donderdag 5 augustus 2021

 CDC just admitted that 74% of those infected in Massachusetts covid outbreak were “fully vaccinated”

Tuesday, August 03, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: badhealthbadmedicinebadsciencebiowarCDCcoronavirusCOVIDDelta Variantfully vaccinatedMassachusettsoutbreakpandemicPlandemicspike proteinsvaccine warsvaccines



(Natural News) The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released a new Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report showing that three out of every four people infected during the recent Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “delta variant” outbreak in Massachusetts had already been “fully vaccinated” with a Fauci Flu “vaccine.”

Of the 469 “cases” of the Chinese Virus that were identified in Barnstable County, 346, or 74 percent, occurred in “fully vaccinated persons … who had completed a 2-dose course of mRNA vaccine [Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna] or had received a single dose of Janssen [Johnson & Johnson] vaccine [at least] 14 days before exposure.”

According to the CDC genomic sequencing of specimens collected from 133 patients revealed the presence of B.1.617.2, which the government is calling “delta” even though it refuses to explain how and when the testing protocol for “delta” was developed.

“Overall, 274 (79%) vaccinated patients with breakthrough infection were symptomatic,” the CDC says about the outbreak. “Among five COVID-19 patients who were hospitalized, four were fully vaccinated; no deaths were reported.”

CDC admits it used fraudulent PCR testing to identify “delta” cases

The CDC did reveal that it used fraudulent real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) cycle threshold (Ct) values to come up with its positive diagnoses for the “delta” patients it identified.

Not only are PCR tests fraudulent, generating false positives especially when cranked up high as they were all throughout 2020, but they were also designed and calibrated to identify common influenza, not the Chinese Virus.

What many people are testing “positive” for, in all reality, is just the ordinary seasonal flu. This is why there was no flu season in 2020, of course, as everyone was testing positive for Chinese Germs.

Even so, the government continues to fearmonger about the “delta variant,” blaming the unvaccinated for its continued spread among the vaccinated.

“The Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 is highly transmissible; vaccination is the most important strategy to prevent severe illness and death,” the CDC contends.

CDC: The only way to survive “delta” is to stop living

Vaccines are not enough, though, according to the government. Vaccinated people must also wear a mask indoors at all times if they hope to “flatten the curve.” Masking indoors “regardless of vaccination status” is the latest recommendation from Fauci and friends.

The CDC is also trying to scare Americans into avoiding other human beings this summer by skipping out on barbecues and staying away from large events. Living is contributing to the “spread” of the Wuhan Flu, the CDC maintains, so people need to stop living in order to stay “safe.”

If Americans refuse to do this on their own, then the CDC recommends that local jurisdictions impose new lockdowns to keep everyone as miserable as possible. Doing this will help to “flatten the curve,” says the CDC.

Keep in mind the CDC has also admitted that the PCR test is unable to identify the presence of infectious virus or any causative agent for clinical symptoms. It can be adjusted to produce just about any result the government wants, including new “variants” for which it can fearmonger the public into getting jabbed and wearing masks.

“The performance of this test has not been established for screening of blood or blood products for the presence of 2019-nCoV,” reads page 38 of an FDA document about the PCR test. “This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens.”

“And all the lockdowns, masks, mandates, ‘vaccines’ etc. was based on the numbers of PCR fake positive cases,” one of our commenters wrote. “There basically was no pandemic.”

The latest news about the government’s Chinese Virus lies can be found at

Sources for this article include:


Mexican President rejects jabs for kids, “won’t be held hostage by [profiteering] pharma companies”

Wednesday, August 04, 2021 by: News Editors
Tags: AMLOAndres Manuel Lopez ObradorBig PharmaCOVIDMexicovaccine



(Natural News) While we often mock US President Biden for accidentally “saying the quiet part out loud,” it appears Mexican President Andres Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) decided to intentionally turn up the “saying what everyone is thinking” amplifier of truth to ’11’ after refusing to COVID vaccines for children, vowing that Mexico wouldn’t bow to pressure from big pharma.

(Article by Tyler Durden republished from

In remarks made earlier this week, the Mexican leader said his government was still waiting for the scientific community to demonstrate the benefits of vaccinating minors.

Until conclusive evidence was provided, AMLO told the audience (in what has now become a viral, if not very under-reported) speech, that Mexico would refuse to purchase jabs for children; adding that pharmaceutical firms seemed to be focused more on making profits than on ensuring medical necessity as they rake in record sales from Covid-19 vaccines.

“We need to be careful, because, as it is obvious pharmaceutical companies wish to make a profit… and would like to keep selling vaccines for everyone.

But we need to prioritize; we need to know if they’re needed or not.

We need to not be subordinated to Big Pharma dictating to us… ‘we need a 3rd dose’, ‘we need a 4th dose’, ‘we need to vaccinate children’…”

Speaking on the same topic, Undersecretary for Health Hugo López-Gatell claimed there was “no scientific evidence” showing the jab was “essential” for minors.

Watch the brief moment of honesty from an elite breaking ranks below…

This did prompt some rather interesting social media responses, including

Read more at: and


·         Natural News



Phyllis7 hours ago

He's got a target on his back, this one. Best be careful, Presidente! A few other presidents have recently been assassinated for pretty much saying similarly.


Cousin Itt9 hours agoedited

"Mexican President rejects jabs for kids, “won’t be held hostage by [profiteering] pharma companies”

Oops! Better find a bunker hidden deep in the mountains Mr. Mexican President. Big Pharma plays rough and your government position does not intimidate them. They will seek you out. They have done it many times. Be careful. Best wishes.



No good presidents. NONE 11 hours ago

I don't believe any governments. No honest politicians. If more than just 50% of the governments really love their people. This plandemic would not have lasted til now. They are still lying.




Alert: “Delta” virus FEAR FACTOR rising thanks to full media propaganda campaign based on zero science

Wednesday, August 04, 2021 by: S.D. Wells
Tags: cdc advicecdc pandemicDeltaDelta Variantfake newsFearHysteriaJournalismjourno-terrorismliespropagandapsychological operationvaccine deathvaccine injuryvaccines dirtywho advice

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(Natural News) Supposedly, the World Health Organization is “tracking and monitoring” the Delta variant around the world. We are all supposed to be shaking in our boots 24/7 due to Delta’s so very high “transmissibility” rate, according to the latest experts (pharma shill of the week). Delta is even “more efficient” at spreading than the Alpha variant, which has yet to be proven to even exist either.

Does the CDC, along with Fauci, Gates and the CCP, own patents to all these variants? Do they all have “gain of function” capability? Are they released each season by the vaccine industry, like strands and strains of influenza? Let’s find answers to these questions the fake news industry seems to be reading from their plandemic playbook.

As of July 2021, Delta variant has been “reported” in 100 countries, because reported means some pharma-funded “expert” said so

Without any scientific proof whatsoever, all the “virus experts” are spreading misinformation like a pandemic, and the propaganda is enough to cause side effects all by itself, including headaches (from hearing the same lies over and over), vomiting (from too much fake news), and lethargy (getting worn out by the media hype). They can’t even explain how they’re “testing” for the Delta variant. PCR tests? Retracted.

The shills warn us that we have “increased social mixing.” What? This is the opposite of herd immunity theory, so nobody is supposed to be going anywhere, for anything, ever again, until all the variants are conquered! Get all of your vaccine misinformation under one roof at the WHO.

According to WHO, knowing your risk enables you to lower your risk by “taking measures” every single day. This advice comes from the same “experts” that said masks were useless at the beginning of the pandemic. These are the same scientists, doctors and industry regulators who said Covid could wipe out the planet if we don’t go on lockdown and develop a vaccine. What they really meant is the Covid vaccines can wipe out the planet, but they only work if everyone gets the “full dose.”

The message from the White House is clear – they’re unclear about everything

You’re supposed to open windows when indoors for good airflow, but wear a mask at all times to severely restrict airflow. Keep your distance from everyone, even though for decades all we’ve heard is the vaccinated protect each other through herd immunity. When it’s your “turn,” get vaccinated, they say, and now that looks like every season, because the vaccines are proving to have a pathetic 15 percent efficacy factor just 4 to 6 weeks after “fully vaccinated” second dose shots are injected.

Be sure and get “the full doses” of vaccination, the WHO also tells you, because obviously half would only provide 2 to 3 weeks “protection,” and then you would have to get a “booster” or “variant” vaccine at least once a month to be safe. This is the logic the CDC and WHO are delivering to the world of brainwashed idiocy.

From the sounds of it, millions of people around the world who got their first dose of blood-clotting China flu inoculation never went back for seconds, as they are still reeling in the wake of health detriment, suffering side effects and adverse events like never before, from any other of the dirty vaccines America delivers under the guise of immunity. We’re talking about vaccine-induced blood clots in the brain, lungs and stomach. Can those even be called “side effects?” Sounds more like “death effects.”

Listen to the poser shills wield all kinds of advice based on nothing but other shills talking, most of whom completely contradict what the others just said days, weeks or months ago. Listen to these STOOL PIGEONS regurgitate the pharma script, with lobbed questions and haphazard answers based on zero science with zero proof of anything:


Check out for updates on these crimes against humanity and the upcoming “Delta” and Covid “booster-vaccine” Holocaust. Also, if you know someone who already got pricked with the blood-clotting Covid inoculations, and they’re suffering from lethargy, pain, clouded thinking or an inflamed heart, that’s called CoVax Syndrome, so tell them to report it to VAERS.

Sources for this article include:


Bombshell: Bill Gates partnered with CCP group to conduct coronavirus gain-of-function research

Wednesday, August 04, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: badhealthbadmedicinebadscienceBill &Melinda Gates Foundationbill gatesbiological weaponsbioweaponsCCPChinaChinese Communist PartyconspiracycoronaviruscoronavirusesCOVIDcovid-19National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaresearchXi Jinping


(Natural News) For the past five years, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) via the National Natural Science Foundation (NSFC) of China has maintained a partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that involves conducting scientific research into, you guessed it: bat coronaviruses.

The National Pulse published an in-depth exposé into the partnership, revealing that the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has been conducting research on bat coronaviruses alongside the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation at the infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is where the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) is believed to have “escaped” after being sent there by Ralph Baric from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

The state-owned scientific group says it is “guided by President Xi Jinping’s Socialist thoughts,” which normally involve creating “strategic cooperative agreements” with the CCP’s Central Military Commission. However, the Gates Foundation got involved back in 2015, signing a memorandum of understanding with the NSFC to “jointly support research projects and bilateral workshops.”

“Together, the Gates Foundation and NSFC would ‘co-fund awards of up to US$1M and 4 years for collaborations between Chinese and international investigators,'” writes Natalie Winters for The National Pulse, highlighting key points from the Gates Foundation memo.

Billionaire Gates is using your taxpayer dollars to develop new covid “vaccines”

As of this writing, the Gates Foundation is still working with the NSFC on Fauci Flu research. It was identified as one of several CCP-run scientific organizations that “partnered” with the regime on a $5 million grant to “identify and confirm cases, safely isolate and care for patients and accelerate the development of treatments and vaccines.”

On several occasions, representatives from the NSFC have visited the Gates Foundation headquarters in Seattle to discuss new projects. Vice President Hou Zengqian made an appearance there in October 2019. Back in 2016, an NSFC delegation also met with the Gates Foundation Deputy Director of Discovery & Translational Sciences.

One of the reasons you probably never heard anything about this is because the Gates Foundation controls most major “news” outlets, steering what gets reported to shine favorably on Gates and his endeavors at all times.

Fortunately, that stranglehold of censorship is beginning to show some cracks as the Pulse and others unearth truths that link Gates and his cronies to the Chinese Virus plandemic.

Gates also held his infamous “Event 201” pandemic exercise back in the fall of 2019, just months before the Fauci Flu was announced by the mainstream media as a scary new threat for which we need to give up our freedoms.

Event 201 depicted a public-private partnership almost exactly like the one that we now know exists between the Gates Foundation and communist China being used to usher in a new world order on the back of a deadly disease scare.

Gates was clearly announcing the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic before it happened, and very few people seemed to notice at the time. More people sure are connecting the dots these days, however.

“Another one of Satan’s operatives, both him and Soros,” one of our commenters wrote about Bill Gates. “Those two are the nastiest looking and corrupt to their core. Absolutely disgusting!”

“It was run in conjunction with the globalist ‘Global Economic Forum” that China is a part of,” wrote another.

Yet another said it right by explaining that the only pandemic going on right now is “fear politics to sell toxic vaccines and reduce the population around the world.” The “elite” could not care less about anyone’s health, and anyone who thinks otherwise is living in delusion.

The latest news about the shady figures behind the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic can be found at

Sources for this article include:


Griezelig nieuws voor de COVID-gevaccineerden

 12/09/2024 Een nieuw, angstaanjagend syndroom kan iedereen treffen, ongeacht leeftijd, die de prik krijgt. Een nieuw syndroom, het ‘ Post-A...