woensdag 14 juli 2021

 SURVEY: People vaccinated for covid become more “magnetic” over time… the vaccine appears to be assembling magnetic nanoparticles in the blood

Tuesday, July 13, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: coronavirusCOVIDmagnetismmagnetsmedical fascismmedical terrorismStudysurveyvaccinationvaccines



(Natural News) A researcher from Europe recently conducted a survey that looked at the state of “magnetism” in people’s bodies after they get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), the results of which are nothing short of disturbing.

It turns out that getting jabbed for the Fauci Flu causes a person’s body to become increasingly more “magnetic” over time, emitting a strange electromagnetic field that becomes progressively stronger with each passing day.

Amar Goudjil set out to evaluate 200 individuals living or working in Luxembourg. Half of them were to have gotten jabbed for the Chinese Virus in accordance with government recommendations, while the other half were those who decided to protect their DNA from permanent chemical alteration.

Each of the two groups was to then be divided into half women and half men, and all of them were to be considered “active” as opposed to “inactive” in terms of their lifestyles.

The location of the study took place at the Belle-Étoile shopping center and the route d’Arlon in Strassen. For practical reasons, all of those interviewed had to be wearing short-sleeved or sleeveless shirts to fully test the magnetism.

Goudjil made an introduction, explained the purpose of the study, and conducted an anonymous statistical survey of jabbed versus un-jabbed people living in the area.

“It’s a survey about information according to which vaccinated people show electromagnetic effects and at EFVV, we are trying to find out what the observed reality is,” Goudjil told each participant.

From there, he presented each participant with a magnet to press against the skin. Participants were also asked to have an electric and magnetic field tester placed on the shoulders to test for electric fields.

In the end, due to various reasons, only 30 vaccinated and 30 unvaccinated people were interviewed and tested by Goudjil, with 15 women and 15 men in each of the groups. Still, the results were undeniably clear: getting injected causes severe magnetism.

“In the non-vaccinated group, out of the 30 individuals interviewed, the number of people showing attraction to the magnet was 0 (zero),” the study’s results explain.

“In the vaccinated group, on the other hand, 29 of the 30 individuals interviewed showed attraction to the magnet. That is, the magnet adhered to their skin without difficulty.”

Of these same 29 individuals, the study further found, 22 had the magnet stick to only one shoulder, that being the one where they were injected. Interestingly, these 22 people had only received one injection of a Wuhan Flu shot.

The remaining seven people in this same group all had the magnet stick to both shoulders.

According to Goudjil, the breakdown of which injections the vaccinated group received is as follows:

  •  17 received at least one injection from Pfizer-BioNTech
  •  Seven received at least one injection from AstraZeneca
  • Three received at least one injection from Moderna
  • Three received the single injection from Johnson & Johnson (J&J)
  • Six received both Pfizer-BioNTech injections
  • One received two injections from AstraZeneca
  • One received two injections from Moderna

You can review the study in its entirety at this link. (6 pages PDF)

Chinese Virus injections are destroying people’s lives, including emotionally

Goudjil further found that in nearly every case, those who were vaccinated the earliest showed the strongest electromagnetic fields and associated bodily attraction to the magnet.

Conversely, those vaccinated more recently had a weaker magnetism, suggesting that it takes time for the full post-injection magnetic “imprint” to develop.

“The exercise being totally destabilising for the respondents, at no point were they asked to apply the magnet to any area other than the shoulders,” Goudjil clarified.

“It would have been very interesting to know whether the magnet also adhered to the neck, chest, forehead or leg areas and whether other objects such as spoons, scissors and smartphones also adhered.”

Goudjil noted that many who were initially willing to participate suddenly changed their minds after seeing the magnet stick to their skin. They apparently had no idea that Chinese Virus injections would cause them to become magnetic, and thus became fearful or full of panic.

The findings lend credence to ongoing speculation that Fauci Flu shots contain a substance called “Magneto” that is designed to travel into the brain and lodge itself there, allowing for outside control from an external source.

Think mind control through 5G towers, for instance, or a magnetic operation system or hard drive upon which medical “software” can be “uploaded” through future government injections.

Sadly, many people who are getting these injections have no clue about any of this. One lady who participated in the survey actually broke down crying after seeing what the magnet did to her, explaining to Goudjil that she did not even want to get injected but was basically forced to by her employer.

“During the exchanges, people clearly express their dismay by saying afterwards that they are taken as hostages,” Goudjil noted, explaining that he ultimately ended up stopping the study early because he was unable to “cope with the helplessness of people whose faces become petrified when they realise that they have been injected with a substance of which they know nothing.”

“Many acknowledge that this injection is non-consensual and that at no time were they given rational explanations, even if only from the point of view of the benefit-risk balance. After reflection and discussion, they then describe this act as: ‘mistake, madness, loophole, solution, or even blackmail.'”

More related news about the damage being caused by Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections can be found at ChemicalViolence.com.

Sources for this article include:






Do covid vaccines contain GMO “Magneto” protein capable of remotely controlling behavior, brain activity?

Tuesday, May 25, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: badmedicinebadsciencebehaviorbrain functioncoronavirusCOVIDcovid-19MagnetoMark of the beastmedical ethicsmind controlnanoparticlesnanotechparamagneticvaccinationvaccine ingredientsvaccinesweird science



(Natural News) American researchers have developed a new method of mind control that sounds oddly similar to what some suspect is contained within Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.”

Using genetic engineering, “Frankenstein” scientists have reportedly developed a genetically modified (GMO) protein known as “Magneto” that allows behaviors and brain function to be remotely controlled externally.

Magneto was designed to activate a specific group of nerve cells within the body, and this activation can be done from a distance – perhaps from a 5G tower?

The surface-level claim is that the technology is needed to study how the brain impacts behavior. The rabbit hole theory, however, is that the technology allows for mass mind control.

We know from published research that Magneto is delivered into the body via viral injection – sound familiar?

The technology was developed back in 2016 by researchers at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, and was tested by inserting a virus into the brains of test mammals.

These brains were later dissected and analyzed, upon which it was discovered that they emitted a green fluorescence.

This “glowing” technology sounds oddly similar to the “luciferase” enzyme patented by billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates to go along with the soon-to-come microchip add-ons for the Chinese Virus injections.

In another experiment, researcher inserted Magneto into the striatum of “freely behaving” mice. The striatum contains dopamine-producing neurons that are involved in reward and motivation.

The injected animals were then placed into an apparatus split into two sections: magnetized and unmagnetized. Mice that expressed Magneto spent far more time in the magnetized area than in the non-magnetized area.

Have vaccinated people with magnets sticking to their arms been injected with Magneto?

The reason why the magnetized mice enjoyed being in the magnetized area is that their brains had been genetically engineered via the viral injection to produce dopamine that way. In other words, the mice felt “happy” and “rewarded” being next to the magnets.

Considering the latest news reports about magnets sticking to injection sites on people who were recently vaccinated, one wonders if Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections contain Magneto, or some derivative of it, that functions in a similar manner.

If this is the case, then vaccinated people will feel “happy” and “rewarded” when in the presence of stimuli such as 5G radiation towers or other points of control. Those behind the mass injection campaign will theoretically have the power and ability to steer the vaccinated one way or another by tricking their brains into releasing dopamine on command.

While the unvaccinated will continue to exercise their own free will, the vaccinated are potentially now pawns in the hands of the globalists, who will control them externally for their own nefarious purposes.

This is why many have been warning that Chinese Virus injections must be avoided at all costs, not to mention the fact that they permanently reprogram human DNA and turn the injected into non-human chimera abominations.

There is also the very real possibility that these injections are laying the groundwork for – or are possibly even the embodiment of – the biblical mark of the beast. While they are not being mandated yet, we can already see the groundwork being laid for “no job, no service” at schools, workplaces, grocery stores.

“This will be enforced via laws that will make vaccination mandatory,” warned Dr. Pierre Gilbert during a 1995 lecture that foretold about a coming mandatory vaccine containing liquid crystals that, upon exposure to magnetic frequencies, would turn recipients into “zombies.”

“And these vaccines will make it possible to control people.”

More related news about Chinese Virus injections can be found at ChemicalViolence.com.

Sources for this article include:







dinsdag 13 juli 2021

Het verbod op "verplichte vaccinatie" is aangenomen door het Europese Hof! ✊😊

 Datum: di 13 jul. 2021 om 12:21

Van: peter couttenye

Het Europese Hof heeft eindelijk uitspraak gedaan over het verbod op verplichte vaccinatie.  De link in het Frans staat aan het einde met de wetsartikelen van het Europese Hof.

 Elke vaccinatieplicht is nu standaard illegaal voor De Raad van Europa,  (niet te verwarren met de EU), waartoe alle Europese staten behoren, (behalve Wit-Rusland, Kosovo en het Vaticaan), dat de peetvader is van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens, besloot op 27.01.2021 in zijn resolutie 2361/2021, onder meer, dat niemand onder druk tegen zijn wil kan worden ingeënt.

De 47 lidstaten wordt verzocht vóór vaccinatie te melden dat vaccinatie niet verplicht is en dat niet-gevaccineerde mensen niet mogen worden gediscrimineerd.

Discriminatie is ook uitdrukkelijk verboden in geval van bestaande gezondheidsrisico's of indien een persoon niet wenst te worden gevaccineerd.  Fabrikanten van vaccins zijn verplicht alle informatie over de veiligheid van vaccins te publiceren.

 Met deze resolutie heeft de grootste mensenrechtenorganisatie van Europa nu normen en verplichtingen opgesteld en richtlijnen opgesteld onder internationaal recht, die door alle 47 lidstaten moeten worden toegepast, inclusief de EU als organisatie.

Discriminatie, bijvoorbeeld op de werkvloer of reisverboden voor niet-gevaccineerde mensen, zijn daarom wettelijk uitgesloten.  In elke juridische procedure, tegen elke autoriteit, elke werkgever, elke reisaanbieder, elke verantwoordelijke persoon.

 In Franse versie:


 Zie in het bijzonder §

 7.3 - 7.4 - en 7.5.2: "vaccinatiecertificaten alleen gebruiken voor het beoogde doel van het bewaken van de werkzaamheid van het vaccin, mogelijke bijwerkingen en bijwerkingen"

Om te verspreiden! 

Het dateert van januari maar is niet afgeschaft.  Dit moeten mensen weten!!  

Sinds 27 januari heeft geen enkele politicus in het systeem er meer over gesproken, ... en met goede reden.  Ze willen dat mensen vergeten dat het niet verplicht is en zelf het vaccin gaan halen


Printscreens van de originele Franse en Engelse teksten (Klik op de printscreens om te vergroten):



In Frankrijk is vanaf 21 juli de gezondheidspas verplicht bij grote evenementen, vanaf augustus ook in onder meer de horeca, bioscopen en op langeafstandstreinen. 

Verder moet het zorgpersoneel en mensen die door hun werk in contact komen met risicogroepen zich verplicht laten inenten. Wie dat niet voor 15 september doet, mag niet langer werken en wordt ook niet betaald.

Is dus onwettig!


Research group: Coronavirus vaccine “unsafe for humans” due to adverse events

Sunday, July 11, 2021 by: Ramon Tomey
Tags: adverse eventsadverse reactionsbadhealthbadmedicinebadsciencecoronavirus vaccinecovid-19 pandemicexperimental medicineMedicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agencyserious reactionsside effectsspike proteinUnited KingdomVaccine Adverse Event Reporting SystemVaccine dangersVaccine deathsvaccine warsvaccinesWuhan coronavirusYellow Card system


(Natural News) A medical research group in the U.K. pointed out that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines are “unsafe for humans” based on adverse event reports. Scientists and doctors looked at data from the British government’s Yellow Card vaccine event reporting system. They found that the “overwhelming” number of adverse reactions from COVID-19 vaccines definitely raised alarm bells.

The Yellow Card system is the British equivalent of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the U.S. The system is run by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). Through the Yellow Card system, the MHRA keeps track of COVID-19 vaccines on an ongoing basis “to ensure their benefits continue to outweigh any risks.”

However, researchers at the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy (EbMC) research group based in Bath, England unveiled concerning findings. EbMC Director Dr. Tess Lawrie wrote about her group’s findings in a June 9 letter to the MHRA Chief Executive Officer Dr. June Raine.

Lawrie wrote in her letter that between Jan. 4 and May 6 of this year, a total of 888,196 adverse events and 1,253 deaths were reported to Yellow Card. Similar to VAERS data, these were not directly proven as correlated with the COVID-19 vaccine. Despite this, the EMBC director raised safety concerns for those getting the vaccine. She wrote that given the Yellow Card figures, “the MHRA now has more than enough evidence … to declare the COVID-19 vaccine unsafe for use in humans.”

Lawrie then asked urgent questions for the MHRA to answer as the soonest. She asked how many people have died within 28 days of vaccination and how many people have been hospitalized for the same period. She also asked the total number of people disabled by the vaccination.

In a later interview with TrialSiteNews, she described the total number of cases as “concerning” and called for follow-ups on persons who reported adverse reactions “to ensure there are no further problems.” Lawrie said: “The scope of morbidity is striking, evidencing a lot of incidents and what amounts to a large number of ill.”

Reports in the Yellow Card system only prove the coronavirus vaccines are unsafe

Lawrie also lamented that Yellow Card was “incredibly opaque” during her TrialSiteNews interview. She shared that researchers are unable to filter vaccine safety incidents by age, gender or other attributed. According to the EbMC director, about 60 percent or more of COVID-19 vaccines in the U.K. came from AstraZeneca, with the remainder from the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.

The letter called on the MHRA to urgently make reports of vaccine adverse reaction public, given that pharmacovigilance data is known to be subsequently under-reported. It also called on the regulator to assist people with reporting adverse reactions. (Related: British mainstream media insists coronavirus vaccines are effective even though most covid deaths now occur in vaccinated people.)

Lawrie concluded the letter: “Preparation should be made to scale up humanitarian efforts to assist those harmed by the COVID-19 vaccines, and to anticipate and ameliorate medium to longer term effects. As the mechanism for harms from the vaccines appears to be similar to COVID-19 itself, this includes engaging with numerous international doctors and scientists with expertise in successfully treating COVID-19.”

But according to an article published in late June 2021, vaccine deaths and adverse reactions are no cause for alarm. It even argued that people who died from COVID-19 vaccines served as proof of their effectiveness. (Related: The Guardian says people dying from covid vaccines is “proof” that they work.)

In a June 27 piece for The Guardian, David Spiegelhalter and Anthony Masters called on people to avoid thinking of vaccine deaths as “a bad sign.” Rather, they insisted that such deaths were expected from an “effective but imperfect” vaccine. They wrote: “Does this mean the [COVID-19] vaccines are ineffective? Far from it, it’s what we would expect from an effective but imperfect vaccine.”

The two also took a swipe at reports of vaccine-related deaths circulating on various social media platforms. “Coverage and effectiveness are important … for assessing vaccination programs. It is better to look at cool analysis by analysis, rather than hot takes on social [media],” they wrote.

Visit DangerousMedicine.com to read more about the risks of adverse reactions brought about by the COVID-19 vaccines.

Sources include:




TrialSiteNews.com 1 [PDF]


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