zondag 15 augustus 2021

le Président de Kokopelli ne se soumettra pas à la dictature sanitaire (en France …)


Le premier invité de "Appel à Témoins" est Ananda Guillet, président de l'association Kokopelli, refuse de masquer les centaines de personnes au sein de Kokopelli, il refuse de faire le policier, il refuse tout simplement de se soumettre à la dictature sanitaire, c'est un geste extrêmement courageux. Il faut le courage d'un homme pour que les autres suivent. Un soutien total à Ananda Guillet qui a décidé d'agir concrètement contre la dictature.

Site Kokopelli : https://kokopelli-semences.fr/fr/

Page Youtube Kokopelli : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ5y...

L’Artemisia annua, bienfaits, culture et utilisations !

169.799 weergaven   10 nov. 2020

Kokopelli, semeur de Vie

28,1K abonnees


En cinq étapes, découvrez dans cette vidéo les semis et repiquages, les récoltes des feuilles et des graines, et, les utilisations et posologies de l’Artémisia, une plante employée — de par sa foultitude de vertus thérapeutiques — depuis la nuit des temps comme médicinale ! De culture aisée, elle pourra prendre sa place dans tous les jardins ! Ainsi, face à la demande très importante, nous avons pris la décision de mettre en place une promotion sur les semences d’Artemisia, et ce, jusqu’à écoulement des stocks ! Cultivons-la, partageons-la et utilisons-la, en toute dissidence fertile !

Les semences : https://kokopelli-semences.fr/fr/p/F1...

Les plants : https://kokopelli-semences.fr/fr/p/F1...

Bon visionnage ! 



Chapitres :

0:00 Législations et vertus de la plante

0:47 Faire ses semis d'Artémisia

2:17 Repiquez l'Artémisia

4:29 Faire ses tisanes d'Artémisia

5:46 Récoltez vos semences d'Artémisia


Enkele van de 894 reacties


Antoine Pisano

Antoine Pisano

2 weken geleden

C'est ça que tout le monde devrait entendre! Désobéissance civile Force à vous KoKopelli!

Jean Martox

Jean Martox

2 weken geleden (bewerkt)

depuis le temps que je commande des graines en tout genre chez eux, et je les soutiens et soutiendrais quoi qu'il arrive!! Bon je suis de la partie mais j'encourage quiquonque plante, séme, repique, à commander chez eux! Merci Marcel de donner la parole à ces héros de l'agroécologie! bravo!

Jean Brution

Jean Brution

2 weken geleden

J’achète mes graines chez kokopelli se sont de très bonnes semences bravo pour votre prise de position

Katwoman Collection

Katwoman Collection

2 weken geleden

Je ne m'attendais pas à cette vidéo, quelle belle surprise. Merci Ananda Guillet de prendre la parole. Les amis, j'ai 50 boules et voir des jeunes prendre position face à la tyrannie ça fait du bien, wahoo la bouffée d'oxygène les gars ; y'a pas que des vieux comme moi. Surtout que j'ai mis les pieds pour la première fois de ma vie dans une manif il y a deux semaines et je ne vais pas m'arrêter là. Bravo

Flox Tropp

Flox Tropp

2 weken geleden

Géniale cette interview Marcel !! Je connaissais déjà bien Kokopelli mais pas leur combat durant la pseudo "crise sanitaire".

Laïd Diab

Laïd Diab

2 weken geleden

L Axe de la résistance !!! Bravo Kokopelli!!!! Ne lâchons rien..

Fred Nau

Fred Nau

2 weken geleden

Kokopélien depuis plus de 9 ans et extrêmement fier de faire parti de cette grande famille d'amoureux de la terre <3

Dan Dan

Dan Dan

2 weken geleden

Belle association! Continuez et nous continuerons à acheter chez vous. Longue vie à Kokopelli...et à Marcel bien sûr !

Phil P

Phil P

2 weken geleden

Marcel, tes vidéos nous reboostent à chaque fois. Demain, truffade et manif au programme. On a pas pas peur, on a tout à gagner.

Duc Lebowski

Duc Lebowski

2 weken geleden

J'ai acheté chez eux, et mes stock de graines vont servir pour l'autonomie sur le terrain💪 très bonne semence avec la ferme st Marthe. Reproduction production échange, #décentralisation

Scrat Buttura

Scrat Buttura

2 weken geleden

Merci ananda pour ton engagement. Ça fait du bien d'entendre ces paroles. Le peuple se réveille, les Sans Dents marchent vers la victoire, vers la liberté

Eric Rowet

Eric Rowet

2 weken geleden

Bravo pour le choix intervenant !! Parceque cela passe aussi par le choix de ses semences ! Un des piluliers de la vie ! Merci d'avoir mis lumière Marcel !! Ici , en Belgique ça sème à tout va et très souvent avec Koko !! Il y a aussi Semailles chez nous !!

Dik Drum

Dik Drum

2 weken geleden

Si une majorité des gens ne respectent pas une loi elle n'existe pas

Helene Martin

Helene Martin

2 weken geleden (bewerkt)

Bravo , ils m'ont envoyés des graines d’Arté..... A..... en 2020 .....j'en ai planté , depuis j'en bois régulièrement , je pète la forme j'en ai filé à des potes ,j'en ai fais une plantation , mille mercis à eux !!!!!! je viendrais chez vous , vous serrer dans les bras !!!! et vous faire des cadeaux !!!

Airmandosol RP2.0

Airmandosol RP2.0

2 weken geleden

Super Marcel ! c'est exactement le genre d' entretien auquel je désirais..!

Yassine B.

Yassine B.

2 weken geleden

Je tiens exactement le même discours et n'enlève pas une virgule à ce que dit le président de Kokopelli... on est ensemble et on luttera ensemble 🤜🤛

Christophe Bach

Christophe Bach

2 weken geleden

Ils ont voulu nous enterrer mais ils ne savaient pas que nous étions des graines.



2 weken geleden

Merci le media en 442 pour tout le taf accompli, le combat est noble la victoire sera glorieuse.

Xavier Chaleco amarillo

Xavier Chaleco amarillo

2 weken geleden

Je ne connaissais pas Kokopelli, trop génial ils sont aussi présents au Mexique. Merci et bravo à eux 🙏🙏🙏

Laura Mercy

Laura Mercy

2 weken geleden

Bravo, bravo, bravo, merci, merci, merci :-) Sinon, je sais pas quoi penser de la réflexion du prof d'histoire. Je connais une Roumaine et un Vietnamien installés en France, qui ont tous les deux connu la dictature. Le Vietnamien a de plus connu la prison et la torture. Et les deux essayent depuis le début de réveiller les Français en leur disant que ça avait commencé comme ça chez eux, et ont vécu un cauchemar à hurler dans le désert... Pourtant, ils savent vraiment de quoi ils parlent, mais le déni est (était ?) si fort...

Mohamed R

Mohamed R

2 weken geleden

Merci 🙏🏻 pour cette vidéo et merci pour cette association d’exister

Kobe Mac Fedor

Kobe Mac Fedor

2 weken geleden

Terrible kokopelli,toujours des semences au top ,bon prix et livrés rapidement.

Victor Lima

Victor Lima

2 weken geleden

Boa un grand merci pour l'info. Salut, a tous du Portugal !

lydie revel

lydie revel

2 weken geleden

J'achète chez Kokopelli. Soutien TOTAL!

Nico RP2.0

Nico RP2.0

2 weken geleden

Kokopelli, toujours au top ! 💛

C Archi

C Archi

2 weken geleden

Ptdr Génial Marcel Mille mercis Justement je voulais revoir cash investigation pour retrouver le nom de ce guerrier et lui acheter ses graines !! Mille bisous

Mauricette NICAUD

Mauricette NICAUD

2 weken geleden

💚💋💚 Merci Marcel de nous présenter ce petit gars^^ Bizz à vous toutes et tous

marian nazorek

marian nazorek

2 weken geleden

Bravo en tant qu apiculteur maraîcher tu as tous mon soutien ne perdons pas la combat

Eric Rowet

Eric Rowet

2 weken geleden

Ça se partage !!! Allez , on continue !


Dr. Richard Fleming warns that Fauci, NIH have already developed the NEXT bioweapon to be released with HIV-like capabilities that suppress human immunity

Friday, August 13, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: biological weaponsbiowarbioweaponcoronavirusCOVIDFauciHIVNIHPlandemicRichard Fleming


(Natural News) In a new Brighteon Conversation, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, got the chance to sit down and talk with Dr. Richard Fleming about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). And what Fleming had to say about this whole thing is truly eye-opening, including what may be coming next in the plandemic saga.

Fleming has a book coming out this fall, by the way, called Is COVID-19 a bioweapon? A scientific and forensic investigation. It dives deep into many of the topics discussed throughout the interview, which you can watch below:


As an esteemed research scientist, Fleming has been closely tracking all available Chinese Virus data ever since the beginning of the plandemic. He has also been looking into where the virus came from, uncovering ugly truths about how the American government funded it at all with taxpayer dollars.

Fleming is also concerned about how the virus continues to mutate due to mass vaccination. The very thing that the media says will end the pandemic is just fueling it even more, he warns.

“These viruses have a lot of variants,” Fleming stated, emphasizing that the Chinese Virus was not a random occurrence in nature.

“I’m actually watching the data that’s being done on the changes in these viruses to watch what’s going on, to watch what changes are occurring, what changes are happening naturally, evolutionary-wise to this virus … it’s making changes like living organisms do.”

Just like how antibiotics trigger “superbugs,” covid vaccines are creating “superviruses”

The rabbit hole goes pretty deep with this virus as it was technically engineered under American oversight, though we now know that much of its development was offshored to China, particularly the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), in order to sidestep domestic restrictions on the gain-of-function biological research that was necessary to produce it.

Tony Fauci from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) was of course involved, as was Peter Daszak from EcoHealth Alliance and others from Fort Detrick in Maryland and the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Again, the rabbit hole goes deep.

The virus definitely came from a lab, Fleming says, and it is now mutating and spreading new variants due to the vaccines – much like how antibiotics cause the bacteria they are supposed to fight to turn into “superbugs,” some of which are much deadlier than what they started out as.

“Pressure selection works,” Fleming explained during the interview about what we are now seeing happen to the Chinese Virus because of the vaccines. “We know that if you put pressure on a species like this virus, it will select out for the ones that are most viable to live and cause a problem.”

To make matters worse, Fleming says that Fauci and friends are already working on the next bioweapon that will contain stronger HIV-like properties designed to suppress human immunity. While the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) can be fought off by the immune system, its next iteration will be designed to outsmart the body’s natural defenses.

He says the SARS virus that was released back in 2002 was the first iteration of this bioweapon, and the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) is the second. That makes the new, already-in-development, HIV-like virus that is soon to come the third.

In the meantime, he warns, those who have been injected with spike proteins and mRNA chemicals via the vaccines will continue to develop serious illnesses from the shots, as well as spread those illnesses to others.

Be sure to check out the full interview with Mike Adams and Dr. Richard Fleming at Brighteon.com.

You can also keep up with the latest news about the plandemic at Pandemic.news.

Sources for this article include:



Is Covid-19 a Bioweapon?: 

A Scientific and Forensic Investigation


Product Details

$24.99  $22.99
Skyhorse Publishing
Publish Date
6.0 X 9.0 X 0.45 inches | 0.0 pounds

About the Author

Dr. Richard M. Fleming is a physicist, nuclear cardiologist, and attorney with fifty-three years of research experience. He has spent decades investigating what causes multiple health problems including heart disease, cancer, and SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19. He joined the American Heart Association in 1976 and actively began teaching and researching heart disease; including both what causes heart disease and how to accurately find heart disease. In 1994 he presented his original theory on "Inflammation and Heart Disease" which was published in a cardiology textbook in 1999 and presented on 20/20 in 2004. His research career has also involved investigating and correcting errors made in medical testing including coronary arteriography and nuclear imaging; for both heart disease and cancer. In 2017 after two decades of work he patented the first method capable of measuring regional blood flow and metabolic changes occurring inside the body. This method known as FMTVDM (Fleming Method) makes it possible to accurately determine what is happening inside the body as well as whether treatments prescribed for patients are working or not. In 2004 after reducing the amount of radiation he was giving patients for nuclear imaging tests of the heart he was accused of billing fraud. After evidence was hidden from the jury he agreed to a plea deal that did not state a crime making it possible for him to protect one of his children.


Study: “Imperfect” vaccines such covid jabs ENHANCE viral transmission and worsen pandemics

Friday, August 13, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: coronavirusCOVIDJoe Roganleaky vaccinesMarek's diseasePlandemicStudyvaccinationvaccinesvariants



(Natural News) During a recent episode of his podcast, comedian Joe Rogan mentioned a study published in the journal PLOS Biology back in 2015 that completely decimates the idea that “vaccines” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are in any way helping to stop the spread.

To the contrary, what the study found is that some vaccines, which the study describes as “imperfect,” actually contribute to enhanced disease spread. Chinese Virus jabs, it turns out, fall square into this category because they “leak.”

“Leaky” injections, we now know, put selective pressure on viruses in such a way as to make them mutate and become more virulent. In the case of the Wuhan Flu, this is why we are now seeing a sudden spike in the spread of new “variants” such as “delta.”

Those who receive leaky shots end up becoming walking incubators for these new strains, which would seem to spread from the vaccinated to others with whom they come into contact.

“Could some vaccines drive the evolution of more virulent pathogens?” the study asks in its abstract. “Conventional wisdom is that natural selection will remove highly lethal pathogens if host death greatly reduces transmission.”

“Vaccines that keep hosts alive but still allow transmission could thus allow very virulent strains to circulate in a population.”

The study looked at vaccines for Marek’s disease, which is a virus that transmits in chickens. Another leaky vaccine, these chicken jabs, the researchers found, enhance the “fitness” of more virulent strains of Marek’s disease, “making it possible for hyperpathogenic strains to transmit.”

Further, the so-called “immunity” elicited by the injections fails to prevent infection, viral replication and transmission. This is also true about Donald “father of the vaccine” Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” injections for the Chinese Flu.

“Our data show that anti-disease vaccines that do not prevent transmission can create conditions that promote the emergence of pathogen strains that cause more severe disease in unvaccinated hosts,” the authors of the Marek’s disease vaccine study explain.

“Fully vaccinated” humans are walking, talking variant factories

While normal, natural immunity would eventually weed out the “hot” strains of a circulating virus, vaccine-induced “immunity” does the opposite. Leaky vaccines like Fauci Flu shots and chicken virus shots not only fail to weed out hot viral strains but actually create more of them.

“There is a theoretical expectation that some types of vaccines could prompt the evolution of more virulent (‘hotter’) pathogens,” the study explains.

“This idea follows from the notion that natural selection removes pathogen strains that are so ‘hot’ that they kill their hosts and, therefore, themselves. Vaccines that let the hosts survive but do not prevent the spread of the pathogen relax this selection, allowing the evolution of hotter pathogens to occur.”

“Perfect” vaccines, as they call them, do not provoke the creation and spread of new hot pathogenic strains because they effectively block transmission. Unfortunately for Fauci Flu shots and chicken virus shots, the jabs are anything but perfect.

The medical establishment has been skirting around the issue of leaky vaccines for more than a decade, pretending as though they do not even exist. Actual medical science, though, has been warning about the threats they pose to public health, both in animals and humans.

In the case of chickens, Marek’s disease injections were found to eventually cause more virulent strains of the virus to spread within fowl populations. This resulted in countless birds dying, thanks to the “shedding” of these deadly strains from vaccinated birds.

It took a while for these effects to be seen, though. They often did not occur immediately, which bodes ominous for the future of humanity as far as Chinese Virus vaccines are concerned.

Right now, every person who has been “fully vaccinated” for Chinese Germs is a walking variant factory. Some are already manifesting these hot strains while others are still manufacturing them inside their bodies. Either way, they are all a walking, talking disease threat.

The Marek’s disease study makes it very clear that non-sterilizing vaccines, which include Chinese Virus injections, do not kill pathogens. Consequently, they put selective pressure on said pathogens to mutate.

“Thus, anti-disease vaccines (those reducing in-host replication or pathogenicity) have the potential to generate evolution harmful to human and animal well-being,” the study states plainly.

In the case of chickens, the more harmful disease strains are believed to spread through dust contaminated with “virus shed.” In covid-vaccinated humans, it could be those ever-dreaded mouth and nose droplets that the medical fascists told us all to block by wearing a face mask for most of 2020.

“Vaccine failure in the face of virulent pathogens has been documented for at least two viruses other than MDV: feline calicivirus and infectious bursal disease virus in poultry,” the study goes on to explain.

“Both cases are also associated with long-term use of leaky anti-disease vaccines.”

The latest news stories about Chinese Virus vaccine deception can be found at ChemicalViolence.com.

Sources for this article include:






Imperfect Vaccination Can Enhance the Transmission of Highly Virulent Pathogens

·         Andrew F. Read ,

·         Susan J. Baigent,

·         Claire Powers,

·         Lydia B. Kgosana,

·         Luke Blackwell,

·         Lorraine P. Smith,

·         David A. Kennedy,

·         Stephen W. Walkden-Brown,

·         Venugopal K. Nair



Could some vaccines drive the evolution of more virulent pathogens? Conventional wisdom is that natural selection will remove highly lethal pathogens if host death greatly reduces transmission. Vaccines that keep hosts alive but still allow transmission could thus allow very virulent strains to circulate in a population. Here we show experimentally that immunization of chickens against Marek's disease virus enhances the fitness of more virulent strains, making it possible for hyperpathogenic strains to transmit. Immunity elicited by direct vaccination or by maternal vaccination prolongs host survival but does not prevent infection, viral replication or transmission, thus extending the infectious periods of strains otherwise too lethal to persist. Our data show that anti-disease vaccines that do not prevent transmission can create conditions that promote the emergence of pathogen strains that cause more severe disease in unvaccinated hosts.

Author Summary

There is a theoretical expectation that some types of vaccines could prompt the evolution of more virulent (“hotter”) pathogens. This idea follows from the notion that natural selection removes pathogen strains that are so “hot” that they kill their hosts and, therefore, themselves. Vaccines that let the hosts survive but do not prevent the spread of the pathogen relax this selection, allowing the evolution of hotter pathogens to occur. This type of vaccine is often called a leaky vaccine. When vaccines prevent transmission, as is the case for nearly all vaccines used in humans, this type of evolution towards increased virulence is blocked. But when vaccines leak, allowing at least some pathogen transmission, they could create the ecological conditions that would allow hot strains to emerge and persist. This theory proved highly controversial when it was first proposed over a decade ago, but here we report experiments with Marek’s disease virus in poultry that show that modern commercial leaky vaccines can have precisely this effect: they allow the onward transmission of strains otherwise too lethal to persist. Thus, the use of leaky vaccines can facilitate the evolution of pathogen strains that put unvaccinated hosts at greater risk of severe disease. The future challenge is to identify whether there are other types of vaccines used in animals and humans that might also generate these evolutionary risks.


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