zaterdag 3 juli 2021

 Artsen Collectief is bezorgd om vaccinatieplan voor kinderen

Vandaag kwam het advies van de Gezondheidsraad naar buiten omtrent het vaccineren van gezonde tieners.  De Gezondheidsraad adviseert om het COVID-19-vaccin van BioNTech/Pfizer beschikbaar te stellen voor alle adolescenten van 12 tot en met 17 jaar die daarvan zelf gebruik wensen te maken. Het Artsen Collectief is zeer bezorgd over deze kwestie en roept de Tweede Kamer nadrukkelijk op om geen overhaaste beslissing te maken: ‘Willen we jongeren als immunologisch schild gebruiken?’

Nut en noodzaak van vaccineren

Verspreiden en bediscussiëren van achtergrondinformatie over vaccinatie van gezonde mensen, jongeren en kinderen essentieel.

In 2020 was 22 procent van de Nederlandse bevolking jonger dan 20 jaar. Dat zijn 3.830.200 kinderen en jongeren. Volgens de wekelijkse rapportage van het RIVM overleden tussen februari 2020 en juni 2021 uit deze groep ten gevolge van Covid-19:
– drie jonger dan 20 jaar .
– twee op de leeftijd van 15-20 jaar en
– een op de leeftijd van 0-4 jaar
Of dit met of zonder onderliggend lijden was, is ons niet bekend.

Ter vergelijking: in de leeftijdscategorie onder de 20 jaar sterven jaarlijks onverhoopt zo’n 14 kinderen aan verdrinking en zo’n 49 aan een verkeersongeval.

De overgrote meerderheid van kinderen en jongeren krijgt geen of slechts milde klachten. Kinderen hebben nauwelijks aandeel in de verspreiding van het coronavirus.

Het Europees medicijnagentschap (EMA) heeft het Pfizer-vaccin voorwaardelijk goedgekeurd op basis van één onderzoek dat te klein en te beperkt is om eventuele bijwerkingen op de (middel)lange termijn te vinden. Over mogelijke schade op de lange duur weten we niets. Pfizer deed een studie bij kinderen van 12-15 jaar (1.118 kinderen kregen twee injecties) en jongeren van 16-25 jaar (1.803 kregen twee injecties). Bron

Het aantal jongeren dat aan deze experimenten deelneemt is dusdanig klein dat de detectiedrempel veel te laag is om massavaccinatie te rechtvaardigen. De kans om  serieuze bijwerkingen te vinden is kleiner dan 1 op 2.000. Met andere woorden; bijwerkingen die zich voordoen met een kans van kleiner dan 1 op 2.000 worden niet gevonden. Gezien de ervaringen bij volwassenen is dit zeer zorgelijk.

Vaccinatie leidt tot bekende bijwerkingen en heeft nog onbekende risico’s, ook bij kinderen.
Vaccinatie van volwassenen met de verschillende coronavaccins leidt in een aantal gevallen tot serieuze bijwerkingen. Variërend van – maar niet beperkt tot – anafylactische shock, verlammingen, vorming bloedstolsels en overlijden. De meeste van deze ernstige bijwerkingen zijn pas na de start van massavaccinaties duidelijk geworden. De incidentie van stollingsproblemen lopen in de leeftijdsgroep 20-50 jaar op tot 1 op 50.000. Het optreden van hartspierontsteking (myocarditis) in met name jonge mannen van 20-40 jaar wordt geschat op 1 op 5.000. Bij het vaccineren van miljoenen mensen lopen helaas veel mensen dit risico.

De verspreiding (biodistributie) van de LNP-mRNA vaccins over het lichaam is maar zeer beperkt onderzocht. Resultaten uit dierstudies laten zien dat het LNP-mRNA in ovaria stapelt. De effecten hiervan op ontwikkeling, vruchtbaarheid en gezondheid van nageslacht zijn niet bekend. Voor de duidelijkheid: de tijd dat deze vaccins in mensen gebruikt worden is korter dan negen maanden. Bron: document Japans/Engels.

Lees ook:

Bron: Artsen Covid Collectief d.d. 29 juni 2021


WATCH as mother whose daughter is 

now permanently injured from covid vaccination tells her heartbreaking story

Image: WATCH as mother whose daughter is now permanently injured from covid vaccination tells her heartbreaking story

(Natural News) Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) held a panel in Milwaukee recently where families from all across the country gathered to talk about how Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” seriously injured or killed one or more of their family members.

One mother in particular had a powerful story to tell about how her young daughter, formerly healthy, is now bound to a wheelchair on breathing tubes.

While this case is just one of many, many more just like it, the tears coming from the mother’s eyes are powerful and deserve your attention. Watch below starting at around the 31:40 mark to hear it for yourself:

The mother’s name is Stephanie de Garay, and you can feel her pain watching the tears pour from her eyes. Young Maddie, Stephanie’s daughter, has basically had her life taken away from her by Big Pharma, “Operation Warp Speed,” and everyone who is involved with perpetuating this sham.

“On Jan. 20, Maddie received her second dose of the Pfizer covid vaccine as a participant in the clinical trial for 12- to 15-year-olds. All three of our kids volunteered and were excited to participate in the trial as a way to help us all return to normal life,” Stephanie explains.

“My husband works in the medical field and I have a degree in electrical engineering. We are pro-vaccine and pro-science, which is why we agreed to let Maddie and her two older brothers volunteer for the trial.”

Maddie: “It feels like my heart is being ripped out through my neck”

Immediately upon receiving her second dose of the Pfizer injection, Maddie’s arm swelled up and she developed severe abdominal and chest pain. Maddie described the feeling as her heart being “ripped out through my neck.”

Stephanie was advised to take Maddie to the emergency room to have her checked out. Maddie was evaluated for appendicitis, which she did not have, and given an IV with pharmaceuticals before being sent home.

Upon further investigation, Maddie’s discharge papers revealed that the children’s hospital where she was sent marked her condition as “adverse effect of vaccine, initial encounter.”

“Over the next two-and-a-half months, her abdominal muscle and nerve pain became unbearable,” Stephanie says about what came next.

“She developed additional symptoms that included gastroparesis, nausea and vomiting, erratic blood pressure and heart rate, memory loss – she mixes up words – brain fog, headaches, dizziness, fainting – she fell and hit her head – and then seizures.”

Young Maddie then started to develop verbal motor tics, loss of feeling from the waist down, and muscle weakness, drastic changes in her vision, urinary retention and loss of bladder control, severe and heavy menstrual cycles, followed by having to have a feeding tube put in her mouth.

“All of these symptoms are still here today,” Stephanie says.

When Maddie was brought back to the hospital for a follow-up, doctors tried to say that she had a mental issue or was merely suffering from anxiety. Clearly her condition is a whole lot worse than that, based on the list of symptoms.

“Over the past five months, Maddie has been to the ER nine times and has been hospitalized three times for a total of two months in the hospital,” Stephanie further explained, noting that there are still no solutions and nobody even seems to be looking for any.

All Stephanie and her daughter want are answers, and for someone to help them figure out how to get Maddie back to as close to normal as possible. We hope for the same.

The latest news stories about Chinese Virus injection-caused injuries and deaths can be found at

The website also has the latest data and information about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine injuries.

Sources for this article include:

12-year-old girl bound to wheelchair with chronic illness thanks to covid vaccine

Image: 12-year-old girl bound to wheelchair with chronic illness thanks to covid vaccine

(Natural News) Sen. Ron Johnson, a Republican from Wisconsin, held a meeting the other day at the Federal Courthouse in Milwaukee to address the wave of injuries and deaths resulting from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination.”

At this meeting, Sen. Johnson allowed people from all across the country to tell their stories about how Chinese Virus injections harmed either themselves or someone they know. One person who spoke is the mother of a 12-year-old girl who is now wheelchair-bound thanks to the jab.

Stephanie de Garay claims that her daughter Maddie was perfectly healthy before she and her brothers were enrolled in a Pfizer trial for children back in January. After receiving her second injection, young Maddie came down with a laundry list of horrific symptoms that have left her on an NG feeding tube.

“Why is she not back to normal?” Stephanie asked as her daughter sat next to her and listened quietly.

As you will notice in the above video clip, Maddie’s facial reactions do not seem to align with what her mother is saying, suggesting that the child is now suffering from some kind of brain damage.

Stephanie confirmed this, also indicating that Maddie now has irregular menstrual cycles and can no longer feel any body parts below her waist, hence why she is now bound to a wheelchair.

“For the past five months, Maddie has been to the ER nine times, and has been hospitalized three times, for a total of two months in the hospital,” Stephanie added. “She was totally fine before this. She did the right thing trying to help everybody else and they’re not helping her.”

How many need to become paralyzed or die before the covid vaccine campaign finally ends?

Another individual named Candace Hayden explained how she developed severe paresthesia and became partially paralyzed from the chest down – this is similar to what happened to Maddie – after receiving her experimental injection for the Fauci Flu.

Brianne Dressen, one of the other six people who spoke at the meeting, says she lost control of both of her legs, along with her bladder and dignity, as a result of getting injected for the Chinese Virus.

“On Jan. 14, I received the Moderna vaccine,” stated Sheryl Ruetgers, yet another vaccine-injured person who came to tell her story. “The next morning, I woke up with severely swollen lymph nodes in my neck.”

While Sen. Johnson says he still supports vaccines, including those marketed as a “cure” for Chinese Germs, he warns that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other health “authorities” are not being transparent about the serious adverse reactions that could occur.

“Nobody wants to admit that there may be some problems,” he stated. “I think the American public should be able to have informed consent when deciding whether or not to take an experimental vaccine one way or the other.”

As for Maddie, her mother is desperate for answers and some kind of help. Maddie may never be the same, and yet nobody seems to be at all concerned about her and the many other children in a similar position whose lives are now forever ruined.

“That small minority that are suffering severe symptoms, they want to deny that reality,” Sen. Johnson says about those in charge who are burying their heads in the sand about all of this.

“I am not advocating anything other than to listen to these people and to take them seriously.”

You can watch the full press conference with Sen. Johnson below:

The latest news about injuries and deaths arising from Wuhan Flu shots can be found at

Sources for this article include:


Covid cures literally grow like weeds, 

yet most people buy lawn poison 

to kill them off, thereby 

killing themselves

Image: Covid cures literally grow like weeds, yet most people buy lawn poison to kill them off, thereby killing themselves

(Natural News) In today’s Situation Update, we discuss the astonishing truth that covid cures literally grow like weeds (such as dandelion weeds), yet most people rush to Home Depot to buy toxic, cancer-causing herbicides so they can poison their own lawns, killing off the dandelions and thereby killing themselves in the long run.

Mother Nature grows anti-covid medicine for free, right in your yard, without any effort required on your part. Anti-covid phytochemicals are synthesized by the dandelion plant, creating a natural medicine that can block spike protein nanoparticles from binding with ACE2 receptors, according to groundbreaking new research.

Dandelion leaves can be easily and quickly transformed into natural medicine through the simple use of an ultrasonic cleaner. In the following video from my series, I reveal how to use an ultrasonic cleaner to extract medicinal components from rosemary herb. The exact same process can be used with dandelion leaves to make your own anti-spike protein herbal extract medicine:

Even without an ultrasonic cleaner, you can make dandelion leaf extract tincture using nothing but a mason jar, water and vodka. It takes longer (several days to a few weeks) but is super low-tech and can be achieved even in a grid-down scenario.

Importantly, when making natural medicine from herbs, you pay nothing to a pharmacy, need no permission from an insurance company, need no authorization from a doctor and you don’t even need the FDA. It goes straight from God to Mother Nature to YOU.

How Western civilization became a chemical death cult

What’s astonishing to me in all this is how Western civilization has been so brainwashed into believing that medicine can only come from a pharmacy or a pill, that people literally poison the real medicine growing right in their own back yards. And they do it using cancer-causing chemicals (like weedkiller) that further harm themselves, soil microbes and the environment. It’s almost as if typical Americans have joined a kind of chemical death cult that ends in suffering and collapse rather than enjoy the healthful, boundless world that Mother Nature provides for free.

Most people have such a twisted, irrational belief in pharmaceuticals, chemotherapy and vaccines that they will quite literally commit suicide with Western medicine rather than touch a “dirty dandelion” that might offer a simple, low-cost, readily available solution.

It just goes to show you how suicidal and irrational society has become, under the destructive influence of Big Pharma and the criminal vaccine industry. Cures and remedies are banned or outlawed, while deadly spike protein bioweapon injections are mandated, even as perhaps 100,000 Americans have already been killed by covid vaccines.

It almost goes without saying, but this society will self-destruct because it has lost touch with reality and now worships death. With new research published in the New England Journal of Medicine revealing how 82% of early pregnancies end in spontaneous abortions after covid vaccines are injected into pregnant mothers, we have clearly arrived at the “final solution” of the Big Pharma death cult anti-human agenda.

Listen to my full Situation Update podcast for additional mind-blowing details about all this:

Hear a new podcast each day at:

RESEARCH: Dandelion leaf extract blocks spike proteins from binding to the ACE2 cell surface receptor

The engineered spike proteins from SARS-CoV-2 can be STOPPED by a common “weed” that is exterminated from lawns every year. A German university study found that the common dandelion (Taraxacum officinalecan block spike proteins from binding to the ACE2 cell surface receptors in human lung and kidney cells. The water-based dandelion extract, taken from the plant’s dried leaves, was effective against spike protein D614 and a host of mutant strains, including D614G, N501Y, K417N and E484K.

Dandelion extract blocks SARS CoV-2 spike proteins and their variants

The researchers used high molecular weight compounds taken from a water-based dandelion extract and put them to the test in human HEK293-hACE2 kidney and A549-hACE2-TMPRSS2 lung cells. The dandelion blocked the protein-to-protein interactions between the S1 sub unit of the spike protein and the human ACE2 cell surface receptor. This effect was also true against the spike protein mutations from the predominant variants in circulation, including the United Kingdom (B.1.1.7), South African (B.1.351) and Brazilian (P.1) variant.

The dandelion extract stopped SARS-CoV-2 spike pseudotyped lentivirus particles from attaching to lung cells and stopped an inflammatory process called interleukin-6 secretion. Because the study was conducted in vitro, further clinical studies are needed to understand how the dandelion extract is absorbed and utilized in biological systems of the human body.

As vaccines weaken herd immunity, natural herbs promise true prevention, more substantial immunity

Even though tens of billions of public funds have been poured into experimental vaccine development and propaganda campaigns, the world continues to struggle with new respiratory infections, as SARS-CoV-2 is pressured to mutate into different variants. There is no evidence to suggest that coronaviruses can be eradicated from the Earth, so human adaptation will be essential going forward. Dandelion extract is one of many herbs that will assist in a healthy immune response. Better yet, dandelion extract could prove to prevent infections altogether, by blocking the precise channel by which the spike proteins attach and cause viral replication.

Other natural compounds have been investigated using molecular docking studies. Nobiletin is a flavonoid isolated from citrus peels. Neohesperidin, a derivative of hesperetin, is a flavanone glycoside also found in citrus fruits. Glycyrrhizin is a molecular compound extracted from licorice root. All three of these natural substances also block spike proteins from binding to ACE2 receptors. Hydroalcoholic pomegranate peel extract blocks the spike protein at the ACE2 receptor with 74 percent efficacy. When its principal constituents were tested separately, punicalagin was 64 percent effective, and ellagic acid was 36% percent effective.

These natural compounds (along with dandelion extract) can be readily mass produced, combined and deployed as preventative medicine for all future spike protein variants. These herbs are generally recognized as safe, and there are no known cases of overdose with dandelion leaf extract. According to the European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy, the recommended dosage of dandelion leaf is 4–10 grams steeped in hot water, up to three times per day.

The study authors warn that reliance on vaccines is risky and dangerous, not just for individual health but also for herd immunity. Vaccine reliance only focuses on antibody augmentation and is proving to be a high-risk intervention with short term results. Vaccine injuries are frequently reported. Re-infections post vaccination are also common, as the vaccine puts pressure on the original engineered spike protein to mutate.

The authors conclude: “Thus, factors such as low toxicity in humans and effective binding inhibition of five relevant spike mutations to the human ACE2 receptor, as reported here in vitro, encourage for more in-depth analysis of T. officinales’ effectiveness in SARS-CoV-2 prevention and now requires further confirmatory clinical evidence.”

Sources include:

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