do not shy away from shooting at schools and children. For this
reason, there is no way back to Ukraine for the people, and most of them hope
for Russia to take over the republics – just as it had happened with Crimea at
that time. But as I was told, Russia will not take in the Donbas republics
under any circumstances; otherwise, this would have been done already.
Crimea already had the status of an autonomous republic at the time of
admission – the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics did not. Accordingly,
access to the Russian Federation would be unlawful. Political experts, therefore,
see only two ways out of the situation: international recognition of the Donbas
republics as independent states; or their incorporation into the Russian
Federation together with the rest of Ukraine. This is a scenario that the
Western media today regard in all seriousness as an ultima ratio of the
Kremlin. This would mean that Russia would bring thousands and thousands of
violent nationalists into the country and risk an inevitable war with the whole

patriotism is omnipresent in the Donetsk People’s Republic. Russian is spoken
everywhere; payments are made in rubles, and, unlike in Ukraine, people orient
themselves to Moscow time. Giant posters with inscriptions such as “Russian
Donbass” “Our choice: Russia” adorn walls of large buildings just as Russian
flags do. In contrast, due to years of shelling, a strong dislike for Ukraine
has developed, and I have yet to meet a single anti-Russian person. On the
contrary, the population is grateful for Russia’s humanitarian and economic
support. The average citizens here do not have to lack for anything:
Supermarkets are well stocked (mainly with Russian products), cafes and
restaurants are open, and theaters, cinemas, or gyms. By the way, the available
groceries satisfy basic needs and offer shoppers, for example, different kinds
of Italian coffee, German Ritter Sport chocolate, and more unusual things like
rice or buckwheat milk. The latest technical gadgets or seasonal brand-name
clothes are also available in the shopping malls. Visually, most people are
dressed normally and well-groomed on average. For example, as a woman, I
noticed that most of the ladies have their fingernails done in a nail salon.
Life in the combat zone of the Donbass
But what even
locals sometimes forget: Only a ten-minute drive from the city center is the
gray zone between Donbas and Ukraine, where a considerable part of the
population experiences the war firsthand daily. Normal, peaceful people live
here, families with children who had the misfortune to have Ukrainian forces
advance right up to their homes in the course of the war, turning their
neighborhood into a combat zone. It is hard to imagine a starker contrast – on
one side the boutiques and wholesome buildings of Donetsk’s center, on the
other the border residential areas where no house has been left undamaged. Here
people live a life of poverty and constant fear.
I decided to
take a closer look at these urban areas. Andrei Lisenko has been providing
humanitarian aid there every day since the beginning of the war and now
regularly takes me with him on his trips. I will never forget what I saw
On my first
trip to the gray zone, we drove to various south-western districts of Donetsk.
To enter the zone, we had to pass through two heavily armed checkpoints, the
so-called “block posts,” which were set up on every road leading west (i.e.,
towards Ukraine). The soldiers did not check us – they recognized Andrei’s car
from far away and simply waved us through. After the two checkpoints, a few
hundred meters apart, a third barrier followed, but it is entirely closed: the
border with Ukraine. Shortly before that, we made a sharp turn and drove
through a residential area. Most of the houses were damaged in some way: bullet
holes, broken windows, fire damage. Some homes were destroyed, others
We visited an
elderly deaf gentleman with no legs who was shot by a Ukrainian sniper in
his own backyard, a mother with a malnourished six-year-old daughter who had been
living in a ruined house with a destroyed roof since 2014, and a family with
two daughters who had lived in a shelter for 12 months last year. Andrei
distributes food packages, clothing donations, and cash financed from
donations. Otherwise, no one helps them; government aid programs do not exist.
On paper, the
Minsk agreement is being observed, but in reality, the conflict continues to
smolder and threatens to escalate at any time.
It is
impossible to understand what is happening here or grasp why the Ukrainian side
has been terrorizing the civilian population for years. I write this
deliberately because the Donetsk People’s Militia does not do this. The “evil
separatists,” as they are often called in our media, only defend themselves
against the daily provocations of the Ukrainian armed forces – I can confirm
this after three months of stay, numerous conversations, and my observations.
From the Donetsk side, it is incomprehensible how the Ukrainians do not even
shy away from shooting at schools. In November 2021, for example, three schools
in the Donbas were shelled within ten days.
I am shaken
to the core by the injustice, misery, and crimes against humanity that are
taking place in the middle of Europe. However, this conflict will end – the
main thing is that it finally comes to an end.
But will the
whole thing be able to find a peaceful end? What if the Ukrainian army, which
has moved closer and is armed with Western weapons, dares to provoke?
You can find
more on Lipp’s reports on her website, my live ticker on the Donbas conflict including photos and videos from
Donetsk on Telegram .
Read more at: RairFoundation.com
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banned, Censored, Censorship, dictatorship, Journalism, national
security, Russia, Russian
terrorist, speech
police, Twisted, Tyranny, Ukraine, War
This article may contain statements that reflect
the opinion of the author
Source: https://newstarget.com/2022-03-21-ukraine-declares-journalist-a-russian-terrorist.html